Friday, November 02, 2007


Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families, especially those of our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who have died in defense of American liberty while prosecuting the war with Jihadistan.

Even though Senator Charles Shumer(Dem. NY) doesn't seem to grasp the threat pose by Iran's quest for nuclear arms. He seems to believe that it would be a political disaster for the Republicans if President Bush decided to take out the nuclear facilities in Iran.

Bahrain's Crown Prince, Salmanbia Hamad Isa al-Khlfa, has publicly said that he thinks Iranian leadership is lying about their intention to develop nuclear weapons. ... “While they don’t have the bomb yet, they are developing it, or the capability for it,” he said – the first time one of Iran’s Gulf neighbors effectively has accused it of lying about its nuclear program. The Crown Prince also gave a blunt warning that “the whole region” would be drawn into any military conflict if they are not stopped.

This is a leader of a country dominated by Sunni Muslims, but their government is controlled presently by the Shia Muslims. Unlike their neighbor to the North, Iraq, they are not fighting each other, and they are a wealthy country that is the gateway to the oil rich fields of Saudia Arabia. They also are a major base for the 5th Fleet of the United States, which is stationed there to protect the Straits of Hormuz.

The Straits of Hormuz, between the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf, is the only waterway available to the Persian Gulf states to transport 20% of the World's oil supply to the open oceans. It is only 21 miles wide and is bordered on the north by Iran. Thus it is a possible "choke-point" if Iran should decide to block it with nuclear tipped missiles.

They are ten minutes by jet or missile from the border of Iran, so when he distrusts the intentions of Mahmond Ahmidinijad, he speaks with first hand experience of living next to a Country that could bring WWIII.

The Government of Bahrain just purchased 2.2 million dollars of Hind and Mi-17e helicopters and T-90 Tanks from Russia. I not sure this is a good thing, since the French were also in the bidding process for these type weapons, and I am sure that American companies would have liked the sale also.

The point is, this small Country of Bahrain Country, takes the threat of Iran more seriously than the senior Democrat Senator from New York, and unfortunately too many running for election in 2008!

Thursday, November 01, 2007


If you think for a minute that Senator Clinton, if elected, will be the one running the government. You had better think hard again about that question. And while you are contemplating that, take this small quiz.

Who said it? "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."

A. Karl Marx B. Adolph Hitler
C. Joseph Stalin
D. None of the above
"It's time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few, and for the few... And to replace it with shared responsibility for shared prosperity."
A. Lenin
B. Mussolini
C. Idi Amin
D. None of the Above
"(We)... can't just let business as usual go on, and that means something has to be taken away from some people."
A. Nikita Khrushchev
B. Josef Goebbels
C. Boris Yeltsin
D. None of the above
"We have to build a political consensus and that requires people to give up a little bit of their own... in order to create this common ground."
A. Mao Tse Dung
B. Hugo Chavez
C. Kim Jong Il
D. None of the above
"I certainly think the free-market has failed."
A. Karl Marx
B. Lenin
C. Molotov D.
None of the above
"I think it's time to send a clear message to what has become the most profitable sector in (the) entire economy that they are being watched."
A. Pinochet
B. Milosevic
C. Saddam Hussein
D. None of the above Answers

None of the above were spoken by the dictators and co-conspirators listed as possible answers. These Statements were made by Hillary Clinton.6/29/2004
2 Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 5/29/2007
3. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007
4.None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007
5. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007
6. D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 9/2/2005

The package that the Clinton's are selling is the same package that reigned for eight years when Bill Clinton was President. Bill the President and Hillary the alternative president. If you believe I am exaggerating just remember the closed door "task force" with dozens of hand picked "experts" on Health Care that Hillary gathered in the White House, behind closed doors, to fabricate her Socialized Medicine plan.

Do the Americans really want the "LADDY" in the White House and a President who were involved in Impeachment, Watergate, Chinagate, Travelgate, Pardongate, Ron Paul Gate, Filegate, and Whitewater?

Then there is the fact that Bill Clinton cultivated the idea that Saddam Hussein had Weapons of Mass Destruction while he was President, and failed to do anything about the genocide in Rwanda where over one million Tutis and Hutus were murdered while The Clinton's hosted then Premier Jiang Zamia of Communist China at the White House.

Then there was the disaster in Mogadishu, Somalia that is known as "black Hawk Down" and the disaster at the "Branch Dividians".

And if that is not enough to keep Americans from voting for the Clinton's again. Reflect on these facts:

The only president ever impeached on grounds of personal malfeasance -

Most number of convictions and guilty pleas by friends and associates* - Most number of cabinet officials to come under criminal investigation - Most number of witnesses to flee country or refuse to testify -
Most number of witnesses to die suddenly -
First president sued for sexual harassment. -
First president accused of rape. -
First first lady to come under criminal investigation-
Largest criminal plea agreement in an illegal campaign contribution case- First president to establish a legal defense fund.-
First president to be held in contempt of court-
Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions -
Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions from abroad-
First president disbarred from the US Supreme Court and a state court

These statistics were gathered from The Progressive Review, not exactly a Conservative site!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Despite being beaten back by advocates for border security, and the public sentiment being strongly against granting any kind of amnesty to illegal(undocumented in PC talk) immigrants. People like Senator Reid and too many of the Democrats running the race for the White House are still pushing for amnesty,
The arguments are varied, but I wish to discuss just two important issues.
The cost of treating illegals in California as a result of there being burned by the recent fires, 11 out of 18 people admitted to the burn unit of UCSD hospital were illegals.
Last year, San Diego County hospitals provided $619 million in uncompensated care, and an estimated 10 percent to 17 percent of that paid for treatment for undocumented immigrants, according to the Hospital Association of San Diego and Imperial Counties.
Burn care requires ventilators, multiple surgeries, round-the-clock intensive care and grafts from human cadaverous skin. McAfee said grafts can be grown from patients' own skin to minimize tissue rejection at $500,000 per patient. I am not saying that they should not be treated, but if we had a fence and adequate border security, they would not have been in the fire zone!

Those who wish to get more voters for the Left Dominated Democrat party, keep telling us how much these illegals contribute to our Society.
The facts show that the illegals cost the Federal Government, and the taxpayers in particular , over 250 million dollars in grants to offset the cost of treating illegals in hospitals.
This is one problem that could have been avoided, and the other is that of the growing threat to many of Our Nations cities of the negative effects caused by the gangs MS-13 and MS-18. These "thugs" are responsible for thousands of murders and shootings which send people to emergency rooms of local hospitals. They also are one of the largest purveyors of illegal drugs. Many of their victims require treatment. These gang members would most probably be swept in with the rest of the illegals, if amnesty is passed by Congress in any form. Can we really allow this to happen?


As John Stuart Mill once observed: "War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is worse."
During the VietNam war there appeared on the American scene a treat to Our liberty more devastating than any foreign enemy could at that time provide.
Today, the line between formal members of the Communist party and fellow travelers of the hard left has become increasingly blurred, and the hard left now exerts a virtually vice-grip control of the Democrat Party.
While the goals and tactics of the hard left are virtually indistinguishable from communists, this group has, until now, managed to avoid the still-pejorative label. In a recent series of articles, James Lewis did us all a favor by defying the PC police and giving these people a fitting moniker: Neocommunists.

The goals and tactics of the international communist movement have never changed. But now the movement is peopled to a great extent by Neocommunists who disavow membership in the party,and most are not members, but still work actively, sometimes due to duplicity, to accomplish its goals.

George Soros, foreign born billionaire, is a major player in that movement, and his organizations and money have been behind much of the Democrats’ outrageous initiatives in recent years.
The illegal amnesty bill,attack on the Patriot Act, the “Global Warming” scam, the anti-war movement, ACORN and PROJECT VOTE are just a few of the leftist initiatives supported by Leftists like Sorros.
Bill and Hillary Clinton are also willing participants in that movement. Democrat legislators, like Henry Waxman, Barbara Boxer, Patrick Leahy, Charles Schumer, are “Democrat” in name only. They wouldn’t know the “mainstream” if they were drowning in it. These people have nothing, repeat, nothing to recommend them but they all have one thing in common: an ego so titanic they believe they are entitled to do literally anything. President John Kennedy would be ashamed of the Democrat party of today if he was alive.
A review of the educational history of Democrat font runner, Hillary Clinton, shows that: Hillary Clinton’s college senior thesis was written about the methods of radical organizer Saul Alinsky, who said: "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it." Sound familiar?

Lenin said: "the organized minority will beat the disorganized majority every time."
The present day Left is very organized as they have demonstrated repeatedly. Unfortunately, unless we get our act together, the Neocommunists who define American political and popular culture will take the rest of us down with them.
People who believe in the United States of America, people who believe in real justice, the rule of law and in real freedom , must organize to defeat them. And we must do it NOW.
Material for this blog was obtained from an article written in The New Media Journal by Jim Simpson, a former White House staff economist and budget analyst (1987-1993).

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families, especially those of our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who have died in defense of American liberty while prosecuting the war with Jihadistan.

It is not often that I use the movie industry to illustrate a point. Personally I believe the trash they churn out for the American public to waste their money on, is detestable, full of violence, sex, foul language and promots cigarette smoking, as well as trying to lead people away from their religious beliefs and faith in Our Country.

Never the less, there is a movie made in the "old Days" that has a brief statement that may just be the key to why the Peaceniks, anti-war leftists are once again trying to accomplish what they did in the late 1969's and early 1970's.

It all starts in the elementary schools, and then the bright little minds "full of mush" move on to high school. Those who do well in high school go on to college, and during all these 16 years ,on average, they are fed a unrelenting propaganda theme of anti-Western culture, political correctness, anti-free enterprise socialism and anti-religion ilk.

When these privileged young people enter public life, many have been taught to hate what their father and mother have done to make the money to send them to college, as well as the system that allowed them to do it. They are "too sophisticated" to bother with Religion, so many turn to Marxist socialism, ecology worship"tree huggers", animal loving activists who want to raise the level of importance of the animal species to that of humans.

Waiting for them are the radicals who make up organisations like Code Pink, CAIR, National Council of Churches( more on them later),and the leftist dominated media.

These organisations all have one agenda. To have us loose the war in Iraq!
The untreatening name of the National Council of Churches, which was founded in 1950 and absorbed into it's organisation the Communist front organisation known as Federal Council of Churches.
This organization sends it's members to every anti-war demonstration, and has made an unholy alliance with the Muslim advocacy group CAIR. This group, founded by Hamas and "The Holy Land Foundation", that has been declared a money laundering source for Hamas and terrorists, was closed by pressure from Our Government. Astrange alliance for a group that professes to be religious!

The Chairman emeritus of CAIR, Omar Abmad Said Islam, said not too long ago "that Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran should be the highest authority in America, and Islam should be the only accepted religion on earth."

This appears to be no problem with members of the 35 "Christian" organizations who are members of NCC!

The threat of Islam also appears to not be apparent to the Media, intelligentsia and the groups known as atheists and agnostics, but it should be a concern to the 85% of Americans who claim to be Christians or Jews.

Perhaps it is not a conspiracy to over throw our government and the Capitalist system, but just a mindset that has accepted the dogma of Political Correctness. Either way, the result is a society that is bombarded by fears of offending others rather than about celebrating our culture and accomplishments since the Founding Fathers framed this Great Republic.

Perhaps the words of "Strelnikov" in Boris Pasternak's(1890-1966) book, and later movie(1965), Doctor Zhivago should sound the alarm bells. As most people who saw the movie or read the book will remember, Strelnikov (aka Tom Courtney) said to Laura in response to her question,
" but will happen to us, if we lose the war?" He said."first we loose the war, then comes the revolution!"

Monday, October 29, 2007



A recent ABC News item reported on an Israeli air strike that took place early last month inside Syria. This air strike allegedly destroyed a fledgling nuclear reactor being constructed deep in the Syrian desert. What makes this story more than it appears is that it exposes the fact the United States balked, flinched on preventing Syria, a State Department designated state sponsor of terrorism and an ally of Iran, from attempting to attain nuclear capability. Instead, the United States stood by as Israel set the Syrian nuclear clock back.The air strike is still cloaked in secrecy. The Israeli press is forbidden from reporting on it and only a few White House insiders are privy to the details which led to the action. But ABC News reported a “high ranking intelligence official” divulged that Israel had infiltrated the team constructing the nuclear facility. The operative meticulously documented the work being done, gathering evidence that would render impotent any argument that anything but a nuclear facility was being constructed. The operative also gathered evidence that North Korean nuclear technology was being exploited at the Syrian construction site.After weighing all of the evidence the White House indicated that it was not interested in engaging in any military action against the Syrian facility. Those examining this decision, including those at ABC News, believe the White House balked, in a large part, because the evidence presented wasn’t overwhelming enough. They believe that because fissionable material hadn’t actually been created that there wasn’t enough evidence to act.Although the threat of nuclear proliferation by a state sponsor of terrorism should be of utmost importance to us all it is easy – albeit disturbing – to see why the Bush Administration would refuse to take action without actual WMD being developed. It is easy to understand because the world just witnessed the demonizing of the Bush Administration for thwarting the nuclear capabilities of Saddam Hussein’s regime, a regime that was much further along in nuclear proliferation than Syria. This demonizing was the result of political opportunism.Those willing to be honest, listened to or read President Bush’s September 12, 2002 address to the UN General Assembly and understood that the existence of WMD in Saddam Hussein’s Iraq was the least among the reasons given for regime change in that country. People of integrity, who chose to familiarize themselves with the facts, understand that there were several more critical reasons why Hussein’s regime had to come to an end, including the genocide of the Iraqi Kurds and Saddam Hussein’s nuclear development program, which was far more advanced than the Syrian or Iranian programs.Of course, all of those elected to office are not honest or people of integrity. Many elected to office are agenda and ideologically driven, simply engaged in the pursuit of power. To these people, the truth is a “good thing” when it aids their cause and something to be spun or ignored when it stands to detract from their agendas. Such is the case with the WMD argument of the Secular-Progressive, anti-war Left.

Armed with a solid understanding of the facts and a genuine accounting of the reasons for military action in Iraq, it is hard to recognize the rhetoric of the Secular-Progressive, anti-war Left as anything but dishonest.

Those with a fact-based understanding of the issue understand the Secular-Progressive, anti-war Left has employed a political tactic (PROPAGANDA) , to effect a change of power in Washington toward a government more favorable to their ideology.

With a faithful "lapdog" in the mainstream media, their disinformation campaign to obfuscate the truth in their quest for power is formidable. Normally this type of behavior is greeted with a roll of the eyes or a sigh of intellectual exhaustion for its ability to drain the will of even the most ardent supporters of the truth.

But this time, deceitful political opportunists have literally put us all in harms way. This time they have intimidated the Government leadership into questioning solid, actionable evidence of nuclear proliferation by a terrorist supporting nation and, in the face of that evidence, ponder to the point of inaction as to whether the evidence was “enough” to justify any military action.

In our government’s hunt to attain enough “evidence” to convince the inconvincible they almost allowed a terrorist friendly nation to move closer to attaining the capability for bringing about a nuclear Armageddon. Thank God for Israel!

Syria has also proved open to Iraqi refugees, with the United Nations reporting that Syria is hosting approximately 1.5 million of them. More than a thousand arrive each day.

In allowing relatively free transit from Iraq, parts of Syria near the Iraq border are not completely under the Iran regime's thumb, providing far more space in Syria for potential opponents, particularly jihadists, to organize.

Bashar has tried to embrace and co-opt Islamists, moving away from his father's emphasis on repression alone, but many Islamists, and all jihadists, see the secular and Alawite regime Assad leads, as heretical and little better than the Zionist(Israel)regime next door.

They may tolerate Assad when they have other enemies to strike, but they will remain potential adversaries, and some will exploit the political space he has opened.
One lesson of Iraq is that massive instability is dangerous for U.S. interests, even when it occurs in the territory of an adversarial regime. Will we continue to talk about the threat or will we decide to do to them what they hope to do to us in the near future?


"Modern propaganda is distinguished from other forms of communication by its deliberate and conscious use of false or misleading information to sway public opinion. Propaganda is the deliberate, systematic attempt to shape perceptions, manipulate cognition's, and direct behaviour to achieve a response that furthers the desired intent of the propagandist."
The preceding quote is found in Roget's New Millennium Thesaurus.
The use of propaganda to win or maintain political power has been used in the United States since the days of President Wilson, but today the Democrat Party has refined it to an art form. The following are some examples of the lies used as propaganda to sway public opinion.

"I hope the administration stops this malarkey about that the war in Iraq is about Al Qaeda." – Sen. Joe Biden, Presidential Candidate and veteran of the Senate Armed Services Committee CBS Early Show interview with Hannah Storm. (October 16, 2007)
Al Qaeda has been in Iraq long before the invasion. Prior to the U.S. led invasion, there were numerous Islamic extremist groups operating freely and with the support of Saddam’s regime and Al Qaeda’s command councils. Among these groups, Ansar al Sunni, Ansar al Jeddah, and Ansar al Islam were the most prominent. Saddam’s intelligence forces , worked through them, using these groups to conduct assassinations and other attacks on Saddam’s opponents in Northern Iraq. Numerous detainees; captured Iraqi intelligence agents of Saddam as well captured members of those groups and captured Al Qaeda detainees all make this claim.
Senator Biden and other Democrats lied to Americans by saying: "that the war in Iraq has nothing to do with the war on terror; the fight against Osama Bin Laden and his network of terrorist groups."
The Democrat Party’s Congress ordered that the words, “Global War on Terror” no longer be used. Senator Edwards (another Democrat seeking the Presidency) has said that the "the war on terror is just a bumper sticker!".
Leaders of the party’s base like Michael Moore and Bill Maher have told us that " there is no war on terror at all."
Speaker of the House Pelosi has told us that the war in Iraq is not only not tied to a war that her party’s leaders say doesn’t exist, but she goes further to say that it’s not even a war. It’s “a situation to be solved.
Last fall Democrats were told a flat out lie by Chairman,Dr. Howard Dean, and other Democratic Party leaders who were trying to find a way to take power on Capitol Hill. Americans were told that Democrats would provide a New Direction in Iraq, and that it wouldn’t be an immediate rout or “redeployment” or withdrawal. Americans were told that there was a plan for success; a change in direction. On election night, Dr.Dean, admitted that there was never even a committee formed to brainstorm ideas on when to hold a meeting to draft such a plan.
There whole plan is a denial of the threat posed by Islamist terrorists, and calling the war, "Bush's war, despite the fact that most off them authorized the use of force against Saddam before our invasion.
The collaborators in this propaganda campaign, The media, uses half truths and distortions daily to convince the American public, that the war is unjust and that we are loosing it and our prestige in World opinion. This despite the fact that we are daily making progress toward victory.
The Democrats, and the Leftist who appear to control it, are dedicated to the loss of the Iraq war and the destruction of the Judeo-Christian principles that this Country was founded upon and to replace it with a "PC" secularist Nation. This is not unlike the principles of Carl Marx, who theorized the Utopia of Communism, but never lived under it.