Friday, June 05, 2009
In Marxist-Leninist states, the party is seen as "the vanguard of the people" and therefore usually has the power to control the state, and the non-state party officials in the politburo generally hold extreme power.
In the Soviet Union for example, the General Secretary of the Communist Party did not necessarily hold a state office like president or prime minister to effectively control the system of government. Instead, party members answerable to or controlled by the party held these posts, often as honorific posts as a reward for their long years of service to the party.
Stalin ruled the Soviet Union for well over a decade before assuming the governmental position of Premier of the Soviet Union during World War II.The Politburo until July 1990 exercised supreme control over the Soviet government.
The Politburo assumed a major position in party and state administration, and it eventually came to overshadow the role of the Central Committee. Because the party secretariat planned the agenda, provided all documentation for debate, and transmitted Politburo decisions to the lower echelons, the general secretary of the Communist Party (Stalin) became the Politburo’s most influential member. Following the power struggles after Lenin’s death in 1924, Stalin achieved a controlling position on the Politburo, exercising complete dominance over it and the party in general.
Officially, the Party Congress elects a Central Committee which, in turn, elects a General Secretary. Under Stalin however, this model was essentially reversed and it was the General Secretary who determined the composition of the Politburo and Central Committee.
Source: Wikapedia
Substitute President for General Secretary and Czars for Central Committee and you have the situation that Obama is developing in Washington. His czars are not responsible to the Congress.
They do not have to reveal their salary, or how they spend the millions they are responsible for, and are accountable to nobody other than the president. Collectively these czars have 1.7 trillion dollars at their disposal!
The president subverted the Constitution by reversing the Bankruptcy laws of the nation. He did this when he put the bond holders at the end of the "deal" he put together to allow the Union and the government to usurp the ownership of the Chrysler and General Motors Companies.
Although I am not comparing the President to either Stalin or Hitler, Obama's establishing of, thus far, sixteen czars accountable only to him. He has created his own governing body within, and yet outside, the Constitutional Government. He has created his own version of a Politburo! If you have read "The Devils Disciple's" you might see the analogy of the inner workings of Adolph "H".
"The Devil's Disciples" is the first major book to examine those lieutenants of Hitler, not only as individuals but also as an administrative group. It focuses on the three most important Nazi principals — Göring, Goebbels, and Himmler — with their nearest rivals — Bormann, Speer, and Ribbentrop. These six men ran the Third Reich until the Allies defeated them in September 1945.
I will, however, state that it appears to me that Obama has little respect for the Constitution, and particularly the Fifth Amendment that guarantees the right of due process to all citizens!
Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” —Ronald Reagan
When you look at the decisions that have been made by the present Attorney General you might get the impression, as I do, that justice is being administered the way they did it in the Capone Days in Chicago.
Beginning in the last days of the the Clinton administration Ass.AG Holder was involved with Clinton's last-minute pardon of fugitive felon and Democratic contributor Marc Rich.
Holder was also involved in Clinton's decision to reduce the criminal sentences of 16 members of the Boricua Popular Army, an organization that has been categorized by the FBI as a terrorist organization. The clemency request was initially opposed in 1996 by U.S. Pardons Attorney Margaret Love.
In July 1999, Holder recommended clemency to President Clinton with a report from then U.S. Pardons Attorney Roger Adams that neither supported nor opposed clemency. A month later, the clemency was granted by Clinton. According to The Hartford Courant, the clemency was unusual because it was opposed by the FBI, the federal prosecutor and the victims.
In the aftermath of the murder of the late term abortionist Dr. Tiller, Mr. Holder dispatched U.S. Marshals to guard some Abortion clinics.
However, when an Army recruiter was murdered and a Naval recruiter was severely wounded in a recruiting location. There were no Marshalls stationed outside recruiting depots, nor was there condemnation of the murder forthcoming from the AG's office.
Since being appointed Attorney General, Mr.Holder has made many decisions that indicate to me that he is inclined to view American justice through the prism of race.
He called the United States "a nation of cowards" during his speech to honor Black history month!
Then "two weeks ago, in a highly unusual move, Holder dismissed default judgments his department had won against two of three defendants charged with violating the Voting Rights Act. On Nov. 4, 2008, a billy club-wielding militant in military-style boots and beret stood outside a Philly polling location with a similarly dressed partner. Citizen journalists from the Pennsylvania-based blog Election Journal captured the menacing duo on video. One of the watchdogs observed: "I think it might be a little intimidating that you have a stick in your hand."
The defendants were black, and I doubt that if they were white the decision would have been the same.Default judgements have never been dismissed before, to my knowledge!
"On the heels of this voter intimidation protection plan, the Obama Justice Department issued another decision that undermines electoral integrity -- but bolsters Democratic voter drives. The department this week denied the state of Georgia the ability to enact strict citizenship voter verification rules previously approved by two federal courts. As Georgia Secretary of State Karen Handel explained: "DOJ has thrown open the door for activist organizations such as ACORN to register non-citizens to vote in Georgia's elections, and the state has no ability to verify an applicant's citizenship status or whether the individual even exists."
On top of all that, Holder recently politicized the legal review process involving the contentious issue of D.C. voting rights. After careful study, the DOJ's Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) issued an opinion that a House bill on the matter was unconstitutional. Holder, who supports D.C. voting rights along with Obama, overrode his staff lawyers' ruling -- and simply ordered up an alternative opinion that fit the White House agenda".SOURCE:MICHELLE MALKIN
The office of Attorney General was established by Congress by the Judiciary Act of 1789. The original duties of this officer were "to prosecute and conduct all suits in the Supreme Court in which the United States shall be concerned, and to give his advice and opinion upon questions of law when required by the President of the United States, or when requested by the heads of any of the departments. Source:Wikapedia
The "Rule of Law" means clear, generally applicable laws by which individuals can organize their affairs and which are applicable consistently, without respect to status. Source: American
Thus,by favoring the union over the creditors with superior rights. Obama violated a fundamental principle of our Constitutional government, and the Attorney General should know that and enforce the law by advising Obama that he was violating the law. But politics take precedence in the Obama administration!
As such, Holder should have advised president Obama that his firing of the CEO of General Motors and assuming over 60% percent ownership of General Motors was no within his power as defined in the United States Constitution. But since he was appointed by Obama and could be fired at any point by Obama, I understand how he might have been reticent to give that opinion.
Apparently, Lady Justice is now protected by an Attorney General who has a blind eye to violations of the Constitution, and a security force armed with billy clubs and lawyers who serve the cause of protecting the re-election of Barack Obama over the rule of law.
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
During the 2008 campaign, Obama skillfully made himself, through his life story, the personification of change. He never used his middle name, and anyone who spoke his middle name during the election campaign was accused of being a conspirator who was trying to attack him personally. Those who were spokespersons for Obama's candidacy used his twenty year association with Reverend Wright as an indication that he was a Christian, until Wright's hateful sermons became an issue.Then Obama dumped his pastor!
Today the center of the president's attempt to woo the Muslim world, and the theme of his visits to Riyadh on Wednesday and Cairo on Thursday.Is his Muslim experience as a child, his father being a Muslim and the fact that he understands the Muslim ethos more than most Americans.
Obama implicitly contrasted himself with the born-again, evangelical Bush who pursued a post-9/11 "crusade" against terrorism. Obama is presenting himself to the Islamic world as the personification of a new, tolerant - and, yes, partly Muslim - America.
Obama said, "I think that the United States and the West generally, we have to educate ourselves more effectively on Islam".
"And one of the points I want to make is, is that if you actually took the number of Muslim Americans, we'd be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world. And so there's got to be a better dialogue and a better understanding between the two peoples."
Obama said when he was in Turkey, that Americans "do not consider ourselves a Christian nation or a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation". But in his talk to college students in Cairo he stated that America has over 1200 mosques, and he said this, "And I consider it part of my responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear," said the president, who recalled hearing prayer calls of "azaan" at dawn and dusk while living in Indonesia as a boy.
Where in his oath of office does it say he should be an advocate for Islam?
With one speech in Cairo Obama has "dished" Christianity, the US and Israel, all in one speech. What he does not realize, is that unlike the idiot sycophants in this Country who still support this power happy Socialist, the people over there can see through the thin veneer of his rhetoric, and they don't buy anything that he says. If he is willing to sell out his country, his religion and his allies, he cannot be trusted.
People like Don Surber, who crunched the demographic numbers, and points out that Obama's claim that the USA is a Muslim country, is not accurate. According to Surber, "the US has an estimated three to eight million Muslims, less than one per cent of the world's total and less than at least 23 other countries".
Even if we assume there are six million Muslims in the US, that makes it only the 34th biggest Muslim country in the world - behind Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Turkey, Egypt, Iran, Nigeria, China, Ethiopia, Algeria, Morocco, Afghanistan, Sudan, Iraq, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Uzbekistan, Yemen, Tanzania, Syria, Malaysia, Niger, Senegal, Ghana, Tunisia, Somalia, Guinea, Kenya, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Burkina Faso and Tajikistan.
Six million may make the US a populous Muslim country in the Middle East but not in the rest of the world. There are hundreds of millions in Pakistan, Indonesian, Nigeria, Bangladesh and many more than six million in India and China. Also, there are more than 10 million in Malaysia, Ethiopia, Egypt, Iran, Sudan, and Algeria.
Once again Obama is telling an untruth as he sees it!
Last week, during a conference call in preparation for President Obama's trip to Cairo, Egypt, where he will address the Muslim world, deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications Denis McDonough said "the President himself experienced Islam on three continents before he was able to -- or before he's been able to visit, really, the heart of the Islamic world -- you know, growing up in Indonesia, having a Muslim father,etc." SOURCE: AMERICAN THINKER
Islam also has doctrines which, I believe states that if one is engaged in war , that one may lie about their affinity to Islam or lie about aspects of Islam if the lie better serves Islam's purposes than being honest. Not an indictment of BHO, but a point that makes me wonder, Is he or is he not a Christian?
Liberals pulled the race card in many areas of argument for the last 40 years. It was used to justify the billions that have been spent on busing to give minority children the opportunity to attend suburban schools, and to bus suburban kids into the inner city schools to "balance the scales".The result of unintended consequences is that our public schools are turning out graduates that cannot read or write to the level that they should, and mathematics is a lost skill. Without a calculator most public school high school graduates cannot make change when presented with a $20 bill.
Bi-lingual mandates for schools,election ballots and government offices, to mention just a few, was used to not "leave behind"
those who could not speak English. Never mind assimilation and learning the language of the Country that allows them to live here.
Then in the later part of the twentieth century the buzz word became "diversity". Liberals referred to the melting pot that America was in the days of our great grandparents and grandparents. They refer to the time when Italians, Irish, English, Germans and other European immigrants flooded this country. They point out that this is a country of immigrants, and we should welcome the legal and illegal Mexicans, Haitians and Central Americans, who have come here by the millions, by allowing them to keep speaking their native language in schools and the work place. If we do not, we are looked upon as RACISTS who don't want them here.
The main difference is that those who immigrated in the 19th and early 20th century made sure their children learned the English language. They had to, or they could not be assimilated in the work force and prosper in this country.
The new immigrants tend to gather in "ghettos" of like speaking people, that even have their street signs printed in Spanish.
Now we are presented with Obama's first selection for a seat on the Supreme Court. His selection is a like minded person that thinks her Hispanic heritage and experiences make her more qualified than a White male would be! Obama's selection, and announcement of his choice, suggests that the president is well aware of her views and attitudes, and that she personifies his views of how the courts should dispense justice. Empathy has become the "buzz" word for ruling in favor of minorities over White people! Thus Obama has essentially removed the blindfold from "Lady Justice"!
There is no doubt Sotomayor has the judicial credentials, and educational qualifications, but it is the baggage she might have in her mind that concerns me.
Has her successful trip from poverty as a Hispanic woman to the lofty position of Judge left scars that will affect the way she rules on the Supreme Court bench?
Has Judge Sotomayor been so hardened as child of a poor single parent Puerto Rican mother affected her ability to rule on cases brought before her with the "racial blindness" that our Constitution requires. Or will she make rulings like she did in the case of the firemen who brought suit because they were passed over for promotion even though their promotion test grades were higher than the minorities promoted.
In this particular case she dismissed the suit "off hand" as having no merit! An apparent decision that was made with racial bias, or as she and the president have said;"her decision was made with EMPATHY"!
Judge Sotomayor has, in both her words and in her decision as a judge to dismiss out of hand the appeal of white firefighters who had been discriminated against, betrayed a racism that is no less racism because it is directed against different people than the old racism of the past.
The code word for the new racial preference is "diversity." The Constitution of the United States says nothing about diversity, and the Constitution is what a judge is bound by his/her oath of office to pay attention to, not the prevailing buzzwords of the times or his/her empathy toward those who bring cases to be judged.
What the Constitution says is "equal protection of the laws" for all Americans, and that is not supposed to be taken out of context. People have lost their lives to make those words a reality. Now all of that is to be made to disappear into thin air by saying the magic word "diversity."
The landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964, like the Constitution, proclaimed equal rights for all, not special rights for those for whom judges have "empathy! Judge Sotomayor has demonstrated a flaw in her ability to serve on the Supreme Court that must not be ignored because of fear of being called a racist!
Source: The Patriot Post
Monday, June 01, 2009
It is not often that I read the stories printed in the latest edition of Pravda. It is not required reading for this fiscal conservative as it might be for the memers of the CPOA.
But thanks to the Drudge report, I visited the Pravda web site today, and I read an article that illustrates to me that the former Communist propaganda vehicle for the "CCCP", the Communist Party of Russia, realizes what is going on in the United States more succinctly than most Americans.
This is due to the fact that our Main Stream media has put to the "spike" any story or news that would awaken readers and viewers of the rapid pace that Obama is making the Change he promised voters. A move from Democracy to Marxist Socialism!
In fact,The White House press corps is now completely supine, utterly shameless in its groveling cowardice. Stalin himself couldn't have wished for a more slobbering press corps!
To give the full effect of the message that the Russian people and the rest of the World who read Pravda will now think. I will quote the entire article, as any excerpt would not tell the whole story of what others see is going on in the USA.
"American capitalism gone with a whimper"
Front page / Opinion / Columnists
27.04.2009 Source: Pravda.Ru
"It must be said, that like the breaking of a great dam, the American decent into Marxism is happening with breath taking speed, against the back drop of a passive, hapless sheeple, excuse me dear reader, I meant people.
True, the situation has been well prepared on and off for the past century, especially the past twenty years. The initial testing grounds was conducted upon our Holy Russia and a bloody test it was. But we Russians would not just roll over and give up our freedoms and our souls, no matter how much money Wall Street poured into the fists of the Marxists.
Those lessons were taken and used to properly prepare the American populace for the surrender of their freedoms and souls, to the whims of their elites and betters.
First, the population was dumbed down through a politicized and substandard education system based on pop culture, rather then the classics. Americans know more about their favorite TV dramas then the drama in DC that directly affects their lives. They care more for their "right" to choke down a McDonalds burger or a BurgerKing burger than for their constitutional rights. Then they turn around and lecture us about our rights and about our "democracy". Pride blind the foolish.
Then their faith in God was destroyed, until their churches, all tens of thousands of different "branches and denominations" were for the most part little more then Sunday circuses and their televangelists and top protestant mega preachers were more then happy to sell out their souls and flocks to be on the "winning" side of one pseudo Marxist politician or another. Their flocks may complain, but when explained that they would be on the "winning" side, their flocks were ever so quick to reject Christ in hopes for earthly power. Even our Holy Orthodox churches are scandalously liberalized in America.
The final collapse has come with the election of Barack Obama. His speed in the past three months has been truly impressive. His spending and money printing has been a record setting, not just in America's short history but in the world. If this keeps up for more then another year, and there is no sign that it will not, America at best will resemble the Wiemar Republic and at worst Zimbabwe.
These past two weeks have been the most breath taking of all. First came the announcement of a planned redesign of the American Byzantine tax system, by the very thieves who used it to bankroll their thefts, loses and swindles of hundreds of billions of dollars. These make our Russian oligarchs look little more then ordinary street thugs, in comparison. Yes, the Americans have beat our own thieves in the shear volumes. Should we congratulate them?"
This article is a wake -up call for those who voted for Obama and still believe his CHANGE will make life better for them. Of course those dedicated to Socialism and the elitist Socialists will not be phased by this article, because they realized from the "get go" that the smooth talking Obama was one of theirs.
It wasn't long ago that this great Country of ours had a Legislative, Executive and Judicial branch that controlled the way we lived. The Legislative branch made the laws, declared war when needed, and appropriated the money needed to run the government.
The Executive branch was the Commander in Chief of the Military and had veto power over any Bills that the Legislative body sent to his desk, and the Judicial branch was lead by the Supreme Court. This body was the Court of last resort for redress of individuals and groups who felt they were either cheated by the other two branches of government or thought a law that was in force was wrong and harmful.
This oversimplifies the duties and powers of the three branches of government, but it illustrates that OUR Country was ruled in an orderly and lawful manner up until now!
The Obama administration is making choices that not only favor some and hurt others. President Obama is making decisions that, in my opinion and more learned scholars than I, think are exceeding the powers granted to the president by the Constitution!
It appears that the politically well connected tend to get the favors.( aka:Unions and Acornto mention a few).
Banks were forced to take government money due not slightly to having to loan money for housing to minority groups without their ability to pay the loan payments, as crafted by the likes of Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd. Now they are blocked from paying the money back.
In the meantime, the banks must direct funds where the government wants them to go.This is a direct assault on the Free Enterprise Private Banking industry!
Chrysler and General Motors bond holders had their property(their investment in $) redistributed to the United Auto Worker retiree health-care fund (how the retirees help the companies make cars profitably is left unclear). Stimulus funds go to state governments with lavish contracts with public employee unions. And out of every dollar that goes to a union, a certain number of cents make their way back to the Democratic Party.
And now it appears that Obama's Auto Bankruptcy CZARS are selecting Chrysler dealerships for closure based upon whether they were political supporters of the Democrats or Republicans. A review of the dealerships that have already been notified that they will not have their contracts renewed shows that over 95% of those selected supported Republicans!
And now, without the prior approval of Congress or any legislation authorizing the act, President Obama plans to announce on today(Monday) that the federal government will take a 60-percent ownership stake in General Motors as part of a bankruptcy and reorganization plan for the company.
The White House on Sunday night announced that the plan will require the federal government to provide another $30 billion of taxpayer money to General Motors, on top of the $20 billion in aid the federal government already has given the company.
In December, Congress failed to pass legislation authorizing a federal bailout of the auto industry. Analysts James Gattuso and Andrew Grossman of the Heritage Foundation argued at the time that this was “legally wrong” because Bush took the money from the $700-billion Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) that was authorized specifically for purchasing assets from “financial institutions” such as banks, savings and loans, credit unions, brokerages and insurance companies. The Heritage analysts argued that auto manufacturers are not “financial institutions” as envisioned by Congress under the law.
Robert Reich, who served as labor secretary under President Clinton, argued that Bush’s move was unconstitutional because of the limits the Constitution places on the president’s power to spend public money. Specifically, the Constitution says, “No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law.” Why is Mr. Reich so silent now that Obama is compounding Bush's misappropriation of Power?
When asked, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, where Obama derived the legal authority to do what he was doing. Hoyer candidly said he did not know.
“The administration clearly believes it does have the authority to use some of the remaining TARP funds for the automobile industry,” Hoyer told Fred Lucas of
“I don't know, technically, but my own view is that if it is perceived they don't have that authority and it is perceived by the Congress they need to have that authority, the Congress would probably be willing to give that authority. But I don't know technically the answer to that question.” I know the answer! The Senate could not muster the 60 votes necessary to stop a filibuster that would kill any authorization giving extra-Constitutional powers to Obama, and Hoyer knows that!
Undoubtedly the House of Representative with so many Liberal members who are in the pockets of the Union movement would pass the authorization, but as I said. It would fail in the Senate. So here we are with a president who apparently thinks he is above the Constitution taking the right away from those who should have them, the bondholders, and taking them for himself and his Union supporters. Can anything be more brazen than this? Only time will tell!
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