Although I agree one of the most pressing issues to be addressed now by President Bush and the Congress is stopping the flood of illegal immigrants into our Country. Unless we do this soon all the "Worker" programs and laws passed to "control" the current 12 million illegals will be just exercises in futility and self flagellation. Vote to build the Wall starting now! Then get to the real problem.
But all the debate and hot air being circulated around Washington about this problem is taking away time and effort from what I believe is the greatest threat facing the United Sates today. Finding more sources of oil within our borders and offshore, and building more refineries to process this crude oil into its byproducts: gasoline, kerosene, liquid propane, lubrication oils, asphalt and more than 4000 petrochemical byproducts that are made from refined oil. Some of these products that we use every day in our civilized comfortable life are: ethylene, propylene, benzene, ammonia, menthol. The list of end products produced from these petrochemicals which enrich our lives is endless. Just a few of them are detergents, synthetic rubber, plastic, synthetic fibers, chemical fertilizers and some medicines. The "APC" known to all who served in the US armed services who had headaches or hangovers remember the APC, chemically known as Acetylsalicytic acid. It is made from petrochemical.
When "blow-hard" politicians say we must break our addiction to oil they really are stupid or "pin heads" who have not bothered to consider the facts. Most of the drivel that we hear on television and read in the press is about American SUV owners burning up our oil in the form of gasoline. Of all the energy produced and used worldwide, 41.3% comes from oil, 22.4 percent from gases, 26% from solids like coal and 10.3% from hydroelectric and nuclear sources.
They don't bother to talk about the products listed above that make our lives better than our predecessors. It's all about finding new sources of energy other than oil. Our new source is right under our nose off shore and in ANWAR. If only the elected "public representatives" in Washington had the guts to stand up to the so called Conservationists! Drill now not when it is too late! Or at least encourage exploration in tandem with undeveloped countries that have the potential to provide more "sweet crude" than Arab controlled OPEC.
While we dither away time arguing about illegals, tax cuts, and NSA telephone monitoring, the Chinese, with the help of a 1999 policy by the "Gas Industry Forum" to assist China in obtaining reliable and economical sources of oil and natural gas, are growing economically like "Topsy". Thanks to this assistance their ever growing economic "juggernaut" consumed 7.2 million barrel's of oil a day in 2005. Thirty per cent of this comes from Africa. Africa produces crude oil off shore of its coast as well as inland in twelve separate African Countries. They produce approximately 10.3% of the Worlds total production, and China is doing it's best to get the "lions share" of this valuable material. They have invested heavily in money and human resources to gain influence in Africas oil producing counties. While American officials appear apathetic at their best about Chinese Communists evolving inroads and influence in Africa.
In 2005 84 million barrel's of crude oil was extracted from oil exporting counties. OPEC being a large contributor, and obviously an unpredictable source. Russia produces 8.9 million barrels per day, Iran 3.8 million per day, USA 5,4 million barrel a day and China 3.4 MBPD. Norway, Mexico, and Great Britain were minor producers.
The USA imported 60% of its 20 million barrel a day usage from foreign sources. Sixteen percent came from Africa, and it is predicted up to 25% will need to come from there by 2015 as other foreign sources decrease due to world wide increase in demand. It is estimated that as much as 85% of the new oil sources found world wide in the period 2001 to 2004 were on the West African Coast. None here in the USA!
It happened many centuries ago, but not too distant to have escaped my memory of history. Be it fact or fable, It is written that a great city burned down while the Emperor Nero was playing his "fiddle"! It is my earnest hope that this Great Country of ours won't be reduced to a third rate country with no individual freedom because our elected representatives like Nero fiddled around with everything but the life blood of this great economy! If we want to stay strong we need to become producers not major importers of oil! Wind mills and cars that run on batteries sound good,but won"t solve our real problem.