The article is lengthy, but to summarize , the author feels the Pope should have known better than to publicly speak of the Profit Mohammed in a derogatory and inflammatory manner.
What is missed in all the dialogue and anger over this man who is the authoratative head of a church of a billion members is that mentioning a passage of truth from a book written in the 1960's by the young theologian Theodore Adel Koury is another example of what the leftist anti-religion movement has done to the freedom of speech.
Quoting a passage that mentions that Mohammad preached spreading Islam by using the sword is a fact known by many scholars. The Popes only slip was to mention it publicly. We all know that the 38 Islamic scholars, that included The Grand Mufti of Egypt and Ayatolla Mohammed Ale, published a letter essentially chastising The Pope for trying to start a Holy War against Muslims. Nothing could be further from the truth. And where are the condemnations from this August body for the daily atrocities committed by Muslims against Muslims and non-Muslims around the world including New York City?
It is fodder for a leftist, anti-religious press in this country and many European countries that ran front page articles about the Popes "ill conceived and out of touch comments."
We are in the middle of a long war against radical Muslim extremism, and the Popes' only mistake was he chose not to be politically correct in his speech. He should be praised for speaking the truth!