Saturday, August 04, 2007
It is somewhat frightening to read in the New York Sun of the British government allowing the destruction of books because a "rich" Saudi Arabian Muslim believes they are offensive.
The following quote should bring nightmares of Hitler's May 10,1933 book burning. The action by the Cambridge Press is the equivalent of what the Hitler Youth did under the leadership of Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels in 1933.
The swastika arm banded devils of Hitler youth ransacked libraries, to remove books written by 58 authors who were determined by Hitler and Goebbels to be "offending books that did not match the Nazi ideals". Then they went after the movie films that Hitler and Goebbels felt were not supportive of his Nazi regime. This is how thought control began in Hitler's Germany.
Among the 58 authors were works by Thomas Mann, Albert Einstein, Ernest Hemingway, Arnold Sweig,Upton Sinclair, Jack London and Helen Keller. These authors were accused of being Marxists, Bolshevists, and of course many were Jews.Their books were not only burned in a public square, anyone who possessed these authors books after the book burning could be arrested!
"Cambridge University Press has agreed to destroy all unsold copies of a 2006 book by two American authors, "Alms for Jihad," following a libel action brought against it in England, the latest development in what critics say is an effort by Saudis to quash discussion of their alleged role in aiding terrorism. In a letter of apology to a wealthy Saudi businessman, Sheikh Khalid Bin Mahfouz, Cambridge University Press acknowledged that allegations made in the book about his family, businesses, and charities were "entirely and manifestly false." The publisher wrote, "Please accept our sincere apologies for the distress and embarrassment this has caused." The press also published a separate apology on its web site and wrote that it would pay substantial damages and contribute to legal costs. A press release by Sheikh Mahfouz's London-based law firm, Kendall Freeman, said Cambridge University Press was also writing to over 200 libraries around the world asking them to withdraw the book from shelves."
The "surrender monkeys, multi-culture apologists and "PC" leadership in England is allowing this attack on freedom of speech to happen. Will it be allowed here in the United States before long?
The progressive-leftists who have taken a strong grip on the Press, Media and Federal Government all believe that their superior intellect and inflated sense of self qualifies them to dictate through propaganda and legislation what is acceptable and what is not.
They believe they know how Americans should live our lives, and it includes tools garnered from Marxist-Leninist ideals and theories, and everyone who disagrees with them is either ignorant or uninformed and unenlightened as they are.
Because of this strong political movement present in the United States. What has just happened in Great Britain may be coming to US soon if we are not vigilant and prevent it by voting out of office anyone who supports Political Correctness and even a hint of restricting our freedom of speech!
Friday, August 03, 2007
The Democrat controlled House of Representatives stuck a knife in the back of the brave men and woman fighting in Iraq yesterday. They did it while couching their perfidy in comforting words as you would expect someone to do who plans to kill you, but wants you to think he is being your friend. This dastardly act was in the form of a bill mandating equal time at home for military personnel, to that spent in Iraq before they return to fight.
"The House voted on Thursday to limit how quickly American troops can be sent back to Iraq after serving a rotation there, in the Democrats' latest challenge to Bush administration war policy," the New York Times reports. "The vote, requiring that active-duty members of the military get at least as much time at home as they served in Iraq before being sent back, passed 229 to 194."
This appears to the uninformed like a good deed. The truth is it is an idea hatched by those who have thus far failed to bring home the troops, and now plan to do it through this absurd and dangerous legislation.
Anyone who knows a thing about war, understands that when personnel leave the battlefield. They have to be replaced unless you want to present a weakened force to the enemy trying to kill you.
How many battles would we have won in the war against Japan and Nazi Germany if we rotated soldiers back home after a pre-determined time in the field? Iwo Jima, Guadalcanal, Battle of the Bulge, and many others would never have been won if it were not for the presence of battle hardened and tested troops who were in the fight until the end of the war.
Talk to any ex-military person who actually fought in combat, and they will tell you that the "grunts" who were replacements, were the first to be killed. The experience and horrors of war teach survival skills that replacements do not have.
It sounds good to the mothers, fathers, wives and children of those troops who would come home to be with their families. But how about those left in Iraq to fight without their required number of troops. A number determined by their military leaders not a cadre of power hungry politicians ,that they must go it alone?
Skills learned in battle become less effective the more the military person is away from the fight. When they finally do go back their ability to be part of an effective fighting unit will be lessened proportionate to the amount of time they are away from "country".
This war is not a football game where you have a half time and everyone goes in to rest and regroup. We are in a war against forces driven by religious fanaticism who will never quit until they or we are destroyed. What Congress did was a dangerous and dastardly deed, and will be vetoed by the President if he really cares about the boys and women fighting in Iraq!
a wolf in sheeps clothing
Thursday, August 02, 2007
The Federal government is presently inconsistent in the application of the liberal interpretation of the absurdity of Separation of church and State,
Liberals have managed to eliminate any reference or symbolism of Christianity from Americans public lives, but at the same time Political Correctness and multiculturalism have compelled our leadership to allow any and all demands from those who adhere to the Muslim faith.
Universities that have banned prayer meeting in school buildings in the past are now allowing Muslim prayer rooms for the five times a day Muslim prayer sessions. The Muslim advocacy group CAIR has done an excellent job of persuasion and intimidation that has resulted in a religion that has as one of it's precepts the conversion or death for all infidels(non-Muslims), but denies the same right to a religion that is based on Love, Charity and Peace.Christian prayers—even non-denominational—have been forbidden in school classrooms and the workplace. But, everything Islam is being increasingly accommodated and adopted. Christmas has been branded “taboo” by public school administrators. But, the Islamic celebration of Ramadan is not only being instilled in an increasing number of public schools but, has even been celebrated at the White House.
Most recently, with yet another strong backhand applied to the faces of all non-Muslims (specifically Christians), the University of Michigan has become the latest public entity to make the decision to ignore the U.S. Supreme Court ruling concerning the separation of church and state in the US. It's leftist/liberati administrators have made the decision that the SCOTUS decision does NOT apply to the Muslim faith. Instead, these same university officials are making increasing adjustments for Muslims and their “faith” in direct conflict with the SCOTUS decision. This is yet another example of liberals, leftists and other enemies of the Constitution of the United States of America being allowed to break the laws of our land.A law that this blogger feels is a misinterpretation of the Constitution. Yet the rest of us are subject to arrest for not being compliant with the Muslim practices.
The following quote is a good example of the double standard being applied to Muslims, Christians and Jews in this Country.It is from Sher Zieve's article in "THE NEW MEDIA".
"As yet another example of school administrators caving to Muslims’ intimidation, 23 year old Stanislav Shmulevich was arrested for placing a copy of the Islamic Koran in a toilet at Pace University. After the originated-by-terrorist-Hamas-officials group CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) complained to NYPD, police authorities charged Shmulevich with a ‘hate crime’. A hate crime against a book? However, if one does the same to a Christian Bible the authorities traditionally and historically ignore it. In other words, desecrating the Bible—or for that matter the Torah—is not considered a crime by US officials. Said “hate crimes” only applies to the Islamic Koran; just as separation of church and state applies only to Christianity and Christians."
It is past the time when we can ignore such objectionable actions. If we wish to continue to live in a free society we must speak out. Make our elected officials aware of our disgust with this double standard, and if they don't do something about it. Vote them out of their princely offices in government!
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
History Does Repeat Itself!
It would appear to this blogger that the "hippies and anti-war leftists in the United States want to make the Iraq war the political equivalent of Watergate.
Richard Millhouse Nixon was elected by a 1% majority vote as the 37Th President of the United States in 1968 using the "battle cry" of awakening the Silent Majority who detested the anti-American rhetoric of the Press and street protesters who helped bring defeat to American forces for the first time in History.
It is my opinion that they were determined to bring down Nixon long before he made the stupid mistake of not burning the oval office tapes.His career leading to his being elected twice as Vice-President and twice as President was one of exposing and fighting foes of America--Communists in government.
His investigation into the Communist involvement of State Department advisor to President Roosevelt at Yalta, Alger Hiss, lead to Hiss being jailed for perjury when asked if he was a Communist.
Long before this, he was elected in 1946 to his first term as a member of Congress, when he charged that Congressman Voorhis was "in Bed" with the California Communist dominated unions. This began a long career of anti-Communist activities by Nixon. Particularly as it involved members of government agencies.Thus the Leftist knives were being sharpened to "do in" Nixon long before Watergate.
It would appear that the now grown up "hippies" and anti-Vietnam war ilk have grown into the politicians, media persons, and academia that are determined to bring down President Bush.
Both men are known for their religious convictions. Nixon a Quaker from Whittier,California and Bush a Evangelical Christian from Texas who has been described by Boston Globe writer, Alan Jacobs "an intellectually mongrel"! Thus we see the connection between these two men who were and are hated by the Secular Humanists of this Country.
The one man in the Senate who has the B**ls to stand up to those in Congress who want to bring down the President by using the Iraq war as their whipping boy had this to say. “There is a very strong group within the party that I think doesn’t take the threat of Islamist terrorism seriously enough.” Lieberman says he is annoyed by the mudslinging on Capitol Hill and Democrats’ unwillingness to work with President Bush. But his critics say he has contributed to that polarization by his rhetoric and refusal to compel Bush to find a new way forward in Iraq. As Lieberman sees it, however, the Democratic Party has slipped away from its “most important and successful times” of the middle of last century, where it was tough on Communism and progressive on domestic policy. “I fear that some people take this position also because anything President Bush is for, they’ll be against, and that’s wrong,” said Lieberman, a staunch advocate of the war. “There’s a great tradition in our history of partisanship generally receding when it comes to foreign policy. But for the moment we’ve lost that.”
America needs the silent majority to awaken to the threat we face by abandoning the fight in Iraq. There will not be "A peace with Honor" if we turn tail and run home to momma!
Monday, July 30, 2007
During President Reagan's presidency the leftist media used the derogatory description of His being the "Teflon President". This was because no matter what happened around him and his administration the liberals could not make it stick! He always survived their attacks and derision.
Today we have a new "Teflon Man" running for the office of President, and his name is Barack Obama. The senator from Illinois whose beguiling smile and boy next door appearance hides a man whom this blogger believes is a dedicated Socialist in "middle of the road" clothing.
No matter what outrageous statements he makes during his campaign speeches the leftist media seem to ignore and portray this man as the next Kennedy.
Well, I am here to tell you that JFK would never have advocated post partum abortions, sex education for kindergarten children, who probably can't even spell sex. Nor would he have advocated meeting representatives of our adversaries North Korea, Iran and Cuba without any preconditions. Being a white Catholic JFK would not have chosen as his Church, a Church that advocates a "Black Value System" that disapproves of the "pursuit of middleclassness" and calls for it's parishioners "to be soldiers for Black Freedom!" This is just what Obamas Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago has as it's goals and principles.
The post partum abortion statement was made when speaking to Stem Cells-R-Us Convention. His words on abortion were"what difference does 2 or 3 minutes outside the womb really make." The sex education for kindergarten children was pushed at speech to Planned Parenthood meeting.
If this were not enough to disqualify him for a seat in the Oval Office. His advocacy of Universal health Care should. Putting aside all my objections based upon his immoral secular views about the things I have written above. American cannot afford this man. His plan for Universal health insurance has been estimated by his Campaign people to cost U.S. taxpayers between 50-65 billion dollars per year if enacted.
Senator Evan Bayh has a plan that he estimates will cost taxpayers 200-500 billion dollars over ten years if enacted, and the wealthy socialist from Massachusetts, Senator Kerry has one his people say will cost 700 billion!
Senator Hillary Clinton tried to sneak her version of universal health care(aka socialized medicine)during Bill Clinton's first term as President. I have written before on this Marxist socialist proposal, but an article on the Internet illustrates far better than I can the innate problems with socialized medicine. The article is written about England's grand experiment with universal health care.
The following is a quote from that article:
"British citizens pay obscenely large amounts of taxes, but get less and less in return for this, except an increasingly hostile state: “The National Health Service, where bureaucracies have hugely expanded and entwined their interests so closely with those of private suppliers and consultancies that it is difficult to distinguish public from private any longer. Spending on the NHS has increased by two and a half times in the space of 10 years; yet it is hard to see any corresponding improvement in the service, other than in the standard of living of those who work in it.”
There are at least two wars going on today that Americans are involved in, and surrender should not be an option. Unfortunately it appears to this blogger that surrender has already begun in both wars.
There is the war against AlQaeda terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan that "King" Harry Reid, Democrat Senate Majority Leader, has already declared lost. The other most important war, the war for freedom of religion and the right to free speech in America.
Even though our generals are making great progress in rooting out terrorists in Iraq, very little of which is being reported by our leftist media, the majority of American people have decided it is time to "put our tail between our legs" and withdraw from Iraq. This is a product of disinformation and anti- American bias by the media, academia and many who work for taxpayers dollars in the federal government. All 1.7 million of them at last count!
The other war has been going badly for those of us who would rather choose our own method of speech and worship our chosen faith in the manner our conscience and beliefs dictate. But once again people who get their paychecks from taxpayers hard work appear to be on a mission to tell us what we can and cannot say, and are marching toward the elimination of God in all forms of public discourse.
The Supreme Court and Congress have been the generals in this fight against two of the basic rights granted to us Citizens when they wrote the Constitution,and Bill of Rights. Worshipping at he alter of multiculturalism and Political correctness is the weapon of choice for those leftists who want to eliminate free speech and religion and replace them with pluralist secularism,
The government no longer appears to be representative of the people, but more concerned with perpetuating it's own bureaucratic mechanism. The more money it demands and collects in the form of taxes. The less things appear to be done for the good of "All The People".
Case in point is the Homeland Security Agency, a government bureaucracy with 165,00 employees and a budget in 2006 of 41.6 billion dollars. This Agency consists of 22 district agencies and bureaus. The border patrol is one of these agencies. It is responsible for 8000 miles of coast and land borders.The organization began in 1904 with mounted horsemen patrolling the Texas border who were given a pistol, uniform and badge. They were required to provide their own horse! Today it is a bureaucracy that had a budget of 6.7 billion in 2006.
Management and Administrative cost for the Agency was 77.2 million dollars in 2006, and for this the U.S Government Accountability Office estimates we got between 400,000 and 700,000 illegals who entering this country every year!
Today we have at last report 14,819 Border Patrol Agents who must take a "Academy" course that lasts 81 days and consists of among their other courses: 214 hours of Spanish instruction and law(plus after they graduate they spend 1 day a week for 20 weeks studying Spanish and Law again), . They get 67 hours learning to handle firearms! This course costs the taxpayer is $14,700 plus the cost of the salaries of the instructors, which is unreported in the GAO report from which I gathered this information.
There are 40,825 employees in the administrative staff of Robert Brown the commissioner of U.S Customs and ASa Hutchinson, Under Secretary for HSD has 324 employees and a budget for 2006 of $10,617,000! The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency has 15,440 employees under Assistant Secretary M.J. Garcia with a budget of $458,8 million.. Only $25 million is for the Marshals who do the actual enforcement not the bureaucratic Bull S**T!
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