Saturday, March 29, 2008


Walter Williams is one of my favorite columnists. He is a close friend of another columnist whom I enjoy reading on a regular basis. Both he and Professor Thomas Sowell are Black College professors of economics who write columns about economics and the state of affairs in the USA. They are frequent guests of television and radio programs for their insightful views about the American scene.

With all the furor about the hate speech of the Reverend Wright, and the speech that followed by Senator Obama, during which he concentrated on the race problems still existing in America. I believe it is appropriate to comment on this situation.

As Mr. Williams says in his March 26, 2008 column for the Patriot Post. "Is Obama Ready For America"?
"At one time black Americans did not have the constitutional guarantees enjoyed by white Americans; now we do. The fact that the civil rights struggle is over and won does not mean that there are not major problems confronting many members of the black community but they are not civil rights problems and have little or nothing to do with racial discrimination.While not every single vestige of racial discrimination has disappeared, Obama and the Rev. Wright are absolutely wrong in suggesting that racial discrimination is anywhere near the major problem confronting a large segment of the black community. The major problems are: family breakdown, illegitimacy, fraudulent education and a high rate of criminality".

If you believed what the main stream media prints and says on TV and radio, you would think only Black people have people who detest them. Not so, New Yorkers and generally North East Coast residents have little "truck" with Southerners and Midwesterners. They are "red necks and hicks". The Muslims hate the Jews and visa verse. Germans fight and argue with "Poles"(aka pollacks) and the Irish Catholics dislike and some even hate the Orange men of Northern Ireland.

During World War II, Japanese Americans were herded into "camps of internemnt", and the Chinese and Blacks were fierce enemies in San Francisco until the civil rights act was passed.

But we only hear about the racism against Blacks from Obama's constituents. Why?

The lynching was stopped years ago, and affirmative action has made it possible for anyone of color to go to college if he/she studies hard, and starting a business has become easier for Blacks via set asides and quotas. The playing field has been leveled, and in so doing many White Americans have been passed over for promotion in all manner of employment. You hear about it and see it in the papers when lawsuits are filed for firemen, policemen and other public employees who they thought were unfairly passed over to satisfy a government imposed quota. Tempers flair in such situations as would be expected, but violence seldom occurs.

Yet we have threats from Black activists that if their "Man" doesn't receive his just due, and is nominated to be the Democrat standard bearer. WE will have riots in the streets reminiscent of the Chicago, Los Angeles and Detroit riots of the past.

I believe this is a product of 40 years of listening to the tirades of people like Reverend Wright, Monique Harden, and Louis Farrakhan and too many other Blacks that exhibit a lethal cocktail of pathological aggression, infantile self-pity and a devastating lack of self-insight. These rabble rousers make their sumptuous living by rabble rousing the men and women of broken homes with little promise for the future, because of lack of education and learned skills.Thus exists a tinder box for anarchy! The Left would love that!

Friday, March 28, 2008


Only some one with their head in the clouds would not realize that all politicians aspire to public office to better themselves. All the pious platitudes about going to Washington, DC to do good is then lost, if it ever existed, in the maelstrom of special interest lobbyists and foreigners bearing "gifts".

The average Senator is wealthy when he goes to Washington, but many middle class people who are backed by special interest groups go to the US House of Representatives. None leave without the life time benefits afforded to their elected office. High end health and dental care, a pension and whatever they can accumulate under the cover of campaign contributions. It is a given in our free enterprise system. Power corrupts,and absolute power corrupts absolutely!

But my home State is the granddaddy of all double and triple dippers in the whole of the USA!

Florida has laws that allow people to collect government pensions from as many as three sources and still work in the government sector building up another pension.

Approximately 150 million Americans face the future with little or no retirement income. A majority of Americans aren't saving nearly enough for retirement -- or aren't saving anything at all. And the expenses they'll face in their later years are stagering.

Not in the State of Florida if you work in one of the many state or local government positions. Judicial Watch has an article on the web detailing the tangled mess of pension benefits involving government employeees at all levels in the state of Florida.

While many states have laws prohibiting elected officials and public employees from returning to government work while drawing taxpayer-financed pensions, an epidemic of it exists in Florida where taxpayers are financing the lucrative salaries and multiple pensions of more than a thousand public servants. The" good old boy network" you see!

Known as double and triple-dipping the practice is rampant in the Sunshine State where more than 1,200 former state employees collect two or more pensions and hundreds more collect at least two pensions and a salary. Nearly 200 of them get paid more than $100,000 a year on top of public retirement benefits of up to $14,000 a month. Many of them also collect a lump-sum of hundreds of thousands of dollars upon retirement.
The triple dippers include public school principals, teachers, law enforcement officers, health department employees, court clerks and dozens of other public employees throughout the state. Additionally, more than 200 elected officials and senior managers who have quietly retired actually continue working, many in the same job where they earned their pension.
Because many state lawmakers benefit from this outrageous system, they aren’t motivated to pass legislation to stop it.
Many other states have made it illegal to take any public sector job in the same retirement system without forfeiting retirement benefits. In New York, for instance, public employees who retire and return to government work must forfeit their pensions during the time they get a salary.
There is little hope that a similar law will pass in Florida, according to one Republican legislator who says “it’s going to be a bit of an uphill battle” because there are more “double dippers in the legislature” than anyone thought. He called the situation a mess.

No wonder we keep getting bigger and bigger government. Where else can you find the high end medical benefits and retirement with a pension at any age as long as you put in the requisite number of years?
From 1957 to 2006, Florida's population increased 302%, but the number of state & local government employees increased 583%. Therefore it can be stated that there is a 357,000 employee headcount excess in Florida governments.
If state and local government employees in Floirda had delivered improved productivity, as the private sector was doing, then their headcount totals (full-time equivalents) would have increased less than the state's population growth from 1957-2006. No such luck !!

So much for efficient government! The state population increased from 4.5 million to 18 million 1957-2006 (302% increase) - -
But, the number of state government employees increased 517% (from 31,000 to 191,000)
And, the number of local government employees increased 604% (from 96,000 to 676,000)!

Whatever the 'excuses', the facts are today's young families in Florida must carry on each of their backs many, many more government employees than did prior generations. And, government employees have job security with wages and benefits protected from inflation and better medical coverage as if it is a right - - not so with many from the private sector.

There is a lesson here!

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Once again I must write about a subject that will probably never appear in the overly protective Media covering Obama.

My subject today is the important question that must be asked: Is Barack Hussein Obama a closet Marxist?

There are some associations in his past that would lead a person of suspicious nature like me to believe he has a Marxist inclination.

Will anyone in the major media talk about the mysterious “Frank.” He’s Obama’s childhood mentor in his book, Dreams From My Father. It has been discovered he’s Frank Marshall Davis, a Communist Party member and anti-American revolutionary.

In Obama’s book, Dreams From My Father. He writes about “a poet named Frank,” who visited them in Hawaii, read poetry, and was full of “hard-earned knowledge” and advice. Who was Frank? Obama only says that he had “some modest notoriety once,” was “a contemporary of Richard Wright and Langston Hughes during his years in Chicago...” but was now “pushing eighty.” He writes about Frank and his "old Black Power dashiki self” giving him advice before he left for Occidental College in 1979 at the age of 18.
This “Frank” is now believed to be Frank Marshall Davis, the black communist writer now treated by some to be in the same category of prominence as Maya Angelou and Alice Walker. In the summer/fall 2003 issue of African American Review, James A. Miller of George Washington University reviews a book by John Edgar Tidwell, a professor at the University of Kansas, about Davis’s career, and notes, “In Davis’s case, his political commitments led him to join the American Communist Party during the middle of World War II—even though he never publicly admitted his Party membership.” Tidwell is an expert on the life and writings of Davis. source: Accuracy In Media

Professor Gerald Horne, a contributing editor of the Communist Party journal Political Affairs, talked about Obama's connection with Davis during a speech last March at the reception of the Communist Party USA. source: archives from the Tamiment Library at New York University.

The remarks were posted online under the headline, “Rethinking the History and Future of the Communist Party.”
Horne, a history professor at the University of Houston, noted that Davis, who moved to Honolulu from Kansas in 1948 “at the suggestion of his good friend Paul Robeson,” came into contact with Barack Obama and his family and became the young man’s mentor, influencing Obama’s sense of identity and career moves. Robeson, of course, was the well-known black actor and singer who served as a member of the CPUSA and apologist for the old Soviet Union. Davis had known Robeson from his time in Chicago.

It was in Chicago that Obama became a “community organizer” and came into contact with more far-left political forces, including the Democratic Socialists of America, which maintains close ties to European socialist groups and parties through the Socialist International (SI), and two former members of the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), William Ayers and Carl Davidson.
The SDS laid siege to college campuses across America in the 1960s, mostly in order to protest the Vietnam War, and started the "terrorist" Weather Underground organization. Ayers was a member of the group and turned himself in to authorities in 1981. He is now a college professor and served with Obama on the board of the Woods Fund of Chicago.
Davidson is now a figure in the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism (CCDS), an offshoot of the old Moscow-controlled CPUSA, and helped organize the 2002 rally where Obama came out against the Iraq war.

Obama writes in Dreams From My Father that he saw “Frank” only a few days before he left Hawaii for college, and that Davis seemed just as radical as ever. Davis called college “An advanced degree in compromise” and warned Obama not to forget his “people” and not to “start believing what they tell you about equal opportunity and the American way and all that s**t.” Davis also complained about foot problems, the result of “trying to force African feet into European shoes,” Obama wrote.

Guilt by association is a bad way to judge a person. But Obama's record in the few short years he has been in the US Senate illustrate that he voted the most liberal of all the Senators! His platform is full of socialist programs, and he has failed to repudiate, the few times it has been brought up, his consorting with known Marxists. You be the judge!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Naomi Wolf, the San Francisco born , Yale educated, Oxford attendee feminist is the author of five feminist bent books. She is a bright star in the cosmos of feminism, and writes articles for the Huffington Post.
This left wing rag, is owned and bankrolled by accused plagiarist, and one time wife of aspiring U.S.Senatorial millionaire Michael Huffington, who lost to Diane Fienstine in 1994.

Arianna Huffington (born Arianna Stassinopoulos on July 15, 1950 in Greece),is an on and off liberal(now full bore on), who called herself a Republican when her "ex" ran for the US House successfully, but changed back to her liberal roots after her divorce in 1997.With the millions she garnered from her divorce settlement she has hit the book, radio, television and blog circuit's.

Now the two of them, with a cuvy of other feminists, have jumped on the Obama band wagon with both feet! Ms. Noami made her commitment because she believes Obama will dismantle all of President Bush's Home Land Security, and the John Warner Defense Authorization Act of 2007. This she states will, she assumes, prevent America from becoming a fascist state. Apparently she is not the least bit worried that we might become socialized or even communist as you will see from an excerpt from one of her books. Her only concerns other than feminism are that we don't follow the paths of Hitler or Mussolini. In her book she writes the following:

"From Hitler to Pinochet and beyond, history shows there are certain steps that any would-be dictator must take to destroy constitutional freedoms". And, argues Naomi Wolf, George Bush and his administration seem to be taking them all!

If that were not enough to alert you to the kind of people who are supporting Obama for President note this.
"Lawyers for Gitmo detainees endorse Obama," read a recent headline on the Boston Globe's political blog. In the article, reporter Charlie Savage notes that "More than 80 volunteer lawyers for Guantanamo Bay detainees today endorsed Illinois Senator Barack Obama's presidential bid. The attorneys said in a joint statement that they believed Obama was the best choice to roll back the Bush-Cheney administration's detention policies in the war on terrorism and thereby to 'restore the rule of law, demonstrate our commitment to human rights, and repair our reputation in the world community.'"
The lawyers who signed this letter applauded Obama for having stood up in 2006 against aspects of the Military Commissions Act. Unfortunately, his fight was ultimately unsuccessful( thank God) -- which is why we are all still in danger. But unlike other candidates he truly fought and he understood the nature of the danger: "When we were walking the halls of the Capitol trying to win over enough Senators to beat back the Administration's bill, Senator Obama made his key staffers and even his offices available to help us," the lawyers wrote. "Senator Obama worked with us to count the votes, and he personally lobbied colleagues who worried about the political ramifications of voting to preserve habeas corpus for the men held at Guantanamo. He has understood that our strength as a nation stems from our commitment to our core values, and that we are strong enough to protect both our security and those values. Senator Obama demonstrated real leadership then and since, continuing to raise Guantanamo and habeas corpus in his speeches and in the debates."

People like Wolf and the criminal lawyers masquerading as defense lawyers for the "poor" terrorists in Gitmo, believe Bush has created a "gulag" in Guantanamo, Cuba, where detainees are abused, and kept indefinitely without trial. Note there is no concern that these people pose a threat if brought to the U.S. and escaped! Besides, they are not citizens, but suspected terrorists and have no rights under Our Constitution!

Another feminist blogger uses this kind of twisted rational for her endorsement of Obama. "When people ask how I, as a female and a feminist, could support a male candidate when there is an eligible female running for President, I tell them that the whole point of getting past sexism (or racism, or any other –ism) is to get where we could look past gender and elect a candidate based purely on policies and qualification for the job.
And that is exactly the approach that I have taken in choosing my presidential candidate for 2008. Senator Obama has a proven record of bringing parties together across the table to negotiate and take action, rather than allowing lengthy stagnation. At this time, in this country, there is nothing more important to our future than having a leader who has the ability to unite".
"I would not expect any other person or candidate to have exactly the same belief system as my own, but of all the candidates, Senator Obama’s stances are certainly the closest to mine. In particular, I applaud his positions on and plans for women’s policy, health care, and education, and I admire his solid, unwavering stance on the Iraq War"
For those who don't know Obama's stance on women's policy I include his statement of policy. "From the first moment a woman dared to speak that hope - dared to believe that the American Dream was meant for her too - ordinary women have taken on extraordinary odds to give their daughters the chance for something else; for a life more equal, more free, and filled with more opportunity than they ever had. In so many ways we have succeeded, but in so many areas we have much work left to do.” Say What? Nothing but words!
~ Barack Obama, Speech in Washington, DC, 11/10/05

Conservatives and right to life supporters will understand his real position as follows: "I have been a consistent champion of reproductive choice and will make preserving women’s rights under Roe v. Wade a priority as President". He opposes any constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court's decision in that case. He believes in the genocide that is abortion!

This year marks thirty five years since the Supreme Court’s disastrous “Roe v. Wade” decision gave blanket legalization to abortion, and that ruling killed 50 million unborn babies since then. The feminists claim that women have been greatly elevated in society because of Roe vs Wade. However, at this milestone, it is worthwhile to ponder the horrendous consequences they have paid.

With the advent of Roe v. Wade, and the “popularization” of abortion on demand, society notified its "new" members that they too had once been worthless and ultimately “expendable,” and thus the lives they currently live resulted merely from the beneficent whims of those who had the power, and “legal authority” to eradicate them. Euthanasia to follow!

You ask what does this to do with Obama and the feminist backing that you would expect to be behind Hillary?

The feminists feel, I believe, that to further their agenda they need a man who will be beholden to many special interest groups. They must be one of them! They have abandoned Senator Clinton not only because she backed the War in Iraq and Obama did not. But because they don't want Bill Clinton back in the White House as "First Laddy", because he betrayed them with Monica!

But the feminist position on the Iraq war is rapidly changing in the minds of Americans, on a pullout of troops. The Pew Research Center, in a report published two weeks ago without reference to the candidates, found virtually an even split for the first time since 2006: 49 percent saying bring the troops home "as soon as possible" (a notion that both McCain or Clinton could endorse as long as it comes without a completion date); and 47 percent wanting troops to stay on until "the situation stabilizes. That is why I will vote for McCain.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Not since President Roosevelt declared a bank holiday and closed the banks during the depression, has the Federal Reserve of our Government been as active in the private sector, as it has been this past week.

The Bear has been prowling Wall Street for over a year now, and every time the Federal Reserve steps in to help the faltering stock market with a reduction in interest rates, that creates a temporary "bubble", our dollar takes another hit.Today it is at the lowest value compared with the Euro in the Euros history.

The dollar buys less each month, and never mind trying to buy imported goods from Europe. They cost 50 cents a dollar more than they did a few years ago, and the more expensive the item is, the bigger chunk it takes out of your wallet!

But the real crime of the month involves the Federal Government. Actually your tax dollar, not the "earn nothing spend lots" Federal Government, is bailing out a Brokerage House whose bad investment decisions, poor management and greed has left them at the door of bankruptcy. Such is the case of the Bear Stearns bail out. The press reports that it is being bought by Morgan Chase, but unlike you or I, when we buy a business we assume debts and liabilities. Not so in this case!

Morgan Chase gets a free ride on your back. The deal is backed by a "shady deal" cooked up by the Federal Reserve where by the Fed. will "assume" the worthless securities and bad loans to the tune of up to $30 billion. Morgan Stanley gets to pick up 29 million shares of Bear Stearns stock at ten dollars a share. Sounds like a good deal to me! Unless you are an employee or a major stock holder who last month held shares worth 170 dollars.

To help facilitate the deal, the Federal Reserve is taking the extraordinary step of providing as much as $30 billion in financing for Bear Stearns's less-liquid assets, such as mortgage securities that the firm has been unable to sell, in what is believed to be the largest Fed advance on record to a single company. Fed officials wouldn't describe the exact financing terms or assets involved.( you try to get away with such a hidden transaction). But if those assets decline in value, the Fed(aka taxpayer) would bear any loss, not J.P. Morgan. The sale of Bear Stearns and Sunday night's move by the Fed to offer loans to other securities dealers mark the latest historic turns in what has become the most pervasive financial crisis in a generation.

” Bears stocks which were worth $170.00 a share, were going for $2.52 a piece. According to William Smith, portfolio manager of Smith Asset Management and a former Bear employee. “The $10 a share stock price is more than what CEO Jamie Dimon initially offered, and cause a furor.

The all-stock deal, agreed to on March 16, had valued Bear Stearns at $2.52 a share, based on last week's closing price. Dimon and his team yesterday agreed to quadruple the price to $10 a share and negotiated to buy 39.5 percent of the company without a shareholder vote, enhancing chances that the deal will close quickly and helping New York-based JPMorgan retain Bear Stearns employees and clients. But not all employees and clients, as many have already "flew the coop"!

Anything above $2.00 seems better, because the alternative could have been nothing. However, employees and large stock holders just watched their fortunes or "nest egg" vaporize. Bear Stern employees own approximately one-third of the firm’s stock and often received annual bonuses in the form of stock. Bonuses which are now worthless".Source

To add insult to injury, many of Bears’ 14,000 employees are to be laid off. With the collapse of the stock, they are now poor and without a job. Nothing new about the nasty and painful business happening on Wall Street!

Meanwhile CEO Dimon, a protegee of the famous or infamous CEO of Citigroup Sandy Weill, is being haled as a hero on Wall Street because The firm has only taken $3.7 billion in write downs on assets and loan losses, while Citigroup Inc. has had $22.4 billion and Bank of America Corp. $7.9 billion, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

I think the employees and stock holders should be grateful to the hard working taxpayers whose taxes will be used to bail out another failed financial institution as was the case in the sub-prime mortgage business.

Monday, March 24, 2008


There was no mention in the liberal press in the United States about this issue, but an obscure article in the January 31, 2008 issue of the Moscow Times web page tells a frightening story.

The Russian Military Leaders believe there is a real risk that terrorists could lay their hands on weapons of mass destruction in the near or immediate future. To counter this, the alliance "may consider suppressing the enemy with nuclear weapons.

Under the 2000 doctrine, Russia is ready to use nuclear weapons not only in retaliation against a nuclear attack, as was previously the case, but in response to "a large-scale conventional aggression in a situation critical for the national security of the Russian Federation and it's allies!

Though the report is likely to cause controversy in NATO countries, the authors appear to be merely echoing an idea originally broached by Russian Chief of General Staff Yuri Baluyevsky. Speaking at a meeting of the Academy of Military Sciences on January 19, "Gen. Baluyevsky declared that force should be used not only in the course of hostilities, but also to demonstrate the readiness of leaders to uphold their national interests".
"We are not going to attack anyone," he reassured his audience, "but we want all our partners to realize that Russia will use armed force to defend its own and its allies' sovereignty and territorial integrity. It may resort to a pre-emptive nuclear strike in cases specified by its doctrine."

To do this, the leaders of Russia's Armed Forces would have to establish a permanent readiness to re­solve tasks militarily - by offensive ope­rations in an indefinitely vast number of directions. This implies the permanent enhanced combat readiness of all units,world wide without exception. Otherwise the very idea of a pre-emptive strike will not work. "For such a policy to be effec­tive, Russia should be ready to deal this strike from a broad diversity of geographical locations on its own territory, in neutral air space, and on the world's oceans.
If Baluyevsky's words are heeded, Russia will have to equip all their armed services with permanently combat-ready nuclear weapons. It is any body's guess who will use them first"

If you believe the words of General Baluyevsky, you have to wonder what kind of security the USA would have if Russia should revert to the war-like power it was during the cold war, and we had a President who believes we can talk our way through all threats?. Obama is the person to whom I am referring.

For once I agree with Chris Matthews. The following is a quote from the friday Morning Joe show on MSNBC, 3/24/08: MATTHEWS: "I loved the speech by Barack Obama. I -- I get emotional when I watch these -- I mean, he gets to me. I think his statement as an American is extraordinary, it's powerful, and it's so necessary, and I -- I do think it's a Rorschach test for Americans. It's not a race test. It's a test about sensibility. And some of us are amazingly, um, um, taken by that kind of message, and others are not. It's just -- it's in our, uh, DNA, I suppose. Some people are cold to it. They don't like it. People like Rush Limbaugh, people I get along with but they just have a different sensibility. They have a different reaction to, uh, Barack Obama than -- than I do. I just do".
Yes, Mr. Matthews, it is a test, and if the American people select a pacifist over a proven warrior, it will prove Americans have lost their collective minds!


For those of us who are Christians, the last man to walk the face of the Earth trying to unify all men behind His message of hope, love and good was Jesus, and they crucified him!
The present occupant of the Oval Office, President Bush was well known in Texas as a Governor who could get things done by uniting both Democrats and his party , the Republicans in the Texas Legislature. You all know how he has fared in Washington.

Rudyard Kipling wrote in his 1892, "Barrack room ballads: "Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet." Today this is a truism that perfectly describes not only Washington politics, but the condition of Our Country. We have been split in two by those who have because they worked for it, and those who want the government to take care of them from "cradle to grave".

The man who claims not to be a liberal, but a new Progressive speaks eloquently about the disasters of President Bush, and promises to bind the Country together by delivering a platform of increased taxation, massive increases in public welfare including socialized medicine, guaranteed college education for all. Just about everything a Socialist would promise if he were running on the Socialist "ticket".
The International Herald Tribune has the following quote from and interview with Obama. "What I'm certain about is that people are disenchanted with a highly ideological Republican Party that believes tax cuts are the answer to every problem, and lack of regulation and oversight is always going to generate economic growth, and unilateral intervention around the world is the best approach to foreign policy. So there's no doubt the pendulum is swinging."

Since when is taxation a benefit to the working man? It benefits the halt, the lame and the infirm ed. And it should, but it should not be a free ride on the backs of the hard working American, and never was intended to be. When the income tax was instituted by the 16th Amendment to the Constitution in 1913, the tax was 1% on incomes over $3,000!
The withholding tax was begun in 1943 during World War II. Taxation always, since it's inception, has been a way to take money from the "rich" to pay for the non-revenue producing Government.

Anyone who thinks it was better in the old days should consider the 1890s. Tax debates in that pivotal era were bitter and unpleasant. Opponents of the nascent federal income tax -- enacted by Congress in 1894 but overturned the following year by a hostile Supreme Court -- indulged their rhetorical fancies. "In a republic like ours," declared Sen. John Sherman, "where all men are equal, this attempt to array the rich against the poor or the poor against the rich is socialism, communism, devilism." source:Wikapedia

Now comes the savior of modern day, Obama. Friend and confidant of Reverend Wright, George Soros, Ted Kennedy and a liberal rating in the Senate of 97%, promising to "bind the Nations wounds" and make everything right with foreign nations. He is supported by ex-generals, foreign potentates,, the trial lawyers and Black separatists. Yet he wants us to believe that he can unite not only the Congress of the United States, but the division between the radical Left and Conservative Right will be no problem for this new "Healer"!

To achieve the change the country wants, he says, "we need a leader who can finally move beyond the divisive politics of Washington and bring Democrats, independents and Republicans together to get things done."

In the first place I do not believe he and his cohorts give one iota what the Conservatives in this Country think or believe,his voting record proves that point.And finally I believe he is a wolf in "sheep's clothing" for all who believe in freedom and individual rights! If elected his first priority I believe will be to push the "reparations" Bill that is waiting in the hands of the Black caucus in hopes this half Black half White man will be elected President. And some body should be asking his position on the $3 trillion dollar question before he smooth talks himself out of the mess that Tony Rezko and Rev.Wright have put him in!