An article in a Canadian newspaper recently told the story of what appears to be a re-emergence of one of mankinds worst treatment by one race of people to all those not of their "kind".
The Iranian Parliament apparently has passed a law requiring all non-Muslims wear an identifying piece of outer clothing! Jews are to wear a yellows cloth strip sewn to their outer garments, Christians must have a red marking (possibly a badge) and Zoroastrians (another religion in Iran) are to wear blue cloth bands.
This evil law which harkens back to the 1930s when Hitler decreed that all Jews were to wear a cloth Star of David on their outer clothes with the word "Jude" sewn in its center. This edict was tantamount to drawing a target on the Jews so they could be easily identified by "Aryans" who wished to wreak havoc on them and their property.
This new law must be approved by the "Supreme Guide" of Iran, Ali Khamenenlie before it goes into effect. However, there is little doubt that it will become part of Iranian law, because the main language of the bill aims to standardize clothing worn by Muslims. Elimination of all Western style apparel is the goal. This in a country whose leaders deny the holocaust ever happened!
History notes that as far back as 717 AD Caliph Oma II ordered both Jews and Christians living in Persia wear distinguishing markers, and in 853 the Calif Al-Montavillel ordered all Jews wear yellow badges. It is believed Hitler got the idea of the yellow star from his friend Ali-Husseine of Jerusalem. Thus began the largest genocide other than that inflicted by Pol Pot and Stalin on their own people. The holocaust!
One must thank ex-President Jimmy Carter for the situation that now threatens to explode in a country alleged to have nuclear weapons. It was he and his administration that stood by and allowed the deposing of the Sha of Iran and subsequent replacement by religious fanatic Ayatollah Khomeini.
The rest is history in the making, and I believe it might be disaterous.
Unless, you believe fools like actor Sean Penn whom not too long ago said "they really like us". The problem in Iran he said, was "the religious right in Iran blur the line between Church and State". Maybe someone who speaks Mr. Penns looney "lefist" language could advise him there is no right, middle or left in a Theocracy!