Saturday, October 25, 2008
Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” —Ronald Reagan
The most Liberal voting member of the Senate has promised he will eliminate the Bush tax cuts, and at the same time give all who pay no taxes a rebate of $500. If that is not enough to bring to a screeching halt the already slow moving economic engine of Our Country. His platform includes many tax payer funded socialism plans including medical care for all.
Add this to the train wreck that we are fast approaching in the wake of pushing into law a trillion-dollar bailout package (once total costs are tallied), House Democrats are proposing yet more spending. Who knew? And their rationale? Well, since a recession is imminent anyway, spending more now is preferable to losing that same money later as a result of reduced tax receipts and higher unemployment payments. So let’s get this straight: The same geniuses who were instrumental in setting up this train wreck want to help out by shoveling more coal into the boiler as the economy screams past the “Bridge Out” sign? Up to $300 billion in new “stimulus spending” is on the table in the House, including increases for food stamps and extensions of unemployment insurance—just what a failing economy needs".
Source: Patriot Post
Obama is proposing a trillion dollars in new spending. Where is he going to get the money, given the government's present huge budget deficit? From the filthy rich and blood-sucking corporations, that's where, he says. A terrific vote-getting scheme. But will it work?
Obama doesn't tell you that in the present world money is like water. It flows to the lowest ground. And the lowest ground for money is found in places where it can make more money -- not locations where it is seriously tapped by government. For example, Ireland where the corporate income tax rate is 11% and not the United States, which has the second highest rate in the world. As it is, one of the biggest reasons that many corporations set up their businesses abroad is the high cost of doing business here at home. Hence, a great many jobs are lost to overseas enterprises. SOURCE: AMERICAN THINKER.COM
Obama doesn't tell you that rich people didn't get to be rich by being stupid. The minute they hear him talk about "spreading the wealth around", they shift their money to safe havens where Obama can't get to it. Like those hedge funds run by George Soros and other big Democrat donors.
Queen Pelosi and Price Reid and their Democrat cohorts are drawing up plans to spend more money on welfare than the already massive Welfare Program the tax payer has to bear. The "bail-out" billions that socialised in part our banking institutions,left the Treasury with a vast shortfall of income taxes to spending. Yet the Democrats are going to give more money to those who contribute little if any to the economy.
If this is not a plan for economic disaster, I will eat my hat! Obama is not a Centrist as he wants You to believe. He and his mega-rich supporters are plotting a path toward total socialism, which because of their off shore bank accounts and trusts, they will not be affected. But JOE the Plumber and Bill the Office Worker will find his pay check a little lighter .. Government makes no money, and even if you could take all the money from the "RICH", the money would not make a dent in the spending frenzy that is going on in Washington!
It is time for a National referendum on term limits for all elected officials! Make them have to make a living in the real world!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” —Ronald Reagan
There is a decision pending in the Supreme Court that could make the November election moot! The case involves a challenge to the Democrat nominee and apparent choice of the Leftist media and malcontents of America, to the eligibility of BHO to run for the Presidency. The case is based upon his being a non-citizen!
Along these lines a breaking story, which also will never see the light of day on television or in the Big City Newspapers, is a story from the African Press International. It is a report of a telephone call from Obama's wife Michelle complaining about the news outlets story about her husband.
Without permission of the API I am including the entire article and some excerpts from another article published in today's Internet version.
"Accusing API of colluding with American internet bloggers in an effort to bring down her husband, Mrs Obama said she decided to call API because of what she termed, API’s help to spread rumours created by American bloggers and other racist media outlets in their efforts to damage a black man’s name, saying she hopes African Media was mature enough to be in the front to give unwavering support to her husband, a man Africans should identify themselves with.
When API told her that our online news media was only relaying what the American Bloggers and other media outlets had discovered through their investigations, Mrs Obama was angered and she came out loud with the following: “African press International is supposed to support Africans and African-American view,” and she went to state that, “it is strange that API has chosen to support the racists against my husband. There is no shame in being adopted by a step father. All dirt has been thrown onto my husband’s face and yet he loves this country. My husband and I know that there is no law that will stop him from becoming the president, just because some American white racists are bringing up the issue of my husband’s adoption by His step father. The important thing here is where my husband’s heart is at the moment. I can tell the American people that My husband loves this country and his adoption never changed his love for this country. He was born in Hawaii, yes, and that gives him all the right to be an American citizen even though he was adopted by a foreigner; says Michelle Obama on telefon to API.”
This is a very interesting turn of events. The American man Dr Corsi was recently reported to have been arrested in Kenya because there was fear that he might reveal information on Obama when he wanted to hold a press conference in Nairobi.
The question now is why he was arrested and who ordered his arrest. Was Obama’s hand in this in any way? We will never know the truth but what is clear is that Dr Corsi was seen as a threat while in Kenya.
When API asked Mrs Obama to comment on why Dr Corsi was arrested by the Kenyan government and whether she thought Kenya’s Prime Minister Mr Raila Odinga was involved in Dr Corsi’s arrest, she got irritated and and simply told API not to dig that which will support evil people who are out to stop her husband from getting the presidency.
When asked who she was referring to as the evil people, she stated that she was not going to elaborate much on that but that many conservative white people and even some African Americans were against her husband, but that this group of blacks were simply doing so because of envy.
On Farakhan and his ministry, Mrs Obama told API that it was unfortunate that Mr Farakhan came out the way he did supporting her husband openly before the elections was over. That was not wholehearted support but one that was calculated to convince the American people that my husband will support the growth of muslim faith if he became the president, adding “even if my husband was able to prove that he is not a Muslim, he will not be believed by those who have come out strongly to destroy his chances of being the next President. Do real people expect someone to deny a religion when 80 percent of his relatives are Muslims?; Mrs Obama asked.
Mrs Obama asked API to write a good story about her husband and that will earn API an invitation to the inauguration ceremony when, as she put it , her husband will be installed as the next President of the United States of America next year".
Where there is smoke there is fire my father taught me long ago! Why did Michelle direct her tirade against a News Service in Africa, if she did not believe the story had credible evidence that her husband is in fact not eligible to be President.
I personally do not believe he is eligible because he is a Socialist with a long list of promises and little or no experience other than giving speeches!
He has developed a following as did James Jone of the Jones town mass suicide, and a paper hanger from Austria did to the German people in the 1930's. But he is a man of no substance with radical ideas so far afield of what this Country stands for, that he should never sit in the Oval Office. Yet I am afraid the voting majority will select him because the Main Stream Media has anointed him, and after all the "smoke clears" we will pay the consequences just as all the other peoples who have followed "leaders" who promised a CHANGE!
The other article that caught my attention was about what the radical Left intellectuals will do when Obama is elected. I include it to add emphasis to this Blog.
"The best election result for the radical international non-American intellectual order, therefore, is for Obama to lose.
That would make sense, because it would confirm the dominant orthodoxy that America is racist; and/or that it has a very corrupt political system that allows the Republican-linked Establishment to steal elections.
An Obama victory would leave many Third World intellectuals and nationalists either jobless, struggling for relevance, or scurrying back to the drawing boards to explain an America led by a black president. Of course, they will also wish that he met some misfortune at the hands of a red-neck.
And to imagine that this “crisis” wouldn’t have happened if a Kenyan student called Barack Obama hadn’t gone to the US on scholarship, become a deadbeat dad, and left his son behind in America to be raised by his mother"!
SOURCE: Charles Onyango OBBO of API
I believe a postscript to this blog is appropriate. Therefore, I have included a letter to the editor who will remain unnamed for obvious reasons.
"Dear API Editor, I wrote a couple of days ago and commended you on your professionalism. I am still willing to give you the benefit of doubt even though others are saying this is a scam. My family has served in the United States military for generations and I have been a military wife for 28 years now.
My family has fought to protect not only the U.S. but other countries that have asked for our help! I have seen in news videos and read in Mr. Obama’s words the hatred he and his wife have for the United States and white people. There have been postings on the web by people who know or have known the Obamas and have called them Marxist and have seen their hatred toward white people and the very country he claims to want to help. I beg of you, please do not let the dedication of generations of my family and other families go to waste.
If the truth of this man is not made public and he is elected, I have no doubt this country will no longer be the free republic it is now. I’ve read your articles about
Raila Odinga and I’ve see the pictures of Obama supporting him–please, please don’t let him bring his genocide to the United States at the invitation of a President Obama. You know in your heart I am right. Please release the tapes unedited. Give us a chance to save our country, please".
I will close with this comment about Obama. It’s only taken him $620,000,000, a broken promise on public campaign financing, a bias media, a muzzled wife, an economic crisis started in part from his Acorn friends, and a class warfare to get your Messiah to these numbers. William Ayers who? Father Pfleger who? Rev. Wright who? Tony Rezko who? Odinga who? Farrakhan who? Sorry, I realize that asking your candidate about his past associations is off limits…but we should have the NY Times do a smear piece on Cindy McCain’s past pill popping habits. Or Todd Palin’s DUI 20 years ago. Or Troopergate. Give me a break!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” —Ronald Reagan
This for the coming election has boiled down to one basic ingredient! Do the majority of Americans desire a Socialist government or do they want to maintain our Free Enterprise Capitalist system that is the foundation of OUR Republic?
All the hyperbole and promises to do one thing or another for special interest groups should not dissuade anyone from voting for or against the two candidates. Class hatred and racism has been a part of this dirty campaign, and it is notable for the fact that the Democrats have spent four times the amount of money for adds than the Republicans. More than both parties had spent in the past elections.
The real issue is do the majority, be it simple or a large number, of voters want this Country to be led by a Socialist? This is the question all voters must answer before they go into the voting booth!
The first really big lie Obama told was the evening of November 8, 2004 on the evening of his election to the U.S. State Senate, when he promised to serve out his full term beore attempting to camapign for a national ofice, because he was too inexperienced. Source:UTUBE
But two years after being elected to the senate he began his campaign for president!
Obama himself confessed that he is not ready to be president. It is amazing how George Soros was able to buy enough experience for Obama to run and defeat many far more qualified candidates, including his own VP. The question the American people will have to confront if Obama is elected is, “Who really owns Barack Obama?”
As Barack Obama was making his way from house-to-house in Toledo, Ohio, a young plumber, Joe Wurzelbacher, standing in front of his house, asked Sen. Obama a pretty straight forward question:
“Senator Obama, I’m going to have a business that makes $280,000 a year. You want to tax me. Why do you want to do that?”
And Obama gave him a pretty straight-forward, albeit chilling response:
“It’s not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they’ve got a chance at success too. I think that when you spread the wealth around it’s good for everybody.”
“I think that when you spread the wealth around it’s good for everybody.” There is so much wrong with not only this statement but this ideology it’s hard to know where to begin, but I’ll start with this: Senator’s not your money to give!
Wealth redistribution is one of the core tenets of Socialism: “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.” Expressing a desire to “spread the wealth around,” indicates that Sen. Obama favors the Socialist dogma of income or wealth redistribution. This means he favors social/economic engineering; where those who possess less are afforded more at the demise of those who dedicated themselves to earning more.
Milton Friedman, the American Nobel Laureate economist, famously and successfully argued that this code of belief, "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need," turns ability into a liability, and need into an asset. It rewards those who simply exist and punishes those that produce, with all due respect to Mr. Obama’s declaration that he doesn’t want to “penalize” that Ohio plumber.
To quote Pastor Jeremiah Wright, Jr -- Barack Obama's confidant and close friend for over twenty years -- about the Senator,
"Obama's a politician and he says what he has to say as a politician."
I hope Americans do not fall for the main theme of the Obama/Biden campaign " George Bush, George Bush, George Bush, George Bush. Such a classic diversion. Feed on the people’s anger towards Bush, Blind their hearts and minds, prevent them from paying attention to Barack Obama’s complete inability to lead this country!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” —Ronald Reagan
Richard Nixon left the Presidency as a disgraced liar because of Watergate. President Bush has been accused of lying about Saddam's weapons of mass destruction.Even though this has been proved to be true, the Leftist media and the Democrats still refer to him as a
Roosevelt denied he had any knowledge of the pending Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, and then there was "I did not have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky".
And then the infamous, "it all depends upon what the meaning of is is" to the grand jury by President Clinton!
Today we are approaching a new moment in history. A blatant liar apparently is going to be elected President, if you can believe the present polls.
Not only does Obama change his positions depending upon the group whom he is speaking. But the BHO man is getting away with blatant lies that the main stream media would expose in a moment if Senator McCain had uttered them.
Omama has promised that 95% of the people will get a tax cut if he is elected by taxing the "rich" more. This despite the fact that we already have a steeply progressive income tax, with the top 5 percent of earners paying 60 percent of the taxes (in 2006), and the top 25 percent paying 86 percent. And if that isn't enough to convince you. Tell me how he can take the $500 out of the general revenue fund that he plans to give to the millions of people who do not pay taxes, unless he robs the Social Security "trust fund"? By doing this he will precipitate disaster for Seniors who count on the SS check each month!
Obama wants to perform an experiment by confiscating more of the income of the most productive earners (who create the overwhelming majority of jobs) and distributing it to those who earn less. He calls it "spreading the wealth around"!
It's been done before,with dreadful results. Call it socialism if you like. But don't call it “fairness".
He says he is a Christian who attended Reverend Wrights church, but denies he ever heard any radical anti-American, racist sermons when attending Wright's services. He qualifies his position by saying he wasn't a regular attendee at Sunday services, which if true does not represent a person who is a strong Christian person.
Then there is his association with Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorn. The Weatherman bombers who not too long ago said they were sorry they didn't bomb more!
Obama alleges he was 8 years old when they did their anti-American act. This is true, but he denied on National television that he launched his Senatorial campaign at a fund raiser in the Ayers/Dorn home, when in fact he did!
And to top it off he served on the Annenberg Board of Directors with Bill Ayers during the Clinton Administration.
Then board member, presidential candidate Barack Obama and William Ayers, a former 1960s and 1970s radical turned college professor and education activist, was part of a $500 million initiative by Philadelphia publisher and philanthropist Walter Annenberg to aid schools around the country.The half-billion-dollar "gift," as it was described by President Bill Clinton at a 1993 White House ceremony, would go on to provide 2-to-1 matching-fund grants to 18 school districts around the nation. Called the Annenberg Challenge, the fund provided $50 million to the Philadelphia School District and $49.2 million to Chicago.source:Wikapedia
Tell me that a person serving on a board of directors of an organisation, disbursing $49.2 million, does not have a personal relationship with his board membership!
In 1992, Obama was director of Project Vote in Chicago, which helped register 150,000voters on the city's South Side. Obama's successful work was credited in multiple media reports with helping to elect Democratic Senator Carol Moseley Braun.
Obama's campaign claims ACORN was "not part of" Project Vote, but the organization's incorporation papers, obtained by WND, show Project Vote is a trademark name whose parent company is registered at the same New Orleans address in which ACORN and multiple ACORN affiliates are housed.
Obama himself previously connected Project Vote to ACORN.
"I've been fighting alongside ACORN on issues you care about my entire career. Even before I was an elected official, when I ran Project Vote voter registration drives in Illinois, ACORN was smack dab in the middle of it, and we appreciate your work," Obama was quoted on his own campaign website as saying at an ACORN meeting, according to a post by official Obama website blogger Sam Graham-Felsen.source: World Net Daily
These are just a few of the LIES that Obama has told the electorate. When he is in the Oval Office, GOD forbid, he will continue to lie by blaming everything he does wrong on the previous administrations mess he inherited, You can take that to the bank!
Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” —Ronald Reagan
Every one with at least a high school education knows that to stay alive we humans must inhale and exhale air to stay alive. When we exhale we expel CO2, because if it builds up in our lungs we will fall into unconsciousness!
Well, if Obama is elected President we may have to regulate our breathing patterns! Just this month, one of Obama's chosen advisers, Jason Grumet, gave an interview for the press,during which he stated that when Obama is elected he will mandate the curbing of CO2 emissions.
The following is an excerpt from today's edition of The New Media Journal.
" Barack Obama will classify carbon dioxide as a dangerous pollutant that can be regulated should he win the presidential election on Nov. 4.
This will open the way for new rules on greenhouse gas emissions. The Democratic senator from Illinois will tell the Environmental Protection Agency that it may use the 1990 Clean Air Act to set emissions limits on power plants and manufacturers, his energy adviser, Jason Grumet, said in an interview. President George W. Bush declined to curb CO2 emissions under the law even after the Supreme Court ruled in 2007 that the government may do so. If elected, Obama would be the first president to group emissions blamed for global warming into a category of pollutants that includes lead and carbon monoxide".
Republican Senator John McCain of Arizona, has not said how he would treat CO2 under the act. Obama "would initiate those rulemakings,'' Grumet said in an Oct. 6 interview in Boston. "He's not going to insert political judgments to interrupt the recommendations of the scientific efforts.''
Placing heat-trapping pollutants in the same category as ozone may lead to caps on power-plant emissions and force utilities to use the most expensive systems to curb pollution. The move may halt construction plans on as many as half of the 130 proposed new US coal plants.This would raise the cost to the consumer an exorbitant amount, so not only will Obama tax the middle class to support his SPREAD The WEALTH, but the cost of heating our homes will sky rocket!
This Socialist and his Communist thinking backers must be defeated at the polls if we hope to maintain our quality of life and freedoms! VOTE McCAIN And PALIN< please!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” —Ronald Reagan
Despite his contrary positions on President George H.Bush's policies, he was retained as Secretary of State, and for this support he has rewarded the Bush family with sticking a knife in the back of the designated candidate for President, Senator McCain!
Powell stepped down from the position after President Bush's reelection to a second term. His four year tenure as Secretary of State was marked by disagreements with other Administration officials over policy. The following quotation from a February 20, 2004 address at Princeton University provides an excellent example of Colin Powell's statesmanship:
“We must build a better future even as we deal with the security challenges before us. That is how we'll overcome those challenges, because it's not enough to fight against a negative, like terrorism. We must focus on what inspires us, on what brings the good people of the world together. We've got to fight for the positive — for liberty, for freedom, for democracy.”
This quote explains why Powell betrayed the party that made him the first Black Secretary of State, that gave him a place in the history books.
It is apparent that the appeal Powell has for Obama is his "ONE WORLD" approach to politics. Both seem to have an affinity to worry about solving the worlds problems more than the problems here at home.
It certainly could not be Obama's experience or his past association with known terrorists that make the General(ret.)think Obama is qualified to be President.
I do not want to believe that a man of his stature, would base his decision on the color of Obama's skin as the reason he has endorsed Obama, but when I try to fathom the reasons why he waited so long to endorse Obama.
I can not conceive of any qualifications that would make Gen. Powell appear on National television to endorse Obama 16 days before the election. Maybe it is to repair the damage caused by the revelation that Obama's favoring a Socialistic economic approach by supporting tax cuts and tax credits, while raising taxes on some in order to give checks to others is not a tax cut; it's just another government giveaway!
Perhaps it could be Powell and his wife Alama, a long time Democrat Liberal, decided that "Joe The Plumber" had exposed Obama as a true Socialist, and Colin had to rescue Obama from the Damage caused by Obama's "SPREAD THE WEALTH AROUND"!
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