Saturday, May 20, 2006

The Specter of Fascisms Ugly Head Rising?

An article in a Canadian newspaper recently told the story of what appears to be a re-emergence of one of mankinds worst treatment by one race of people to all those not of their "kind".

The Iranian Parliament apparently has passed a law requiring all non-Muslims wear an identifying piece of outer clothing! Jews are to wear a yellows cloth strip sewn to their outer garments, Christians must have a red marking (possibly a badge) and Zoroastrians (another religion in Iran) are to wear blue cloth bands.

This evil law which harkens back to the 1930s when Hitler decreed that all Jews were to wear a cloth Star of David on their outer clothes with the word "Jude" sewn in its center. This edict was tantamount to drawing a target on the Jews so they could be easily identified by "Aryans" who wished to wreak havoc on them and their property.

This new law must be approved by the "Supreme Guide" of Iran, Ali Khamenenlie before it goes into effect. However, there is little doubt that it will become part of Iranian law, because the main language of the bill aims to standardize clothing worn by Muslims. Elimination of all Western style apparel is the goal. This in a country whose leaders deny the holocaust ever happened!

History notes that as far back as 717 AD Caliph Oma II ordered both Jews and Christians living in Persia wear distinguishing markers, and in 853 the Calif Al-Montavillel ordered all Jews wear yellow badges. It is believed Hitler got the idea of the yellow star from his friend Ali-Husseine of Jerusalem. Thus began the largest genocide other than that inflicted by Pol Pot and Stalin on their own people. The holocaust!

One must thank ex-President Jimmy Carter for the situation that now threatens to explode in a country alleged to have nuclear weapons. It was he and his administration that stood by and allowed the deposing of the Sha of Iran and subsequent replacement by religious fanatic Ayatollah Khomeini.
The rest is history in the making, and I believe it might be disaterous.

Unless, you believe fools like actor Sean Penn whom not too long ago said "they really like us". The problem in Iran he said, was "the religious right in Iran blur the line between Church and State". Maybe someone who speaks Mr. Penns looney "lefist" language could advise him there is no right, middle or left in a Theocracy!

Friday, May 19, 2006

Random Opinions on This Weeks Events

The actions of the Senate in Washington D.C. give me the impression that they believe either they were elected by a majority of Americans sympathetic to Illegal immigrants, or they hope to solidify their "princely Status" by granting 12 million illegals into voters whom will vote to keep them in office.

Voting by the Senate to grant social security benefits to these illegals for time worked while residing here illegally is a travesty. Do we reward people who break into our homes? Many of these same illegals have allegedly voted in past elections with forged documents, and I am certain many workers here illegally used forged documents to obtain work. Where is the logic in putting 10-12 million more into an already bankrupt program?

Senator Harry Reid of Nevada stated on the floor of the Senate today that anyone who opposes comprehensive legislation to help the illegal immigrants is a Racist!
It is not only outrageous to say this, but shows he doesn't care to follow the opinions held by a majority of the people who elected him. Polls show the vast majority of Americans want to secure the borders! Time to print the bumper sticker, "Goodbye Harry"!

Although most of the marchers for "illegal immigrants rights" during March, April and May are not Communists. It is now known that some of the major organizers of the marches are Communists or members of Marxist/Leninist organizations. A few of these organizers are: Center for Community Change (CCC), World Workers Party (WWP), Communist Party USA (CPUSA), Fair Immigration Reform Movement (FIRM), and ANSWER.
All of these organizations are known Communist sympathizers. Two of the principals behind the effort to get students to leave schools and join the marches are Margaret Chinn and Mae Lee known agents for Communist China.

Since 2000 over 1.4 billion dollars has been spent to pay for conferences" in such posh locations as Honolulu, Los Cabos Mexico, Barcelona Spain and Disney world. Not for Congressman and Senators, but for Federal Government Agency employees! This at a time of obscene budget deficits.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

"ConservativeRadical" Idea to Cut National Debt!

With the most recent appointment of 22 new members to the UN
Human Rights Council from countries identified by "Freedom House"
as countries which have little or no concern for freedom of speech, government accountability and little or no concern for human rights. Notably; Communist China, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, Cameroon, Algeria and Azerbaijan. The UN has demonstrated just one more action contrary to its stated purpose when formed in 1945.

China is led by Hu Jintao, whom "Parade Magazine" lists as number six on their list of the Worlds "Ten Worst Dictators".
This based upon human rights abuse. Helping make that decision is the report from inside PRC that between 200,00
and 300,00 Chinese citizen "dissidents" are held captive in "concentration" camps. These "discipline" centers are controlled by Wu Guangheng, Secretary of the Central commission for Discipline Inspection and his 121 commission members. I believe the PRC call them re-education Centers!

My suggestion is we revoke the UN "lease" on the building we paid to be built on the banks of the Hudson River in New York. Ask them to move to Geneva or The Hague. Any place as long as they leave the US, and then we tear down the building. Now the productive part. Sell off the bricks and artifacts from the destruction of this monument to anti-Americanism to all that will buy a memento of this colossal mistake. Maybe it wouldn't put much of a dent in our national dept. But it would be a great sale! The "Pet Rock"made millions. This sale could amount to numbers in the hundred millions of dollars.

If what I have written above doesn't convince you it is past time for the UN to go. Consider these indisputable facts. 1.) The first Secretary General of the UN was Aler Hiss. A convicted Soviet Spy! 2.) Since the UN was founded in 1945 to provide "mans best hope for peace". There have been 140 wars! Korea and Vietnam just two that had UN sanction and troop participation. Not to forget Bosnia, which has some UN and American troops still there. The Korean war has not officially ended for over 50 years. Only a truce and cease fire currently exits between North Korea and the US. 3.) In 1961 the UN with tacit co-operation of the US state department and President John Kennedy drafted a proposal for world total disarmament, including the United States of America, except for troops " intended for internal security forces". Wouldn't the terrorists and "peacenics"around the world love that! 4.) All fourteen of the first Undersecretaries of the UN were avowed Communists.

There is no logical reason to expect that building on the Hudson is not still infested with voting members whose sole purpose in life is to end our way of life and destroy the USA premier place in the World of Civilized nations. Its (the UN) departure is long over due!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Welcome Matt for Illegals From Mexico

Did President Bush's speech Monday night slip the noose over the heads of republicans who face re-election in November? I think he did, even though he should be given the benefit of the doubt. When you review the main points of his speech. The plan he outlined is in my humble opinion no more than a "smoke screen" to cool the anti-illegal rhetoric so prevalent before and after his speech.

The announcement by President Bush of plans to assign 6000 National Guard troops along the 2000 mile border would amount to one guardsman for every mile if you consider that they will work a three day week. They won't be allowed to interdict illegals crossing from Mexico. They will provide "advice" to the additional 1000+ new border agents proposed by the President. Worthy of note is in December of 2005 he proposed adding 1700 new agents. Where are they? And what are they doing to stop the flow of illegals?

How can "weekend warriors" with no training in border security train or advise? They appear to me to be "window dressing"! The president proposed in his speech monday, increased funding for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement of 3.9 billion dollars. Unfortunately, according to a published (5/15 05)interview by columnist and TV show moderator Hugh Hewitt of Julie Myers, Assistant Secretary of ICE (immigration and customs enforcement) a large portion of this money has been designated as money to buy more beds for illegal "detention centers"! She wants an additional 6,700 for a total of 27,600 beds by the end of fiscal 2006. These beds are used by illegals for an average of 90 days at tax payer expense. Despite the fact that she said "85% of the Mexican illegals caught crossing the border are presently being driven back over the border and released! "Catch and Release" appears to be alive and well!

Mr. Hewitt also interviewed Mr. Kevin Stevens, Associate Chief of Border Control, 5/16/06. During this interview Mr. Hewitt asked Mr. Stevens if he thought building 400 miles of double or triple fencing along the Mexican and U.S. border in critical urban and rural areas would help reduce the flow of illegal immigrants? Mr. Stevens answered in the affirmative.

Never the less, the next day when Assistant Secretary for ICE was asked if she agreed the building of physical fences would be part of the implementation of President Bush's' new Immigration Plan? She said "virtual fences" were on the table for consideration. Her explanation of a "virtual fence" would be "surveillance, manpower and infrastructure." Sounds like double seek for no physical fence, but lots more expensive bureaucracy to me. No fixed fences are on the ICE drawing board. This despite the majority of Americans who feel building a fence is a first step needed to stop the flow of illegal and potentially terrorist immigrants flowing across our borders from Mexico.

Border Patrol Chief, David Aguilar stated in a recent interview that during his tenure 4.5 million illegals have been denied entry into the U.S. Of these 350,000 had criminal records. How many of the illegals that didn't get detained, an estimated 10-20 million, are criminals or even worst, potential terrorists? We will never know, but any way you try to spin it. The Presidents message Monday night was not a prescription for stopping this flow of illegals, but a way to legitimizing them and add tens of millions of their adult relatives to the already overloaded welfare roles. In fact the Heritage Foundation predicts that if Congress and President Bush pass "Amnesty" for those illegals presently here. Don't close the borders there will be 103 million more legal immigrants in the next twenty years. Tack on the so called "Guest Worker" legislation and Heritage predicts the number allowed in legally will possibly reach 193 million. This into a country that has about 270 million now! Who will pay? You know damn well it will be the working taxpayers trying to save failing wefare programs for these "Mexicanistas".

If news reports are correct the Senate just passed a bill to build a fence covering 400 miles of the Mexican border! Thank You! Keep tightening the borders and maybe the Republicans have hope for the November elections.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Obscenity May Occur in The Senate!

After reading the synopsis of Senate bill CIRA, S.2611 being sponsored by Republican Senators Hagel of Nebraska and Senator Martinez of Florida I was very dispirited to say the least. But after the travesty of the Presidents speech on this issue last night I am really disappointed in the President and concerned for our Country. President Bush ignored the issue of building a fence to stop the flow of illegals, and asked for public patience for solution to "a problem that has been growing for over twenty years." He has been in office six years and I know we are at war, but what took so long!

Apparently Senate Republicans and President Bush don't mind being historically noted as partners in the greatest increase in welfare in 35 years. Robert Rector of the Heritage Foundation predicts that "within two decades the cost to American taxpayers for welfare programs will increase by 30 billion dollars." United States will no longer be what it is today. Drastic changes in social, economical and political areas caused by an estimated 103 million new immigrants in the next 20 years if the proposed S. 2611 is passed is inevitable. Valid statistics indicate that the longer illegal aliens stay here they are likely to go on Welfare. Perhaps this is because over 60% have less than a high school education, and thus are less employable except for menial labor.

Under present law "regulating" immigration it is estimated that 19 million legal immigrants will enter. We can't even enforce the laws on the books now. How will a law that includes three categories of illegal immigrants: Temporary; dictates they leave in 3 years, Non-Permanent: allows these illegals to convert to legal after 5 years, Legal Permanent Residence; that involves a convoluted classification for 11 years to finally achieve full citizenship solve the problem?

Who are these people? Do they live and work in "OZ"? The Senators that drafted this bill must realize it can never be monitored much less enforced. They also know it will result in a huge increase in government workers to administer, and a real drain on the taxpayers who have to fund this "obscene" bill. Maybe if these millionaires living like "princes" in their "Senatorial Club" had to pay for what they are proposing they would reconsider. With their tax shelters and starched collar accountants most won't have anyone put their hand into their wallet to extract monies to pay for this travesty. But the taxpayer will be hit with draconian increases!

We can make them pay for doing this to us if they pass S. 2611. The payback comes at the polls. Vote them all out of office, irregardless of party, when their six year "party" is up. They don't deserve your support. I know I will work to see that my Senator, who is one of the draters of this legislation, is not re-elected. I would vote for my next door neighbor before I'd vote for him agaim.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Illegal Immigration Control is Important But Not The Real Problem!

Although I agree one of the most pressing issues to be addressed now by President Bush and the Congress is stopping the flood of illegal immigrants into our Country. Unless we do this soon all the "Worker" programs and laws passed to "control" the current 12 million illegals will be just exercises in futility and self flagellation. Vote to build the Wall starting now! Then get to the real problem.

But all the debate and hot air being circulated around Washington about this problem is taking away time and effort from what I believe is the greatest threat facing the United Sates today. Finding more sources of oil within our borders and offshore, and building more refineries to process this crude oil into its byproducts: gasoline, kerosene, liquid propane, lubrication oils, asphalt and more than 4000 petrochemical byproducts that are made from refined oil. Some of these products that we use every day in our civilized comfortable life are: ethylene, propylene, benzene, ammonia, menthol. The list of end products produced from these petrochemicals which enrich our lives is endless. Just a few of them are detergents, synthetic rubber, plastic, synthetic fibers, chemical fertilizers and some medicines. The "APC" known to all who served in the US armed services who had headaches or hangovers remember the APC, chemically known as Acetylsalicytic acid. It is made from petrochemical.

When "blow-hard" politicians say we must break our addiction to oil they really are stupid or "pin heads" who have not bothered to consider the facts. Most of the drivel that we hear on television and read in the press is about American SUV owners burning up our oil in the form of gasoline. Of all the energy produced and used worldwide, 41.3% comes from oil, 22.4 percent from gases, 26% from solids like coal and 10.3% from hydroelectric and nuclear sources.

They don't bother to talk about the products listed above that make our lives better than our predecessors. It's all about finding new sources of energy other than oil. Our new source is right under our nose off shore and in ANWAR. If only the elected "public representatives" in Washington had the guts to stand up to the so called Conservationists! Drill now not when it is too late! Or at least encourage exploration in tandem with undeveloped countries that have the potential to provide more "sweet crude" than Arab controlled OPEC.

While we dither away time arguing about illegals, tax cuts, and NSA telephone monitoring, the Chinese, with the help of a 1999 policy by the "Gas Industry Forum" to assist China in obtaining reliable and economical sources of oil and natural gas, are growing economically like "Topsy". Thanks to this assistance their ever growing economic "juggernaut" consumed 7.2 million barrel's of oil a day in 2005. Thirty per cent of this comes from Africa. Africa produces crude oil off shore of its coast as well as inland in twelve separate African Countries. They produce approximately 10.3% of the Worlds total production, and China is doing it's best to get the "lions share" of this valuable material. They have invested heavily in money and human resources to gain influence in Africas oil producing counties. While American officials appear apathetic at their best about Chinese Communists evolving inroads and influence in Africa.

In 2005 84 million barrel's of crude oil was extracted from oil exporting counties. OPEC being a large contributor, and obviously an unpredictable source. Russia produces 8.9 million barrels per day, Iran 3.8 million per day, USA 5,4 million barrel a day and China 3.4 MBPD. Norway, Mexico, and Great Britain were minor producers.

The USA imported 60% of its 20 million barrel a day usage from foreign sources. Sixteen percent came from Africa, and it is predicted up to 25% will need to come from there by 2015 as other foreign sources decrease due to world wide increase in demand. It is estimated that as much as 85% of the new oil sources found world wide in the period 2001 to 2004 were on the West African Coast. None here in the USA!

It happened many centuries ago, but not too distant to have escaped my memory of history. Be it fact or fable, It is written that a great city burned down while the Emperor Nero was playing his "fiddle"! It is my earnest hope that this Great Country of ours won't be reduced to a third rate country with no individual freedom because our elected representatives like Nero fiddled around with everything but the life blood of this great economy! If we want to stay strong we need to become producers not major importers of oil! Wind mills and cars that run on batteries sound good,but won"t solve our real problem.