Saturday, August 23, 2008


In the USA all straight thinking Americans recognize the Media bias toward the leftist policies of people like Barrack Obama, and his anti-war supporters.
Since the Vietnam era, when even leaders of the anti-war movement like WEATHERMEN BERNADINE DORN AND WILLIAM AYERS, attribute their successes in ending the war to their massive demonstrations and the complicit media.
Examples of the type of scurrilous coverage given to criminal members of the ant-war group is this coverage by the media in San Francisco: "At 7:30 a.m., radio station KPFK (Los Angeles) receives a call from a woman identifying herself as a member of the Weather Underground (Bernadine Dohrn): "Hello. I am going to read a declaration of a state of war. This is the first communication from the Weathermen Underground. The lines are drawn...revolution is touching all of our lives. ...Freaks are revolutionaries, and revolutionaries are freaks. If you want to find us, this is where we are. In every tribe, commune, dormitory, farmhouse, barracks and town house where kids are making love, smoking dope and loading guns. Fugitives from American justice are free to go. ...Within the next 14 days we will attack a symbol or institution of American injustice."
And they carried out their threat by bombing many university and government buildings, without a negative word from the media.

In Russia the Media is still controlled by the Putin led regime, so they never, I repeat, never print anything negative about the government. If they do, they eventually die or disappear as the news has illustrated recently.
The media has united behind Putin in his apparent quest to regain the power and respect that the former Soviet Union had. To illustrate the difference between the support the media gives to the aggression in Georgia versus the negative media coverage of Iraq and the Bush government in general I include this quote from Carmen Eller in Moscow:
"A quick war is the best propaganda: The conflict in the Caucasus has further strengthened the Putin-Medvedev leadership duo, according to new polls. Many Russians are hoping the pair will continue leading the country back towards super-power status and that they will pursue that aim more energetically".

In the minds of some Russians, Medvedev didn't go far enough in the conflict. Listener Anotoli from Tver, calling into to Echo of Moscow, said: "Medvedev is a weakling. We should have trampled on Georgia and, while we were at it, taken over the Crimea again."
Distrust amongst the Russian populace of Western policies is just about as great as its trust in it own leaders. Only 8 percent of those surveyed felt Russia was responsible for the fact that most Western governments supported Georgia in the South Ossetia conflict. A clear majority see evil intentions behind the support given by the West to Tbilisi. The West, they believe, is striving to "weaken Russia and to drive it out of the South Caucasus region."
'Very Aggressive Propaganda'
"The easiest explanation for the anti-Western sentiment is the state control of the mass media," Lev Gudkov, the director of the Levada Center, told SPIEGEL ONLINE. "On TV there is hardly any free reporting -- instead you see a lot of very aggressive propaganda." He said it was reminiscent of the worst of times in the Soviet era. The pollster said another important reason for the mass support given to Russian leaders is the increased material wealth of the people of Russia.

Unlike here in the USA, the authoritarian policies of today's Russian leadership are seldom questioned in public. Some print and online publications deliver differentiated reporting. But the reach of these media in Russia, an enormous country, is very limited. Only 20 percent of Russians have access to the Internet, and the majority of those who can get online are either young people or people who live in big cities. The powerful Putin is still held in higher esteem than his successor in the Kremlin. According to a recent survey by the Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM), which is closely aligned with the government, 58 percent of Russians put their faith in Prime Minister Putin. Only 40 percent say they prefer President Dimitry Medvedev.

And still we have people in the USA who believe the Media is the best source to get unbiased news? What we get is a litany of anti- Bush hate that has propelled a man with absolutely no experience in National government as the leading candidate to face despots like Putin if things deteriorate in the next four years!

Thursday, August 21, 2008


On August 21,1968, Russian tanks and soldiers armed with automatic weapons rolled in to Prague, Checoslovakia o quell an apparent Democratic rebellion by it's Communist satellite.
Alexander Dubrek had led an experiment in giving Communism a "human face".

The Prague Spring was the last attempt of communist reformers in the Eastern Bloc to rid their countries of the vestiges of Stalinism and to decentralize the totalitarian system. It was an historical breaking point with a depressing fallout. And it was then, in the summer of 1968, 12 years after the Hungarian Revolution and seven years after a wall first divided Germany in two, that a powerful illusion died out -- the illusion that the communist system could gradually develop into a new kind of liberal democracy.

Dubrek became a Czechoslovak icon as well as the hope of reformers in other socialist and communist countries. But Czechoslovakia’s experiment became its tragedy on the night of August 21, 1968, when the armies of Communist Russia invaded. Students in Prague graffitied on a building wall, “Lenin, wake up, they’ve gone mad.” Images of desperate people standing up defenseless against the tanks drew worldwide attention and widespread sympathy for the rebellion of little Czechoslovakia against the huge Soviet Union, but as now there was no definitive action taken against the USSR!

Many say Communism is dead, but I believe that Putin's actions signify that the economic model of Communism may have died, but the aggression and thirst for power that defined Stalin and Krushchev is still alive in Putin!


THE DEMOCRATS HAVE NO COMPUNCTION TO USING PEJORATIVE NAMES FOR REPUBLICANS.Such names as "liar" for General Petreaus by Hillary Clinton come to mind, and the same can be said for most Democrats description of President Bush's involvement in the war in Iraq.
But for some twisted form of logic the Democrats seem to feel it is offensive to refer to those who cut off heads, blow up civilians and use all manner of barbaric torture, as Jihadists, Islamists, and assorted other names that rightly identify the people who are waging World War III against the rest of the non-Muslim World.

A New York born, now Congress woman from California's 36th district is leading the move to pass a Bill forbidding the use of such terms. Jane Harmon is a seven term Congress person who is notable for her votes against "the Defense of Marriage Act", Forbidding Partial Birth Abortion, and Bills banning Indecent Broadcasting.
Yet, she is objecting to the calling of people whose goal is to convert or Kill as all, Jihadists!! A name they proudly claim they themselves are as defined in their version of the Bible.

The following is a quote from the "Investigative Project on Terrorism."
"In fighting Jihad, America's greatest challenge remains understanding and confronting the ideology that provides the basis for Jihadist terrorism. Efforts to clearly define this enemy ideology recently have been undermined by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC), and the State Department in promoting a "terror lexicon" that recommends federal government employees avoid terms such as "jihad," "jihadist," "Islamist," "mujahideen," and "caliphate" when addressing issues involving terrorism. The argument made by the DHS, NCTC, and others is that the use of such terms will aid in the "recruitment" of Muslims to join terrorist organizations, or will alternatively provide "legitimacy" to religious aspects of terrorist efforts.

However, this tactical approach to create a "terror lexicon" to ban such terms used in federal government terrorism reports and the 9/11 Commission report undermines the strategic efforts to identify, understand, and confront the ideology that is the root challenge in a war of ideas against Jihad. And, as Bill West points out, it can also open the door to some unintended consequences for law enforcement.

Congressmen Peter Hoekstra (R-MI) has been an outspoken critic of such "terror lexicon" efforts, and was the leader of an amendment to the House of Representatives' 2009 Intelligence funding bill to prevent government funding from supporting such activities. On July 16, 2008, the House passed (by voice vote) House Resolution 5959 "Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009," which included Congressman Hoekstra's amendment (Section 507 'Jihadists')".

Harmons rational for opposing this Bill illustrates the twisted logic of the Liberal mind. "In the House debate on this amendment, Congressional advocates of the "terror lexicon" such as Congresswoman Jane Harman (D-CA) reiterated the DHS fears that "we not use language that inflames." She said she was not trying to invoke political correctness or censorship, yet expressed concern that the language might alienate those already hostile toward us:"
Note to Congresswoman Harmon! They have already demonstrated their hatred and alienation for us on 9/11/91 and in the bombing of the Marine base, trying to sink the USS Cole . I could go on, but any right thinking person knows that soft words will not change these terrorists one iota!!!

And if you need one more illustration of the barbarism of the Muslim dominated, Sharia governed ideology. I offer this news fow the Kuait Times. In Saudia Arabia, yesterday, two people were beheaded in public, for drug trafficing!!
Muslim Sharia law in Saudi Arab allows the death penalty, beheading by sword, for the following crimes. Rape, Murder, Armed Robbery, Drug Trafficing, and Apostacy.
There have been 153 beheadings in Saudi Arabia so far this year!

For those who are confused about Apostacy, I offer the following from Wikapedia:
"apostasy is called "ridda" ("turning back") and is considered to be a profound insult to God. A person born of Muslim parents that rejects Islam is called a "murtad fitri" (natural apostate), and a person that converted to Islam and later rejects the religion is called a "murtad milli" (apostate from the community).
The appropriate penalty for apostasy in Islam (i.e. in the Qur'an or under shariah law) is the enforcement of harsh penalties against apostasy for hundreds of years.
According to most scholars, if a Muslim consciously and without coercion declares their rejection of Islam and does not change their mind after the time given to him/her by a judge for research, then the penalty for male apostates is death".

What the people like Harmon are advocating will only aid the coming of the day when our grandchildren will awaken one day and find that the Judeo-Christian based laws have been replaced by Sharia!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Scary but TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is too true to be funny.

The next time you hear a politician use the
word 'billion' in a casual manner, think about
whether you want the 'politicians' spending
YOUR tax money.
A billion is a difficult number to comprehend,
but one advertising agency did a good job of
putting that figure into some perspective in
one of it's releases.

A. A billion seconds ago it was 1959.

B. A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive.

C. A billion hours ago our ancestors were living in the Stone Age.

D. A billion days ago no-one walked on the earth on two feet.

E. A billion dollars ago was only 8 hours and 20 minutes,at the rate our government is spending it.

While this thought is still fresh in our brain...
let's take a look at New Orleans ...
It's amazing what you can learn with some simple division.

Louisiana Senator,
Mary Landrieu (D)
is presently asking Congress for
to rebuild New Orleans . Interesting number...
what does it mean?

Well... if you are one of the 484,674 residents of New Orleans
(every man, woman, and child)
you each get $516,528.

Or... if you have one of the 188,251 homes in
New Orleans , your home gets $1,329,787.

Or... if you are a family of four...
your family gets $2,066,012.

Washington, D. C

< HELLO! >
Are all your calculators broken??

Accounts Receivable Tax
Building Permit T! ax
CDL License Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Dog License Tax
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Fu el Permit Tax
Gasoline Tax
Hunting License Tax
Inheritance Tax
Inventory Tax
IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax)
IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
Liquor Tax
Luxury Tax
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Property Tax
Real Estate Tax
Service charge taxes
Social Security Tax
Road Usage Tax (Truckers)
Sales Taxes
Recreational Vehicle Tax
School Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
Telephone Federal Excise Tax
Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax
Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Tax
Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax
Telephone Recurring and Non-recurring Charges Tax
Telephone State and Local Tax
Telephone Usage Charge Tax
Utility Tax
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft Registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax

Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago...
and our nation was the most prosperous in the world.
We had absolutely no national debt...
We had the largest middle class in the world...
and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.

What happened?
Can you spell 'politicians!'

And I still have to
press '1'
for English.

What the heck happened?????/strong>strong>

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


There is an old but true statement;"that once a Marine always a Marine". Well I think the same can be said about Russia's Putin. Once a KGB always a KGB. The former you can trust your life with, the later you can never trust--no matter what he/she says!!

The Russians have repeatedly said they are pulling out their troops that invaded Georgia, but reports from that region of the World say they have not!

Unfortunately the Russian Bear is on the prowl again, and with all the trouble President Bush has with the left and the media in this country about Iraq. He has done nothing but talk in response to the naked aggression. Embargoes or sanctions have not even been whispered. Bush seems to believe he and Putin are friends who can trust each other. Wrong, wrong, wrong!!!

Putin has plans to become the Big Stick in the World that Stalin once was during and immediately after WWII.
His next move will be against either the Country of Ukraine or Aberbahijan. In fact the first warning blow was reported August 14th by the Wall Street Journal when they published a picture of two craters that appeared to be from air dropped bombs, that were within feet of the Tbilisi pipeline.

This pipeline that spans three Countries from the Sangachal oil and gas terminal to the Mediterranean coast. This pipeline is a joint venture with British Petroleum Oil Company and Azerbaijan. There is a storage capacity of 880,000 gallons in the Sangachal terminal, and is in competition with Russia's Gasparo to supply oil and natural gas to the rest of the free World, epecially Southern Europe and Turkey.

Russia would like to get a strangle hold on the energy supply to Europe, and the Ecologists in the USA are doing a hatchet job on our own energy independence, by having most and Congress in their pocket against drilling for more oil in our own Country.

Another reason Russia will attack Ukraine is the Sea Port at Sevastopol. Russia has a treaty with Ukraine to allow the Russian Black Sea Naval Fleet to be stationed in the Sevastopol docks.This treaty expires in 2017!
But President Victor Yushchenko has angered Putin and his puppet President by issuing a decree that Russia must get permission from Kiev,before any ship enters or leaves the Sevastopol port.
This was issued after Russia used Naval war vessels to sink several Georgian Coast Guard vessels last week.

Further more, President Yushchenko has offered Ukrainian soil to the "EU" or any other nation(read USA) to build a Missile Defense System". This alone make the Russian Bear very nasty!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

CUSA Endorses Obama For President!!!

The web page of the Communist Party of American has endorsed Obama. I checked it out, since I doubted the link that I found for it. Yes, they write that "he is not a communist but he is the closest to their ideology of any major American politician".
And Obama's voting record and past jobs do indicate he is anything but a Centurist!
The CPUSA has this to say about Obama on it's present web site: "Barrack Obama is not a left candidate. This fact has seemingly surprised a number of progressive people who are bemoaning Obama’s “shift to the center.” (Right-wingers are happy to join them, suggesting Obama is a “flip-flopper.”) It’s sad that some who seek progressive change are missing the forest for the trees. But they will not dampen the wide and deep enthusiasm for blocking a third Bush term represented by John McCain, or for bringing Obama by a landslide into the White House with a large Democratic congressional majority".
In the same post they praise the Chinese Communist Olympic games with these words.
"Beijing Olympics represent a vision of the kind of future for which the Communist Party USA strives: a world where people from hundreds of countries come together peacefully to enjoy a common cause". They conveniently ignore the censorship and brutality that goes on daily a short distance from the games, on their own people!!

Now,I ask you, what is wrong with the Republicans. Have we sunk so low, that to point out the Communist Party endorses Obama is not news? I can understand why MSM press is silent about this endorsement, they are his advocates, but it should be great for the McCain Campaign managers.

There is no doubt that the left in the USA has become the new home of radical Godless secularism, that denies the existence of anything good in the Bush administration. I am not sure if it is because of the Iraq war or because, he like Nixon, is a man of strong religious beliefs.

No politician is free from faults, but the hate directed by the left at President Bush has reached a new fever pitch, with everything from accusing him of being Satan to lapel pins worn by a leftist teacher in Colorado, emblazoned with " Not My President, Not My War."

Posters with Bush and Cheney overlaid with Nazi swastikas are hawked on liberal hate Bush sites.They call him a liar and destroyer of our freedoms and Constitution. All lies and personal attacks that have little constructive intent.Some web sites even sell anti-Bush t-shirts accusing the president of "crimes against humanity and the planet"!! The ultimate in desperation hatred!

Demonizing your opponent is an old left wing ploy. If they have no concrete proposals that will help the people . They resort to demonizing the opponent. Not unlike the Nazis did to the Jews in the early 1930's when Germany's economy was in the "dumper".
The Communists used the demonizing of the Romanoffs in 1917, and followed this with the devastation of all landowners, using the lie that they were greedy selfish people who were enemies of the revolution. Mao in Communist China did the same thing to China!

I am not accusing Obama of being a Communist, but the fact that he has been endorsed by the American Communist Party should raise warning flags for all thinking Americans. At the very least the Communists believe he would be soft on them and their revolutionary plans for America. No, in fact, his programs iterated in his campaign are not Democratic. They are Socialistic at best! Redistribution of the wealth from the earners to the people who do not earn,as well as to foreign Countries is nothing to ignore!