Saturday, June 02, 2007
Thirty Year Cycle Possible?
In the thirty year period from 1940 to 1970 the world experienced a two decade climate cooling. The result was a conference in Bolder, Colorado on climate change in 1965.
The Climatologists attending, concluded that the world was in "global cooling" period associated with "glaciation". Their conclusion was that the "sun burst cycle" was having an effect on the climate change, and that we humans had little we could do to alter the cycles by changing our living style.
Now 27 years later the world leaders are spending millions of taxpayers dollars having meetings to develop a plan to save the world. Not from the pending "mini-ice age", but from global warming.
Even President Bush has fallen into the trap. He proposed last Thursday that we have a mini-summit here in the address "global Warming". He intends to invite China, Russia, Brazil, India and representative from the European Union.
This world hysteria is not shared by all scientists and pseudo-scientists like Al Gore.
Ten years ago the U.S. Senate voted 95-0 to reject the Kyoto agreement. Those voting for rejection included Senators Boxer,Kerry,and Kennedy! How things have changed!
In 2006 Russian Solar Scientist Khabibulic Abdusamatov predicted a global cooling would commence between 2012 and 2015 similar to the "little ice age". He bases his theory on a 200 year cycle of solar activity. Of course all the alarmists have denounced his prediction.
Another well known scientist William Gray, the developer of the concept of "Seasonal Hurricane Forecasting",also doubts the global warming concept.He is quoted in the DENVER Post as saying this:
"The only inconvenient truth about global warming,is that a genuine debate has never actually taken place. Hundreds of scientists, many of them prominent in the field, agree."
Gray is perhaps the world's foremost hurricane expert. His Tropical Storm Forecast sets the standard. Yet, his criticism of the global warming "hoax" makes him an outcast.
He continues with the following:
"They've been brainwashing us for 20 years," Gray says. "Starting with the nuclear winter and now with the global warming. This scare will also run its course. In 15-20 years, we'll look back and see what a hoax this was."
Gray refers to a 1975 Newsweek article that whipped up a different fear: a coming ice age.
"Climatologists," reads the piece, "are pessimistic that political leaders will take any positive action to compensate for the climatic change. ... The longer the planners delay, the more difficult will they find it to cope with climatic change once the results become grim reality."
My unscientific analysis of this whole debacle is an attempt to get all of in the U.S. to use bicycles as they do in China and Vietnam.
Seriously, a European Environmental Agency reported that even though there has been and increase in the gas tax on a gallon of gas in Europe to approximately $4.00 bringing the cost of gasoline to $6.00. Europe has fallen short of its' global warming goals.
And in the area of lies, more lies and Damn lies! Al Gores book "An Inconvenient Truth" ,predicts a rise in the oceans of 20 feet if global warming isn't stopped. Scientists at the IPCC state that the oceans have risen 8 inches in the last 150 years and will rise at most 7-23 inches in the next century!
The Radical Environmentalists have co-opted our political representatives in Washington with their fear mongering and has caused rational people to think irrationally.
The Marxist-Socialists have switched from their previous militaristic approach to overthrowing this Great Country to the Environmental attack.
They have managed to keep us from drilling for more oil and have blocked the building of any new refineries for the past 37 years.Had they not had such an influence on Congress we could be independent of OPEC today.
Now they want to destroy our productivity and way of life by pushing for draconian restrictions on the use of fossil fuels.
Friday, June 01, 2007
An Alert You Won't Read In Your Paper
The following quote is published today on the internet site The information is from a book about the AlQaeda threat here in the United States. It illustrates why we need to keep the "Patriot Act" and other weapons used by Homeland Security services in force.
For those of you who don't like to read lengthy descriptions of a subject. I will simplify it by saving up front that this radical islamist is believed to be in the U.S. with orders from bin Laden to construct and detonate nuclear devices in several U.S. cities.
The Federal government takes this threat as being serios, and has offered a 5 million dollars reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of this man.
The man in question is Adnan el-Shukrijumah. A native born Saudia Arabian who has been known to live in south Florida, and took flying lessons with some of the 9/11/01 terrorist group that attacked New York.
The following quote is posted on News Max website:
Adnan, 31, was born in Guyana, according to Williams, although the FBI believes he was born in Saudi Arabia. He spent his early years in New York City, where his father, a radical Muslim cleric, was the imam of a Brooklyn mosque known to serve as a recruiting station for al-Qaida.
In 1995, Adnan's family moved to Miramar, Fla., where Adnan's father became spiritual leader of a radical mosque. In Florida Adnan befriended Jose Padilla, who planned to detonate a dirty bomb in Manhattan, and Imran Mandhai, who was convicted of trying to blow up nuclear power plants in Florida.
Between 1996 and 2000, Adnan traveled extensively, spending time in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Trinidad, Tobago and Guyana. He managed to collect passports from a number of countries, and began using at least five aliases.
Adnan also attended flight school in Florida and Oklahoma, along with Mohammad Atta and other 9/11 operatives, and became adept at piloting jets.
In April 2001, Williams disclosed, Adnan spent 10 days in Panama, where he reportedly met with al-Qaida officials to help plan the 9/11 attacks.
After the terrorist strikes, Adnan became a key figure in al-Qaida's plans to escalate its attacks on the U.S. Williams compiled evidence that Osama bin Laden designated him to arrange a simultaneous nuclear attack on seven U.S. cities – New York, Washington, Los Angeles, Houston, Miami, Boston and Las Vegas.
Williams believes Adnan then enrolled at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, site of a five-megawatt nuclear research reactor. Incredibly, Adnan was able to get a job as a guide at the reactor.
"Bit by bit, the al-Qaida operative allegedly managed to pilfer approximately 180 pounds of nuclear material from the university – enough to build several radiological bombs," Williams reports.
Adnan disappeared from the school in October 2003, several days before the nuclear material was reported missing. Alerted about Adnan's plans by a captured high-ranking al-Qaida official, Attorney General John Ashcroft and FBI director Robert Mueller issued a BOLO (be-on-the-lookout) alert for Adnan on March 21, 2004.
In the following months Adnan was spotted in Colorado, Pakistan, Honduras, Belize and Mexico.
In November 2004, another key al-Qaida operative was captured in Pakistan. He told interrogators that the terrorist group had arranged to smuggle nuclear supplies and tactical nuclear weapons into Mexico, then to transport them across the U.S. border with the aid of a Latino street gang. The gang was later identified as Mara Salvatrucha – a group Adnan at met with during his visit to Honduras.
"The gang has some form of presence in virtually every Hispanic community across the United States, and can offer al-Qaida unparalleled infiltration into any city in the country," according to a report from the Jamestown Foundation cited by Williams.
U.S. officials responded to the intelligence and began monitoring all heavy trucks crossing into the U.S. from Mexico, and Mexican officials vowed to keep close watch on flight schools and aviation facilities. Those precautions may have come to late, says Williams, who writes:
"A Piper PA Pawnee crop duster was stolen from Ejido Queretaro near Mexicali on November 1, 2004. The plane's tail number was XBCYP. The thieves, Mexican officials surmised, were either drug dealers or al-Qaida operatives, and clearly one was a highly trained pilot who met the description of Adnan el-Shukrijumah."
The treat is real and don't let any leftist Democrat tell you we can just talk them into stopping their quest to destrot us!
Editor's Note: Get Paul Williams' explosive "The Day of Islam"
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Time For Paul Reveer To Ride Again
Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families, especially those of our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who have died in defense of American liberty while prosecuting the war with Jihadistan.
This prayer becomes more important and appropriate every passing day. With the Congressional Democrats and some "Rinos" paying more attention to groups like "CODE PINK" than they do to giving 100% support to our troops. The future for our patriot troops becomes more grave each day.
The anti-war push is sadly familiar to this blogger who witnessed the loss of the Vietnam war because of opposition at home not because we were loosing on the battle field.
With the fairness doctrine being pushed in Congress again the days of freedom to utter conservative philosophy is threatened more than ever before in the history in our Country.
If we are left with only the Media and papers like the New York Times and Washington Post for our news. The Country will gradually loose any pretense of Conservative ideology and thought.
For example of the Leftist activism that is behind the push to get our troops out of Iraq. You need look no further than Code Pink.
This leftist feminist organisation, dedicated to taking the money away from the troops and spend it on more welfare, was founded in 2001 by radical activist Jodie Evans and Diane Wilson.
The history of these two woman who have managed to spread their organization world wide with 250 active local groups,many located on college campuses.
Jodie Evans a Democrat fund raiser for years, was part of the team that promoted Jerry Brown, and her co-founder is a practicing Wicca.
For those not familiar with the word Wicca. It is a "religion based on feminist belief in witchcraft!
The Wiccans have an estimated 134,000 members in the United States.
For more information go to Wikapedia .com.
These feminists are not satisfied to concentrate on stopping war. They have done other notable things like starting a drive to impeach President Bush, and making a visit with Cindy Sheehan to Venezuela to have a meet with that great defender of freedom Hugo Chavez.
This despot donated one million dollars to Al Qaeda and the Taliban in September of 2001. This donation was given after New York was attacked by Al Qaeda on 9/11!
Thomas Jefferson said: "people get the government they deserve,"
If Americans continue to follow groups like Code Pink we will certainly loose our Republic to the Islamist/ Marxist movement that is funding and advocating policies like those of Code Pink!
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Not to be outdone by the Senate. The House of Representatives has their own version of aid to illegals brewing.
Rp. Ruben Hinojosa(dem. TX.) and Rep. Rick Renzi(Rep. Az.)have introduced HR 1999. This bill if passed would give 10 million dollars to the "radical" LaRaza. This organization based in California ostensibly is to promote education for Hispanic children, but has been very active and successful in defeating any bills aimed at tightening immigration laws with their influence in Congress.
The bill includes the provision that the money will go directly to LaRaza for their distribution for the development of community housing, affordable housing for low and middle income Hispanic families.
The giving of Federal monies directly only helps to legitimize LaRaza and cement their power and influence within the immigrant population.
The are closely affiliated with MEChA. Movemento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan is a radical Hispanic organisation that has included in its' "Manifesto", the reclaiming of the lands of our birth by promoting Hispanic students to dedicate themselves to the struggle of self-determination of the Chicano People.
The following is a quote from the Chapter of MEChA at the University of Chicago:
"Proceeding the Santa Barbara conference in 1969, at Denver, Colorado was the National Chicano Youth Conference that drafted the basic premises for the Chicano and Chicana Movement in El Plan Espiritual de Aztlan (EPEDA). A synopsis of El Plan stipulates: 1) We are Chicanos and Chicanas of Aztl‡n reclaiming the land of out birth (Chicano and Chicana Nation); 2) Aztlan‡n belongs to indigenous people, who are sovereign and not subject to a foreign culture; 3) We are a union of free pueblos forming a bronze nation; 4) Chicano and Chicana nationalism, as the key in mobilization and organization, is the common denominator to bring consensus to the Chicano and Chicana Movement. 5) Cultural values strengthen our identity as La Familia de La Raza; and 6) EPEDA, as a basic plan of Chicano and Chicana liberation, sought the formation of an independent national political party that would represent the sentiments of the Chicano and Chicana community."
Their goal and that of fellow traveler organizations like La Raza is to reclaim the Southwester United States that they claim was taken away from them illegally.
Call me a bigot and an Xenophobe if you must, but I think giving Our tax dollars to these organisations not only violates the Constitutional rights of equal protection under the law. It also defies the Supreme Court decision of 1968 in Jones vs. Alfred H. Mayer case when the Court ruled it was unconstitutional and unlawful to discriminate in public or private housing by race.
These groups sound strangely similar to the American Social Workers Party with their talk bout striving for "economic justice",
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
S.2611 Should Be Called Taxpayers Betrayal Bill
If you get beyond the rhetoric about illegals becoming legals, the need to make 12-20 million illegals documented not undocumented workers. You will discover that the Senate bill S.2611 as proposed is nothing but a "great Robbery" of the American taxpayer.
The source I used to make this charge is the governments "COB" itself.
The 760 page long Amnesty bill is "wolf in sheep's clothing" at the very least!
The Congressional budget office estimates that direct spending by the federal government from 2007 to 2011 will cost between 13 billion dollars and 54 billion dollars. That is a rather large range of costs! But the COB explains the reason for it at the end of their report. They conclude that "many of the effects are unclear, particularly in the effect on the labor market. But they do estimate that he labor market will have to absorb 3.4 million more workers.
I wonder if they assume all 7.6 million others granted amnesty will be added to Our welfare roles?
The report estimates that government mandates that will apply o the new illegal-legals will cost the states and local governments 30 million to 85 million dollars to comply with this law in just the first year.
The verification process that S.2611 mandates for employers who hire the new legal immigrants under provisions of "UMRA" will cost employers at least 128million dollars in "one of the first five years after the bill is passed."
The negative impact on the already overspent social programs is nearly inestimable, but COB estimates that the new"legals" impact on social security, medicaid, Medicare, food stamps, supplemental security income unemployment benefits and student loans will cost 54 billion dollars by 2016!
For all this largess the American taxpayer gets a fourteen mile fence in San Diego County from the pacific ocean to the 14 mile termination. Not much protection, and this blogger believes it is like building a bridge that goes nowhere!
If this betrayal of the American Public passes the Senate there are members of the House like Rep. Ellison who want to add even more burden to the taxpayer by including funding for "job training".
Since most can't speak English there would be additional costs to hire bi-lingual teachers for these "new Legal" citizens.
Rep.Diane Watson (Dem. Ca.) thinks including a mandate that immigrants lean to speak English is unfair.
It is a little known fact that politicians running for political office in Mexico travel to Los Angles, Tucson, Phoenix and Fresno to campaign for votes from the over 22-24 million Mexicans living in the United States.So much for assimilation!
If this dastardly attempt to burden the already over taxed American public becomes law. Every one who votes for it should be voted against the next time they stand for election.
Unlimited immigration has destroyed France and Spain, and is causing problems in England and Germany. If we allow it to happen here we deserve and will get the same fate!
Monday, May 28, 2007
Memorial Day Tribute
Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families, especially those of our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who have died in defense of American liberty while prosecuting the war with Jihadistan.
Today we observe the brave military men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice so we could enjoy the freedoms and liberty we have today.
It is for too many, just another day off work to drink the favorite beverage, stuff ourselves with barbecue and have fun.
Not enough people remember or even try to think what this day represents.
Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, is a day of remembrance for those who have died in our nation's service. There are many stories as to its actual beginnings, with over two dozen cities and towns laying claim to being the birthplace of Memorial Day. There is also evidence that organized women's groups in the South were decorating graves before the end of the Civil War: a hymn published in 1867, "Kneel Where Our Loves are Sleeping" by Nella L. Sweet carried the dedication "To The Ladies of the South who are Decorating the Graves of the Confederate Dead" (Source: Duke University's Historic American Sheet Music, 1850-1920). While Waterloo N.Y. was officially declared the birthplace of Memorial Day by President Lyndon Johnson in May 1966, it's difficult to prove conclusively the origins of the day.
The important fact is that it was a day dedicated to giving honor to those who gave their lives in War.
When I was a child the veterans of foreign wars stood on all street corners in Milwaukee, Wisconsin handing out red paper poppies for donations to military hospitals. This practice has long since been abandoned, but it brings to mind a poem by Moina Michael. In Flanders Fields
"We cherish too, the Poppy red
That grows on fields where valor led,
It seems to signal to the skies
That blood of heroes never dies."
Tragically wars must be fought and men and women in uniform do die. Below is just a small list of the days and wars that we all should thank God we as an individual did not have to die in, as these scared but brave military people did.
Battle of Meuse-Argonne: 26,277 KIA (WWI)
Battle of Gettysburg: 7,058 (Civil War)
Pearl Harbor: 2,403 (12/7/41)
D-Day Invasion of Europe: 2,500 KIA
Total for Battle of Normandy: 9,386 KIA
Okinawa: 7,613 on the island, 4,907 at sea(total KIA 12,520)
Korean War : 36,568 KIA
Vietnam: 58,177 KIA
Iraq: 3,455 to date KIA
As you can see Winston Churchill said it correctly when he uttered these words. "Never have so many owed so much to so few" I would add, We many owe so much to so many who died for our right to enjoy this Memorial day!
Take a minute and say a prayer to whoever you worship to thank these brave souls, or at least take a minute to remember their sacrifice.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Is Bill Richarson The "illegals" Candidate?
Early last week the Governor of New Mexico, Bill Richardson, announced he was officially running for the Democrat party nomination for the office of President of the United States.
The same week the sheriff of the city he presides overin New Mexico, Santa Fe,the sheriff announced that they would be hiring Mexican Nationals for their Capitol police force!
You read it correctly, not legal Mexican Americans, but Mexican citizens.
In this way, the new Mexican (not US) police officers can ensure that illegal immigrants are given the special privileges the anarchistic hordes have decided they deserve. And, New Mexico has begun the secession from the US, in order to no longer have to adhere to its pesky laws.
Considering US Senators and Congressional members’ penchant for flouting any and all US immigration laws, why shouldn't’t individual states begin doing the same? Santa Fe Police Sgt. Marvin Paulk reinforced the “we don’t need no stinkin’ immigration laws” attitude, when he stated: “I know that there are state and federal laws that prohibit hiring officers who aren't U.S. citizens, but I think that we should consider the possibility of changing these rules!"
Why not? Our "Conservative President made sure that a provision placed within the most recent iteration of the Immigration Bill, drafted by Senator Kennedy, was removed. This provision would have required that illegals had to pay back taxes before they were granted their amnesty papers for U.S. citizenship.
The reason the White House gave for his insistence for the removal was it would be too difficult to determine who owed back taxes.?
I guess he forgot about the tens of thousands of public employees who "work" to make sure the rest of us legal 250 million pay the taxes that are due. The strain of 12-20 million more would be too much for these poor over worked public employees!
On this Memorial Day weekend when most Americans remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice to defend and protect Our Constitution. It appears too many of our public officials are making a mockery of their sacrifice. Shame on them!
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