Saturday, August 02, 2008


QUEEN NANCY Pelosi, who has repeatedly slammed the door on new drilling as an answer to high gas prices, rushed Thursday to clarify comments to reporters that appeared to hint at new flexibility on an issue that has pitted environmental concerns against the need to respond to consumer pain with gasoline at $4 a gallon. “It could be that in the bigger picture of things, as things go together it may be that it has a place,” Pelosi said in an end-of-session round table with reporters. “Whether it’s for coal, for natural gas or whether it’s for nuclear...If it fits into the bigger picture, it may have a place.” And, asked if she could envision a scenario where there could be a vote on new offshore drilling, she said, “Of course.” But shortly thereafter, Pelosi’s office issued a written “clarification” stating that Pelosi was not changing her position. “She has no plans to bring to the floor a bill to allow drilling in protected areas,” spokesman Drew Hammill said in the statement. “The Speaker was referring to the issue of expanding supply. Drilling, no doubt, will be part of the mix in transitioning to a more fuel-efficient global economy.”...On Thursday, [Republicans] detected a shift from Pelosi’s insistence, voiced earlier this month, that “we can’t drill our way out” of soaring fuel costs. “It’s clear her spinners are backpedaling,” said House Republican Conference Chairman Adam Putnam (FL). source New Media Journal

So the U.S. Congress adjourned Friday at 11:36 a.m. ,and proceeded to turn out the lights and the microphones on the Republican Congressman who were arguing the merit of drilling for oil off shore and in ANwR to end our dependence on OPEC oil!
It became so dark in the "people's house: that C-Span discontinued it's normal full coverage of the proceedings of the House. Thus the Democrats actually allowed "Queen" PELOSI TO DERAIL THE Republicans ATTEMPT TO AFFECT SOME RELIEF FOR THE American PUBLIC THAT IS HAVING TO CHOOSE BETWEEN PAYING FOR FUEL OR BUYING GROCERIES FOR THEIR FAMILY!
And now they have the Chutzpah to go home and tell their constituents that they should be re-elected because, they are doing their best for them!!

Friday, August 01, 2008


The United States, the UN and the Group of Six have repeatedly enacted articles of embargo against Iran for failing to halt their development of nuclear weapons.

The international community is hoping that new sanctions on Iran will turn the country away from its nuclear program. An economic embargo is, perhaps, the last chance for peace. But can it work?
"On the one hand, formulaic diplomacy is being strictly adhered to. His Excellency, the High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union, Dr. Javier Solana, recently presented to his Iranian counterpart, Manucher Mottaki, the latest offer from the so-called group of six nations, consisting of the three European powers Great Britain, France and Germany, as well as China, Russia and the United States. The goal is international cooperation in determining the true purpose of Iran's nuclear program".source: Der Spiegel

United States has maintained a trade embargo on Iran since 1979, and the United Nations Security Council, at the instigation of the group of six, has imposed further economic sanctions three times. Only last week, the Europeans froze Iranian assets and imposed travel prohibitions on Iranian politicians,scientist and military officials.

I believe, the World has two choices to affect the cessation of Iran's quest to become a member of the nuclear bomb "coterie". The apparent preference of the majority of the countries involved in the attempt to halt Iran's resoluteness to develop a bomb to annihilate Israel and any European country they choose, is diplomacy and embargoes.

There are many of us who believe talking in convincing and persuasive terms to the devil, is an exercise in mutual masturbation. It makes us feel good, but the results are non-productive. Changing the mind of a zealot is impossible! Despite this the International community is still talking to Iran!
Dr. Javier Solana, recently presented to his Iranian counterpart, Manucher Mottaki, the latest offer from the so-called group of six nations, consisting of the three European powers Great Britain, France and Germany, as well as China, Russia and the United States. The goal is international cooperation in determining the true purpose of Iran's nuclear program". Source: Der Spiegel

I believe that unless we destroy the Iranian capacity to produce nukes, they will develop and use nuclear weapons as surely as President Truman did against Japan!

The Iranian leadership has made it clear that they intend to destroy "the great Satan", the United States and Israel. There can be no doubt that the mind set of the Iranians is the devastation of what they consider is the epitome of evil sooner or later.
And from the news we received from Kuwait recently, they are stepping up production not halting it despite all the embargoes enacted.

The reason the embargoes have little chance of working is money! German and Russian companies are still selling infra-structure materials for hundreds of millions of dollars with the "blessing" of their governments, despite the fact that they have signed agreements embargoing Iran.
Banks are also complicit in this subterfuge of the embargo as the following quotes will show.

The assets of Bank Melli Iran were frozen as a result of the EU sanctions imposed on Iran. This should have put an end to their business dealings with Iran."

"Contracts in Iran represent a very significant part of some German business, partly because of the Nabucco pipeline, which is being built to supply Iranian natural gas to Europe beginning in 2013 and make the continent less dependent on Russian gas. "The restriction imposed on Bank Melli forces them to create jobs in Dubai or Kuwait, and then deliver their products to Iran through those countries,".
Not unlike off shore banking for drug lords!

Bank Melli Iran, which is fully owned by the Iranian government, is the country's largest commercial bank, with about 45,000 employees and 3,000 branches worldwide, and total assets of €38 billion ($59 billion US).
The bank handles transactions for much of the overall German trade with Iran. Despite the restrictions in Germany, however, the bank is not yet completely out of the picture. Bank Melli's Moscow branch continues to process transactions, including, as is rumored, those originating in Germany. Melli also has seven branches in the United Arab Emirates, the most popular alternative gateway for international business with Iran.
As recently as 2006 Germany, with exports worth $5.2 billion (€3.35 billion), was one of Iran's key trading partners. But the pressure exerted by the United States had already begun to take effect in recent years. In 2007, German exports to Iran declined to $5.0 billion. This illustrates that greed and the quest for money trumps agreements between nations". Source: Der Spiegel

For this and many other reasons, I say to all of you who are concerned about the opinion of the USA by Europeans, is a joke. They are too absorbed in self to give a damn about us until they want something, or need help to ward off enemy threats.
Germany is a perfect example of national betrayal to a fiend(USA).

We have maintained bases that spent millions of dollars in the German economy for over 60 years. The military was left there to protect them from the Communist USSR after the Berlin airlift saved them from starvation. We could pull out our military and leave their effete military to shift for itself, but as an ally we maintain a military presence to keep Europe safe from the Russian Bear who is once again beginning to flex it's muscles.

In a show of appreciation they have sent 1000 troops to North Afghanistan , not to fight the Taliban, but to build superstructures! They have been given orders not to engage in combat unless they are attacked! This while our men and women are putting their lives on the line where the battle rages!

It is time for all Americans to realize that we stand alone as the Worlds super power and bastion of freedom, and quit trying to make deals with the Devil!

Thursday, July 31, 2008


Obama backs Bush-Iran engagement
CHICAGO (RTRS): US presidential candidate Barack Obama said President George W. Bush’s decision to send a senior diplomat to nuclear talks with Iran was a substantive move and should be taken seriously by Tehran. Obama, a Democrat, has been highly critical in the past of Bush’s policies toward Iran and has promised that if elected he would pursue a policy of greater engagement aimed at persuading Tehran to abandon its nuclear enrichment program. But in a rare signal of solidarity with the current Republican administration, Obama told a news conference in Paris on Friday that Iran should not wait for the next US president to try to reach a deal over its nuclear program. He also praised Bush’s decision to send senior US diplomat William Burns to talks in Geneva with Iranian officials.

Then this news made both Bush and Obama look stupid! from the Kuwait News the following quote was published today,
"‘Secret N-plant discovered at Al-Zarqan area’
KUWAIT CITY : A secret nuclear bomb manufacturing center at Al-Zarqan Area in Al-Ahwaziya Region, which was first established in 2000, was discovered recently, highly reliable sources told Al-Seyassah. Sources from Al-Ahwaziya claimed Tehran has started building a secret nuclear plant for manufacturing atomic bombs in Al-Zarqan Area near Al-Ahwaz City in southwest Iran and its border with Iraq. Sources said the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is not aware of this plant since it was not included in negotiations with Iran held in Geneva at the beginning of this month. Sources revealed Iran started implementing the project some time between 2000 and 2003, which led to the evacuation of a large number of Arab tribes from the area to Al-Zarqan. Sources added the Tehran administration vacated the location, destroyed all the houses, wells and farms, and started full implementation of the project in 2007"

This facility has been constructed during the period 2000 and 2003 unbeknown to the International Atomic Energy Inspectors, who were directed to other sites where nuclear centrifuges and apparent peaceful use of atomic energy was taking place.

The new from the "Arab Times" indicates that hundreds of tribal people were removed from their home, and the homes destroyed to make room for the construction which is near the Iran/Iraq border in a remote location.

The Kuwait News Disclosed that Tehran directed international A-bomb inspectors to other places, sources warned the project poses a very serious threat to international security. Sources affirmed the Iranian authorities built a three-meter high wall around the project site, which allegedly measures thousands of kilometers.
Sources added, "IAEA inspectors focused on other Iranian nuclear plants, such as Dour Khawain in Al-Ahwaz and Bu Shahri reactor, because the Iranian government diverted the international media’s attention from the secret nuclear plant. Sources asserted the Iranian government is currently working on another nuclear program touted to be more dangerous than Bu Shahri".

This should be a clear indication that something other than talk, talk, talk, must be done before the first nuclear bomb goes off in a U.S. city! If not a military action, at least a total embargo by all free nations( cannot expect Russia or Communist China to co-operate) of all goods and services should be immediately implemented. And the envoys designated as diplomatic negotiators should be recalled immediately.

If Iran gets their nuclear weapons. The Cuban missile crisis would look like a tea party compared with the peril that would pose to the USA and all of Europe!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Barrack Obama has proposed increasing every major Federal tax. He supports increasing individual income tax rates, allowing the Bush tax cuts, which cut rates for all income levels, to expire. He has proposed almost doubling the capital gains tax rate, from 15% today to 28%. He supports more than doubling the tax on dividends, from 15% to as high as 39%. He has proposed numerous corporate tax increases. He supports increasing the death tax back to the stratospheric levels that applied before President Bush. He supports increasing the payroll tax on higher income earners. In other words, if you run a profitable small business, you can expect to be plundered by the Obamanistas from every angle. If you work for a small business, you can expect to be looking for another job.

"As the hypnotic mantra of "change" is repeated endlessly, few people even raise the question of whether what few specifics we hear represent any real change, much less a change for the better. Raising taxes, increasing government spending and demonizing business? That is straight out of the New Deal of the 1930s. The New Deal was new then but it is not new now. Moreover, increasing numbers of economists and historians have concluded that New Deal policies are what prolonged the Great Depression:. source: Thomas Sowell

On top of all the programs that Obama promises voters he will do if elected president, is reparations one of his "hidden" agenda items?
This article illustrates a mind set that is predisposed to Reparations that has been rearing it's ugly head occasionally in the Halls of Congress by the Black Congressional leadership.

Obama Calls US History ‘Tragic’
Laurie Au, The Honolulu Star Bulletin
"Sen. Barack Obama, speaking to a gathering of minority journalists yesterday, stopped short of endorsing an official US apology to American Indians but said the country should acknowledge its history of poor treatment of certain ethnic groups. "There's no doubt that when it comes to our treatment of Native Americans as well as other persons of color in this country, we've got some very sad and difficult things to account for," Obama told hundreds of attendees of UNITY '08, a convention of four minority journalism associations. The Hawaii-born senator, who has told local reporters that he supports the federal recognition bill for native Hawaiians drafted by US Sen. Daniel Akaka, noted other ethnic groups but did not mention native Hawaiians when answering a question about his thoughts on a formal US apology to American Indians. "I personally would want to see our tragic history, or the tragic elements of our history, acknowledged," the Democratic presidential hopeful said. "I consistently believe that when it comes to whether it's Native Americans or African-American issues or reparations, the most important thing for the US government to do is not just offer words, but offer deeds." Sounds to me like he is talking about monetary deeds!!!

Just one more reason why this country cannot afford to let this Marxist get his hands on the power of the Presidency!!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Democratic candidate for president, Senator Barrack Obama's campaign slogan is strangely similar to that of two men who came to power in the early 1930's.
FDR and Adolph Hitler both came to power at a time of economic hardship for their country. One became the President who was re-elected three times. The other took power by becoming a dictator!

FDR implemented the "New Deal" which put people to work on many government programs developed by the NRA, declared a bank "holiday", closing all banks. Thus stopping a "run" on the banks by people who feared the banks would fail.
Adolph built the Autobahn, convinced women to leave the work force and return to their role as mothers in the home. He also put all the men to work by rebuilding a military that had been destroyed by the Treaty at Versailles.Both made promises of returning their country to greatness!

Hitler essentially was a product of the German culture that he was raised into, that stands out as particularly aggressive and racist. He came to power at a time when people were so anxious for someone to take control over the chaos and madness of the economic and social scene, that the German people did not think about the consequences of letting someone like Hitler have that much power. The German culture molded Hitler into the man he was and the social and economic situation of the 20’s and 30’s enabled him to come to power.

Hitler came to power due to a combination of many different reasons. However a skilful historian can say that the backbone of Hitler’s rise was based on the great economic instability of the time, which enabled Hitler to exploit the situation, and the craftiness of the backstairs intrigue.

I am not trying to asociate Obama with either FDR or Hitler, but it is surpisingly similar that the three men were all demagogues with charismatic speech ability. Promises made by Obama's "Change" would cure all our ills as well as those of the world we live in. When in Berlin last thursday he promised to address many issues including nuclear disarmament, global warming, poverty and many other utopian issues we humans desire for better conditions for all of humanity. He speaks of the longing for strong and dynamic presidents who are capable of acting on a global scale. He sounded as if he were running for president of the world.

He dreamed of a world without nuclear weapons. He established a new tenor on the issue of climate change, which he said the current US administration continued to deny even existed until only recently. "Let us resolve that all nations, including my own, will act with the same seriousness of purpose as has your nation, and reduce the carbon we send into our atmosphere." "The walls between the countries with the most and those with the least cannot stand. The walls between Christian and Muslim and Jew cannot stand." Or even better: "We will reject torture". "We must come together to save this Planet".
But he did not mention what sacrifices people of his country and the Germans would have to submit to in order for him to accomplishs his promises.

This is where the similairty to the two other leaders of their country were strangely similar> FDR's promises and the things his New Deal resulted in resulted in a deepening of the depression he said he would resolve. Only WWII and the military industrial complex that was necessary to beat Hitler, pulled our economy out of the depression.
In Hitler's case, his promises and oratory of a Greater Germany resulted in the complete destruction of his country, and only the Marshall plan saved Germany from extinction!

Do we want another slick orator who has minimal experience in economics, and military ignorance to occupy the Oval Office during a time of war? source: Wikapedia