Saturday, October 06, 2007
Friday, October 05, 2007
…Macbeth claimed to have been shot in Iraq and to have suffered post-traumatic stress disorder, LaMont E. Stokes, an agent with the VA’s Office of the Inspector General, wrote in the charging papers. He collected more than $10,400 in benefits to which he was not entitled, Stokes wrote.
Stokes said he interviewed Macbeth in the Pierce County Jail in Tacoma, where he has been serving a sentence for fourth-degree assault, and that Macbeth admitted falsifying the documents because he was homeless and wanted to “sucker” anything he could out of the government."
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Leaders of the Harry Truman, John F. Kennedy and Zell Miller mold are no longer allowed in the increasingly fanatical Democrat Party. It is now firmly (with no hope of changing back to any semblance of normalcy) become the US political party of socialists, communists, radicals of various persuasions and even Islamist terrorists. As an example, on 7 September Al-Qaeda terrorist leader Osama bin-Laden criticized Democrats for not doing more to stop the Iraq war so that they [al-Qaeda] could take over that country. In 2006, bin-Laden urged—even threatened—American to vote for Democrats."
This preceding quote is taken from "The New Media Journal U.S.", and it illustrates a n accurate reason why it may be time for Americans to Abandon the old Party names Democrat and Republican and now call them either Conservatives or Socialists!
The front runner for the Democrat nominee for President talks like a Socialist with her radical feminist views and plan to socialize our medical care. The other Democrats and too many "RINOS" in the Republican party, consistently vote for more and more government. They should be part of the new Socialist party as well as the Demoncrats of today.
The days of Kennedy and Zell Miller Democrats have long gone and they are replaced by the "it takes a village" feminists , anti-religion secularists, political correct freaks , environmental (aka old Communists) controllers, and anti- military get out of Iraq ilk.
The following quote is another excerpt from the Socialist Party of America web page: " Socialism is not mere government ownership, a welfare state, or a repressive bureaucracy. Socialism is a new social and economic order in which workers and consumers control production and community residents control their neighborhoods, homes, and schools. The production of Society is used for the benefit of all humanity, not for the private profit of a few. Socialism produces a constantly renewed future by not plundering the resources of the earth." Sounds pretty much like what Obama and Hillary and her challengers in the Democrat primaries are saying on the campaign trail.
We have to stop deluding ourselves that there is a common ground that can be reached between those who control the Democrat Party and the Conservatives of the United States. There is an ideological war going on, and the there can be no option to surrender!
We are in a battle for the very survival of the Republic that our Founding Fathers left to us. Most of the control, if not all, has been taken over in the Democrat Party by the George Soros funded Move group. If you don't believe me, here is aquote from Eli Pariser of in 2004 at the Democrat Convention: "Now it is our Party. We bought it, we own it, and we’re going to take it back!”
They have the money and they call the shots, and they are not pushing Democratic reforms. They want an International Socialist system of Government similar to what you would find in Europe. That way the "One World" proponents will accomplish their goals, which are similar to the goals of The Socialist Workers party.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
The National Health Scam
The latest version of the Democrat give away plan for votes involves the subject of health Care Coverage for all. By some strange miraculous occurrence, health care has become in the minds of too many Americans a Constitutional if not God given right. To garner more votes and continue the secular socialization of the United States the main plank other than the partially broken one about troop withdrawal from Iraq, is Universal Health Care,and it is just another scam!
The following quote from the Heritage Foundation should shed some light on the latest socialized proposal.
"According to the federal government, thousands of American families are both poor and high-income—simultaneously. These families are considered poor enough to be eligible for the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) program, but under the tax code, they are considered wealthy and so forced to pay the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT). Their ranks may grow if Congress moves forward with plans to expand SCHIP eligibility to wealthier families. The unlikely convergence of these two programs shows how the best intentions of Congress can go astray and result in conflicting priorities. Instead of making this problem worse by expanding SCHIP, Congress should keep SCHIP focused on low-income families and extend the "hold harmless" provision of the AMT" .
SCHIP is a government-funded health insurance originally designed to cover low-income children. Now, however, Democrats want to expand the role of the central government and the size of the SCHIP program dramatically. For instance, they want to increase the income level of those eligible from poverty rates ($16,000 annual income for a family of three, $20,000 for a family of four) to more than double their current levels. Under the Democrat proposal, many families making as much as $80,000 a year would be eligible for this subsidy, meaning that even if they currently have and are able to pay for private health care insurance, they could transfer their coverage to the SCHIP program and essentially have the American taxpayers pay for their health insurance, even though they are well able to themselves.
If this isn't Socialism I am a Martian. Do Most Americans want to go down that path? All you have to do is look at the mess caused by Socialism in Germany, France and England to realize that a free enterprise democratic society like ours is intended to be is the only way to prosper. Yes, we must provide health care for the lame, the blind and the halt as well as the really poor. But we don't have to provide health care coverage to people whose wants are confused with their needs! Too many people want cigarettes and liquor and all other pleasurable wants including that second car, but have no money left to pay for insurance. Must we provide it to those whose ability to pay is compromised by their screwed up priorities? I think not!
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Recent history has shown that not only billionaires like George Soros and Warren Buffett, and millionaires in Hollywood, but not often reported is the $100,000 contributions from the "seamy side" of life.
James Ready, Hong Kong long time associate of the Clintons, $100,000 gift to James McDougal shortly after visiting the Clinton White House in August of 1994, the large cah donation from the Pau family of Daley City, Ca,(a shop keeper), the $850,000 that Hillary had to give back to federal indicted Mr.Norman Hsu, and the 1.2 million dollars Hillary received from a Hollywood Gala in 2000. This "gala" fundraiser for Hillary's Senate campaign is part of a lawsuit filed by the organizer and person who paid for this event, Peter Franklin Paul(convicted felon who was released from federal prison in 1985) for $17 million dollars. His suit alleges the Clinton's defrauded him, and there are charges that the junior Senator from New York committed felonies related to this Hollywood fund raising event. This case is in the hands of a judge appointed by Democratic ex-Governor Gray Davis, so don't expect a ruling or any action until after the 2008 election.
If these are mentioned or printed, they are referred to as attempts by right wing radicals out to hurt the Clinton's. Much like the Whitewater scandal that occupied the Courts and special prosecutor from 1979 to 1997.
In the years of Whitewater, a poll showed that 60% of Americans believed the Clintons were hiding something! I am sure of it!
Monday, October 01, 2007
The Founding Fathers deliberately avoided establishing a national Religion, but would be appalled at the idea that Government could dictate to a religious organization that they must violate their beliefs to supply a benefit to employees that is decided by Government not the Religious group that by the way is also paying for the benefit.
While the Supreme Court is attacking the Constitutional rights of Church organizations. The attack on The basic principals upon which this once great Country was founded continues on the local level.
A decision by a school district in southern Illinois has decide to eliminate the celebrations of Christmas and Halloween in four grade schools and a junior high because of a complaint lodged by a Muslim mother. The school district has a 30% Arab population.
Christmas and Easter are sacred days to all Christians. The elimination of Christmas, and replacing it with a "winter fest" is a disgrace. It is a blow against the majority population in the United States, and a perfect example of the slide to the atheist-anti-religion stance of the secular left in America.