The European Ministers, the gang of 25, have caved in to the Iranian thug Ahmadenijed at their meeting in Finland. They decided to give Iran two more weeks to "clarify" its' stance on their nuclear program. What is so hard to comprehend about the word "NO"? The so called president of Iran said Saturday in Iran "we will not retreat one iota from our right to nuclear technology."
Once again the weak kneed ,sniveling EU foreign ministers have failed to stand up to an evil that is obvious to any thinking being.
At the same time the EU ministers were having their "pow-wow" the Russian minister Sergei Lavrov speaking in Russia said,"sanctions against Iran are a dead end". Since Russia has a veto in the UN Security council you know nothing will come out of there in the foreseeable future.
Once again the United States is alone. Maybe Great Britain will stand with us, but with their unusually large Muslim immigrant population Don't hold your breath!
It is apparent that the ministers of the European Union are acting just as did Neville Chamberlain with his 1938 dialog in Germany with Adolph Hitler. It is a strange irony that 67 years ago today Hitler invaded Poland! An old cold war phrase comes to mind. "Rather Red than dead"seems to be the collective feeling of the EU ministers. If it is possible that 25 people from dissimilar languages and cultures could come to a consensus at all.
Let us all hope President Bush hasn't been beaten down so badly by the press and leftist media about Iraq that he will shrink from doing the only thing that will resolve this dilemma. Make a sneak air attack and take out Irans nuclear plant with "bunker busters".