Saturday, October 27, 2007


Thr Presidntial race on the Democrat side appears to be locked up by Senator Hillary Clinton, I don't believe the scandal involving Hillary and Ron Paul will have much effect on her nomination. It may have an effect on the general election.
Hillary Clinton has repeatedly shown her Socialist inclination, but the following quote from her illustrates her position very clearly. Hillary Clinton:
"Many of you are well enough off that ... the tax cuts may have helped you," Clinton said, according to the Associated Press. "We're saying that for America to get back on track, we're probably going to cut that short and not give it to you...We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."
The "common good" has been used as the excuse used by despots to take away individual rights, and redistribute the wealth for many years.
The Democrats in Congress are making a move to expand the Socialization of American health system by pushing the expansion of the SCHIP law,S-CHIP bill (H.R. 976),
This politically motivated bill advances a government run health care system by arbitrarily spending $35 billion over the next five years to expand a social program originally targeted at poor children to now include children and adults in families making over $100,000 a year and people who already possess private health care insurance.
In consequence, over 2 million people will be crowded out of their existing private health insurance and ensnared in this social welfare program.
Moreover, despite pretending otherwise, this bill ensures many of these new enrollees will also be illegal immigrants, who need only show a valid driver's license to join.
Some states, most recently New York, a person need not prove citizenship to receive a driver's license.
Compounding these problems, the bill refuses to prioritize federal spending and, instead, imposes a regressive tax disproportionately impacting the poor. Even with the new tax hike, the new S-CHIP program is unsustainable beyond 2013 and, thus, is fiscally irresponsible. This insult to the taxpayers is exacerbated when one takes into account the Democrats' Budget Resolution's promise of massive personal tax increases, many of which will be earmarked to fund S-CHIP or worse in future years. (source for this is Congressman T. McCotter of the House Republican Policy Committee)

Friday, October 26, 2007


Even though the media darlings Hillary and Obama seemed destined to capture the democrat nomination there still is a lot of uncertainty as to whom the Republicans will nominate to run against either one in 2008.

Personally I don't care who the Republicans nominate as long as he/she can pledge that the EITC law won't be signed into law if it is passed by Congress. No one could do as much damage to the U.S. economy as a Democrat in the White House and Congressman Charles Rangel as head of the Ways and Means Committee.

Mr. Rangel has proposed a sweeping change to the tax code which he claims will give relief to working Americans. But people who know how the economy works have said his new proposal could destroy Our economy.

The following is a quote from the National Ledger: "Finally achieving his coveted chairman's role after years of waiting, Rangel wants to make history. His staff is hard at work on an audacious plan that over the next decade would redistribute up to a trillion dollars in American income through the tax system. Even if this package gets through the House, it likely would be filibustered to death in the Senate, with a veto by President George W. Bush as the last resort. But Rangel is targeting 2009, when he envisions a Democratic president and a filibuster-proof Democratic majority in the Senate.

Unlike the Republican Ways and Means chairmen who preceded him over the previous 12 years, Rangel has a comprehensive tax strategy and a calculated plan. His wedge is the AMT, the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) is part of the federal income tax system in the United States. There are two AMTs, one for individuals and one for corporations.

The AMT for individuals is is the most atrocious taxation imposed on the American taxpayer. In its present form it will raise $1.4 trillion in revenue over the next decade, through taxation of 23 million additional families this year alone. Congress regularly prevents this catastrophe by enacting a "patch" to the tax law that limits AMT coverage to 4 million upper-bracket families."Mr. Ranger proposes to raise this by abolishing the AMT.

The Secretary of the Treasury had this to say about Rangels proposed Bill: Meeting reporters at breakfast last week, Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson set as his tax priority a "patch" to slow the runaway Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT). This statement flys in the face of Rangels proposed expansion of EITC, that would turn the need for a temporary tax fix into the most radical left-wing tax revision in half a century. It would include the raising of the maximum tax paid by workers from 33% to $40% to offset the income loss in the give aways of increased EITC.

In his meeting with reporters last week, Paulson claimed to be puzzled that Congress had not yet passed an AMT patch this year. Paulson views a tax increase as the worst medicine for today's economy. Paulson is alarmed that the U.S. advantage in tax policy is gone, with corporate taxes here now higher than those of foreign competitors. However, cutting corporate taxes, no matter how desirable for the sake of American prosperity, is no part of Charlie Rangel's desire to make history.

The Fear Mongers of the Democrat aspirants to the White House like Senator Durbin are trying to pull OUR attention away from the Socialization of the United States, by claiming President Bush will go to war against Iran. I believe the Israeli's, with our help, will handle that problem if it comes to that. The real problem with electing Democrats is their main thrust is the redistribution of wealth and the elimination of Christian values in the United States, while making us part of the "One World" community dominated by the UN.

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families, especially those of our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who have died in defense of American liberty while prosecuting the war with Jihadistan.
Senator Richard Durbin(Dem.Ill.),already notorious for his calling the treatment by U.S. troops at the prison in Guantanamo Bay,Cuba of treating terrorist prisoners similar to the Nazi death camps, and his infamous calling of general Petraeus a man who would lie for the President. Now has lost another battle.
Only this one is a victory for those of us who believe in the rule of law, and specifically the laws of the United States.
The Senate effectively defeated his bill called "The Dream Act",when the vote to cloture fell eight votes short.
This bill would have given fast track approval for citizenship to all children of illegals who qualified by meeting requirements specified in the bill.
Opponents of this bill, the Republicans who "held the line, believe that our borders should be secured before the "amnesty" concept is enacted.
Senator Durbin pulled out his crying towel and had this to say:
"I don't know when the next chance will be," he said. "But this is an idea whose time will come because it is an idea based on justice and fairness. To think that these young people would see their lives ruined because their parents were undocumented, because their parents brought them to this country."
I guess he doesn't believe the rule of law applies to justice.
Senate Republican minority leader Mitch McConnell had this to say.
"Though I recognize and appreciate the tremendous contributions to our country made by generations of legal immigrants, I do not believe we should reward illegal behavior," he said.
"It is our duty to promote respect for America's immigration laws and fairness for US citizens and lawful immigrants."
Republican candidate for President, Fred Thompson, said enacting the Dream Act would put children of illegals in a more favorable position than those of legal immigrants.
This act was nothing more than a continued attempt by Liberal Democrats to broaden their electoral base, and this blogger is pleased it was stopped.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


House Democratic leaders, concerned about the public’s negative view of Congress, has launched a public relations offensive. Monday they began to "polish" the image of the new majority after a series of legislative setbacks this month.
The campaign, ranging from traditional events to conference calls with groups outside of Washington, is designed to co-opt some of the negative news about them.
Democratic operatives, like George Soros, aka: György Schwartz) and, believe that the American public are fixated on the Democrats standoff with President Bush over Iraq.
They have decided that no other message is reaching the public. In a private meeting for scores of staffers, top advisers to the party’s leadership called on every Democratic lawmaker to amplify domestic accomplishments, from raising the minimum wage to expanding college aid, in a series of events back home in their districts. Part of the Democrats’ new offensive will remind voters exactly who they voted out of office last fall, particularly with regard to the "updated ethics" and lobbying laws...The plan is drawn, because the latest polls show the American public has a more favorable opinion of President Bush than of Congress, 34% to 24 %.
This plan will fail as have so many other propaganda efforts of regimes of the past. Before they can claim to have updated the ethics they will have to address the issues surrounding their leading candidate for the Democratic nomination for President. Senator Hillary Clinton is the subject of a lawsuit brought forth by a Hollywood promoter, Los Angeles millionaire lawyer and businessman Peter Franklin Paul who has asserted Clinton failed to declare to the Federal Election Commission more than $2 million in contributions – a massive omission he believes prevented her 2000 senatorial campaign from going bankrupt in the crucial final weeks.
They also conveniently forgot about Robert Torricelli - Democrat, who withdrew from the 2002 Senate race with less than 30 days before the election because of controversy over personal gifts he took from a major campaign donor and questions about campaign donations from 1996.
The American people will be reminded by the bloggers and the
"lone rangers" who publish Conservative news that the Democratic-controlled Senate, which has chastised the Bush administration for politicizing the attorney general’s office, has placed a "secret hold" on the nomination of Rosa Emilia Rodriguez-Velez as Puerto Rico's attorney general.
According to The Hill, the hold was placed on the Rodriguez-Velez nomination just before Congress passed the new Honest Leadership and Open Government Act. That act requires that the name of any senator blocking a legislative decision be disclosed to the public within six days.
Observers say the nomination, which was approved by a voice vote of the Senate Judiciary Committee, could remain in political limbo indefinitely.
Rodriguez-Velez has waged an intensive probe of Puerto Rico’s ruling Democratic Party. It is widely believed that an ally of Democrats targeted by her three-year corruption investigation has blocked her nomination.
Most of the speculation hovers around Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., a close ally of Anibal Acevedo-Vila, the Democratic governor of Puerto Rico who is under investigation for campaign finance irregularities in his 2000 campaign.
All George Soros millions can't hide the truth from the American public. I predict this "move" by the Deamoncrat party will blow up in their face as have many other efforts over the past few years.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


The thought of having the Clinton's back in the White House must make the hairs on the back of the necks of the Secret Service stand up!

Hillary is notorious for the alleged rude treatment she inflicted on her Secret Service detail. An ex-agent even wrote a book about her antics.

But before she captures the prize that she and "First Laddy wannabe"covet, she will have to explain to the voters why she has flipped on so many important issues depending upon whom the audience is that is listening to her.

The latest flap is over her position on Iran's rush to develop nuclear capability. When speaking to a Jewish group she said there are no options taken of the table when it comes to stopping Iran's development of nuclear weapons. But recently in Iowa she was questioned about this "hawkish" position, regarding her "Revolutionary Guard" vote. The person asking the question assumed she had given President Bush the "green light" to attack Iran.

Senator Clinton responded in a letter to Iowa voters this way. She says she "decided to support the resolution after Democrats removed language that according to Hillary could have given Bush the green light for military action", the New York Post reports.
“Only then did I and a lot of other Democrats vote for the resolution in order to pressure Iran by clearing the way for sanctions and pushing the President to get them to the negotiating table,” Clinton wrote in her Iowa letter.
“I was there, and I exercised leadership, and I explained my vote at the time,” she said, in an apparent reference to Obama, who missed the vote. She had been criticised previously by Obama and Edwards for her apparent support of a Bush attack on Iran.

Hillary – who is evidently now opposed to military action – said in February that "no option can be taken off the table" when dealing with Iran.
"U.S. policy must be clear and unequivocal,” she told a crowd of Israel supporters. “We cannot, we should not, we must not permit Iran to build or acquire nuclear weapons. In dealing with this threat ... no option can be taken off the table."

Long time White House Correspondent Helen Thomas had the following to say about Senator Clinton in an article printed recently in The New York Times Union. "Clinton has blown hot and cold on Middle East issues, including Iraq and the Palestinian-Israeli dispute. She is at best pragmatic. Principles? Well, that’s another story.
Before and during her early years in the White House, she supported Palestinian statehood, but she apparently forgot this after successfully running for senator from New York as a Democrat.
The rest is history. She obviously had to cater to a new constituency, make the ritual trip to Israel and forget any sympathy she once had for the Palestinians. But is her 180-degree flip-flop on that festering issue a portent of her leadership if she attains the White House?
As for Iraq, she voted in October 2002 to authorize President Bush to do what was necessary to unseat Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. Unlike former Sen. John Edwards, she has refused to say she made a mistake when she voted for the war.
She cannot claim she was misled. During the lead up to the war when she was briefed on the latest U.S. intelligence about Iraq, Bush was shouting from the housetops that he was going to attack Iraq.
Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld often strutted before reporters at the Pentagon two years before the invasion and bragged about the attack the U.S. would wage against Iraq.
Clinton is a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, a post that will allow her to embellish her credentials as a possible future commander-in-chief to show she would not hesitate to make tough military decisions.
As a member of that committee, she visited Iraq in 2005 and said U.S. withdrawal from Iraq would be a mistake. But she also criticized the administration for making poor decisions about the war."

Do Americans really want this "liar" to have the "seat of Power" in the United States?

Monday, October 22, 2007


Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families, especially those of our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who have died in defense of American liberty while prosecuting the war with Jihadistan.
Our troops need your prayers to win the fight against those who would force us to become Muslims or die, and someone must be praying, because the war is finally looking like we can win.
This has disturbed the " Democrats deeply. So much so, that they had to revert to the dirty tricks of the Viet Nam era anti-victory ilk.
So they dragged out a lying Army Basic Training Camp washout to perpetrate a lie. This liar claimed that while earning his purple heart in Iraq, he witnessed atrocities committed by our troops.
We have since learned that his story was similar to that of now Senator Kerryaka "Swift Boat John", as he told lies to Congress about the atrocities committed in his presence in Viet Nam.
Only, unlike Senator Kerry, Jessie Mac Beth had never been to war. He was discredited and charged with attempting to defraud the VA.
The people like Senator Reid, who declared the war was lost over a year ago, and Senator Harkin of Iowa didn't disavow this anti-war liar. They decided to attack the Conservative Talk Radio personality who called the liar, Jessie MacBeth, a "phony soldier".
Senator Harkin is a known deceptive person, who lied about his military service during his political campaign. "Dingy Harry" stooped so low that he sent an email to thousands of constituents declaring that Rush had demeaned our troops.
To further add insult to injury, he sent a letter to the CEO of Clear Channel Channel Communications, and demanded that Rush be removed from their network. This letter was co-signed by 41 of the 50 Democrat Senators with such notably anti-military/anti-war Senators as Feinsteine, Durbin, and Dodd.
Not wanting to be outdone, retired General Wesley Clark demanded that Rush be removed from the Armed Forces Radio Network. We are lucky he is not leading our troops in Iraq. He would probably have advised President Bush to quit fighting by now.
Still smarting from their defeat of the attempt to pass the Fairness Doctrine, that was a craven attempt to silence talk show radio programs. The "egg on their face" for their support of's calling General Petreaus, "Gen. Betray Us"! The Democrat leadership introduced a failed attempt to hurt the war effort with their attempt to censure Turkey for genocide that occured over 100 years ago.
They will never admit it, but the results they were looking for was not the censure of another despot for genocide, but to anger the leadership in Turkey enough that they would revoke the U.S. right to fly over their Country when transporting supplies to the troops in Iraq!
These people hide behind the saying, "they are doing their patriotic duty to protest and stop an unjust war." What their real intent is, in my opinion, is to discredit the Republicans enough that they can capture the White House not with positive programs, but with negative stories and lies about the war effort, President Bush and all who support "his war".
Wake up Conservatives! Mickey Mouse would be better in the White House than a Socialist/Democrat.