Saturday, October 27, 2007


Thr Presidntial race on the Democrat side appears to be locked up by Senator Hillary Clinton, I don't believe the scandal involving Hillary and Ron Paul will have much effect on her nomination. It may have an effect on the general election.
Hillary Clinton has repeatedly shown her Socialist inclination, but the following quote from her illustrates her position very clearly. Hillary Clinton:
"Many of you are well enough off that ... the tax cuts may have helped you," Clinton said, according to the Associated Press. "We're saying that for America to get back on track, we're probably going to cut that short and not give it to you...We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."
The "common good" has been used as the excuse used by despots to take away individual rights, and redistribute the wealth for many years.
The Democrats in Congress are making a move to expand the Socialization of American health system by pushing the expansion of the SCHIP law,S-CHIP bill (H.R. 976),
This politically motivated bill advances a government run health care system by arbitrarily spending $35 billion over the next five years to expand a social program originally targeted at poor children to now include children and adults in families making over $100,000 a year and people who already possess private health care insurance.
In consequence, over 2 million people will be crowded out of their existing private health insurance and ensnared in this social welfare program.
Moreover, despite pretending otherwise, this bill ensures many of these new enrollees will also be illegal immigrants, who need only show a valid driver's license to join.
Some states, most recently New York, a person need not prove citizenship to receive a driver's license.
Compounding these problems, the bill refuses to prioritize federal spending and, instead, imposes a regressive tax disproportionately impacting the poor. Even with the new tax hike, the new S-CHIP program is unsustainable beyond 2013 and, thus, is fiscally irresponsible. This insult to the taxpayers is exacerbated when one takes into account the Democrats' Budget Resolution's promise of massive personal tax increases, many of which will be earmarked to fund S-CHIP or worse in future years. (source for this is Congressman T. McCotter of the House Republican Policy Committee)

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