While Obama has tacitly agreed that we need to drill off-shore his economic plan that includes increased taxation on corporations, "even if it decreases government revenue, to be fair".
The Democrat platform includes universal health care, projected minimum wage increases by government mandate and coercion. All of which will put a burden on the tax payers, despite his lies that he will all be on the rice! The "trickle down effect" of mandated minimum wage increases and increased taxation of corporation will just be passed on to the consumer. All are not rich!!
The real issue in this November's election is "SAVE THE ECONOMY, DRILL NOW"!!!
Sarra Palin articulated the issue well when she described that the area in ANWR that is targeted for drilling is no more than a foot print in the vastness of Alaska's wilderness.
America-first energy policy, is what she and McCain are advocating. It will create millions of high-paying jobs with complete government deregulation and decontrol of the full menu of energy sources: oil, natural gas, nuclear, clean coal, shale and the alternative fuels of wind, solar and cellulosic.
The U.S. Geological Survey estimates that there are nearly 100 billion barrels of oil in the Arctic, with roughly one-third under sovereign U.S. territory in Alaska. There are at least 10 billion (and perhaps close to 20 billion) barrels of oil in ANWR, while old estimates suggest between 800 billion and 2 trillion barrels of oil in the Rocky Mountain shale formations.
It's also worth noting that 1.8 billion acres of the Outer Continental Shelf -- with roughly 100 billion barrels of recoverable oil and 400 trillion feet of natural gas -- are off-limits because of the Democrat controlled congressional moratorium.
And yet, Obama and the Democrats expect the voters to elect him to lead this country?
He proposes increased taxation of oil companies. And all he talks about is a windfall profits tax. That's is no real economic recovery plan. He has shown no interest in reducing gasoline prices at the pump. He even sponsored legislation to prevent 3-D seismic technology and other research efforts to correctly measure our undersea oil deposits.source: Congressional record
When next you fill up your gas tank ask yourself whether what Obama promises is really going to help anyone but those who have already jumped on the government "gravy train".Even the poor won't benefit, because despite claims to the contrary. Government does less for poor people than do private groups like the Salvation Army and Catholic Charities.
If the cost of oil doesn't come down the cost of food and housing will increase proportional to their costs for fuel to deliver goods and services.
Unless you believe in Marxist Socialism you have to vote Republican!!
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