Saturday, June 30, 2007
The Brave Senate Fourteen
A popular movie of the past was the Magnificent Seven. A story of seven cowboys who decided to stay and defend the defenseless women and children of a Mexican city threatened by "bandits".
Yesterday we had 14 U.S. Senators brave enough to stand against the President and the rest of the Senate who were ignoring the wishes of those who elected them, and stop the "amnesty bill" in the Senate.
This bill had hidden costs of over trillion dollars in taxpayer costs if it had passed. But thanks to the brave 14 the bill is DOA!
Despite the defeat, one of the sponsors of this dastardly bill that was opposed by 70% of the American public. Senator Kennedy had the colossal chutzpah to say afterwards:"We will be back. This issue is not going away. And we will ultimately be successful." Then he said something that shows the true nature of this man. "This is really a part of the whole march for progress for our Nation and our Country." Say what!?!?
Either this man is too stupid and alcohol sodden to know they are one and the same, or he means the Country internationalists like him hope will be a new Country of Mexico and the United States united as one!
A Rasmussen poll taken yesterday showed that only 20% of those polled want to revive this bill that would grant amnesty to up to 20 million illegals. This shows how far removed from the voters thinking our elected representatives have become.
Despite the predictions of doom from pseudo conservatives like Linda Chavez this is now the time for the government agencies to do what they are paid for and enforce the immigration laws already on the books. No we can't send them all back, but we can deport all illegals who commit crimes and start arresting employers who use illegals. States like Arizona, Texas and New Mexico should enact laws forbidding employers from hiring illegals in their state, and enforce the law.
Arizonas woman Governor should quit diddling around and sign the bill on her desk that addresses this issue or be recalled.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Al Gore the darling of the intelligences and leader of the cult of "Global Warming" seems to be still full of hate for not only President Bush but also the concept of united States Sovereignty and its Capitalism.
He was lionized by the leftist for his trashy film "An Inconvenient Truth". He was even nominated for the Nobel Peace medal by two members of the Swedish Parliament.
Now comes his latest book"The Assault On Reason". Another diatribe that warns all who read it that President Bush is next to the Devil for his opposition to the "accepted" and "proven" theory of Global Warming. This even though his IPCC group CRAFTED THEIR REPORT ON CO2 BEING THE CAUSE OF GLOBAL WARMING BY IGNORING ALL DATA SUBMITTED THAT REFUTED THEIR CLAIMS!
His treatise ignores the hundreds of respected scientists who have published papers debunking the theories that Carbon Dioxide causes Global warming. As one of the 39 PhD in Paleoclimatology, Dr. R. Timothy Patterson writes that "The Sun drives climate change". Solar output producing Cosmic rays intermittently increase from the sun actually are the reason for warming the planet.
Ever since 1989 when Mr. Gore wrote his first book "Earth In The Balance" Gore has been promoting his fear and anxiety about everything from the Australian cockroach migration to Dengue fever, West Nile Virus and Cholera being caused by Global warming.
His fellow internationalist U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki Moon even blames the genocide in Darfur Africa on global warming!
If you do a little research you can find ulterior motives behind not only Al gore but everyone who advocates destruction of this Country as an independent Country and its' present Capitalist system.
Mr. Gore has formed a LLP Corporation in London with former Goldman Sachs CEO David Blood called "Generation Investment Management". This company has presently only 23 employees with a branch office of course in Washington D.C.
The purpose of the Company is to encourage long term investment in companies with" responsible views on Global issues like climate change". Mr. Blood is the Managing Partner and Gore serves as Chairman. Mr. Blood left his position as CEO of their Asset Management in 2005 just in time to avoid the scandal that resulted in an SEC fine of over a billion dollars for stock fraud.
Mr. Blood subscribes to the theory that since fears of global warming will yield regulation, which cleverly crafted, will yield untold potential power. There is a great investment opportunity in investment in companies that are involved in Social responsiblity as well as proits.
One such entity is the Chicago Climate Exchange that trades in carbon credits.He also pointed out the BP oil company as one that isw concerned with the environment. The problem with this company is that its Venezualan assets have been confiscated by Hugo Chavez. An avowed U.S. Hater.
The Company has formed a foundation to influence policy in the area of Capitalism. The Generation Foundation has published a detailed paper outlining its' plans for reinventing Capitalism. The authors believe our Capitalistic system has oulived its' existence and must be "mutated" because Corporate management has become obsolete. For Profit Companies create economic value, but don't contribute enough to social programs and values.
Karl Marx could have written this trash, but even he did not talk of forming "a global international infrastructure capable of orchestrating networks of "blended Value" investing, enterprise creation and true Sustainability at all ends of capital and organization."
Sounds like one world governing to me. No wonder the U.N. Secretary General is pushing Gores tripe. He wants the U. N. to regulate and rule the world.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Florida Governments Squeal Like Pigs
The race to replace Jeb Bush as Governor of Florida had many issues, but one of the primary planks in the eventual winners campaign promises was tax relief
Governor Charles Crist won easily and has now fulfilled his promise.The SQUAWKS FROM LOCAL AND COUNTY GOVERNMENTS HAS BEEN AS COULD BE WHAT YOU WOULD EXPECT.
The newspapers and local TV stations are filled with dire predictions of massive cuts in services. The usual response to any tax cuts is to gore the ox of the taxpayers who supported and voted for the tax relief.
AS expected unions representing the teachers, police and fire departments warned of reduced service and massive layoffs!
Instead of learning to live with the money they confiscate from the hard working taxpayer they resort to threats and dire predictions of doom.An example of this type veiled threat follows:
"West Miami, the home of House Speaker Marco Rubio -- the Legislature’s strongest proponent of tax cuts -- just happens to be one of those cities covered by Miami-Dade’s firefighting force.
“For the record, we hope Speaker Rubio never has to call 911. We all wish him good health,” said Senate Democratic Leader Steve Geller of Cooper City."
The fact that too many governments at state and local levels become "make work" programs for political cronies and hiring is done based upon government quotas goes a long way to explaining why these governments are so opposed to any form of tax relief.
National statistics by the department of labor show that nationwide state and local taxes take 11% of the average wage earner personal income. This on top of a 33% federal income tax.
It is estimated that over the next five years Governor Crists' tax relief for home owners will save 15,6 billion dollars for the residents of Florida. The new law also requires counties and city governments to hold the tax millage rate at 2006 levels, and the cut up to 9% more depending on the rate they raised taxes over the last five years.
Maybe this will make elected government officials learn to live like the rest of us. We can't treaten to cut off service to our boss unless we get a raise. We would get fired!
And maybe we will see less and less of the outragous wage increases for service personnel as in the case of the Palm Beach County Sheriffs getting a 16% raise in salary and beneits this year. However, I won't hold my breath hoping they learn to operate with the funds they have as we poor slob voters have to do!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Obama Needs To Do His Homework
A recent poll by one of our major disinformation news agencies alleged that American youth from age 17-26 plan to vote for either Hillary Clinton or Barrack Obama in the 2008 presidential election by a margin of over 70%.
If this is true and they actually show up to vote they will demonstrate once again that they really don't know anymore about the person they are voting for than at least one candidate knows about one of the most important issues in the Middle East.
During a recent statement regarding the meeting in Sharm el-Sherkh to discuss resolving the issue of Palestinian "Statehood". Prime Minister Olmert of Israel, King Abdulla, President Mubarak of Egypt and Palestinian representatives Mohammoud Abbas and P.M. Salam Fayyad were in attendence. The United States was not represented at this meeting and was noted by Obama in the following quote:
"The absence of U.S. leadership in the past has helped open the door to extremism in the West Bank and Gaza. Direct U.S. presidential leadership is needed now to ensure the Europeans maintain their isolation of Hamas; to press Egypt to do everything possible to prevent arms smuggling into Gaza; and, to get other Arab states to provide political support to President Abbas and Prime Minister Fayyad and humanitarian aid to Gazans that does not flow through Hamas institutions.
"We need to help these moderate leaders demonstrate that they can deliver for their people. Israel and the Palestinian Authority can work together to improve the security of their people, and we can help by ensuring a resumption of aid, improved security cooperation, a renewed negotiating process, and help reforming Fatah and the Palestinian Authority.
"This moment is an opportunity to let Palestinians know that we will work toward the goal of achieving a viable, democratic Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza living side by side with Israel and peace and security, but that this goal can only be achieved through acceptance of Israel and a commitment to non-violence.
Obama should check his in box for news more often. If he did he would be reminded that President Bush has done the following things to aid in forming a Palestinian State much to the Shagrin of those of us who believe if you give terrorists an inch they will take a mile or More!
(1) became the first American president to officially support a Palestinian state
(2) gave a major policy address outlining a new process to achieve it, notwithstanding the collapse of the Oslo process,
(3) convinced the U.N., E.U. and Russia to formally endorse the process, in the form of a Road Map with specific phases and timelines,
(4) got both Israel and the Palestinians to formally commit themselves to the three-phase plan,
(5) negotiated a disengagement deal under which Israel (whose Phase I obligation was only to dismantle certain post-2000 "outposts") dismantled every settlement in Gaza and totally withdrew its forces from the area, to give the Palestinians the chance to demonstrate their ability to live "side by side in peace and security,"TM
(6) insisted as part of the deal that Israel also withdraw from settlements in the West Bank to demonstrate that the disengagement process would not end with Gaza,
(7) assisted the Palestinians in holding their first truly contested election, giving them the opportunity to vote among competing parties and freely choose their leaders, and
(8) greatly increased American humanitarian aid to the Palestinians both before and after those elections.
Obama like most Democrats opens mouth and inserts foot in an attempt to further his appeal to those who believe what he says no matter if it is the truth or just another politician spewing out lies to the uninformed. In this way he is a lot like his Senate opponent Hillary Clinton. A liar who wouldn't know the truth if it was directly in front of her!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Military Lawyers Strike a Blow for The Enemy
If we had Lawyers involved in the battle decision process during World War II we would never have won.
They could certainly have advised General Eisenhower that the firebombing of Hamburg and Dresden that killed over a hundred thousand women and children was off limits as they are doing in the Middle East war going on now.
But I would never have thought that military officers who were appointed to the position as Judge over the hearings of detainees, in the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, would use Semantics to dismiss the Government charges against two accused "enemy combatants".
Both Colonel Peter Brownback of the U.S. Army and Naval Captain Keith Allred dismissed charges in the cases brought by the Military against Canadian born Omar Kahadr and Yemeni Salim Ahmed for enemy combatant actions.
The reason for dismissing the charges was the restricted parameters of the 2006 Bill passed by Congress called the Military Commission Act. This act restricts prosecution to those charged with "unlawful criminal acts".
This has now been interpreted as those people who are charged with being "alien unlawful enemy combatants" and it must be proved that they actually took part in the acts.
It would appear that a long held legal principle of being one who plans or enables a crime is also guilty of that crime.
Our prisons are filled with many people who were drivers of the car used to go to and leave from a crime scene. None of these criminals actually held a gun or committed the crime, but many are on death row because they drove the car that allowed the perpetrators to escape a crime that involve a killing.
The National Lawyers Guild and National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers Military Law Committee applaud this decision as one would expect from groups who spend every waking hour trying to destroy the Rule of Law in this Country.
But to those of us who want to see the defeat of radical Islam. Feel this is a sad day for America. Liberals like Congressman Nader of New york are gleeful, but that is to be expected from people of his ilk.
While a great deal was made that Kahdar was only 15 when he allegedly killed Sargent Christopher Spencer with a grenade. The foreign papers have an article about an Afghanistan boy age six who was recruited by the Taliban to be a bomber. He declined and miraculously lived to tell his story. But Kahdar, now 20 years old went through with this act of terrorism and only God knows how many others before he was captured.
In a society of religious fanatics women, children and men are all potential terrorist threats. Releasing them on a legal technicality only gives aid and comfort to the enemies abroad and right here at home!
Monday, June 25, 2007
Despite denials by U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. The President appears to be seriously considering appointing Tony Blair to the position of Special Envoy to the Middle East Quartet for Palestinian governance.
This blogger believes Mr. Blair would be an excellent choice for the same reasons that many European liberals don't want to see him appointed.
He is close to President Bush and feels the imminentt threat of Radical Islam as keenly as our President.
The liberals in this County and those of like political persuasion seem to believe they can indulge In the hopeful fantasy that diplomatic negotiations will make the Islamo-fascist worldwide problem go away. These kind of dreams will only lead to nightmares!
The following excerpt was taken from the on-line pages of Der Spiegel today:
"I cannot imagine that Blair, as one of the main players in the Iraq war, would be able to win confidence in the Middle East," Martin Schulz, chairman of the Socialist Group in the European Parliament, told DER SPIEGEL. The EU's foreign policy chief Javier Solana was also surprised by the suggestion and is skeptical about Blair's nomination.
The key words in the paragraph are "chairman of the Socialist Group".
The Socialists, and leftist movement by any other name, here in the U.S. and Europe want to see the Palestinians win and the Israelis loose as much as they want the U.S. to loose in Iraq by withdrawing our troops before the job of eliminating terrorists and restoring peace, law and order can be accomplished.
For this very reason all Conservatives and not so conservative peoples who don't want Islamo-fascism to spread its tenacles over our free society will support the President if he chooses Tony Blair.
Who cares what Countries think about Our Presidents selection that followed Hitler (Germany) or despite our saving them in two wars that they had failed to defend themselves,and seem to dislike everything American (France).
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