Saturday, July 25, 2009
Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one; for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries BY A GOVERNMENT, which we might expect in a country WITHOUT GOVERNMENT, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer. Thomas Paine
The media has spent more time on the arrest of a Black Studies tenured professor at Harvard, than they have on the sinking economy.
My question, that I would like to pose to Dr. Gates and those who claim he was arrested because he was Black, and not because he was abusive to the police who were responding to a call of a possible break in. Who in their right mind puts up a fuss when two people with guns on their hips ask to see some identification?
Will Gates be man enough to stop fanning the flames and tell the full story of how the police respectively did their jobs well and how he threw a hissey fit when asked for his I.D.? I highly doubt it which is why most Americans are weary of false allegations in regards to racical discrimination. Do not hold your breath for more than a second!
Any of us, no matter the color of our skin, should have been asked for our I.D. in the same situation. Any of us, having thrown a "hissey fit" instead of abiding by the policeman's request, should have been charged with disorderly conduct. What makes Gates so "above it all" that he thinks he's too good to be treated "fairly" by the police? If he has any integrity, he will go public and put an end to this big hubbub instead of sending America backwards and causing ill will across America. Be a man, Gates!
The policeman was doing his job. The law says that in the USA I must I D myself if the officer believes that I am commiting a crime, like opening a locked door without a key. I wonder how many times a black person feels that they have been singeled out because they are black, when it is the circumstance and not the color of their skin that is the issure.It sound too much like the hate sermons that were given periodically by the Reverend Wright when Obama was in a pew!
The police reports indicate that when asked to step out onto the porch to discuss the situation, Gates responded "I'll see your momma out on the porch". I wonder what course at Harvard he learned that..
Actually there are no "facts" in this case, just the contradictory words of men. We cannot assume all black professors never lie, or that all policemen never lie, or that there is no gray area in this case. For the President to assume that he knows what happened and to attempt to try this case in the press is absolutely irresponsible.
The only fact I know is that Gates is a professor at Harvard and Obama is a graduate of Harvard Law School!
The lefties continue to reveal their inner racism and demonstrate bully tactics. When will they come to their senses and realize what frauds they have become?
everything, it is the only thing"!
Of course Vince was a football coach, but in his mind if you put on the pads you should want and expect to win!
Unfortunately we now have a Commander in Chief of our armed forces who thinks it is perfectly all right to send our young men and women into harms way(aka war) without the objective being to attain victory!
The "meat grinder"of war has claimed 58,159 victims in Vietnam, 52,246 in Korea without a victory, and now as I said in a blog six months ago, apparently Obama wants to repeat the debacle of those two killing fields.
OBAMA has ordered 21,000 additional American troops to Afghanistan, mainly in the south where Taliban militants have made a violent comeback after a U.S.-led coalition topped them from power in late 2001. The U.S. expects 68,000 troops here by year's end, double last year's total.
When the president sends men into a war zone, peace keeping action, or United Nations police action as the Vietnam and Korean war were called. There are deaths, serious wounds to mind and body of those who are sent to fight. I think it is tantamount to dereliction of the duties of the office of POTUS, to send troops off to die unless they can be allowed to win! The words out of Obama's mouth apparently indicate that he thinks differently! As this statement illustrates:
"President Obama has put securing Afghanistan near the top of his foreign policy agenda, but "victory" in the war-torn country isn't necessarily the United States' goal, he said Thursday in a TV interview.
"I'm always worried about using the word 'victory,' because, you know, it invokes this notion of Emperor Hirohito coming down and signing a surrender to MacArthur," Obama told ABC News.
First of all, the smart and eloquent man who speaks with a silver tongue does not know that the Emperor was in his palace while the Prime Minister signed the surrender on the battleship Missouri!!
Since Obama took office 33 Americans have been killed in action. Untold number have been wounded, since the media no longer reports the statistics.But it appears 4330 brave troops have been killed in a valiant effort to win a victory over the Taliban.However, their commander in chief thinks it is not important!
Not only has the CIC said victory is not his objective, but apparently his commander in the field is more concerned with "collateral damage" than winning at all costs. He said this recently.
"We must avoid the trap of winning tactical victories - but suffering strategic defeats - by causing civilian casualties or excessive damage and thus alienating the people," McChrystal said in a recent statement.
Once again I want to state that it is criminal to send men to war unless you allow them to win!!
Friday, July 24, 2009
The definition of extortion and it's pseudonyms is as follows per Roget's Thesaurus.
Definition: intimidation for money; money to quiet informer
Synonyms: bribe, bribery, exaction, extortion, hush money, milking, payoff, protection, ransom, slush fund, tribute
Yesterday president Obama continued his "modus operandi" of intimidating anyone who disagrees with his stated and implied policies in an interview in the Oval Office
President Obama is leaning hard on the nation's schools, using the promise of more than $4 billion in federal aid — and the threat of withholding it — to strong-arm the education establishment to accept more charter schools and performance pay for teachers.
The pressure campaign has been underway for months as Education Secretary Arne Duncan travels the country delivering a blunt message to state officials who have resisted change for decades: Embrace reform or risk being shut out.
"What we're saying here is, if you can't decide to change these practices, we're not going to use precious dollars that we want to see creating better results; we're not going to send those dollars there," Obama said in an Oval Office interview Wednesday. "And we're counting on the fact that, ultimately, this is an incentive, this is a challenge for people who do want to change."
Part of his change is the allocating of 100 million dollars to the Secretary of Education to push Obama's education agenda. More than has ever been given to that cabinet position, even in the profligate later years of the Bush administration!
The effort has helped Obama enlarge the federal role in an arena dominated by state and local governments, but there is deep skepticism about his approach. Congressional Republicans say the initiative, coupled with another $650 million for school reform under Duncan's control, is wasteful.
"We just took a big old checkbook with a $5 billion total behind it and handed it to the secretary and said, 'Write a whole bunch of checks,' " said Rep. John Kline (Minn.), the top Republican on the House Education and Labor Committee. "I'm uncomfortable that we're doing that."
Obama says the money will be distributed to states that can demonstrate results backed by data that show student scores and teacher performance are improving.
"It's not based on politics, it's not based on who's got more clout, it's not based on what certain constituency groups are looking for, but it's based on what works," he said. "Now, what we're also doing, though, is we're saying this is voluntary. If there are states that just don't want to go in this direction, that's their prerogative." Source: Washington Post
Liberal translation: MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY!
I thought the tax money he is spending came from all states. Not just those who go along with his programs! I have no objection to his attempt to get our children better prepared for life through good education.
But the simple fact is that every time monies are appropriated for "school and education". The teachers union and bureaucrats get the lions share of the money, and student still learn more about diversity, one worldism and every thing but the basic three "R". And no amount of money will change this fact!!
State officials will lose a great deal of their authority over the financing and delivery of health care under the House and Senate health bills, particularly in the area of Medicaid.
In the House bill, "America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009" (H.R. 3200), Congress would expand Medicaid to reduce the number of people without health insurance. But this expansion will create new inequities among and between the several states that administer the program. The House version also expands the federal role in the administration of Medicaid that will reduce the states' sovereignty and position as "laboratories of democracy."
And it appears that the Obama administration will extend that reduction of equal rights for all states by restricting money for education to those who do his bidding, sounds all most DICTATORIAL!!
Definition: intimidation for money; money to quiet informer
Synonyms: bribe, bribery, exaction, extortion, hush money, milking, payoff, protection, ransom, slush fund, tribute
Yesterday president Obama continued his "modus operandi" of intimidating anyone who disagrees with his stated and implied policies in an interview in the Oval Office
President Obama is leaning hard on the nation's schools, using the promise of more than $4 billion in federal aid — and the threat of withholding it — to strong-arm the education establishment to accept more charter schools and performance pay for teachers.
The pressure campaign has been underway for months as Education Secretary Arne Duncan travels the country delivering a blunt message to state officials who have resisted change for decades: Embrace reform or risk being shut out.
"What we're saying here is, if you can't decide to change these practices, we're not going to use precious dollars that we want to see creating better results; we're not going to send those dollars there," Obama said in an Oval Office interview Wednesday. "And we're counting on the fact that, ultimately, this is an incentive, this is a challenge for people who do want to change."
Part of his change is the allocating of 100 million dollars to the Secretary of Education to push Obama's education agenda. More than has ever been given to that cabinet position, even in the profligate later years of the Bush administration!
The effort has helped Obama enlarge the federal role in an arena dominated by state and local governments, but there is deep skepticism about his approach. Congressional Republicans say the initiative, coupled with another $650 million for school reform under Duncan's control, is wasteful.
"We just took a big old checkbook with a $5 billion total behind it and handed it to the secretary and said, 'Write a whole bunch of checks,' " said Rep. John Kline (Minn.), the top Republican on the House Education and Labor Committee. "I'm uncomfortable that we're doing that."
Obama says the money will be distributed to states that can demonstrate results backed by data that show student scores and teacher performance are improving.
"It's not based on politics, it's not based on who's got more clout, it's not based on what certain constituency groups are looking for, but it's based on what works," he said. "Now, what we're also doing, though, is we're saying this is voluntary. If there are states that just don't want to go in this direction, that's their prerogative." Source: Washington Post
Liberal translation: MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY!
I thought the tax money he is spending came from all states. Not just those who go along with his programs! I have no objection to his attempt to get our children better prepared for life through good education.
But the simple fact is that every time monies are appropriated for "school and education". The teachers union and bureaucrats get the lions share of the money, and student still learn more about diversity, one worldism and every thing but the basic three "R". And no amount of money will change this fact!!
State officials will lose a great deal of their authority over the financing and delivery of health care under the House and Senate health bills, particularly in the area of Medicaid.
In the House bill, "America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009" (H.R. 3200), Congress would expand Medicaid to reduce the number of people without health insurance. But this expansion will create new inequities among and between the several states that administer the program. The House version also expands the federal role in the administration of Medicaid that will reduce the states' sovereignty and position as "laboratories of democracy."
And it appears that the Obama administration will extend that reduction of equal rights for all states by restricting money for education to those who do his bidding, sounds all most DICTATORIAL!!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Despite having 16 federal indictments pending for corruption. ACORN, that has already been selected to be part of the National census process,will apparently receive millions of dollars if Senator Christopher Dodd's(aka Kennedy bill) Health Care bill is eventually passed. If you can believe Senate majority leader that the bill will not be voted on before the August recess.
Washington ( – Sen. Christopher Dodd (D-Conn.), the man who is shepherding the health-care reform bill through the Senate, says he doesn’t know for sure, but the controversial Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) could qualify to receive health-care grants under a provision of the bill that provides money for groups that are members of a “national network of community based organizations.”
Mr. Dodd has been filling in for his friend, Senator Edward M. Kennedy, Democrat of Massachusetts, who is battling brain cancer.
The grants are designed to fund groups that will "measure" people's health-related behavior on the community level, including whether they are gaining or losing weight, eating the right foods, getting exercise, using tobacco, or engaging in other personal behaviors targeted for federal monitoring by the secretary of health and human services.How this will contribute to reducing the cost of health care eludes me. Any results will be years in coming! Sounds like another "government job that can be pointed to as jobs created or saved by Obama and his sycophants!
Under the “Creating Healthier Communities” provision of the bill (found on page 382), grants could be awarded to only three types of "entities:" state governments, local governments and groups that are members of a “national network of community-based organizations."
But when asked, Dodd could not rule out that the controversial group ACORN could benefit from this provision in his bill.
“I’m not saying yes or no, I just don’t know. I don’t think it’s a blanket thing that anyone applies necessarily,” he told “There would have to be criteria by which an organization qualifies to receive those grants.”
He reiterated: “There obviously has to be some criteria by which organizations could receive the grants, and I don’t know if there’s just a blanket (criterion) for any organization out there,” he added “That would be an overstatement.”
ACORN--a national association of community based organizations--has come under fire in recent years over voter its voter registration activities. The state of Nevada filed criminal charges against the organization in May for allegedly illegally paying canvassers to register voters before the 2008 election. ACORN has denied the charges.
The organization has also come under scrutiny because of its partnership agreement with the U.S. Census Bureau to help in the 2010 Census count.
The language of the the Senate Health committee's bill does not specify that any particular national networks of community based organizations will receive the grants that the bill would create, but leaves the awarding of the grants to the discretion of the secretary of health and human services through the director of the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). asked Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), who is a top Republican on the committee, if he knew which community based organizations would be eligible to become grantees under the Creating Healthier Communities provision. He said he did not know.
“Well, I don’t know to be honest with you,” Sen. Hatch told “I don’t know which organizations will qualify.”
It is no wonder that Senators do not know what is in the 1000 plus page bill!
Senator Orin Hatch is concerned that money in the bill will also go to fund organizations that perform abortions--like Planned Parenthood.
The grant program in question envisions that grantees, including those representing national networks of community based organizations, will work “to implement a variety of programs, policies, and infrastructure improvements to promote healthier lifestyles.”
When will the government stop trying to dictate what we eat and how much we eat. It seems to me that if women have a "right to choose" whether they have a baby or have an abortion. We ought to be able to at least decide what we put in our bodies! It appears to me that it is about power and control, not about producing better health.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
The London Telegraph site on the Internet has this to say about Americans reaction to his attempt to "ram" through Obama Care.
"A USA Today/Gallup survey suggested that six months into his presidency, his popularity was lower than George W Bush's at the same stage of his tenure.
Amid rising unemployment and falling confidence in his economic plans, Mr Obama's job approval rating has dropped by nine points since January to 55 per cent, a point below his predecessor in mid-2001.
The Washington Post also showed Obama's job approval falling below 60 per cent for the first time since he was sworn in as the nation's first black president, with a marked drop in the last month.
The president is facing criticism about how he is going to pay for $1 trillion plans to reform the US health care system. Half of respondents in one poll disapproved of his health care policy compared with just 44 per cent who approved".
If voters at home do not already realize that Obama and the Democrats in Congress are pushing to add to the voter supporters by pushing Amnesty for illegals. This quote from the Congressional Record will illustrate how far they are willing to push US that believe in the rule of law!
"Last week, the House Ways and Means Committee defeated an amendment that would have prevented illegal aliens from using the so-called "public health insurance option." Every Democrat on the panel voted against the measure!
And to top it off the National Review is reporting; "Immigration analyst James R. Edwards Jr. reported last week that "no health legislation on the table requires federal, state or local agencies -- or private institutions receiving federal funds -- to check the immigration status of health-program applicants, so some of the money distributed via Medicaid and tax credits inevitably would go to illegal aliens." Moreover, the Senate Finance Committee plan creates a new preference for illegal aliens by exempting them from the mandate to buy insurance.
So illegals are given an exemption that allows them to not be forced into Obama Care that we citizens will not have. Who do the Congress "potentates" represent?
As for those uninsured Americans we keep hearing about, there is remarkably little interest in why they don't have insurance. It cannot be poverty, for the poor can automatically get Medicaid.
In fact, we already know that there are people with substantial incomes who choose to spend those incomes on other things, especially if they are young and in good health. If necessary, they can always go to a hospital emergency room and receive treatment there, whether or not they have insurance.
Here, the advocates of government-run medical care say that we all end up paying, one way or another, for the free medical care that hospitals are forced by law to provide in their emergency rooms. But unless you think that any situation you don't like is a reason to give politicians a blank check for "change," the relevant question becomes whether the alternative is either less expensive or of better quality. Nothing is cheaper just because part of the price is paid in higher taxes.
How do these arrogant, presumptuous politicians believe they can know enough to plan for the rest of us? Who do they think they are? Under cover of helping uninsured people get medical care, they live out their megalomaniac social-engineering desires, thus putting our physical and economic health at risk in the process.
When will the American people say "Enough!"?
The special inspector general for TARP Niel Barofsky will testify Tuesday before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. The office of the special inspector general was created to serve as an auditor of the federal bailout by the same legislation that launched the TARP program itself.
Originally, TARP was intended, Barofsky writes, to facilitate “the purchase, management, and sale of up to $700 billion of “toxic” assets, primarily troubled mortgages and mortgage-backed securities.”
But that plan was soon rejected, and the TARP instead became a grab bag of bailout initiatives, including bailouts for GM, Chrysler and auto parts suppliers as the federal government struggled in real time to contain a spiraling economic disaster.
Barofsky reports that TARP has come to include 12 separate programs that include a total of as much as $3 trillion, “including TARP funds, loans and guarantees from other agencies, and private money.” Of the initial $700 billion allocated by Congress, Barofsky found that the Treasury has so far announced how $643.1 billion will be spent, and it has actually spent $441 billion as of June 30
Barofsky’s calculation of a $23 trillion figure took into account a wide-ranging group of federal programs set up by disparate agencies within the federal bureaucracy. Secretary of Treasury, Timothy Geitner, will probably have him waterboarded for saying things like "Yeah, nobody at Treasury even knows where the banks put all that money we gave them."
The special inspector general counted approximately 50 initiatives or programs launched since 2007 to fight the economic collapse.
The Federal Reserve, he found, has increased its balance sheet from $900 billion to more than $2 trillion, and Barofsky estimated that the total amount of support to the economy by the Fed. is at least $6.8 trillion, because it is exposed to significant losses if many of the assets guaranteed by the Fed deteriorate in value.
Barofsky points out the non-TARP programs, which are far larger than the TARP itself, do not come with the strings that the high-profile TARP money itself comes with, including executive compensation, and they don’t necessarily require congressional approval. And beyond the ability to tally their costs, Barofsky has no authority as an auditor over the non-TARP programs.
I believe that if your aim is to "remake America" as Obama has promised to do, you must first examine the following definitions. Then you will realize that the "CHANGE" is a radical turn toward socialism at the very least!
Socialism - when Government owns the means of production.
Fascism - When the Government controls the means of production.
Marxism - when the workers own the means of production
This quote by Obama illustrates that you can not judge a man by what he says, but what he has done and proposes to do.
Obama has said this: “I want to disabuse people of this notion that somehow we enjoy, you know, meddling in the private sector,” Any thoughtful person will quickly note that for a man who profess to not want to "meddle" in the private sector.His Health Care Plan, Cap and Trade, and take over of General Motors put the LIE to his protestations!
In particular, the actions in dealing with Chrysler and GM, this seems to be true. The main problem is, for those that believe in the Rule of Law, the Right to Private Property, in fairness and equality, and the free market of capitalism (which has created more wealth for more people than any other system in the world's history!), this headline from John At Powerline seems to say it all.
"The Chrysler reorganization was another milestone in the decline of the rule of law under Barack Obama. We've said for quite a while that bankruptcy is the only viable option for Chrysler and General Motors, not--as Obama claims--because they don't know how to make the right kinds of vehicles, but because their unsustainable union contracts make it impossible for them to be profitable. That reality has now been turned on its head, as the administration has tried to bully Chrysler's secured creditors into going away, while the United Auto Workers Union, solely on the basis of political clout, would be paid at an implied rate of 50 percent and would emerge owning 55 percent of the company, with the government also holding a stake.
When some of the secured creditors refused to be intimidated, Obama libeled them in the press, saying, outrageously, "I don't stand with those who held out when everyone else is making sacrifices." Actually, under Obama's plan the politically favored parties, principally the UAW, will benefit--will steal money, to put it crudely--from the parties who held out. Those parties call themselves the "non-TARP lenders", and instead of getting placed in the front of the line for re-reimbursement as the Constitution demands. Obama put them literally, "in the back of the Bus"!
Not only is this an act that shreds the Constitution, but shows how people who have the temerity to oppose Obama will be treated--intimidation!
Remember this - the Obama's Government HAS to make these Trillions of our dollars actually work or he AND the Congressional Democrats are toast! They have to have private investment to assist in order to be successful. Ask yourself this question: while the lure of profits is strong, what sensible fund manager is going to partner with the Destroyer-of-Wealth-in-Chief as long as Obama keeps throwing our money away?
There was supposed to be a midsummer budget report released a few days ago, the middle of July. But Obama has conveniently hidden it away for an extra month. Why? Health care legislation. Global warming cap-and-trade legislation. He is hiding the fact that these initiatives, futile as they are anyway, simply cannot be paid for under any scenario whatsoever. Not the best-case rosy scenario that Obama and his minions painted back in February, and certainly not under the worst-case, which is far closer to where we are. The White House has been forced to paint an economic picture that is at best smoke and mirrors, and at worst an outright fraud! Source:thebogproof;Obama
There was no stimulus in the stimulus bill. Most of the money is to be spent in 2010, an election year! The facts are in the numbers that "porkulus" was and is an utter failure. Even worse is that the actual unemployment rate is only as low as it is because many of the unemployed have simply given up on finding a job and are thus off of the statistics.Nationally we are at 105, BUT IN MANY STATES THE UNEMPLOYMENT RATES ARE APPROACHING 12except for Michigan that stands at 15%!
The nation's debt ( the total of accumulated annual budget deficits ) now stands at $11.6 trillion. In the scheme of things, that's more important than talking about the "deficit," which only looks at a one-year slice of bookkeeping and totally ignores previous indebtedness that is still outstanding.
This is supposed to be a representative government, and facts such as the mid-summer budget report should not be hidden from the population to foist upon them something they would not want if they had been informed. But that is exactly what is happening under Obama. Wasn't this supposed to be the most transparent administration in U.S. history? The only transparency here is in the seeing of the dishonesty at every step of the way. When will the electorate finally wake up? In fact, when will most of the MSM wake up? They've been in bed, with a smooth-talking Obama, and if and when the wake up.That next morning will be a doozy for them!
And as I bring this tome to a close I just learned that the Senate has voted to strip $1.75 billion on seven additional F-22 jets that President Obama said was unnecessary and would doom a $680 bill authorizing defense spending plans for the coming fiscal year.
The 58-40 vote prevents Obama from carrying out a threat to use the first veto of his presidency if senators had kept the designation in the defense bill.
Obama thanked the senators for approving the amendment that he says will "better protect our troops." Absurd statement or a Commander in Chief!
Obama said he rejected the notion that the country has to "waste billions of taxpayers dollars" on outdated defense projects.
When has the newest fighter jet, that is operational, an outdated weapon? This president is dangerous!
Monday, July 20, 2009
"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'" RONALD REAGAN
The way Obama is trying to ram his health Care socialisation is by telling us that if Congress does not pass by the end of summer, children will die and many people
will go bankrupt---FEAR!!
If you an get by the intimidation and fear generated by Obama and look at just what the Progressive Socialists want to slip by US. You will find some of the demands,in fact most of the proposed legislation is about control!!
In a blog short enough not to turn off any potential reader. I can not list all the negatives , but I will list a few that should make you get really angry if you are not inclined to Socialism!
"CNS News editor in chief Terence Jeffrey also reports that "the legal use of tobacco products is the only vice for which insurance companies will be able to charge their customers higher premiums," adding, "a person could have been admitted to hospitals three times for heroin overdoses, or been pregnant five times out of wedlock, or been treated for venereal diseases at least once per year for the past five years, but none of these factors could be used to charge that person a higher insurance premium." Jeffrey further notes that the bill calls for improved immunization coverage, including the use of "reminders or recalls for patients or providers, or home visits" to accomplish it. Yes, home visits.
Those who currently have private individual coverage won't be able to change it. Nor will those who leave a company to work for themselves be free to buy individual plans from private carriers." Private individual coverage will be outlawed by attrition.
During the presidential campaign, Republicans, including candidates Fred Thompson and John McCain, warned about the tax implications of electing Obama president. They were right. House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles Rangel (D-NY) announced late last Friday that Congress would pay for health care by hiking taxes on the households earning more than $350,000 per year and individuals earning $280,000. The hike would put New York's top bracket at nearly 60 percent. Rangel predicts revenue of $540 billion over 10 years. Democrats' ultimate goal is to have the highest income earners pay for health care for everyone else. But even the liberal Washington Post editorialized, "There is simply no way to close the [funding] gap by taxing a handful of high earners."
To cover part of this deficiency, Democrats propose cutting tax breaks for hospitals because they don't provide enough charitable care to earn them any longer. According to the American Hospital Directory, fewer than half of the 5,482 hospitals in the country actually pay federal, state or local taxes. That will change. Furthermore, the hospital industry agreed this week to take $155 billion less in payments from the government, leaving the money to cover the uninsured.
Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) added an amendment to the bill that would require all health insurance companies to provide unspecified "preventive care and screenings" for "pregnant women and individuals of child-bearing age." Asked if this would include abortion, Mikulski sidestepped: "It would provide for any service deemed medically necessary or medically appropriate." Source: Patriot Post
To say that this will help all Americans is nothing less than a bold faced misrepresentation! They(DEMS.) say that there are 47 million uninsured. What they do not tell you is that over 20 thousand of this group make over 50 thousand dollars year, are under 40, in good enough health that they would rather spend their money on a new car or a bigger home!
Another 12 million are illegal aliens!
Before we allow Congress to pass this heinous legislation we should look at what is happening in Tennessee. A state that tried to run a government controlled health plan.Of course the Liberals say we can run it better than the state of Tenn. but when has the Federal government run a program better? Medicare, Social Security, Amtrak, Postal Service? I think NOT!
Tennessee is in the process of cutting about 150,000 people from the TennCare program after a reevaluation of enrollee eligibility to participate in the state-run insurance program.
TennCare, the managed care Medicaid program that began in 1994, now serves about 1.2 million people in the state and has a $7 billion budget. That’s after cuts were made.
Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) was a Tennessee state senator through much of the TennCare problems and believes it is a forecast of what would happen under federal health care “public option” plan. While supporters of the Tennessee program said it would save money, it wound up eating 38 percent of the state’s budget, she said.
“As a result of this, insurance rates for those who have private coverage were going through the roof,” Blackburn told a gathering at the conservative Heritage Foundation last week.Source:CNS NEWS
“There is no example that you can point to that shows where having private insurance in competition with the public option brings the costs down. It leads to exploding costs,” she said.
WE are already in debt up to our noses. Obama will take us to the drowning point!
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