Saturday, September 06, 2008


While Obama has tacitly agreed that we need to drill off-shore his economic plan that includes increased taxation on corporations, "even if it decreases government revenue, to be fair".
The Democrat platform includes universal health care, projected minimum wage increases by government mandate and coercion. All of which will put a burden on the tax payers, despite his lies that he will all be on the rice! The "trickle down effect" of mandated minimum wage increases and increased taxation of corporation will just be passed on to the consumer. All are not rich!!

The real issue in this November's election is "SAVE THE ECONOMY, DRILL NOW"!!!

Sarra Palin articulated the issue well when she described that the area in ANWR that is targeted for drilling is no more than a foot print in the vastness of Alaska's wilderness.
America-first energy policy, is what she and McCain are advocating. It will create millions of high-paying jobs with complete government deregulation and decontrol of the full menu of energy sources: oil, natural gas, nuclear, clean coal, shale and the alternative fuels of wind, solar and cellulosic.

The U.S. Geological Survey estimates that there are nearly 100 billion barrels of oil in the Arctic, with roughly one-third under sovereign U.S. territory in Alaska. There are at least 10 billion (and perhaps close to 20 billion) barrels of oil in ANWR, while old estimates suggest between 800 billion and 2 trillion barrels of oil in the Rocky Mountain shale formations.

It's also worth noting that 1.8 billion acres of the Outer Continental Shelf -- with roughly 100 billion barrels of recoverable oil and 400 trillion feet of natural gas -- are off-limits because of the Democrat controlled congressional moratorium.

And yet, Obama and the Democrats expect the voters to elect him to lead this country?
He proposes increased taxation of oil companies. And all he talks about is a windfall profits tax. That's is no real economic recovery plan. He has shown no interest in reducing gasoline prices at the pump. He even sponsored legislation to prevent 3-D seismic technology and other research efforts to correctly measure our undersea oil deposits.source: Congressional record

When next you fill up your gas tank ask yourself whether what Obama promises is really going to help anyone but those who have already jumped on the government "gravy train".Even the poor won't benefit, because despite claims to the contrary. Government does less for poor people than do private groups like the Salvation Army and Catholic Charities.
If the cost of oil doesn't come down the cost of food and housing will increase proportional to their costs for fuel to deliver goods and services.

Unless you believe in Marxist Socialism you have to vote Republican!!

Friday, September 05, 2008


Posted by Jax Hawk on Friday, September 05, 2008 12:55:45 PM
"Angry community organizers defended their work, and that of former colleague Barrack Obama, as they fought back yesterday against a series of gibes by speakers at the Republican convention. Organizers described themselves as an antidote to the influence of big-money lobbyists. They cited helping the powerless join forces to demand better schools and safer streets, often by working through churches. SOURCE:msnbc
During the half time of last nights NFL football game, NBc interrupted the usual football analyst's presentation, to cover the Republican convention. This is appropriate considering the closeness of the Presidential race, but then they inserted a video of Obama replying to Vice-Presidential nominee, Gov. PALIN'S remarks about Obama's Chicago Community Organizing not being executive experience.
Obama tried to make the point, as most Democrats do, that the Republicans are not concerned about poor, homeless people.

What he didn't say is more important than what he said!
Obama's community service involved radical groups like ACORN, and other left wing political types to get out the vote. He was not helping them, he was helping himself get elected to the US Senate.
His only quasi-philanthropic endeavored was the Annenberg project to help inner city schools. But all this accomplished was to spread millions of dollars around political cronies. The records of the money spent and who got the lions share is no where to be found!

Rudy Giuliani and Sarah Palin specifically mocked Barack's experience as a community organizer on the South Side of Chicago more than two decades ago. We need to clarify something for them right now. Community organizing is how ordinary people respond to out-of-touch politicians and their failed policies."

"Neither Palin nor Giulani were mocking community organizers in church basements and community centers across the country working to improve their neighbors’ lives. What deserves ridicule is the notion that Obama's brief period as a Chicago South Side organizer for tax-subsidized, partisan nonprofits, qualifies as executive experience" source:Town Hall.

What deserves criticism is “community organizing” that relies on a community of homeless people and radicals to organize for the purpose of registering among others, dead people to vote, and using the race card as a bludgeon.

Obama's community organizing days involved training grievance-mongers from the far-left ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now). The ACORN group is infamous for its bully tactics (which they dub “direct actions"); Obama supporters have recounted his role in organizing an ambush on a government planning meeting about a landfill project opposed by Chicago's minority lobbies.source:Chicago Tribune

With benefactors like Obama in office, ACORN has managed to garner four decades of government subsidies to prop up chapters that promote the welfare state and undermine the free market, as well as some that have been implicated in perpetuating illegal immigration and voter fraud.
Look up 'Community Organizers' on monster or careebuilder. None. No jobs. Zipo. No where in the country.
Go to any college or university and look up the discipline 'Community Organizer' - None. Zipo.
Lets call it what it is Obama. You were just scoring political points and lining up lobbyists for a run at a state senate seat. You couldn't have cared less about the community you were "working" in.

Thursday, September 04, 2008


I do not usually watch political conventions, because of the hot air and hyperbole that are associated with this type event.
But I had to watch last nights speech by Vice-President designate, Governor Palin.And I was both surprised and disgusted by what I saw.

The speech by Gov. Plain was a stem winder,it reminded me of the speeches we heard from the late great President Reagan. She took no prisoners, said what she thought of Obama and his minions with style and substance.
Then the Left waded into the mud!!
I was watching the MSNBC feed to our local cable system, and the claws were bared by all who commented on the speech. Every last one admitted she spoke well, but they all uniformly took the position that she ignored the issues of the economy and health care.They slyly avoided talking about National defense and the threat of terrorism!

This was the designated topic to attack both Palin and the Republicans. The "announcers" made a big deal out of the fact that both Obama and Biden had talked about the poor economy and promised Universal Heal Care, but I have yet to hear a solution from either man.
The problem is, the two do not necessarily go together. I am no economist, but simple arithmetic tells me that if you spend billions giving people "Quality" free medical care without raising taxes drastically, you will put an even greater strain on the economy.
The economy is not doing so bad after all. Most of the "EU" would love to have economic growth of 3.3%( that is from April l08 to June 08), as we do! Yes, their are lost jobs, but employment is still lower than it's high in 2002 when we had 457,000 out of work. The present number does need to be reduced by the next Administration, but you cannot help people to get to work if you raise taxes on the employers. The result in increased taxation is layoffs!! Even President Kennedy knew that, so he slashed taxes and improved government income by increasing productivity!

WE must all remember that the tax and spend Democrats want us to elect an empty suit who has no executive experience, but advocates increased taxation on those who make money so he can give it to those who don't! Lenin promised the peasants he would give them all that the landowner had, but all they got was hunger, death and loss of their religion. Obama is no Lenin, but he is on the road to dialectic collectivism I am sure!!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008


The Media has chosen their "Black Messiah", and are frantic because a new wrinkle has been inserted into the Presidential race. A WOMAN!!
Now voters have two firsts to contemplate. A first"Quasi" Black man(his mother was white) and a Woman on opposite sides of the political spectrum.
Democrats represent the elected elite, so called intelligentsia, and the "gimme-gimme" group that wants the government to take care of them from the cradle to the grave.
Now comes a self made,pro-life Feminist who is not afraid to shatter the glass ceiling. In fact she has broken it to pieces in Alaska. AS governor and previous mayor, she is the poster women for all Women who believe in JUdeo-Christian values and the right to succeed on your own hard work without interference from "Big Brother" government.

Despite all her accomplishments the Media left has put a full court press to try and destroy her even before the Republican convention is closed!
A perfect example of the fear and hatred in the hearts and minds of the Left is the statement by Andrea Mitchell on Sundays Meet The Press. Ske had the unmitigated Gaul to say this; "She is not appealing to the same women who were really voting or supporting Hillary Clinton on ideological issues but they think that they can peel off some of these working class women, not college educated, who, the blue collar women who were voting for Hillary Clinton and may be more conservative on social causes.the italics are mine!

So, only the stupid, uneducated, working class ninnies will be somehow fooled into voting for the McCain/Palin ticket, Andrea? Those that are smart, educated, upper class women are too clever for that? Is that what we are saying here, Andrea?

Democrats obsess over class distinctions. This betrays a psychological need to consign others to second-class status in attempts to assign themselves the role of America's hereditary nobles - condescending to attend to the wants of their commoner-constituents while on campaign to recapture Camelot-on-Potomac. Example, Queen Pelosi, and all the Princes of the Democrat controlled Congress, who strut and speak as though they were Royalty!
But while most Americans consider today's true Royals to be a species of celebrity whose lives and antics are, at times, worthy of attention and gossip, we would never look to them for governance. We place our faith in self-made men and women of accomplishment.A case in point is Gov. Palin , the choice of McCain for his VP running mate.

"When the smoke clears, the fireworks end, and the ugly/lying words are over, the facts remain: Senator Obama still has no record of anything but Leftist tax and spend accomplishments.He still opposes offshore drilling, he voted to raise taxes on those making just $42,000 per year, and he voted against funds for American troops in harm's way. The fact remains: Barrack Obama is still not ready or qualified to be President."
And for those of you who still believe in voting for someone who has moral values. Obama is and always will be a friend of those advocating partial birth abortion, defeat of THE DEFENSE OF MARRIAGE ACT.While in the Illinois State Senate, he blocked emergency medical aid for babies who survived abortion!
On the Republican side you have Gov.Palin who marched with Feminists for Life, and is the mother of five children!

Obama speaks vaguely about “change, ”but Obama’s brand of change is a hostile attack on the Judeo-Christian values and freedoms most Americans hold dear.
This isn’t “change you can believe in”—it is change designed to uproot American culture and replace it with the failed, secular, socialist policies of the failed Russian and European governments.


Forty years ago in Chicago the anti-war protesters ruined the Democratic convention with their anarchist riots, and with it went any chance to win the Presidential election the following November.
The radical left, unlike the Obfuscating Lame Stream Media has a good memory about this event.
So good that were their efforts, they are trying to wreak havoc on the Republicans in Minnesota, as they did in Chicago, with hopes of the same results!

At least 250 people were arrested outside the Republican Convention last night as police used tear gas and pepper spray to disperse rioters attacking property and blocking roads in protest at the war in Iraq. They had come in their thousands – grandmothers, veterans, young families and even disgruntled Republicans bearing banners and peace flags. And for the most part, the demonstrations passed off peacefully. But once the main antiwar march had finished, splinter groups embarked on a violent rampage, smashing windows, slashing car tyres, throwing bottles and even attacking Republican delegates attending the nearby Xcel Centre. Many of those involved identified themselves to reporters as anarchists. These protesters, some clad in black, wreaked havoc by damaging property and starting at least one fire. The Minnesota National Guard sent 150 soldiers to help police tackle the riots, which flared as delegates were assembling in St. Paul for the four-day meeting

Terry Butts, a former Alabama Supreme Court justice who is a convention delegate, was on a bus taking delegates to the arena when a brick thrown through a window sprayed glass on him and two others. Mr Butts said he wasn’t hurt. “It just left us a little shaken,” he said. “It was sort of a frightening moment because it could have been a bomb or a Molotov cocktail." Five people were arrested for lighting a rubbish bin on fire and pushing it into a police car, St. Paul police spokesman Tom Walsh said. Of those arrested, 119 faced possible felony charges. At least four journalists were among those detained, including Associated Press photographer Matt Rourke and Amy Goodman, host of Democracy Now!, a nationally syndicated public radio and TV news program. source: Hannah Strange's article and London Times

Chicago ‘68 doomed the candidacy of Hubert Humphrey and set off shock waves of reform. For the Left, Chicago ‘68 hastened the demise of SDS and intensified the revolutionary fervor that would spawn street violence and bombings. For the media, Chicago ‘68 created a deep suspicion of the state and its minions. For Chicago, Chicago ‘68 weakened support for the last of the big-city bosses and fanned the flames of political reform.
This blog is to remind those who forgot that Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorn, both friends and associates of Barrack Obama,founded the Weathermen.
Weatherman, known colloquially as the Weathermen and later the Weather Underground Organization, was an American radical left organization founded in 1969 by leaders and members who split from the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). The group organized a riot in Chicago in 1969 and bombed buildings in the 1970s.

They took their name from the lyric "You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows," from the Bob Dylan song Subterranean Homesick Blues. They also used this lyric as the title of a position paper they distributed at an SDS convention in Chicago on June 18, 1969, as part of a special edition of New Left Notes. The Weathermen were initially part of the Revolutionary Youth Movement (RYM) within the SDS, splitting from the RYM's Maoists by claiming there was no time to build a vanguard party and that revolutionary war against the United States government and the capitalist system should begin immediately. Their founding document called for the establishment of a "white fighting force" to be allied with the "Black Liberation Movement" and other "anti-colonial" movements[1] to achieve "the destruction of US imperialism and achieve a classless world: world communism."source:Wikapedia

The Weathermen are responsible for multiple terrorist acts, including the bombings of the U.S. Capitol, the Pentagon, Ft. Dix and office buildings in various U.S. cities. In fact, the group claimed credit for 12 terrorist bombings between 1970 and 1974 alone; and while no innocent civilians were killed:

But I doubt their protest and resort to violence will help elect their "savior". Too many people are tired of violence in the streets by people who preach Peace and Love, but resort to violence outside the boundaries of Democratic reform!!

Monday, September 01, 2008


The Jerusalem Post is reporting that Army Radio in Israel, monitored a talk between Senator Joe Biden in closed conversations with Jerusalem officials three years ago "that he was firmly opposed to an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities".
Biden, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations committee, reportedly claimed "that Israel would likely have to come to terms with a nuclear Iran. He reportedly expressed doubt over the effectiveness of economic sanctions imposed on the Islamic Republic and said he was against the opening of an additional military and diplomatic front, saying that the US had more pressing problems, such as North Korea and Iraq".
My sources could not confirm this talk, but it is apparent that the top half of the Democratic ticket is perceived as a man favored by the Palestinians in Gaza.
The same issue of the J.Post reported and showed a film strip of a phone bank of 25 Palestinian college age men making telephone calls using the Internet to influence voters in America to vote for Obama.
The Palestinian who "hatched" this scheme stated to reporters that "they are calling from Gaza to ask those that contact to vote for Obama because he is a man of peace"!

Army Radio said that "Jerusalem officials expressed amazement at the comments and were wondering which position to take seriously, that of Biden or Obama, who declared last Monday that the world must press Iran through sanctions and diplomacy to stop its nuclear program, so that Israel does not feel its "back is against the wall" and that it therefore has no choice but to attack".

"The position of the vice presidential candidate puts a huge question mark over the degree of empathy the Obama administration would display concerning one of the greatest threats Israel faces," they said.

Unfortunately a man of Peace at all costs has no business having the position of Commander in Chief of all USA forces during a time of war! And do not delude yourself, we are involved in a war. A conflict for the very existence of freedom and liberty in the Western Hemisphere and Israel.

Tyrants throughout the ages have attacked armed and unarmed, unprepared adversaries. This is true even in our own recent history. In World War I, Germany went to war with a well-armed France and England. In World War II, the Allies and Russia were not without arms. But that did not prevent Germany from once again attacking them.

MAHMOUD AHMADINEJAD has stated clearly on numerous occasions that he plans to destroy the State of Israel and its inhabitants. Tyrants and madmen often disclose exactly what they intend to do if they get the opportunity. For example, Adolph Hitler clearly articulated his views on the Jewish people which he wrote in Mein Kampf and constantly espoused in public speeches. The problem is not non-disclosure of intent; it is the intended victim's leaden ears. Let us not bee fooled by slick talking politicians who offer change, but will be willing to concede anything to those who threaten us to maintain this false peace we find ourselves in today.