Friday, May 02, 2008


Since the time of the Presidency of John Adams, the second President of the new America, and the first vice- President under the administration of George Washington. We have evolved in the succeeding 232 years to the point where too many people believe character and belief in religious principles mean nothing.

In John Adams days he said: "The people have a right, an indisputable, inalienable, indefeasible, divine right to that most dreaded and envied kind of knowledge -- I mean of the character and conduct of their rulers."

He believed that knowledge of moral principles and a veneration and respect for the religion of the people who profess and call themselves Christians was among the best recommendations for public service. source: Wikapedia

Fast forward to 2008 and you have two Democrats running for President who apparently don't hold to one of the fundamental principals of leadership. Be truthful, say what you mean and mean what you say.

Hillary Clinton has been exposed for lying about her experiences and dealings so many times that I will not bother to write about her.

But Obama is a different story. This man of "Change" is either the worst of liars or the epitome of a man without integrity, as the Obama/Wright drama has shown us. He said recently in a speech in North Carolina, that "the Reverend Wright issue is a distraction". Time magazine even had a columnist write that "character is a distraction"!

Obama either believes what his Pastor of twenty years, and spiritual mentor, has professed, and is lying when he says he never heard or believed what Rev. Wright said about God D##N America and the KKK of America. Or he is a man who shows lack of integrity by turning his back on the man who married him and his wife, baptised his children and was recipient of many Obama cash donations. By 'dumping his mentor of 20 years for political expediency, if he really believes what Wright professes. Obama has shown a lack of integrity necessary to sit in the Oval Office with the "Red Button".!
After eight years of scandals and lies of the Clinton Administration, I believe Americans have become accustomed to the fact that our leaders lie. This is furthered by the media's fixation for the past nine years of the alleged lies of President Bush.
WE have let our attention slide away from the character of our leaders to a position of " what can he/she do for me". The knowledge that our elected representatives are liars, but he/she is our liar and, "brings home the bacon"has become the prime motivator in elections it appears.

Thursday, May 01, 2008


Despite the leftist politics and revisionist agenda, Religion has survived in the USA, because a majority of Americans believe there is an Almighty. The pilgrims did not cross the Atlantic Ocean in wooden boats to get away from religion. They came to America to be able to practice the religion of their choice. Not the Kings choice of religion.

The Mayflower sailed from Plymouth, England, September 16 with 101 passengers and a crew of 58. Several babies were born en route. The travelers' first glimpse of the New World was on November 19, near the tip of Cape Cod. The ship landed on the day after Christmas in 1620. The one hundred plus women, children and men were fleeing from persecution for practicing a religion other than the Kings religion!

Today we face a growing situation that seeks to erase all semblance of religion from all but our private lives. The lopsided interpretation of Freedom of Religion has been interpreted as Freedom from Religion by the secularist judiciary and too many elected politicians.If we follow that path, it will not be long before we are a pagan society.

It is well to remember that President Ronald Reagan declared May 1st as the National Day of Prayer on 6 May 1982.

President Reagan offered these words: “Today, prayer is still a powerful force in America, and our faith in God is a mighty source of strength. Our Pledge of Allegiance states that we are ‘one nation under God,’ and our currency bears the motto, ‘In God We Trust.’ The morality and values such faith implies are deeply embedded in our national character. Our country embraces those principles by design, and we abandon them at our peril. Yet in recent years, well-meaning Americans in the name of freedom have taken freedom away. For the sake of religious tolerance, they’ve forbidden religious practice in the classrooms. The law of this land has effectively removed prayer from our classrooms. How can we hope to retain our freedom through the generations if we fail to teach our young that our liberty springs from an abiding faith in our Creator?” source: The Patriot Post

It is my prayer that the nation that was founded by pilgrims seeking a place to freely practice their religion will return to belief in the Almighty, and the sanctity of life! Life is a precious gift from God, and it begins not when we are born, but at the moment of conception. It does not end until the end of our "natural" lives. This is the truth as understood by anyone who has seen a sonogram of a baby in the womb with a beating heart at one month of gestation!

My prayer is for peace among all nations and the fellowship of all men and women. Not the division we have today between the races and religions that believe they must convert or kill all who don't believe their faith.

I pray the peace activists, who claim that we are fighting in Iraq because of oil, will join me and others who know we can be independent of the Arabs and their oil. If only the Congress allows the drilling of ANWAR, off shore as the Chinese are now preparing to do, and the drilling in the oil shale rich Dakotas. Allowing the first oil refinery to be built since the 1960's would help also.

If we really want peace on this earth, I pray we allow the spirit of the Almighty to enter our lives, and turn away from the secular culture that includes hedonism, narcissism and self love with no concern for our neighbor.

I pray that feminists realize that their freedom of choice is not a freedom at all, but a license to kill an unborn person in what should be the safest place in the world. A woman's womb!

I pray that Americans wake up and realize that the decimation of food grains for more profit in the bio-fuel industry will, if not stopped, cause famine and death around the world.

I pray that men and women of the "cloth" will realize that the pulpit is a place to preach love for your neighbor, not hate for America and people of a different skin color.

I pray for the conversion of Communist China and Communist North Korea with the restoration of human rights.

I pray that those of the Muslim faith, who are "moderates", publicly condemn the violence caused by the terrorist element of their faith, so the rift between Muslims, Christians and Jews can be healed. And a trusting relationship begun.

I pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families, especially those of our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who have died in defense of American liberty while prosecuting the war with Jihadistan. And I pray that a lasting peace can be established between the Iranians, Palestinians and Israel, before the world erupts in a nuclear holocaust!


Wednesday, April 30, 2008


At the same time that the Jerusalem Post announced that feminist Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb and 21 other feminist peace activists were embarking on a trip to Iran to"dialog" with the Iranians. The Bush administration was making the following dictum as reported today in the New Media Journal by Mark Silvaberg.

"The Bush administration has launched a new “outreach” policy reflecting it’s reluctance to discuss jihadism in public. This time, it has targeted language. We are no longer at war with “jihadism”. Rather, we are engaged in a war against “extremism”.

"In a document titled: "Words that Work and Words that Don't: A Guide for Counterterrorism Communication” released in March 2008, Federal agencies including the State Department, the Department of Homeland Security and the National Counter Terrorism Center will now be issued instructions on how not to describe "jihadists”, or the "mujahedeen", or to use any references relating to Islam, Islamic theology or Muslims in the context of our current war. Nor are these the only words to be struck from the government’s political lexicon. Words and phrases like “al Qaeda movement”, “Salafi”, “Wahhabist”, “Sufi”, “ummah” (the Muslim world), “Islamic terrorist”, “Islamist”, “holy warrior” and even “caliphate” are also to be removed from diplomatic discourse".

"The erroneous rationale given is that these terms promote support for “extremism” among Arab and Muslim audiences by providing religious credibility to “extremists” while offending moderate Muslims. The directive states that the term “jihad” tends to “glamorize terrorism, imbues terrorists with religious authority they do not have and damages relations with Muslims around the world". The memo says the advice is not binding and does not apply to official policy papers, but should be used as a guide for conversations with Muslims and media"

The government might as well tell us that the New Testament of the Bible should never be used in public, because it might offend the Jewish people.

The truth is what it is, and you can never gloss over evil by eliminating speaking about it. All you do then is discard the truth for the darkness of lies! It may be politically correct, but it doesn't change the fact that the evil described in the now banned words and phrases is real.

While we try to hide the threat from Jihdists. People like the "Rabbi" turned peace activist, Lynn Gottlieb is taking her band of radical feminists to Iran in response to Senator Clinton's statement last week that "if Iran attacks Israel we will obliterate Iran"!

This former Rabbi( since age 23 in 1973) now leader of a Southern California group called The Jewish Renewal Movement, and founder of the "Bat Kol" Jewish feminist theater troupe, and the co-founder of the Jewish Peace Walk, believes that their dialogue will help relieve the tension between Iranians and the USA.

I guess she forgot that the president of Iran has denied the existence of the Holocaust, and has vowed to obliterate Israel!

This radical feminist wrote a book titled, "She Who Dwells Within" in 1995 in which she makes her case that The Holy Ghost is a women!. She states that "RAUCH" is a female, and the third person of the Christian Trinity of God. And "HAVA" she sees as a woman!

This women refers to the Israeli State as the "brutal state", and calls the United States Justice System, "the criminal injustice system"!
Not exactly the kind of person the Jewish or Christian community would want to represent us, much less see her traveling to Iran on a State Department issued visa!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

CIRCUMSTANCES DICTATE THE END OF BUSING "Black children and yellow school buses long have been inextricably linked in the history of education in America. It started with the historic 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision that allowed for school desegregation in cities like Milwaukee. That led to widespread busing movements that allowed black students to attend classes outside their neighborhoods at predominantly white schools.
A decision by the Milwaukee School Board last week to drastically reduce the amount of busing in the district will alter a fundamental relationship that has existed in this city for generations of students. But what the Milwaukee School Board did was not a statement about the racial makeup of the city's public schools, many of which are predominantly African-American. School Board member Michael Bonds, the architect of the plan, says busing isn't about desegregation anymore."When the district is 88% minority, it's not about race," Bonds told me. "It's about the fact we've spent $57 million on a failed policy."
MPS provides busing for 55,000 students a day at a cost of $57 million annually, according to reports. Bonds figures that kind of money could be better used in a school system that graduates less than half of its students. Specifically, he thinks the $20 million his proposal will save could be used to strengthen neighborhood schools, including re-opening several north side schools and providing art and music programs in those areas.For Bonds, it's a radical move, but one that demands MPS start to use its resources more wisely.
He has studied the issue and found MPS has closed schools in neighborhoods where choice and charter schools were flourishing".
The above quote is from the Milwaukee Journal and could well apply to any major city in the USA. With the cost of fuel going up every day and the Ecologists crying for reduction of the carbon emissions. There is no doubt that if Americans voted to end the use of Buses for all but rural areas we would save a very lot of fosil fuel in the form of diesel and gasoline.WE also would reduce the amount of N2O in the air. A bi-product of diesel fuel burning in the many thousand buses used in America.
The so called "soccer moms" would have to drive Seth and Janet to school instead of going to the spa, but then it is about time Moms and Dads took more responsibility for their children!

Monday, April 28, 2008


The death of any young man is a terrible thing, and justice is sometimes more blind than it is depicted to be. But, there is no reason for anyone, much less a man who professes to be a man of the cloth to publicly claim that "he will shut down the City".

Al Sharpton did that yesterday while inciting a crowd to of 250 Black Harlem residents to march against the verdict of a judge who accuited the 3 police officers who shot a Black man outside a strip club.Two of the three officers were Black!.
"We strategically know how to stop the city so people stand still and realize that you do not have the right to shoot down unarmed, innocent civilians," Sharpton told an overflow crowd of several hundred people at his National Action Network office in the historically black Manhattan neighborhood. "This city is going to deal with the blood of Sean Bell."The rally at Sharpton's office was followed by a 20-block march down Malcolm X Boulevard and then across 125th Street, Harlem's main business thoroughfare, where some bystanders yelled out "Kill the police!"
Sharpton urged people to return for a meeting this coming week "to plan the day that we will close this city down" with the kind of "massive civil disobedience" once led by Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.Sharpton exorted people to return for a meeting this coming week "to plan the day that we will close this city down" with the kind of "massive civil disobedience" once led by Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.His protests will demonstrate all over the city, from Wall Street to the home of Justice Arthur Cooperman, who on Friday acquitted the three detectives after a nonjury trial.
First of all. Sharpton is a racist, headline grabbing man, who in no way represents Martin Luther King! Reverend King accomplished thing by non-violent civil disobdience with his marches and speeches urging people to do what is right. Sharpton is inciting to riot by his inflamatory headline grabbing grendstanding!
This can only result in a confrontation with the law and possible violence that could include many injuries and even more deaths. Not to mention the propery damage that can result when people are sturred up to a frenzy state.Mayor Blomberg should nip this in the bud before New York has a riot on it's hands that will further antogonize both the police and the Black community. A divide that appears to be rather wide!