After reading the synopsis of Senate bill CIRA, S.2611 being sponsored by Republican Senators Hagel of Nebraska and Senator Martinez of Florida I was very dispirited to say the least. But after the travesty of the Presidents speech on this issue last night I am really disappointed in the President and concerned for our Country. President Bush ignored the issue of building a fence to stop the flow of illegals, and asked for public patience for solution to "a problem that has been growing for over twenty years." He has been in office six years and I know we are at war, but what took so long!
Apparently Senate Republicans and President Bush don't mind being historically noted as partners in the greatest increase in welfare in 35 years. Robert Rector of the Heritage Foundation predicts that "within two decades the cost to American taxpayers for welfare programs will increase by 30 billion dollars." United States will no longer be what it is today. Drastic changes in social, economical and political areas caused by an estimated 103 million new immigrants in the next 20 years if the proposed S. 2611 is passed is inevitable. Valid statistics indicate that the longer illegal aliens stay here they are likely to go on Welfare. Perhaps this is because over 60% have less than a high school education, and thus are less employable except for menial labor.
Under present law "regulating" immigration it is estimated that 19 million legal immigrants will enter. We can't even enforce the laws on the books now. How will a law that includes three categories of illegal immigrants: Temporary; dictates they leave in 3 years, Non-Permanent: allows these illegals to convert to legal after 5 years, Legal Permanent Residence; that involves a convoluted classification for 11 years to finally achieve full citizenship solve the problem?
Who are these people? Do they live and work in "OZ"? The Senators that drafted this bill must realize it can never be monitored much less enforced. They also know it will result in a huge increase in government workers to administer, and a real drain on the taxpayers who have to fund this "obscene" bill. Maybe if these millionaires living like "princes" in their "Senatorial Club" had to pay for what they are proposing they would reconsider. With their tax shelters and starched collar accountants most won't have anyone put their hand into their wallet to extract monies to pay for this travesty. But the taxpayer will be hit with draconian increases!
We can make them pay for doing this to us if they pass S. 2611. The payback comes at the polls. Vote them all out of office, irregardless of party, when their six year "party" is up. They don't deserve your support. I know I will work to see that my Senator, who is one of the draters of this legislation, is not re-elected. I would vote for my next door neighbor before I'd vote for him agaim.