Saturday, December 02, 2006
Comment From a Cogent Reader
Great article that hits the nail on the head but sadly these fools in Wash.and the mainstream media are obsessed with passing this very real threat to any non muslim as so much malarky.Like the ant and the grasshoppers,are our naive grasshoppers going to find out too late that these people mean exactly what they preach.They don't play politically correct mind games with relativistic words and the phony definitions our liberals and other non thinkers use to mean anything but what is intended.
Friday, December 01, 2006
The New Racists

Roget's New Millennium Thesaurus defines "racist" in many ways. "crank, extremist,zealot,bigot,super patriot,intolerant, communist, socialist and lastly right winger." It would be hard to find a more equivocal definition then this. Webster however, gets right to the PC version. It defines a racist as "one who believes his race is superior and as such should rule all other racists. Further noting "that a racist believes "racial differences produce inherent superiority of a particular race."
Fortunately only a few "White Racial Supremest" groups exist in our Country, but every time a person utters a criticism of a minority race member, even one who have committed criminal acts the immediate come back is the person who spoke the criticism is a racist. To me this gets a little old and an easy way out for people of minority races to wiggle out of real problems many times.
What concerns me is the broad acceptance of Muslims by both our highest government leaders and as is expected "the main stream media".
The troubling facts are the following. The CAIR organisation founded in 1994 as the American equivalent of the Muslim NAACP to politically and publicly represent American Muslims. If this were in fact what they are doing then it could be placed in the category of NAACP. The fact is it is an open supporter of Hezbollah whose war cry is "death to America."
Nihad Awad director of CAIR and Amid Bediar have both publicly proclaimed that "their aim is to make Muslims Koran the basis for Americas religion. Along with the Koran comes the Islam law "Sharia" that include stoning of adulterous woman, throwing off roof tops homosexuals, cutting off the hands of thieves and beheading those women and men who commit capital crimes, making women inferior to and subject to the will of men to mention just a few of the radical laws. When are we going to strip away the political correctness and call CAIR what it really is. A racist radical Muslim front for supporting terrorism.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Why Leftist media and Politicians Want U.S. to Withdraw from Iraq

Although Rogets Thesrarus defines "insurgent" as an anarchist, revolutionary, riotous and seditious person the media has never called them what people who bomb and gun down members of their own country what they rightly should be called---Terrorists!
The leftists look at the 226 million dollars a day spent by Us in Iraq as a source of $76 billion a year to spend on furthering their road toward a welfare state that can expand its' power base by including more people who are dependent for their daily existance on the government.
Because of this mind set we see daily items published in the newspapers and broadcast on the TV main stream which could easily be interpreted as giving aid and comfort to the enemy, a treasonable offense that is hidden behind a loose interpretation of "freedom of the press".
Unless Congress and the President decare that we are in fact in a state of war this will continue until the American people once again demand defeat by withdrawl!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Kennedy and Company No Friend to Military

The soon to be leadership of the Senate recently voted out an Armed Services Bill that included billions of dollars for the military. The fact that most will end up in the hands of the military industrial complex is nothing new to relate. But the most appalling item included in the bill is the minuscule raise in military pay of 2.2%. This despite Economist experts estimate that in the past nine tears inflation has eroded the wage earners buying power by 18%.
The same Senators, Clinton, Reed, Levin, Akaka, Byrd voted to approve military loans to servicemen and their spouses that can charge up to 36% interest, whereas Student loans range from as low as 6.8% to 15.8% .
This same cadre of Senators and many more were defeated in the Senate recently when they attempted to raise the minimum wage from $5.15 to $7.25. A 41% increase. It looks as though these Senators think more of minimum wage earners than they do for those in uniform protecting their right to pass obscene Bills!

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