Friday, June 26, 2009
President Obama rammed through his "stimulus" appropriation without a single Congressman or Senator reading the bill, and then proceeded to sign bills that put the American taxpayer on the hook for trillions of dollars in increased taxes. These appropriations included billions for "pork" and a few billion for the disgraced and indicted 16 times, ACORN.
He didn't veto the 900 billion dollar stimulus bill. Even though it contained such absurd items are listed below:
• $2 billion earmark to re-start FutureGen, a near-zero emissions coal power plant in Illinois that the Department of Energy defunded last year because it said the project was inefficient.
• A $246 million tax break for Hollywood movie producers to buy motion picture film.
• $650 million for the digital television converter box coupon program.
• $248 million for furniture at the new Homeland Security headquarters.
• $600 million to buy hybrid vehicles for federal employees.
• $1 billion for the 2010 Census, which has a projected cost overrun of $3 billion
• $160 million for "paid volunteers" at the Corporation for National and Community Service.
• $5.5 million for "energy efficiency initiatives" at the Department of Veterans Affairs National Cemetery Administration.
• $850 million for Amtrak.
• $100 million for reducing the hazard of lead-based paint.
• $75 million to construct a "security training" facility for State Department Security officers when they can be trained at existing facilities of other agencies
But Obama has threatened to veto a bi-partisan military appropriations bill that would make our country stronger militarily, because it contains things the "messia" doesn't think are necessary!
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – "The U.S. House of Representatives was poised to approve on Thursday a $550.4 billion defense authorization bill for fiscal 2010 that has drawn a veto threat from President Barack Obama because it contains money for fighter jets he does not want.
The bill also authorizes $130 billion to fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan in the fiscal year that begins October 1.
The White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) said it supported the overall bill but the president's senior advisers would recommend a veto unless some provisions were dropped.
One congressional aide, speaking on condition of anonymity, described the White House veto threat as "a bargaining tool."
The Senate Armed Services Committee was to unveil its defense authorization bill for 2010 later on Thursday, but the legislation was unlikely to be approved by the full Senate until September. House and Senate negotiators must then hammer out a compromise version before final passage.
The OMB said it strongly objected to the House decision to include $369 million in advanced procurement funds to buy 12 more F-22 fighter jets built by Lockheed Martin Corp despite a Pentagon decision to halt production at 187".
The F-22 will replace the aging F-18 and the even older F-16, as our front line of defense if we get into a hot war with North Korea. A Communist country that indubitably has a well stocked air wing of the latest Chinese Communist jets. They may even have the latest MiG from Russia, for all I know!
And since Obama has slashed the anti-missile program. The F122 may be the only defense we have if a nuclear missile manages to get through what must be a porous missile defense system with the cuts that Obama has made.
It is obvious to me that Obama is nothing less than a progressive leftist who has animus for the military and our free enterprise system. When will America wake up to the fact that the Obama Change is a breakdown of the Capitalist system, and the establishment of a Marxist type regime where all citizens are subservient to the government. A system that has failed through out the World, but which we appear to be He## bent on establishing here in what once was the Land of the Free!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
In the USA president Obama blamed the mortgage crisis on the bankers and mortgage brokerage firms despite the fact that any one who studies the cause of the mortgage problem realizes it is not entirely their fault. The fault lies at the feet of Congressman Barney Frank and Senator Chris Dodd, who forced the mortgage lenders and the banks to loan to minorities who were financially not qualified to obtain a regular home loan, and were in no way going to be able to make the payments based upon their low incomes.
And now that the "spendulus" program has bailed out the banks, Frank is at it again. He is encouraging sub-prime mortgage loans again!
Not to be out done, Obama is blaming the doctors for doing too many tests for the high cost of medical care. While still refusing to advocate limits on pain and suffering lawsuits brought by plaintive lawyers. No wonder the Lawyers along with the Unions, stand behind every thing he does.
It appears that all new legislation that Obama wants passed in this session of Congress, is a remedy for an evil that Obama has identifid, targeted and attcked to motivate the Congress and the people of the USA to support. And it seems each is a reaction to an "emergency".
The truth of the matter is that foreign trust in the strength and reliability of the United States T-bonds has suffered to such a great degree that fewer and fewer foreigners are purchasing its government bonds. That's why the Federal Reserve is now buying securities that it has printed itself. The Fed's balance sheet has more than doubled since 2007, making the US central bank one of the world's fastest-growing companies. The purpose of this company, though, is to create money out of thin air.
Over seven thousand miles away in the former Soviet Union, Prime Mister Putin is using the same tactics that Obama is using to defect any blame for the terrible state of the economy in Russia.
The London Telegraph has an article that illustrates my point.
"In keeping with a new strategy of deflecting blame for the country's economic woes onto the standard-bearers of Russian capitalism, Mr Putin excoriated supermarket executives for their greed as ordinary shoppers looked on in bewilderment.
The prime minister abruptly interrupted a meeting with senior retailers at the Moscow White House, the seat of the Russian government, to drag them on an impromptu visit to a nearby branch of the Perekrestok supermarket chain.
Vladimir Putin, Striding angrily through the aisles with a retinue of glum executives in tow, Mr Putin came to a halt in the supermarket's cold meat section and gesticulated towards a packet of sausages priced at just under £5.
Rounding on Yuri Kobaladze, the chain's head of corporate relations, Mr Putin demanded: "Why do your sausages cost 240 roubles? Is that normal?" "But these are high quality sausages," Mr Kobaladze tried to explain!
With a host of cameramen and photographers there to capture the scene, the stunt was likely to ensure Mr Putin's reputation as a man of action, and thereby absolve him from carrying any blame for the worst economic crisis in Russia for over a decade.
"Having primed his victim, Mr Putin moved in for the kill. Consulting his crib sheet, he pointed towards a packet of pork fillets.Putin uses crib sheets like Obama uses his two telepromters!"This is double the (cost) price," he said to Mr Kobaladze. "Is this normal?"
"Is 120 per cent a high mark up?" Mr Kobaladze responded timidly.
"Very high," the prime minister said.
Not unlike the way Obama targets industry leders with his oratory skills.
The exchange between Putin and Kobaladze was a classic example of the political theatre in which Mr Putin excels. It came just two days after an opinion poll revealed that the principal concern of 75per cent of Russians was high food prices.
Perhaps Putin read Sal Alinsky's book!!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
IF YOU SPEND 50 MILLION DOLLARS TO GET DEMOCRATS ELECTED TO THE SENATE AND THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. It is expected that you will get something in return, and the Union movement is reaping rewards in spades.
First there was this: President Obama, who campaigned on a promise of greater disclosure and transparency, has taken a step in the opposite direction. Under his administration, the Department of Labor has announced it will delay and review implementing a requirement from the Bush Administration that union managers and employees fully disclose how union dues are managed.
This foot-dragging by the Obama Administration — which could lead to a gutting of key disclosure regulations affecting labor unions.— This is the second misstep by the new president in the area of labor. The first was his embracing the controversial and blatantly misnamed Employee Free Choice Act. This act would strip union members of their right to a secret ballot.
The great irony is that, in both cases, Obama and his labor supporters would argue that these policies protect union workers. In fact, they work against the rights of union members by extending preferential treatment to labor unions' managers, top-level officials and staff employees.
Then there was the outright gift of 55% of the ownership of the new Chrysler to the Auto workers union retiree health-care trust fund. Fiat the supposed new owner gets 20%, with the rest of the company staying in the government’s hands.
And on the heels of this payback the new GM(aka government motors),
The United Auto Workers get GM stock for at least half the $20 billion the company owes to a union-run trust that will assume retiree health care expenses starting next year.
Combined, the union and government own 89 percent of the century-old automaker, which was bleeding red ink and was saddled with more than $62 billion in debt.
Now the ultimate payback and insult to ll taxpayers who are not involved in either government or unions, and our numbers are diminishing as the days Obama is in the Oval Office, is the law being proposed by senator Max Baucus of Montana.
Liberals believe the best chance for compromise legislation on health care may be a plan under construction in the Senate Finance Committee that would pay for a public plan in part by taxing some worker health benefits. And they will have a lot of help from two left-wing heavyweights joining the HCAN parade: the corruption-plagued SEIU (which has battled numerous(16) embezzlement scandals among its chapters across the country while crusading for consumer and patients' rights) and Obama's old chums at fraud-riddled ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now.
These union workers who helped Democrats win Congress and the White House and whose support will be key in getting a health bill signed into law would not pay the tax!
HCAN( Health Care for America Now)has a $40 million budget, with $10 million pitched in by The Atlantic Philanthropies, a Bermuda-based organization fronted by Soros acolyte Gara LaMarche. Also in the money mix: famous Democratic donors Herb and Marion Sandler, the left-wing moguls who made billions selling subprime mortgages and helped Soros fund his vast network of left-wing activist satellites. By their side is billionaire Peter Lewis of Progressive Insurance, whose "Progressive Future" youth group has dispatched clueless volunteers armed with clipboards and literature bashing Rush Limbaugh and Fox News to scare up support for Obamacare.
Source: Michelle Malkin
With cost estimates already as high as $1.6 trillion, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, D-Mont., has proposed paying for the bill in part by taxing health care benefits for workers who earn more than $100,000, or $200,000 for married couples, according to those familiar with the discussions.
Baucus is also weighing a tax based on the value of health care benefits that exceed a yet-to-be determined cap. A tax on benefits that exceed the cap by a mere $3,000 could amount to $750 in taxes annually for a worker who earns as little as $34,000, say experts.
But those union members serving under collective bargaining agreements would not be subjected to the tax, according to proposals under discussion.
Union workers enjoy some of the most extensive and costliest health benefits, and union officials complained their members would be unfairly burdened by a health care tax because their contracts cannot be changed quickly enough to avoid it.
Union members also represent one of the biggest and most powerful Democratic constituencies and their support of any health care reform proposal is viewed as essential to getting a bill passed in Congress.Big money from unions such as the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, as well as the Internet-fueled MoveOn have put the full force of their money behind the push for socialized medicine.
Senator Baucus has proposed the tax threshold on health care benefits be set higher than the cost of policies available to federal employees and he has proposed exempting until 2013 those plans negotiated as part of union contracts.
“It’s a means of making sure that unions are foursquare behind any reform bill that comes out,” said Henry Aaron, a health care policy expert at Brookings Institution, a Washington think tank.
Critics of the Baucus proposal to exempt unions from a health care benefits tax said the exclusion could be used to lure into unions employees who are anxious to avoid the benefits tax.
.Is it any wonder that Unions are pushing hard for a government health plan. The union bosses can transfer their liability for health insurance for retirees and current employees from fee for service plans to a socialized plan that you and I will be responsible to pay for!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
"Time is running out fast and we will be lucky if it doesn't happen in the first term of this president. If he gets elected to a second term -- which is quite possible, despite whatever economic disasters he leads us into-- our fate as a nation may be sealed".
Thomas Sowell
It appears that our current president has a lot on his plate with the determination to pass Cap and Trade and socialize our health Care System, despite his repeated denial that he wants to substitute free enterprise medicine with a government plan.
So it is not surprising that his press conference yesterday had no reference to the threats that KimJong sent his way in the last few days.
The following is an excerpt from the Tokyo Times editorial page,
and it illustrates that the little mad man who runs North Korea wants the World to know that he is now a member of the Nuclear Weapons club.
"North Korea has confirmed the worst suspicions of those who fear the destabilizing consequences of nuclear proliferation by announcing that it will become a full-fledged nuclear state, able to build both uranium and plutonium bombs and fit them to the nose cones of its missiles.
In its latest act of defiance, Pyongyang is reportedly preparing a new series of ballistic missile launches and another nuclear test, after a long-range missile test in April and the second test of a nuclear explosive device in May.
These and other actions have reversed steps the North had taken to abandon its nuclear program, coaxed by security, aid and other incentives offered in six-party negotiations with the United States, South Korea, Japan, Russia and China.
North Korea's breakout announcement June 13 followed the unanimous approval by the U.N. Security Council the day before of a resolution demanding that North Korea halt nuclear weapon tests, suspend its ballistic missile program and rejoin the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.
The resolution marked a significant hardening of Chinese and Russian positions toward Pyongyang. They had previously counseled patience and opposed sanctions. China was particularly concerned about upsetting North Korea in the midst of a sensitive leadership transition, as its ailing leader Kim Jong Il reportedly prepares the country for rule by one of his sons.
The Security Council resolution extends penalties on North Korea by targeting its financial transactions and arms industry. It authorized U.N. member states to inspect suspect sea, air and land cargo going to or from North Korea. They are required to seize and destroy goods shipped that violate the sanctions, including nuclear or missile supplies. Pyongyang has financed its weapons' program with the sale of missile technology.
But as recent history has shown there is little affect on those who are placed on sanctions by the United Nations. Case in point, Saddam Hussein and the Mullahs of Iran.
And to provoke the USA even more this item was found in the North Korean offical paper.
"On Monday, North Korea's main Rodong Sinmun newspaper called it "nonsense" to say the country is a threat to the US, and instead claimed Washington was the one threatening the North. The paper also warned in a commentary that the country is prepared to strike back if attacked.
"As long as our country has become a proud nuclear power, the US should take a correct look at whom it is dealing with," the editorial said. "It would be a grave mistake for the US to think it can remain unhurt if it ignites the fuse of war on the Korean peninsula."
The North Korean newspaper also denounced Obama's recent pledge to defend and protect South Korea - even vowing to keep Seoul "under the US nuclear umbrella" - as an attempt to attack North with atomic bombs. Obama made the pledge in a joint statement after a summit last week with the president of South Korea Lee Myung-bak.
I believe a total embargo on all commerce is in order as the first move toward stopping North Korea from becoming a nother 1941 Japan. If that does not work. It is time to re-evaluate what we are doing in Afghanistan, and possibly turn our miltary attention to North Korea.
Of course the "talker" president will never do this until we are attacked and many people have paid the ultimate price!
Beginning during the Viet Nam war the Press and the anti-military ilk began to decry the death of indigenous peoples more than they did our own soldiers.
What was once considered the cost of winning a war, a tactic that was used in Germany and most notably in Japan. The killing of civilians to break the will of the people to continue fighting, was called "collateral damage". An unfortunate part of winning a war, but a necessary evil that was accepted in the battle plans of military leaders and the public at large.
Now it appears the lives of the people who are dressed in civilian clothes, and appear to be non-combatants are more important than the lives of the men and women our government puts in harms way!
This directive is reported in the Wall Street Journal as coming from the new general in charge of the troops in Afghanistan, but as anyone who has had any association with the military knows. The directives come from Washington, where, these days, being in a war seems to be more important, then winning a war!
The new U.S. commander in Afghanistan is finalizing a far-reaching change in tactics that will generally require U.S. troops taking fire in populated areas to break contact rather than risk civilian casualties, military officials said.
The rules being crafted by Gen. Stanley McChrystal are the clearest indication yet of how the new U.S. command team in Afghanistan plans to reduce civilian fatalities, a cause of public anger against U.S. efforts there.
When did our military get off track, and start worrying about what the civilians feel about the our presence in their country. If we are trying to win the hearts and minds of those who don't like us, we should withdraw all forces from Afghanistan now. Every man, woman and child could have a rifle or bomb inside their burka , as they all hate Americans. Send the peace corps. not the military if the object is to win the hearts and minds!
U.S. officials said the rules were designed to reduce the use of bombs, missiles and other heavy weaponry in populated areas. They will require U.S. forces that come under fire from militants operating out of houses and other buildings that may contain civilians to end the engagement and leave the area, officials said.
The restrictions could force commanders to be more cautious in the mission-planning stage and eschew operations likely to require operations in populated areas, according to an officer serving in Afghanistan.
The rules make clear exceptions for situations where the lives of U.S., North Atlantic Treaty Organization and Afghan personnel are in danger, U.S. officials said. The guidelines allow U.S. personnel to call in airstrikes or use powerful weaponry if they fear being overrun, can't leave the area safely, or need to evacuate wounded colleagues.But this is a decision that men and women in harms way should not have to make!
Gen. McChrystal, who arrived in Afghanistan last week, is "trying to make it as clear as possible that risking civilian lives for the sole goal of killing the enemy is not acceptable," said his spokesman, Rear Adm. Gregory Smith.
I am sorry, but if we don't kill the enemy, they will kill us! There is no way this war cannot turn into another Viet Nam if we try to fight a "clean surgical" war. Besides the direct order to wait until the field commander in the battle determines that they are about to be "over run" will result in more casualties of our troops you can be sure. As any captain who wants to advance in rank will not want to be brought up on charges that he applied excessive force! This is no way to fight a war, but it is consistent with our current presidents attitude toward our enemies. Talk, talk, talk and they will do our bidding. Bovine excrement!!!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
During former president Bush's administration the Iranian regime was called the "Axis of Evil", and there was a lot of talk about sanctions. The sanctions were supposed to deter Iran from developing a nuclear weapon.
But the sanctions were not really effective in motivating either the people or the regime to stop their nuclear quest.
Perhaps the reason the sanctions did not motivate the people of Iran to put pressure on their leaders to stop short of making fissionable material for a nuclear warhead. Was the fact that the sanctions did not include food stuffs, medical supplies and many other items of commerce. These ARE considered "humanitarian" aid.
My question is what good is it going to do if you allow the supposed enemy, who has sworn to eliminate Israel and the USA, to buy food supplies from US when we are faced with rising costs for products made of grains like wheat and soy beans?
Talk about sanctions is cheap! Real sanctions to be effective must include an embargo on all products. Especially when Americans are paying over $3.00 for a loaf of bread, and cereal products have doubled in price in the past year.
I remember when I was a child and milk prices got so low in the years following the great depression. The farmers started dumping milk, and the federal government started buying up butter and storing it in caves to bring the price up.
This analogy has very little to do with what is going on with Iran, as Iran is our sworn enemy by their own admission. But it appears that the government appears to be more concerned with finding markets for farmers than in bringing pressure on the Mullahs!
This article was found in "Iran spent nearly twice as much on U.S. imports during President Barack Obama's first months in office as it did during the same period in 2008, showing that despite trade penalties and tense relations, the two countries are still doing business.
The U.S. exported $96 million in goods to Iran from January through April, according to an Associated Press analysis of U.S. government trade data compiled by the World Institute for Strategic Economic Research in Holyoke, Mass. U.S. exports to Iran totaled $51 million during the same period in 2008 and $27 million over those months in 2007.
Soybeans, wheat and medical supplies -- all considered humanitarian items exempt from U.S. trade sanctions -- are among the top exports this year.
The latest trade figures reflect an increase in Iran's agricultural imports over the past year due to poor harvests there, said Bill Reinsch, president of the National Foreign Trade Council, a business group in Washington.
"I wouldn't read too much into it as far as trends are concerned," Reinsch said. Of course he would say this, or he would go the way of Special prosecutor Walpin!
Reinsch said he is hearing from more businesses interested in Iran. But beyond an effort by the Obama administration to encourage talks with Iran, he hasn't seen any policy changes that would lead to more opportunities for U.S. businesses.
Several countries have been more than willing to do business with Iran. Those exporting more than $1 billion in goods to Iran last year included China, $8 billion; Germany, $5.7 billion; Italy, $3.2 billion; France, $2.6 billion; and Japan, $1.9 billion.
That compares with about $747 million in exports to Iran by Britain, $689 million by Belgium, about $685 million by Spain and $683 million by the U.S.
It can be difficult to stop even sensitive goods and technology from making their way to another country. It is common for Iran and other sanctioned countries to use transshipment points such as the United Arab Emirates to try to obtain U.S. goods undetected.
The value of U.S. exports to Iran rose exponentially under Bush, even as he called the country part of an "axis of evil." In 2001, Bush's first year in office, they totaled just $8.3 million, a tiny fraction of last year's number.
Exports during the Bush years included a range of agricultural products and medical supplies, but some more surprising items also made it to Iran: brassieres, fur clothing, sculptures, perfume, musical instruments and military apparel.
Humanitarian shipments are an example of the tricky line the United States has walked in dealing with Iran -- even more so during Iran's election protests. Esprcially since Obama has taken a hands off stance on the violence in the Iranian streets!
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