'The real destroyer of the liberties of the people is he who spreads among them bounties, donations and benefits.' The Founding Fathers knew a government can't control the economy without controlling people. And they knew when a government sets out to do that, it must use force and coercion to achieve its purpose. So we have come to a time for choosing." --Ronald Reagan
While both Democrats and Republicans appear to be aware of International terrorism in the World, to varying degrees. There is no mention on the political "stump" or in the Main Stream Press of the growing threat posed by radical Muslims inside the United States.
CAIR and the liberal left have been vigilant in seeing that no negative news is published or seen on the TV about the growing internal threat of the Muslim followers in America.
European Countries such as England and Holland are already confronted with the threat to impose Sharia law into their established legal system, because of the mass migration of Muslims into their Country. This excerpt from the Militant Islam Monitor: "There is the additional problem of the growing impact militant Islam is making on Europe. This does not refer to most ordinary Muslim voters(what is an ordinary Muslim?) but to a minority of very vocal militants who have an agenda of their own. There is some similarity between today's militant Muslims and the Nazis who came into power more than seventy years ago. Both are inspired by the same kind of anti-Semitism, they adore obscure conspiring theories like ‘The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,' describing secret plans for the creation of a world government controlled by Jews. Islam is by no means the same as National Socialism, yet the growing number of extremist Muslims nowadays may pose a threat to us, especially if they receive the backing of a State. This applies to many militant or extremist Muslims".
There is a growing radicalism among Muslim communities. According to the ICM poll, ‘twenty percent of the British Muslims feel sympathy with the July 7 bombers' feelings and motives, seventy five percent, however, do not. One percent feels the attacks were ‘right.'
There are moderate Muslim rulers like King Mohamed VI of Morocco, King Abdullah of Jordan and Sultan Qaboos of Oman who have a pro-Western orientation. They are responsible for the introduction of important political and social reforms. Militant and extremist Muslims demand that these reforms be replaced by the traditional and radical ‘Sharia' law.
For men, radical Islam means a ban on listening to music, watching movies, television or videos. There would be a ban on celebrating any non-Muslim holiday. All people with non-Islamic names would be required to adopt an Islamic name. All men and boys would be required to have traditional haircuts and when able, they must grow beards. Prayers at mosques must be attended five times daily. They are banned from having birds and dogs. No kite flying is allowed. Anyone found with objectionable literature can be executed. No hand clapping is allowed at sporting events. The use of the Internet is banned accept by government permission. Non-Muslims must where distinctive identifying badges. Reminds me of what Hitler did to the Jews!Undercover counter terrorism agents, who speak Arabic and understand the culture, have conducted reconnaissance at some 2,300 mosques and centers in every state of the U.S.. Also a recent Freedom House study concluded that “the vast majority are inciting insurrection and jihad through sermons by Saudi-trained imams and anti-Western literature, videos and textbooks.”
However, when members of the media, or political candidates bring up the subject of this growing threat, they are branded as practicing racial profiling, anti-Muslim or unpatriotic. Government officials keep telling everyone that the Muslim world is friendly, in spite of all the evidence to the contrary. The majority in Congress force the nation into Arab oil servitude, by refusing to allow serious drilling in our own country and spending more time trying to make the enemy out of “Big Oil”, instead of Middle Eastern threats. This while Communist China is making deals to import more crude oil by the day!
All of this will continue to unfold, from the American advancement of Islam to the flow of more Middle Eastern money to advance terrorism...and all because Americans spend their time being angry at our own politicians and have little or no concern about an every increasing threat being imported from abroad.
All Americans should pay more attention to what is happening in Europe, as it can happen here, and will if we don't change our attitude toward this internal threat.
Muslim extremists suspected of links to terrorism have been on trial in Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Spain and Italy. In all these trials there was a common pattern of denials or lame excuses by most terrorist suspects. They usually claim it is not they who are on trial but their Islamic beliefs. It is simply a question of religious freedom. source: Emerson Vermaat ,Front Page Magazine.
In 1960 we had 20 mosques in the United States. By 1994 that number had grown to 962 and in 2000 there were 1,209. Today an estimated 2,300 mosques, plus storefronts, meeting rooms and student centers are spread across the country. These mosques and centers are used as a form of political and social mobilization, under the cloak of religion.
More than 90% of Muslim leaders say they should be involved in the political process and it should be noted they are increasingly assuming positions within the public arena.
For some strange reason, when viewing the growth of Islam in the United States, Americans are about as complacent as they are relative to most political activities.
Though reported on in 2002 that: “Every time you fill up your tank you may be helping to finance an Islamic mosque in America” and that “Some of the largest mosques and Islamic Centers in America are funded by the royal government of Saudi Arabia, which gets most of its revenue from oil exports”, we have still continued to ignore the fact that we are facing a serious problem.
Our government keeps telling us that Saudi Arabia is our friend. This flies in the face of undisputed facts including that 15 of the 19 hijackers who crashed aircraft into New York and Washington DC were Saudi citizens. It also ignores the fact that the Saudi government continues to finance the advancement of “Wahhabism”, one of the most violent and fundamentalist strains of Islam and that most Saudi citizens adhere to this anti-American sect.
In the past 33 years the Saudi government has poured more than $87 billion into expanding the Muslim faith in America. There are an estimated 6 million Muslims in the United States today and many of them were converts from Christianity or had no prior religious preference. It is estimated that up to 90% of the converts are African-American.
While 64% of Saudis have an unfavorable view of the United States, 57% of the black Muslims in America look upon this country as an immoral society, including Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Obama's recently retired pastor!
The Sermon, recorded in the Gospel of Matthew, includes the Lord's Prayer, the Beatitudes, an endorsement of scriptural moral commandments ("anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven"), and condemnations of murder, divorce and adultery. It also includes a warning: "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves."
When questioned about his same sex marriage position being contrary to Saint Paul's epistle St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans, Obama dismissed it as "obscure."
The Epistle discusses people who knew God but turned against him."They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator--who is forever praised," wrote St. Paul. "Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion."
If you are an agnostic, nihilist or an atheist the biblical quotes mean nothing to you. However, in this speech Obama was proclaiming himself as a long time practicing Christian.
When a member of the Illinois legislature he repeatedly opposed a bill that would have defined as a "person" a baby who had survived an induced-labor abortion and was born alive.
On the topic of abortion, Obama said his support for keeping it legal does not trespass on his Christian faith."I think that the bottom line is that in the end, I think women, in consultation with their pastors, and their doctors, and their family, are in a better position to make these decisions than some bureaucrat in Washington". He conveniently ignores God's fifth Commandment, "tho Shall Not Kill".
In the end these matters are for the voters to decide if they want him to be President, an for his own conscience. But there is the large matter of tax payers dollars being given in the form of grants to abortion supporting and performing organisations.