Saturday, May 12, 2007


Dear Secretary Gates.

I am writing to you in hopes that what I have learned is news to You also. If it is not, then I must consider the possibility that political correctness and gross stupidity has infiltrated the Defense Department as it has obviously attacked the State Department.

It is one thing to ask people to volunteer to go into harms way for the good of their fellow country men. But it is complrte and utter stupidity to take the ammunition out of the weapons they will most surely need if and when their post is attacked. That is what safety locks are for!

The following partial quote is from todays Washington Times. Please read it and please put the ammunition back into our troops weapons at all times. We have trained these men and women to fight, but not with their hands tied behind their backs!


"US troops are being forced to carry unloaded weapons on most US bases because commanders are more worried about a "negligent" discharge than the very real likelihood of a terrorist attack by an insider on the base. The rule is all the more disconcerting because these troops are in areas where they receive combat pay..."This selection of political correctness and safety concerns over force protection contrasts markedly with combat experience in World War II, Korea or Vietnam, where soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines were required to be armed — with loaded weapons — at all times," one official said. "This is a gross failure of leadership, and in all likelihood has contributed to the US casualty rate," the official said. The officer in Iraq said the unloaded-gun rule is a symptom of bigger military leadership problems, especially in the Army. "Unfortunately, many military leaders are little more than managers, and many of those have consciously chosen to reduce themselves to the level of permanent administrator, because it is safer for their careers than risking real decision-making," he said...A soldier in Afghanistan said the no-loaded-weapons rule is true for bases there as well, adding that soldiers are required to unload weapons after returning from "Indian country".

The Democrat Congress is trying to force Our troops to retreat from Iraq by cutting off funds. This is an act of perfidy, but making soldiers empty their weapons in an enemy combat zone is idiotic! You can and should change this policy immediately. I hope to ALMIGHTY GOD you will!


Friday, May 11, 2007

Maybe We Should Withdraw the Foot Soldiers and Bomb

I have always been a person who supports the Conservative position. Right or wrong the conservative position has been my way of thinking. It is why I have supported President bush through all the negativity that has been dumped on him during this "righteous" war against Islamist terrorism.
But if you read my posting earlier today we may have to finally realize that we have "the fox in the hen house". Al-Maliki could be the "fox"!
For this reason I am posting an opinion which I have to admit sounds not only plausible but perhaps the only thing to do at this point in time.
It hurts me deeply to admit we are in a situation that has no end, and I realize that Our withdrawal will result in genocide for certain. But if the elected leadership in Washington fails to grasp the threat to Us from Iran. It may be time to reconsider our commitment.
I agree with the readers comments that follow. We should abandon the "boots on the ground" approach, and bomb the living H**l out of any place in Syria, Iraq and Iran that we know is a haven for Terrorists.
The following is from an ultra conservative like myself, that I trust.

The only positive solution to the whole problem in the Middle East liberal created lovefest,in my opinion, and our only way out of a quagmire produced by a gutless U.S. Congress who have all but waved a white flag to the murderous terrorists,along with the sad support by a weak liberal Israeli Prime Minister Olmert, who has also allowed the terrorists to increase their resolve in the fighting in Iraq and in destroying the sovereignty of Israel by his cowardice, is to pull out of Iraq,drop many "bunker buster" bombs on Iran to destroy Iran's nuclear development sites,and tell the Middle East to go to hell in a hand basket.
The Israelis apparently,with a cowardly pacifist at their helm, and doing nothing to rid themselves of this coward, are content to let the barbarians,once again,take away their God given right to freedom.
Thousands of years of asinine,foolish attempts at reasonable persuasion by pompous idealogue has done nothing, but for brief periods of time,to stop the ongoing bloodshed.
History is repeating itself and we would be best to concentrate on ridding our country of its treacherous politicians who have flaunted President Bush in a treasonous way, in the next election, and build a super strong defensive capability.
However,this in all likelihood is wishful thinking with the morally corrupt state this country is in today.God Bless an Help America.

Very Difficult To Win With Enemies Within

President Bush has enough trouble keeping up the "good fight" in Iraq while fighting the "retreat at all cost" Democrats and a left wing Media printing only negative reports about the war.
He certainly does not need a fifth column at the seat of power in the new Iraqi government. It would seem, however,if you can believe the reports coming out of the "Middle East Research Institute" that he has a real problem with the Prime Minister of the new Iraqi government.
Those who don't spend all of their news gathering time watching network Tv or reading the Washington Post or New York Times know that Syria and Iran have a stake in this fight. Both countries have been coduits for weapons to the terrorists trying to drive Our servicemen and women out.
Now the following was uploaded to the internet this morning. When you read it realize the dilema we and the President have if it is true. The Left wing Congress will dance in the streets and raise a cold one.
Al-Maliki Calls to Withdraw Iranian Revolutionary Guards Commanders from the Iraqi Front in Order to Protect Them
The first document, labeled "secret, personal, and urgent," is a January 2007 letter from Al-Maliki's office to the Iranian Embassy in Baghdad, with copies to the presidency of the [Shi'ite party] Supreme Council of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq and to the Al-Shahid Al-Sadr organization." [2] In it, Al-Maliki requests that the commanders of the Mahdi Army, who have ties with the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, be pulled off the Iraqi frontlines, in order to protect them from being arrested or killed. The following is a translation of the document:

"Secret, Personal and Urgent

"Based on a phone conversation with Sayyid Muqtada Al-Sadr and [after] consulting with [Iraq's National Security Advisor] Dr. Muwafaq Al-Rubai'i, in order to preserve our great achievements and in light of what the present circumstances demand, we ask to temporarily conceal the commanders of the Mahdi Army, who are connected to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, [and to remove them] from the front line [of battle] in order to protect them from being arrested or killed by the American forces. [The names of the commanders] are listed below. It would be best to send them to Iran for the time being, until the crisis passes.

"In addition, [we ask] to send the commanders from the second line [of battle] to the southern regions, since we know that intensive efforts are underway to persuade the Americans to leave the situation [there] as it is. All administrative and security arrangements for the transportation of these commanders have [already] been made.

"We ask you to implement [these orders] and report to us.

"[Signed,] Nouri Al-Maliki, Prime Minster [of Iraq]

"The Iranian Embassy [in] Baghdad,

"The presidency of the Supreme Council of the Islamic Revolution
in Iraq,
"Huston we have a Problem", comes to mind!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Clinton Could Have Stopped The Jihad

In a camp not far from Peshawar a meeting between President Clintons emissary Abu Umar Ameriki(means American) and the leader of the Egyptian Jihad and doctor to Bin Laden, Shaykh Aymam Al- Zawahiri was held. The alleged purpose of the meeting was to let the Jihadist that President Clinton was not only willing to not interfere if the Islamists wished to depose the government of Mubarak in Egypt if the Islamists would reduce the terrorist threat to the United States. To sweeten the deal Clinton allegedly offered fifty million dollars in aid to the new government if they succeeded.
This meeting was held in 1997 after the two bombings of Embassies had taken place in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Nairobi Kenya killing 80 people.
The man the Clinton emissary met with, Al-Zawahiri had alredy said in an interview with Yossef Bodansky during December 1997 "that a conflict between the Muslim nation (Ummah) and the United States is unavoidable. He further stated that they knew the weakness of the U.S. and Israel was their vulnerability to receiving dead bodies of their sons, and therefore, we shall throw in their faces the flesh of their sons, minced and grilled. The United States must pay the price, it must pay it dearly."
It would appear that our government intelligence would have picked up on this statement and informed the decision makers in Clintons Cabinet that it was impossible to bargain with this kind of monster. Apparently it was ignored for more important matters like Lewinski affairs!
Since the debacle that was the Dual headed Presidency of Bill and Hillary the world wide terrorist Jihad has grown exponentially.
The following quote is from a lengthy interview recently with this "doctor of death" Al-Zawahiri in Egypt.
"The road to reform, and Allah knows best, requires, in the Arabian Peninsula and the other Islamic lands, work on two plans. The first is in the near term, and seeks to strike Crusader and Zionist interests so that the ground erupts in flames under the feet of the Zionists and Crusaders in our countries and theirs and everywhere we are able to strike their interests until they leave our countries and stop their continuous and increasing interference in our affairs.
And the second plan is for the longer term, and depends on two pillars: the first is preparation for the confrontation, by going forth to arenas of battle like Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia, and the second pillar is diligent work to change the corrupt and corrupted regimes through invitation, incitement, mobilization and planning, and to persevere in that however much time it takes or sacrifice it requires. And every time we achieve victory in one arena, that will ease - with Allah's help - victory in the next one.
And from this, the critical importance of the Jihad in Iraq and Afghanistan becomes clear, because the defeat of the Crusaders there - soon, Allah permitting, will lead to the setting up of two Mujahid Emirates which will be launch pads for the liberation of the Islamic lands and the establishment of the Caliphate, with Allah's permission."
At the conclusion of his interview he made a call for all Black soldiers wearing the uniform of the United States to throw off the uniforms of "their enslavers" and come over to the Islamist side!
If you don't believe the Democrat fight to get the troops out of Iraq won't cause a worst genocide since Hitler then you are brain dead or so hateful of the military that you want to see them loose again! May God not let that happen.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

What Did You Do Daddy?

In the Academy Award movie Patton there was a speech given to the assembled army that Patton was to lead into battle that has relevance today as it did in 1943.During his forceful and inspiring speech he said the following:
" Thirty years from now, when you're sitting around your fireside with your grandson on your knee and he asks you, "What did you do in the great World War II," you won't have to say, "Well... I shoveled s**t in Louisiana."
If Senators Reid, Clinton, and the complete Democrat Senatorial delegation are asked this question 30 years from now by their grandchildren they will have to say: "Well I voted to cut off funds for the deployment of more troops being sent to Iraq." I got word from "Move On" that if I didn't vote to cut off funds and demand withdrawal immediately they wouldn't support Us in 2008. So you see. I did what any patriotic Democrat would do in that situation. I had no idea the Islamist "insurgents" would get their hands on a nuclear bomb and set it off in Chicago!
Nancy Pelosi will say: I took the President to court because he wouldn't listen to Me. You know I was appointed "queen" of the Congress, and the President had no right to ignore me.
Congressman Conyers could say :I decided that during war was as good a time as any to Impeach that "liar" in the Oval Office. How else could a little known Congressman get the attention I deserved?"
The Congressional Democrats have lost the civility that once was the identity of those Congressmen who came from the Deep South to show the Yankees how it should be done.Now The "blue dogs" are gone.
Today the rhetoric coming out of the mouths of most Democrats is the hate speech of a dock worker, with apologies to the the dock worker!
The hate literally drips from the mouths of not only those who are elcted to National office, but also from their supporters. Bloggers, newspaper writers and TV anchors have a rancor toward everything President Bush and his supporters attempt to do or has done.
Unfortunately since we took God out of government the split between good and evil has begun in ernest. Those who wish to keep our Country with the Judeo-Christian foundation on one side, and those that want desperatly to make us a Welfare secular society on the other.
Maybe it is time we call it like it is. There are Conservatives and there are Liberals, Democrat and Republican no longer identify who they are and what thay stand for!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Time For Congress To Act

Medicare is in serious trouble

Matt Moore, senior policy analyst at the National Center for Policy Analysis wrote the following piece today. I believe he has hit upon one of the major causes for this Countrys'financial disaster or the worst betrayal by Our Government if this program fails.
Unfortunately, for too many years the Congress has had no "spine" to address the growing problem that awaits when there are more Medicare recipients than there are workers to generate the taxes to support the program. His piece has been copied below in part.

"But this time, just maybe, it will turn out different, says Moore. This time the president and Congress have to do something about it:

An obscure provision in the 2003 law that added prescription drugs to Medicare requires the Medicare trustees to raise a flag if two consecutive reports predict Medicare will draw more than 45 percent of its funding from general revenues within the next seven years.
In short, if Medicare is expected to drain too much income tax money from the federal government within the next seven years, the trustees have to alert Congress.
The 2006 report was the first to cross the threshold, and this year's report required the trustees to officially sound the alarm.
Both the President and congressional leaders should take the warning to heart: Medicare is growing really fast, says Moore:

Within the next two decades, Medicare will drain almost a quarter of federal income tax revenue.
By 2030, about the midpoint of the baby boomer retirement years, Medicare will take more than a third.
Eventually, Medicare spending will drain nearly every tax dollar the government raises; in all, we're talking somewhere in the neighborhood of $60 trillion.
As a result, we need to rethink how Medicare works, says Moore. For example, we could combine all the parts of Medicare, including the prescription drug benefit and individually-purchased Medigap policies, into a single plan with a single premium. In addition, people should be allowed and encouraged to save money while working to fund future elderly health care benefits."
We hope Congress stops trying to destroy the President and will finally address some of the fiscal problems that must be fixed if this Republic is to survive, but I won't hold my breath until they do. Partisan politics has made a circus of our Congress, and I don't expect it to stop very soon.
It is time for Americans to elect fiscal conservatives who will save our dollar and our economy. We have had enough of the politicians who get to Washington by promising more government programs.The march toward Socialism has been relentless on both sides of the isle. Now it is time for us to stop it!

Posted by Doctor Bills Comments at 5:32 PM - No Comments Add a Comment

The Fifth Column IS Everywhere

The propagandists for the enemy we face is not an amorphous Islamist group. It is a well organized and fervently dedicated organization called Al Qaeda. It is operating world wide,and for our troops at war with them it is found in Afghanistan,and Iraq. Unfortunately the brain thrust and logistics comes from Iran. Even though the strings of their operations are being pulled by the Iranians. It would seem we are restrained from decapitating the head that leads this monster who would destroy us.
This week the newspaper read by over 240,000 people worldwide everyday, The International Herald Tribune, is aiding and abetting our enemy.
The New York Times owns the International Herald Tribune, but no mention was made in any of its' papers about the Add for "bids to build two nuclear power plants in Iran" that ran in the International Herald Tribune.
The add included telephone numbers and email addesses to use by anyone capable and willing to assist in furthering their nuclear program. It also made references to Banks that could be contacted for financial transactions.
All of this despite the United Nations numerous sanctions and demands that Iran cease their nuclear proliferation program!
If Iran is successful in getting these two reactors built in addition to their nuclear plants with 133 centrifuges now in working order. We can expect the Iranians will have nuclear bombs and missiles to deliver them in a few years at most.
This scenario will bring about a situation similar to the condition we have with North Korea today. Blackmail with nuclear treats on both sides of our continent, and blackmail hovering over the whole Middle East oil fields.
Here at home the NEA appears to be a "dupe" or willing accomplice of Al Qaeda in its' relentless curriculum overload with leftist text books that rewrite history, courses on diversity, cultural awareness and understanding. All of which are intended to warp young minds into believing that their Country is bad and something to be ashamed of.
With the curriculum packed full of negative "pseudo" facts and glorification of other cultures some schools have gone so far as to have "BE a Muslim" for a day. No not be a Jew or a Catholic for a day, but dress up like a Muslim and act and eat like a Muslim in the name of diversity education.
A perfect example of Muslim appreciation of our Culture is the Muslim Students Association that demanded, from George Mason University, the right to use the "Quiet Meditation Space" ( I believe this is the "PC" term for a chapel) in the Johnson Center on the Campus of George Mason U.for their prayer services five times a day. Other religious followers cannot come in at any time unless they remove their shoes and the women pray separately from the men as do the Muslims.
These Muslim Student Associations are located on over 150 American college campuses and were founded and continue to be supported by Wahhabists in Saudi Arabia with the express of spreading Wahhabism.
From this viewpoint it appears we are being attacked from all sides, and all of the subversion is not yet involved with the use of weapons.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Jewish Voters Should Be Concerned

Many American Jews fail to identify with their Biblical past because they are of the opinion that the past is all a bunch of myths and they react only if a racial slur is uttered against them.
Biblical history indicates this was true when they were banished to Egypt for their immoral aloofness to God.
It took Moses to lead a stubborn bunch of people back to their God honored homeland after wandering the desert for forty years.
Too many Jews, like many Christians and non believers ,have lost their appreciation of the main purpose for existing in this life. Love of God, and your fellow "man".
Democrats, as they falsely call themselves today, are not the Democrats of the 40's. Too many are socialistic psuedo-intellectuals who believe left wing internationalism trumps every thought of a true democracy.
For American Jews to vote for a party that has appeared to endeared itself to those who are determined to destroy the Jews in Israel and eventually to rule the world, is irrationality at its finest.
Rigt minded people don't hand a loaded gun to an apparent enemy, but this is what,sadly,many Jews and so called mainstream Americans did in 2006 by voting Democrat.
The "Blue Dog" Democrat is a schlemeil who votes for Democrats because his father or grandfather did without checking on the people who now claim to be Democrats.
Too Many are pure socialists of the Lenin/Stalin/Marxist philosophical mode.The poor and the downtrodden have benefitted little from these "flim flam" artists of taxation without representation.
They are also filled with hate as demonstrated by them with their relations with President Bush in the past six years.
The Holocaust remains stamped forever in my brain but apparently, not in the minds of people who voted "Democrat"in the elections of 2004 and 2006.
A repeat performance in 2008 will be a disaster for Jews.
Ask Joe Lieberman about the ruthlessness of the Democratic party that tried their darnedest to defeat him by supporting a known anti-war socialist in 2006.Fortunately,Sen.Joseph Lieberman,a true American who supports Israel's sovereignty,was able to win reelection as an Independent,not as a so-called Democrat. God Bless America.And please don't let Israel down by voting Democratic in '08!

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Jewish Voters Should Look at Facts

Traditionally the Jewish voter has been pulling levers and marking ballots for Democratic candidates for decades. Maybe it is part of their liberal mindset that was brought with their ancestors who arrived in this Country fleeing from persecution and prejudice.
President Roosevelt was the personification of the liberalism they believe in, and the habit has followed them for decades ever since.
But now we have a set of circumstances which are entirely different and should be of concern for those who are Jewish and plan to vote in the 2008 election for President.
In 2004 Jews voted for Democrats 75% of the votes cast by Jewish voters. In 2006 the percentage grew to 87%. The trend does not seem to support a full knowledge of the Democrats philosophy and political tendencies.
There is not a Democratic candidate for president who is not for pulling out the troops in Iraq. In fact they have introduced Bills to withhold funds for the troops unless a date is set for withdrawal of the troops.So far President Bush's veto has kept this from being the law.
No matter how one feels about the reasons why or the means by which we got into this war. The one thing that is unequivocal and positive is that if we leave the Middle East we will leave Israel alone to face the worst threat to their existence since the Holocaust!
If the Democrats get elected Israel will be alone, and no amount of pressure brought to bear on congress by the Jewish lobby will give them enough weapons to ward off the avowed destruction that awaits them.
For this reason alone, baring all others. The people who value and consider Israel a Country worth preserving must not let the Democrats get the White House and continue to control Congress.
Not just Jewish people, but people of all faiths should not vote for people who are in favor of abandoning a friend in need!