Saturday, May 19, 2007
Don't Believe The Lies!
The American people have been duped into believing,that with our brilliant diplomatic consultation and advice,Iraq and Afghanistan have created democracies offering all their people living under their newly formed governments true freedom to live,work,etc.
This a outright lie which has been purpatrated by our news media and our government.
They(Iraq and Afghanistan)have a"rejection" clause in both their constitutions which states their countries are Islamic countries and no other religion may be praticed other than the religion of Islam.
Not only do the Sunni and Shiite factions of Iraq hate each other while blowing each other's mosques to pieces,and constantly killing each other, they also have been persecuting Jews and Christians at a rapid pace,brutally seizing their property and murdering them mecilessly if they haven't already fled these babarous countries leaving everything behind.
Sadly,few have anyplace to go so you can figure what their fate will be.In Iraq alone Christians since about five years ago have dropped from over 1,000,000 to less than 200,000 as a result of ethnic cleansing aka murder in real language.
There is no recorded number of Jews who suffer the same plight.
The same is true in Afghanistan.These are democracies at their most infamous.Now one more little known fact which has been hidden from the American people is Saudi Arabia,supposedly our ally,has zero tolerance for the practicing of any religious faith other than the Islamic faith.
Iran which also is Arabic has zero tolerance for Christians and Jews as well.A Bible found or a group suspected of Jewish or Christian worship is swiftly punished,usually executed.
Our suspect relationship with our intolerant ally is all about oil, but what about their Arab brethern in Iran .Do we sit idly by and let their Iranian Arab brothers finish their development and use of their atomic weapons?
Meanwhile,our troops,mostly Christian and Jewish,are getting killed to let these Islamists rid their countries of Chritians and Jews.Schizopphrenic and suicidal thinking at best as we merrily accept Jihad on a worldwide basis,wishing it would go away.
I can tell you from friends who are peace loving followers of Islam,this thug run death in Allah's name to the infidels is not about to stop unless we end it militarily once and for all,in our backyards if necessary.You can play with a harmless grass snake but don't play with vipers.
France and Britain created their domestic terrorist threat: By importing hundreds of thousands of unassimilated people under the guise of multicultural love and peace. Almost all vote for the Left.
Socialists are the same all over. They don't believe in the nation-state, and sincerely try to bring about a more perfect world in which nations would not exist. They therefore knock holes in the bottom of our lifeboat, in the belief that they're doing us all a big favor. They're nice saboteurs.
When the French Left imported millions of Muslims, with Gaullist help, they were trying to import Socialist voters who would then be rewarded with welfare benefits. Today we have nightly riots in the French burbs, with thousands of cars being torched by celebrating Muslim teenagers living on welfare. When the British Left decided to important two million Pakistanis straight from the badlands of Peshawar, they knew what they were doing. The cover story was "multiculturalism" but the reality was subversion. In their minds, the new European Union was going to be the model for an international order, just like the Soviet Union used to be. It's exactly the same mindset.
Two million Pakistanis now live permanently in Britain. They vote Labour, and have a elected a floridly anti-Semitic Mayor of London
Christorher Hitchens writes:
"It's impossible to exaggerate how far and how fast this situation has deteriorated. ... I find myself haunted by a challenge that was offered on the BBC by a Muslim activist named Anjem Choudary: a man who has praised the 9/11 murders as "magnificent" and proclaimed that "Britain belongs to Allah." When asked if he might prefer to move to a country which practices Shari'a, he replied: "Who says you own Britain anyway?""
Will the United States follow the Brits to disaster?
It is apparent to this blogger that the UN is about to insulate Islamist terrorists from any spoken or written criticism. The following quote is from the "The Religion Of", and it portends what is coming at us from the United Nations. An Organization more than half filled with people who hate the United States, which should have been moved out of this country years ago.
"The worst form of terrorism. Worse than flying commercial airliners into high-rise office buildings. Worse than beheading preteen Christian girls on their way to school. Worse than launching attacks from civilian areas in order to use retaliatory actions to score propaganda points. And with Ban Ki-Moon(New UN Sec. Gen.) vowing to do the OIC's bidding more zealously than ever, watch for the UN to call for muzzling of all "criticism of Islam," i.e., exploration of the elements of Islam that the jihadists are using to encourage violence. And that will allow the jihadists to operate unhindered.
The intent of CAIR and all other Muslim advocate groups is to close the mouths of people like Steven Emerson, a terrorism expert, who had the following to say in a speech at Cleary University in England this week.
Talking as a part of Cleary University's Livingston Economic Club Speaker Series, Emerson said groups with harmless-sounding names like the Benevolence International Foundation or the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, are really front groups for Islamic fundamentalists and terrorists.
"That's probably the most vexing problem we face," he said.
Speaking of CAIR, Emerson said the group was an "ideological front for terrorists and their apologists. They have defended, championed and rationalized" terrorism.
"If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it is a duck. But it's treated as an innocent group," Emerson said.
He also said," moderate Muslims need to step up and condemn terrorism, but they need more help from the government."
He said," the government should also stop meeting with and legitimizing the front groups he criticized."
"We need to determine and establish a policy: We are not going to meet with groups that believe in violence as part of the way to carry out a political agenda," Emerson said.
He also took some questions from the audience at Genoa Woods Conference Center near Brighton. The first was on the war in Iraq, and whether it has helped or hurt the war on terror.
Emerson said that in the short term, the war has provided a rallying cry for jihadists, although they "never needed an excuse" to hate America.
In the long term, however, "I don't believe the war in Iraq provided any more of an external excuse for jihadists to attack us," he said.
Plus, he added, al-Qaida would quickly fill the vacuum if American troops were withdrawn too soon.
After his speech, Emerson said he has been called a racist in the past, but emphasized that he doesn't generalize about all Muslims.
"I don't assume anybody I meet is a terrorist," he said. He put the blame on radical Muslims for blurring the distinction between mainstream and fundamentalist Islam. He said being suspicious of mainstream Muslim groups versus taking what they say at face value when he suspects they are actually radicals is "the lesser of two evils."
What he is saying is that in this age of Terrorist warfare we must never let down our guard despite all the attacks from the left and propaganda groups for Islamists such as CAIR.
This is a time for vigilance and not for "PC" attitudes. Our nations survival as the last bastion of Democratic individual freedom is certainly in jeopardy from without and within our nation.
And letting 12 million illegals become citizens via amnesty legislation will only exacerbate our problem!
Friday, May 18, 2007
The Congressional Tax Hog
The Democrats have been in a leadership position in Congress less than a year and the "tax hogs" are attacking us already.
The tax cuts which President Bush introduced and the Congress controlled by Republicans passed in 2001 and 2004 will expire in 2008. They will expire because the Democrats want the $3.026.00 that the average taxpayer saved on his yearly tax bill.
They want the money so the Socialists (aka Democrats) want the money to expand their Socialistic programs.
They can't fund the grab for more control of our personal lives without the money!
House Budget Resolution for 2008 passed March 29, 2007, and would increase taxes significantly over the next five years.
According to published research by the Heritage Foundation this will result in an immediate decrease in job growth, except for federal government employment which always grows when Democrats take over. It will reduce personal income, and weaken Our economy.
Since the Democrats have refused to take up the extension of President Bush's tax cuts. They will expire in 2008, and will cost the average American tax payer whose income stays static, 3,026 dollars!
If this wasn't enough pain for the American taxpayer, there is a movement in Congress to repeal the 1998 Internet Tax Freedom Act.
This law was introduced by Congressman Chris Cox and Senator Ron Wyden.
Internet access is a modality that millions of Americans have taken for granted as a tax free source of learning, communication and enjoyment. Not if the Democrats have their way!
The present law forbids taxation by federal state or local governments of internet access, "bit taxes", bandwidth tax, or email tax.
The idea behind the original law, that was supported by both Republicans and Democrats, was to provide affordable Internet Access to all Americans.
House Bill 743 and Senate Bill 156 address the extension of the Internet Tax Freedom Act, and all you people who use the internet should write, call or fax your Congressional representatives to support the law presently on the books.
If the Tax Freedom Act is allowed to expire or is repealed you can expect all state, local and federal government bodies to begin taxing Our Internet.
Politicians make many promises to get elected. The problem is they are always looking for new sources of revenue to pay for the promises. That is if they were not just lying in the first place while tring to get elected as so many do.
Knowlege is power and to be forewarned is to be armed and ready to defend!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Time To Strike Iran With Bunker Busters
The former ambassador to the United Nations from the United States, John Bolton, spoke to the staff of the London Telegraph yesterday.
In his presentation he said it was time to realize that we will be unable to talk Iran into abandoning their quest to produce a nuclear bomb capability.
He revealed that the UN nuclear inspectors had reported that Irans' over 1300 centrifuges have already produced refined uranium that is over the 4% purity needed to produce their stated purpose of developing nuclear power generators, and it will be a year or less until they have the the 84% purity needed to make a nuclear device.
He did not make this up out of "thin cloth". The information he presented was from the head of the IAEA, Mohammed ElBaadei. This man also said that the UN quest to stop Iran from producing enriched uranium had already been "outreached by events". Meaning we are too late, they have already reached that point.
Mr. Bolton went on to say that "Iran with a nuclear weapon could be as dangerous as Adolph Hitler marching into the Rhineland in 1936."
To further exacerbate the problem confronting a concerned Free World. The following was received yesterday from intelligence sources in the Far East and reported byThe Telegraphs' Richard Spencer in Beijing.
"North Korea has used a launch-pad in Iran to test-fire a new long-range missile capable of hitting American bases in the Pacific, according to reports from Japan and South Korea.
The missile, known as a Musudan-type, was shown to the public at a vast military parade in the North Korean capital Pyongyang, according to the reports.
South Korean and American intelligence reports suggest it was then tested not from North Korean soil but from Iran, with which North Korea is known to have close military co-operation.
The missile, which could target the US military on the Pacific island of Guam, was previously unrecorded.
North Korea has a known capacity in short and medium-range missiles, including the Taeopodong-1 which it fired over Japan in 1998 to the alarm of Tokyo and its allies in Washington."
It is time for the Congress of the United States and the President to seriously consider attacking the known Iranian Nuclear facilities with the full force of the Air Force, Navy and Marine planes with Bunker buster bombs. Nukes if necessary.
Radical times require radical and punishing acts. I believe if we dither around much longer we will awake some morning and one of our coastal cities will be gone!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
No Way To Win The Peace In Iraq
The looting and killing of civilians in Iraq should have been stopped by now. After the statue of Saddam fell if the U.S. military had begun immediately to shoot looters on sight and and declared marshal. Law order would have been established.
Carpet bombing the roads from Syria and Iran would have closed the Syrian and Iranian borders to stop foreign terrorist infiltration. The outcry from Europeans and our Media would have arisen immediately. Accusations would follow that we were too brutal and were gunning down poor and hungry people.
But wars involve killing people, and those who won't kill before they are killed will never win at war!
We may have forgotten that one of the reasons for the speed of the American advance and then the sudden rush to stop military operations - as was true in the first Gulf War - was the enormous criticism leveled by the Europeans at the Americans for going to war in the first place, and the constant litany, that began almost immediately, of American abuses involving excessive force. Shooting looters may have restored order, but it also would have been enshrined as an "Abu-Ghraib-like" crime.
The Media would have shown a photo of a dead poor "hungry" Iraqi. It would have been broadcast globally as an unarmed victim of American barbarism.
We can imagine charges of more "Highway of Death" outrage had we bombed concentrations of foreign terrorists pouring in from Iran or from Syria., whom the Media would report were going to "weddings" and "festivals" in Iraq.
Throughout this "Surgical" war, the military has been been between a rock and a hard place. Don't shoot and you are accused of not doing your duty and allowing lawlessness to spread; shoot and you are immediately slandered by Media pundits as a sort of rogue LAPD in camouflage. You may even be made an example of in a Courts Martial filled with "PC" military judges.
We hear only of the deliberately exaggerated reports of "Iraqi civilian losses" - without any explanation that almost all the Iraqi dead are either (1) victims of the terrorists, (2) Iraqi security forces trying to defend the innocent against the terrorists, or (3) the terrorists themselves.
Our efforts to save civilians during the war, left Iraqi civilians of today endangered by the Muslim death squads of both Shiite and Sunni groups.
The same thing happened in Vietnam, on a massive scale, because in that case the U.S. didn't merely pull its punches, it pulled its military forces out entirely. Per Larry Elder
Our withdrawal, however, gave the Vietnamese armies under Ho Chi Minh free rein to overrun South Vietnam - raping, pillaging, plundering, impoverishing, imprisoning, torturing and slaughtering hundreds of thousands of civilians. It also gave the Pol Pot regime an opportunity to wage the greatest genocide since Stalins purge in the USSR. Millions were killed, and the same thing will happen if the Democrats have their way in Iraq.
If Wisconsin Democrats Want Hillary She Must Be A Socialist
It was really no big surprise when the Wisconsin Democrat executive committee endorsed Senator Hillary Clinton for President.
I grew up in Wisconsin and for most of my formative years I lived under the Socialistic regime of Mayor Frank Ziedler(1948-1960). He ran adds in the papers of major Southern cities for laborers to come to Milwaukee where he guaranteed them jobs in his growing "little socialist" city.
The unemployment rate in Milwaukee today is a reflection of that mass migration of Black workers and the loss of industry due to high tax rates in Wisconsin.
In my grade school years I listen often and intently about the man my Dad despised. He previously was one of the founders of the Socialist Party of America.His name was Congressman Andrew J. Biemiller (1942-43 and 1948-49), and he was one of the first Congressman to introduce proposed legislation for "Socialized Medicine".
This Congressman was a dedicated supporter of Henry Wallace for President. Wallace was a Socialist running in the Presidential election against Harry Truman. He also helped to form the Americans For Democratic Action
Milwaukee also had a socialist Mayor named David Hoan in 1932, and had a man who was literally Mister "Progressive, Robert La Follette,Sr., who ran for President as a Progressive in 1924 .
With a leftist history like this, you can readily understand why the Democrats in Wisconsin endorsed a Socialist ideologue like Hillary Clinton.
Fortunately I am not alone in the identification of Senator Clinton as a Socialist.
The following is a quote from todays issue of PATRIOT POST by Tony Blankley.
"Likely (democrat) nominee, Hillary Milhous Clinton is, by prior and now private inclination, an anti-military radical feminist Euro-Socialist come Trotskyite who is masquerading as a pro-military, free market, religious centrist.
She is considered the experienced candidate, although she has had few responsibilities in her life (and no accomplishments) other than to be the put-upon wife of Gov./President William Jefferson Blythe Clinton. But she now speaks easily of “our administration” when referring to the United States government from 1993-2000 (her husband's administration.) I wonder whether Socks the Cat and Buddy the Dog (whereever they are today, God bless them) also meow and bark about “our administration." But the media and the public accept that she is “experienced." I suppose she is, of a sort.
Unloved and off-putting as she is, she will probably get her party's nomination even though its left-leaning party voters reject her public centrism, while she is afraid to publicly utter her private “sinistre” political yearnings -- which policies are exactly what her party regulars want."
I would also like to add that Hillary was part of the "hatchet" team that "cooked" up the impeachment of President Clinton. I guess "what goes around, comes around" is appropriate!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Wars Of Attrition Never Bring Victory
It seems to this blogger that President Bush and his Military Commander in Iraq, General Petraeus are tring to fight a clean surgical war in Iraq.
Even though the Terrorist Islamists are willing to behead those they captured,use Chlorine gas and embedded bombs to kill indiscriminately. We are trying to win using the weakest part of our military arsenal. There are no flame throwers, no tank brigades, no carpet bombings and no mass artillery bombardments on cities that are known hideouts for terrorists.
We are trying to go from house to house rooting out terrorists like we had to do in the caves of Iwo Jima, Tarawa and Okinawa. Where we lost 15,439 troops.
The difference is these valiant men and women in Iraq are doing their jobs with only Humvees, armed personal carriers, rifles and machine guns.
The results are seen on TV and in the Main Stream Press daily. More troops killed every week if not daily, and no end in sight.
To make it worse when the troops get into a fire fight with the enemy, and who can tell who the enemy is when women and children as well as men, are involved in the fighting quite often.If they kill civilians the troops involved are too often subject to court martial.
One such ridiculous event is going on at this very moment involving the investigating team of JAG lawyers who are Marines.
These lawyers were ordered to investigate the killing of 24 civilians during a firefight in Haditha during November 2005.
Apparently this Article 32 hearing, that is the military equivalent of a grand jury, was prompted by Major General Bargewell, when he heard from the "chain of Command":"Iraqi civilian lives are not as important as United States troops lives, and casualties of civilians is just the result of doing business."
I would hope the Commander of our forces values the lives of our troops more than he does the Iraqis. If he doesn't. He should go back to West Point and study a little history.
During WWII the cities of Hamburg and Dresden were fire bombed day and night using explosives bombs first to take of the roof tops of dwellings and then incendiaries to start fire storms that reached 1500 degrees and killed according to the Columbia Encyclopediabetween 35,000 and 135,000 civilians in one night in Hamburg! In March of 1944 we bombed Dresden over 3 days with 7,831 tons of explosive and incendiary bombs to aid the Russian advance on Berlin, and killed over 35,000 civilians!
I am not saying this was a "war crime" or that we should firebomb Iraq. What I am saying is that it is past time when we let "political correctness' and the "mommy attitude" guide our effort to win the war in Iraq.
It is time to quit fighting the terrorists war, and fight our way to Victory.
We can identify cities and town in parts of Iraq where the most terrorist attacks are being perpetrated. Then bomb these places to smithereens! No more house to house rooting out!
Give the Marines back their flame throwers, and use them whenever an enemy if located.
Wars do have casualties. People get killed and it is too bad if civilians get in the way, but it is better than the continuous parade of body bags coming home.
But I digress!! The Article 32 hearing for Captain Randy Stone is a disgrace to the Marine corps, and reeks of Political Correctness. This has no place in the Marine corps., and it tarnishes a glorious heritage for it to even begin. Capt. Stone is the first of four Marine officers to be charged with dereliction of duty for failing to investigate "properly" 24 civilian deaths in Haditha in November 2005. Having reviewed the facts — what you might call his politically correct job as battalion lawyer — Capt. Stone determined no further investigation was warranted. In other words, he came to a politically incorrect conclusion. (So did his superiors, but he's the guy on trial — another story.) Capt. Stone could get three years in prison. Three enlisted Marines are charged with unpremeditated murder. They could get life. At least eight other Marines may have been granted immunity to testify. The whole case exudes the terrible, rotting stench of eating our own.
Described in the heavy-breathing press as "the biggest U.S. criminal case involving civilian deaths in the Iraq war," the incident sounds less like a war crime than, well, a war.
"Here's what happened: A convoy of Marines trolling insurgent-riddled Haditha was hit by a huge IED. A Humvee was destroyed. One Marine was killed (split in two). Two other Marines were wounded (one grievously). There was a lot of shooting at an approaching Iraqi car. There was a lot of shooting at two nearby Iraqi houses where Marines heard, as The New York Times put it, "the distinct metallic sound of an AK-47 being prepared to fire." As one Marine witness explained, "the squad leader thought he was about to kick in the door and walk into a machine gun." In the end, no additional Marines had died, but 24 Iraqi civilians, including some children, had been killed."
The preceding is an excerpt from "Diana Wests' Blog".
We should support our troops as we did in WWII even if casualties occur, as long as they are not lined up against a wall and shot.
Stop the political correctness. This is war not a playground game where nobody gets hurt!
Monday, May 14, 2007
Democrat Front Runners For '08 Are Socialists
In my previous blog posting I described what I believe Senator H.Clinton has put forward in her plans for her administration if she, only heaven can help us if she does, makes it to the Oval Office. The plans she has outlined could well have been drawn up by Lenin and Trotsky.
Now we have her closest competitor Senator Obama proposing more of the same socialistic programs.
In a speech over the weekend he had the following to say:
"I call for improving fuel efficiency. My plan is for the government to pay ten percent of domestic automakers’ health care costs for retired workers, allowing them to put that money into research and development of more fuel-efficient vehicles."
Other tax incentives Obama proposed would allow for recalibrating factories to produce more hybrid vehicles. The price tag for such a program would run $20 billion over ten years.
This proposal departs from Obama’s earlier promotion of coal-to-liquid technology, which runs afoul of environmentalists because of the high level of carbon dioxide resulting from the conversion of coal to liquid fuel. Rather than support the pursuit of new fuel technologies, Obama has decided to play it safe with his liberal supporters by offering yet another government cure-all instead of letting market forces drive innovation.
While the Senator proposes more government involvement in private enterprise to court Union voters, the President is attempting to get some traction in Congress for the drilling for oil off shore and in ANWAR wilderness to develop independence from the increasingly hostile Middle East and Venezuela.
He addressed tho oil independence yesterday and again today during a televised press conference:
President Bush introduced a plan that would expand drilling to include the Gulf of Mexico, as well as the coasts of Alaska and Virginia. Predictably, environmentalists will fight this every step of the way, but realistic folks who want true energy independence will have a tough time saying no to 86 billion barrels of oil and 420 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.
The President talks of expanding our economic independence, and both Hillary and Obama talk of ever increasing socialistic programs that will eventually destroy our Free Enterprise Private Sector by increasing government programs that require more government employees and more tax dollars if voters don't stop them at the polls in 2008!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Hillary Is The Socialist Candidate For Certain
As far as this blogger is concerned. Senator Hillary Clinton came out of the closet yesterday, and declared herself as a Socialist.
At a Democrat fund raising dinner in Columbus, Ohio she proclaimed that if elected she will see that we get universal health care, withdrawal of the troops from Iraq immediately, appropriate funds for alternative sources of energy and hire MORE government employees who are qualified people.
What she means by qualified is a conundrum. Does she mean the government that is presently overloaded with over paid and richly covered with benefits are presently incompetent? If she means that I would agree with her.
What she really means, I believe, is she will hire more leftist leaning people to enlarge the democrat voting block that already exists in Washington. If this isn't socialism I am from another planet!
Earlier in the day she gave a commencement address at an all Black University in South Carolina. She promised the graduates of Claflin University that if she is elected she will push for legislation that includes"a student bill of rights". No such right exists in the Constitution, but that hasn't stopped the leftists in Congress and the Supreme Court from establishing new "rights" at will.
This student bill of rights will mandate that student loans be contracted taking into consideration the students ability to pay back the loan, and will be based upon a percentage of the students income. This will by law keep fees and interest rates "reasonable" per Hillary.
The first thing that comes to my mind is who will pay the difference. The "Big Bad" Lenders as Hillary would have you believe won't be able to absorb the loss such a program mandates. It is you and I the hard working taxpayer who will have to "pony-up" the tax dollars to cover all her promised socialism!
This Country will travel down the same road to insolvency as has most of Europe if this woman gets into the Oval Office. God help the middle class if she does!
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