'The real destroyer of the liberties of the people is he who spreads among them bounties, donations and benefits.' The Founding Fathers knew a government can't control the economy without controlling people. And they knew when a government sets out to do that, it must use force and coercion to achieve its purpose. So we have come to a time for choosing." --Ronald Reagan
It is my prayer that the nation that was founded by pilgrims seeking a place to freely practice their religion will return to belief in the Almighty, and the sanctity of life! Life is a precious gift from God, and it begins not when we are born, but at the moment of conception. It does not end until the end of our "natural" lives. This is the truth as understood by anyone who has seen a sonogram of a baby in the womb with a beating heart at one month of gestation!
My prayer is for peace among all nations and the fellowship of all men and women. Not the division we have today between the races and religions that believe they must convert or kill all who don't believe their faith.
I pray the peace activists, who claim that we are fighting in Iraq because of oil, will join me and others who know we can be independent of the Arabs and their oil. If only the Congress allows the drilling of ANWAR, off shore as the Chinese are now preparing to do, and the drilling in the oil shale rich Dakotas. Allowing the first oil refinery to be built since the 1960's would help also.
If we really want peace on this earth, I pray we allow the spirit of the Almighty to enter our lives, and turn away from the secular culture that includes hedonism, narcissism and self love with no concern for our neighbor.
I pray that feminists realize that their freedom of choice is not a freedom at all, but a license to kill an unborn person in what should be the safest place in the world. A woman's womb!
I pray that Americans wake up and realize that the decimation of food grains for more profit in the bio-fuel industry will, if not stopped, cause famine and death around the world.
I pray that men and women of the "cloth" will realize that the pulpit is a place to preach love for your neighbor, not hate for America and people of a different skin color.
I pray for the conversion of Communist China and Communist North Korea with the restoration of human rights.
I pray that those of the Muslim faith, who are "moderates", publicly condemn the violence caused by the terrorist element of their faith, so the rift between Muslims, Christians and Jews can be healed. And a trusting relationship begun.