Saturday, August 09, 2008
It has been argued by Environmentalists and alternate energy proponents , that the world is consuming too much oil, and it would not be to many decades before the supply of oil in the ground runs out!
This added to the yet unproven environmental argument that fossil fuels contribute to "Global Warming", we as a country have boarded the the "bio-fuels" train.At the same time that we in the USA are trying to conserve oil this news should show that the Communists don't think in terms of reducing air polution from oil use.
Official data from China indicates that this country's oil consumption crossed the eight million barrel per day barrier last June. This reconfirms China's position as the world's second largest oil consumer after the US and ahead of Japan.
The bio-fuel system has proved to be more costly, and needs a federal subsidy to exist. And further more, does as much if not more harm to the atmosphere and the people who live on the Earth.
It has reduced the amount of wheat and rice in great proportions, and has raised the cost of food severely. In some third world countries famine has raised it's deadly head!
And by the way,also damages the fuel injection system of present day cars and trucks over time!
Now we have news from the oil producing countrys, OPEC, that there is no shortage of oil reserves.
To illustrate this FACT, I have excerpetd a small portion of a report that appears in Dar Al Hayat about the subject of oil.
"The doubts about whether future supplies will suffice to meet the mounting demand, foment fears and lead to high, unjustified price levels. The doubting is not alone responsible for the rise in prices, of course; there are other factors, such as the under-investment in refineries in the United States, the world's biggest consumer. There are also environmental disasters, the weather, and the fear of political factors, like a potential strike against Iran, unrest in Nigeria and the crisis conditions in Iraq. However, oil experts and officials in the large producing countries affirm that there are sufficient traditional and non-traditional oil supplies that require new technologies.
Aramco, for example, is increasing its annual reserve by the amount that its fields produce. Producing countries, like Saudi Arabia and other big Arab oil states, do not agree with the theory of long-term oil depletion. Preserving excess 2-million-barrels-per-day productive capacity in Saudi Arabia is part of the Kingdom's keenness to cover any shortfall that takes place in the world, even if the cost of preserving this excess capacity is high. However, Saudi Arabia's oil policy focuses on price stability.
Everything that is being said about alternative energy sources such as ethanol, solar energy, nuclear power and others will not replace oil, in the view of experts who have worked in the Arab oil industry for decades. For centuries, oil will remain a primary source of energy, and new technologies will help increase the international reserves.
The doubt about the ability to secure energy helps only those who want to speculate in the markets, so that prices reach the highs they hit in July (when they crossed the 140-dollar-barrier a barrel then dropped to $120). No one knows where prices are heading now, since the main producers are not the only players in the market, and because prices, despite the players' determination to see them stable, have reached a level that has inflated the cost of all projects and investments.
"Relax, there's enough oil for the coming decades. Stop producing ethanol, which is using up agricultural materials and has raised the price of food worldwide."
This is the view of Robert Mabro, the honorary president of the Oxford Energy Seminar, which is directed by the Kuwaiti expert Nader Sultan and which hosted the Saudi Aramco CEO, Abdullah Jumah, Shell chief executive, Jeroen van der Veer, Petrobras president, Sergio Gabrielli, and the chairman of the International Energy Agency, Nobuo Tanaka.
All of the information from producing states, especially the major ones, contradicts the doubts that are being spread by Western official circles, namely that the available reserves are insufficient to meet the growing demand for oil worldwide, in the emerging countries as well as in big countries like China and India.
In fact, such doubts considerably raise the price of oil and spread fear in consuming countries that they must hurry to find alternative energy sources, while this is not the case.
Saudi Aramco is one of the main players in the oil industry, but is not the only one. Aramco was established in 1933, and became fully-Saudi-owned in 1988. It continued to be run like an international giant and celebrated its diamond jubilee. Aramco's productive capacity in 2009 or early 2010 stands at 12 million barrels a day; Saudi Arabia's total productive capacity will reach 12.5 million.
International oil experts say that international companies traditionally try to boost their oil reserves by 35-50%. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia strives to improve its productive fields by 70%. Saudi Arabia is keen to preserve its 2-million-barrels-per-day excess production capacity, which represents advanced production kept to confront emergencies or shortfalls in the world. This is due to the fact that the Kingdom is determined to preserve the stability of international markets and oil prices
The doubts about whether future supplies will suffice to meet the mounting demand, foment fears and lead to high, unjustified price levels. The doubting is not alone responsible for the rise in prices, of course; there are other factors, such as the under-investment in refineries in the United States, the world's biggest consumer. There are also environmental disasters, the weather, and the fear of political factors, like a potential strike against Iran, unrest in Nigeria and the crisis conditions in Iraq. However, oil experts and officials in the large producing countries affirm that there are sufficient traditional and non-traditional oil supplies that require new technologies. Aramco, for example, is increasing its annual reserve by the amount that its fields produce. Producing countries, like Saudi Arabia and other big Arab oil states, do not agree with the theory of long-term oil depletion. Preserving excess 2-million-barrels-per-day productive capacity in Saudi Arabia is part of the Kingdom's plans to cover any shortfall that takes place in the world, even if the cost of preserving this excess capacity is high.
Everything that is being said about alternative energy sources such as ethanol, solar energy, nuclear power and others will not replace oil, in the view of experts who have worked in the Arab oil industry for decades. For centuries, oil will remain a primary source of energy, and new technologies will help increase the international reserves.
The doubt about the ability to secure energy helps only those who want to speculate in the markets, so that prices reach the highs they hit in July (when they crossed the 140-dollar-barrier a barrel then dropped to $120). No one knows where prices are heading now, since the main producers are not the only players in the market, and because prices, despite the players' determination to see them stable, have reached a level that has inflated the cost of all projects and investments.
Friday, August 08, 2008
THERE ARE THINGS THE Gay and Lesbian must consider before they pull the lever for ObAMA IN November.
The first and foremost is does Obama, despite his denials believe in Sharia Law, He was schooled on his early years in the Muslim faith. He has a close association with a Muslim cousin who adheres to Sharia law.
Muslims Debate: Should Gays Be Executed? Norway's Islamic Council still can't decide.
August 7, 2008 - by Bruce Bawer Support Pajamas Media; Visit Our Advertisers
One of the pillars of the future totalitarian state in 1984 is the practice of doublethink, which Orwell defined as “the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them. … To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies — all this is indispensably necessary.”
As it happens, this is a precise description of exactly what’s been going on in many parts of Europe in recent years, as multicultural ideology has been confronted by realities about Islam that, in a doublethink-free world, would send that ideology crashing to the ground in flames.
For a case in point, I will refer the reader to an episode I’ve mentioned previously in this space — an Oslo debate last November at which the deputy chairman of Norway’s Islamic Council, Asghar Ali, refused to reject the death penalty for gays. When Senaid Kobilica, the head of the Islamic Council (which represents 60,000 Muslims), was asked where he stood on the question, he replied that he couldn’t give a definitive answer until he got a ruling from the European Fatwa Council. This week it was reported that he’s still waiting.
But not to worry! Kobilica added that he’s “100 percent certain that the fatwa council will not come out in favor of something which conflicts with European law.” Meaning that while the death penalty for homosexuals is, indeed, an orthodox Islamic position — one about which the Fatwa Council’s head, Yusuf al-Qaradawi, has himself written sympathetically — Western Muslim leaders, in accordance with the Koran (and with good strategy), prefer in such controversial cases not to challenge infidel law. (There will, after all, be time enough to execute gays in the coming decades, as the Muslim population attains critical balance in one country after another — first, most likely, in France and Sweden and the Netherlands, and in Norway some time after that.)And after what happened in Great Britian this week the Sharia law is now in place!!
What’s most chilling about all this, however, is not the positions of these Muslim leaders but the reactions of the Norwegian establishment. Or, one should say, the lack of reaction.
Consider this. After last November’s debate, it emerged that Asghar Ali not only was deputy chairman of the Islamic Council but was also on the board of the Oslo Arbeidersamfunn, the largest and most influential association within Norway’s ruling Labor Party.
Asked about Ali’s views, the head of the Oslo Arbeidersamfunn, Anne Cathrine Berger, lamented that some people “can’t see the difference between a board member’s views and the organization’s views.” Despite scattered calls for his dismissal, Ali remained on the board. (When a new board election was held in February, Ali chose not to run again.)
That’s not all: Ali is, in addition, secretary of the 37,000-member Electricians’ and IT Workers’ Union. After the November debate, the union’s website posted a “clarification” by Ali saying that “as a Norwegian Muslim” he in fact rejected the death penalty for gays. The words “as a Norwegian Muslim” amount to a disingenuous dodge — they’re the rhetorical equivalent of keeping your fingers crossed behind your back. To state that one rejects the death penalty for gays “as a Norwegian Muslim” isn’t the same as saying that one rejects it, period.
Like what Kobilica said about European law, it’s simply an Islamist’s way of affirming that he accepts infidel law as it now stands; such a statement reveals absolutely nothing about his real position on the question, or about whether he is, in fact, dedicated to the goal of ultimately changing this and the rest of Norwegian law to conform with sharia. At this point in the ongoing Islamization of Europe, the slipperiness of Ali’s “clarification” should be manifest to any infidel who’s made an effort to understand how Muslims think about these matters. Yet the head of the Electricians’ and IT Workers’ Union , Hans Olav Felix, pronounced himself satisfied with Ali’s ”clarification,” and Ali remains in the #2 spot at the union.
And do not say it cannot happen here. After 9/11/01,anything is possible!!
During a recent visit to the United States Pope Benedict admitted that he is "deeply ashamed" of the clergy sex abuse scandal that has devastated the American church. The American Catholic Church has paid out $2 billion in abuse costs since 1950.
Benedict pledged that paedophiles would not be priests in the Catholic Church, AND HUNDREDS OF PRIESTS HAVE BEEN CAST OUT !
At the same time that Pope Benedict XVI was visiting the USA, a leader of over 20 million Muslim Ismail's, Aga Khan( The Nobel One) was visiting the USA. His branch of the Muslim religion is a group that broke away from the Shiah.
I do not want to equate child sexual abuse with terrorism To violate a child is a heinous and almost unforgivable crime. It results in not only physical trauma but mental anguish that can last a life time.
But, what I do want to point out is that no one, I repeat, not one of the Muslim leadership has ever apologized for the dastardly terrorist attacks on New York and Washington by known Muslims.
Too often we Americans separate Muslims by the county they live in to point fingers of blame for the voluminous terrorist attacks that have happened all over the world. They all were committed by Muslims, and no one has apologized or said it should stop!
Pope Benedict and the Catholic Church not only apologized , the Church has made monetary reparations.
What I write now comes straight out of the Web site of the World Muslim Congress. It illustrates in my opinion, why they have never apologized and will never do so!
"To be a Muslim is to be a peacemaker, one who constantly seeks to mitigate conflicts and nurtures goodwill for peaceful co-existence. God wants us to live in peace and harmony with his creation; life and mater. Indeed, that is the purpose of religion, any religion".
This is found under the heading: "Violence Has No Place In Islam".
But following this pious title is this; "When gross injustice befalls them, they stand up for their rights. Although the just requital for an injustice is an equivalent retribution, those who pardon and maintain righteousness are rewarded by God. He does not love the unjust. Certainly, those who stand up for their rights, when injustice befalls them, are not committing any error. The wrong ones are those who treat the people unjustly, and resort to aggression without provocation. These have incurred a painful retribution. Resorting to patience and forgiveness reflects a true strength of character." (Quran 42:37-43)
"Innocent people are victims of violence. Killing innocent people is prohibited and condemned (Quran 17:33; 6:151; 25:68). One such verse states - "You shall not kill any person - for God has made life sacred - except in the course of justice. If one is killed unjustly, then we give his heir authority to enforce justice. Thus he shall not exceed the limits in avenging the murder; he will be helped." (Quran 17:33)
"Suicide bombing, which is part of violence, is also prohibited as understood from this verse - "O you who believe, do not consume each others properties illicitly - only mutually acceptable transactions are permitted. You shall not kill yourselves. God is Merciful towards you." (Quran 4:29)"You may fight in the cause of God against those who attack you, but do not aggress. God does not love the aggressor"
I must protest, the people in the World Trade Center were not aggressors. They were people with families trying to make a living when they were killed by aggression in the worst kind short of the nuclear weapons that will certainly follow them if we do not stop them from having them!
Later in the same proclamation is the disclaimer that appears to allow all that was stated as forbidden:
"The Quran urges believers to fight in the cause of God, without any worldly intentions - "Those who readily fight in the cause of God are those who forsake this world in favor of the Hereafter. Whoever fight in the cause of God, then gets killed, or attains victory, we will surely grant him a great recompense. Why should you not fight in the cause of God when weak men, women, and children are imploring: "Our Lord, deliver us from this community whose people are oppressive, and be You our Lord and Master." (Quran 4:74-75)
Not being a Muslim I cannot say for certain, but it would appear that rather than apologize and prohibit terrorist bombers blowing themselves up within civilians groups and buildings. They are claiming that all Muslims are victims of persecution who have been invaded thereby justifying such heinous acts as using the bodies of female Muslims to carry explosives into places like Baquba City, Iraq, and blow themselves up! The voluminous robes that most Iraqi Sunni Muslims wear, conceal the explosive belts nicely.
If Muslims really want to be accepted, not legislate themselves into our society. Why in the Lord's name does not one Leader come forth and publicly state 9/11/01 was wrong and tell suicide bombers to stop killing their own people in the name of righteousness
Thursday, August 07, 2008
A National survey in 2000 showed that although 71 percent of high school students planned to attend a four-year college, only 52 percent of parents thought their children would make it. And high-school teachers expected only one-third of their students to go to four-year colleges.
Teachers salaries eat up approximately 85% of most school board budgets, so the main job they have is to prepare their students with cognitive minds that prepare them to either enter college or the work force. Which apparently, the teachers believe will happen to more than 66% percent of the students that pass through the four years in the school they control.
The end result is that each year we spend more tax dollars on education, and more high schools pass a greater percentage of their seniors, but the SAT grades and number of students that make it to the 2nd year of college is decreasing proportionally. It would appear that educational standards, and results have produced a dumbed down generation of high school graduates. Basic reading writing and math scores are lower than ever compared with many foreign countrys, and those that go on to graduate from college are full of sociological knowledge, but often times cannot put a properly structure sentence on paper!
This is a problem for employers who hire people with college degrees,and expect them to perform well, but it also is a national problem in that too many college students are brain washed in leftist ideology to appreciate or understand what this Country really has to offer them in the way of freedom and opportunity if they are willing to put in the effort.
That is why, in my not so humble opinion, I think Obama is so popular with the college types. Obama's rhetoric is promising, and signifies the "change" college students look forward to in their lives. Idealistic and inspiring!
The problem is that too many of his supporters don't comprehend what the change will have attached to it. The demands, and mandates that accompany Obama's plans for Americans have not been elucidated by his handlers.
Pie in the sky platitudes, and promises of social programs like universal medical care, clean air, and peace all are ideals we aspire to, but are we willing to pay the price. Especially when hidden beneath all the "goodies" Obama promises US, is the redistribution of wealth . Not only in our Country, but internationally to Africa, and the issue of reparations to Blacks has also been raised.
Government makes no money! It exists and functions on the backs of taxpayers, and every new plan Obama promises will add to the over 600 billion dollars spent today on welfare programs that is 300 billion more than we spend on defense. The big bad "bogey-man" of the Socialists!
An example of the sleight of hand that the Obama campaign has perpetrated on the uninformed public is his stance on drilling in ANWR and off shore to reduce our dependence on OPEC oil.
Despite his recent flip-flop on drilling in the USA, because of poll numbers showing that over 70% OF AMERICANS FAVOR DRILLING.
Obama has led a one-man crusade to keep the American people ignorant about what is at stake in the debate over off-shore drilling". In 2005, he voted to kill legislation that would have measured our offshore reserves. That effort failed and a preliminary inventory report was produced in February 2006.
Obama, not finished in his opposition to the public understanding about the amount of oil under USA soil, did not give up in his efforts to keep the public ignorant. In January 2007, he proposed legislation to eliminate the authorization to conduct the inventory, as established in the 2005 law. Obama's bill is S. 115. The key provision is section 101(a)(5). It provides that "Section 357 (42 U.S.C. 15912) (relating to comprehensive inventory of OCS oil and natural gas resources)" is "repealed as of the date of enactment of this act." It's my understanding that Obama is the only sponsor of this legislation.
Americans don't realize that the Obama campaign is constantly sending out famous Marxist slogans, Which are instantly understood by the radical Left, including Obama's supporters in the Black Liberation movement. Then Senator Obama tells the oil companies to send a thousand dollars to each American, playing the anti-capitalism card that the Marxists love so much. It's all part of the "Audacity Of Hustle". The phrase, "Knowledge is Power" is one that is acting out in reverse in the Campaign for Preisdent!
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
On Thursday July 18,2007 Obama introduced his social welfare program,he plans to implement if elected to the presidency, to the Press. The following is a quote from the Washington Times.
"The government has spent $11 trillion on the war on poverty since it was declared by President Lyndon Baines Johnson in 1964, said Robert Rector, senior research fellow with the Heritage Foundation. In 2004 federal, state and local governments spent $583 billion, or 5 percent of the gross domestic product, on food, housing, medical and targeted social services for the poor, Mr. Rector said.
Mr. Obama's plan to replicate successful urban youth programs would greatly expand the federal government's role in helping the nonprofit groups that now operate them."
He vowed to pass a plan that he outlined last year to provide more financial support to unwed fathers who help raise their children and crack down on fathers who don't, and to help new mothers by expanding the Nurse-Family Partnership, which offers home visits by registered nurses to low-income mothers and mothers-to-be. He would also spend $1 billion over five years in jobs programs that place unemployed workers into temporary jobs and then train them for permanent ones".My question is where will he find the jobs for the unskilled?
The Illinois senator said he would spend about $6 billion annually, with his first task being to replicate in 20 cities such successful child and youth development programs as the Harlem Children's Zone in New York City and the Town Hall Education, Arts and Recreation Campus in the District, where he outlined his plan.
"I'll be honest, it can"t be done on the cheap. It will cost a few billion dollars a year." Once again by more taxation!
After explaining that his involvement in poverty programs was not new. He said he had been involved for 25 years in poverty plans in Chicago,but didn't reveal that his associates were known anarchists!
Perhaps the most ambitious feature of his plan is his promise to raise the minimum wage automatically every year by tying it to the cost-of-living index. This could raise the cost of a "Big Mac" to $5.00!
In addition, Mr. Obama said he would create an Affordable Housing Trust Fund dedicated to adding as many as 112,000 units annually in mixed-income neighborhoods and ensure that capital for inner-city businesses is available using a national network of business incubators.
Throughout his speech, Mr. Obama attempted to solidify his centrist position by chastising Democrats for defending programs enacted by Mr. Johnson's Great Society that they knew to be "ineffective" as well as for ignoring the role of absent fathers and inner-city crime in the persistence of poverty. It is an old bromide of Marxists to say Communism failed because they did not do it right!
At the same time, he criticized Republicans for not valuing such investments in youth and working families. Perhaps they were trying to leave some money in the middle class taxpayers pocket
"The right has often seized on these failings as proof that the government can't and shouldn't do a thing about poverty — that it is a result of individual moral failings and cultural pathologies, and so we should just sit back and let these cities fend for themselves," he said. Sounds like Marx or Lenin to me!
"And so Ronald Reagan launched his assault on quote-unquote welfare queens, and George Bush spent the last six years slashing programs to combat poverty, and job training, and substance abuse, and child abuse." Senator, they also made the economy work, and raised tax revenues by incentive to do more work for less taxation!
What does his extremely liberal leadership mean for America?” The answers are beginning to show themselves. Obama’s campaign theme is “change.” Voters, if he’s elected president, we may all be working for “change,” pocket-change.
“I believe in the power of the African-American religious tradition to spur social change,” Obama has asserted. He also says his faith has led him to question “the idolatry of the free market.” Now it appears that a President Obama’s foreign and domestic policies are much like his previous church’s Afrocentric doctrine he once pledged to uphold. Americans will pay a hefty price. It’s not too hard to figure that trading Iraq for third-world countries tips the scale in the wrong direction.
The Global Poverty Act, Senate Bill S.2433 sponsored by none other than Obama. If l passed in the Senate in September, Barack Obama and the U.N. may well be on their way to having their hands in the U.S. taxpayer pockets.
This bill requires the president to develop and implement a comprehensive strategy to advance a foreign policy objective of promoting the reduction of global poverty, the elimination of extreme global poverty, and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goal of reducing by one-half the proportion of people worldwide, between 1990 and 2015, who live on less than $1 per day. It also includes guidelines for what the strategy should include -- from foreign aid, trade, economic development and debt relief to working with the international community and leveraging the participation of businesses and nongovernmental organizations.
All the objectives are noble goals, but eliminating World poverty is a job for all nations including China, Russia, Brazil and the EU. None of these countries has stepped forward to tax their citizens more than they are already to accomplish Obama's goals.
Also, the proposals in his campaign platform, if implemented would put a tremendous tax burden on the already heavily taxed American taxpayer!
This is blatant Socialism on a global scale that Obama is advocating. If you don't believe me, read the statement of a well known and respected economist who has taken the position that Obama is a danger to the USA.
"Edgar K. Browning, professor of economics at Texas A&M University, has a new book aptly titled “Stealing from Each Other." Its subtitle, “How the Welfare State Robs Americans of Money and Spirit," goes to the heart of what the book is about. The rise of equalitarian ideology has driven Americans to steal from one another. Browning explains that certain kinds of equality have been a cherished value in America. Equality under the law and, within reason, equality of opportunity is consistent with a free society. Equality of results is an anathema to a free society and within it lie the seeds of tyranny".
Most economists agree that income is closely related to productivity". SOURCE:WALTER WILLIAMS
Monday, August 04, 2008
While most people are struggling to try and balance between buying gasoline for their car and groceries for the family. The female Pontius Pilate of the U.S.Congress,last Friday, turned the lights out in the Congress and left for her sanctuary in Sodom and Gamorra by the bay.
While she washes her hands of the peoples problem with high fuel costs, the Senate is approaching the point of approving one of the most threatening pieces of legislation, that our freedoms and Independence as a Republic has faced in many years.
The LOST treaty if passed, will not only give away our sovereignty , but will make it possible for one of the Worlds most corrupt and ineffective organizations to extract millions of dollars of "tribute" in the form of international taxes for oil which scientists say lies beneath the seas off shore and in the Arctic.
You will excuse me for burdening you with statistics, but I believe that if the American public knew what the Congress, and apparently President Bush intend to burden the USA public with. They would be marching on Washington in such numbers that the million man march would look like a girl scout gathering!
Douglas Stone, a Senior Fellow at the Center for Security Policy, warns that, “LOST fostered the idea, per se, of international organizations with increasing transnational jurisdiction. Its bureaucracy will be nourished by royalties on mineral extraction and provide a model for similar agencies to assume authority and impose taxes and to inexorably devour American institutions and autonomy.”
Can you imagine gifting the United Nations with $50 trillion in Arctic oil taxes? That is what the U.S. Senate proposes to do if it ratifies LOST.
Frank J. Gaffney Jr., president of the Center, reminds us that, “If Americans have learned anything about the United Nations over the last 50 years, it is that this ‘world body’ is, at best, riddled with corruption and incompetence. At worst, its bureaucracies, agencies and members are overwhelmingly hostile to the United States and other freedom-loving nations…”
For more than a decade, the United Nations International Seabed Authority (ISA) has never produced a single commercial minerals harvesting operation despite having unfettered access to all the world’s great oceans resources.
The United States, however, needs more oil now. In addition to Congress having put vast reserves in Alaska’s ANWR off-limits, it has done the same for exploration and drilling in 85% of the nation’s continental shelf.
The solution to America’s present oil crisis lies in part in the Arctic Commons and, in particular, the Amerasia-Canada basin that holds the promise of huge oil reserves for centuries to come.
A dangerous scramble for the oil and gas reserves between Russia and the West can be avoided and, more to the point, the U.S. will lose its entire future commercial and energy security by signing onto LOST. Meanwhile, Democrat leaders in both houses of Congress have already rejected President Bush’s July 14 effort to end a 25-year moratorium on drilling in most coastal waters.
The Democrat controlled Congress is either insane, treasonous, or both. Its presumptive candidate for President wants to repeat Carter’s appalling windfall profits tax on oil companies. The ultimate result was a nearly 60% reduction in U.S. oil production.
As the Bloomberg News report noted, “The region above the Arctic Circle also holds an estimated 1,669 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, equal to 27 percent of the world’s known gas reserves, according to the U.S. Geological Survey report. “Contributors to the data included the Geological Survey of Canada, the U.S. Interior Department’s Minerals Management Service, the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, the Cambridge Arctic Shelf Program, and researchers in Denmark and Greenland. No Russian institutions took part in the study.”
At a time when nationalized foreign oil companies control more than 70% of the world’s energy resources, private enterprise is the only answer to our national energy security. The largest transfer of wealth in history is occurring and it bodes ill for the United States. We dare not compound this travesty by failing to take steps to ensure access to the Arctic Commons vast reserves.
Call, write, fax and email your Congressional representatives telling them to vote against LOST, or you will vote for anyone but them the next time they are up for re-election. source: Canada Free Press
Sunday, August 03, 2008
In the children's movie, The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy finally gets to meet what she thinks is the Wizard of the Emerald City.
But all she sees is a projected image on a screen with a voice. Disappointed in the charade she looks about to find the source of the voice. She sees the curtain moving, and moves to look behind it. Before she can see what or whom is behind the curtain, a voice shouts out, "do not look behind the curtain"!
There is an strange similarity with that statement and the way the handlers of Obama are presenting their anointed.
Even the MSM has failed to look behind the curtain of the facade that Obama has presented to the electorate.Both have portrayed their candidate a a middle of the road uniter who will Change our government for the better!
They are short on details about just how he will accomplish all the socio-economic changes he is promising, but his record in the Illinois legislature demonstrates just what a leftist, racist this man is.
The following quote is from Stanley Kurtz's Book "Barrack Obama's Lost Years"
"Important though it is to Obama, the crime issue runs a distant second to his deepest passion: social welfare legislation. "Big government liberal," "redistributionist"-call him what you like, Obama's fondest hope is to lead America into another war on poverty. Everything in his state-legislative career points in this direction, and Obama calls for a renewal of expensive national anti-poverty programs in his book The Audacity of Hope. True, Obama's promotion of government partnerships with private-sector housing contractors (like Antoin "Tony" Rezko) was supposed to open up novel, post-Great Society solutions to the problem of poverty. Yet, as a devastating Boston Globe report on Obama's Illinois housing policy recently showed, the results of Obama's new war on poverty are just as counterproductive as those of the old war on poverty. Neighborhoods supposedly renovated now lie deserted by the private developers who took Obama's government handouts and ran-quickly building or renovating housing units, but failing to maintain them.
Race and crime issues excepted, Obama's Illinois legislative career as covered in the newspapers essentially boils down to a list of spending measures. Many of Obama's proposed expenditures were tough to oppose. Because he was working under a Republican majority for the bulk of his time in the Illinois State Senate, Obama became a master of incrementalism. His pattern was to find the smallest, most appealing spending proposal possible, pass it, then build toward more spending on the same issue. An Obama bill exempting juvenile prisoners from paying for nonemergency medical or dental services isn't something you'd want to vote against. Obama's small, targeted spending measures tended to pass and to be followed by more: Obama called for a $30 million youth crime prevention package; Obama requested additional funds to expand the regulation of electrical utilities; Obama asked for $50 million over five years to overcome the "digital divide"; Obama proposed to fund anger management classes for children age 5-13; Obama ran for Congress promising to restore federal block grants to pre-Republican levels, and so on.
Don't be confused by the smooth talk, this is nothing but a tax and spend liberal with Marxist and racist leanings who would lead this country down the path toward anarchy!
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