Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” —Ronald Reagan
"I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same: that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter".
There are now 20 States that have drafted Bills that state essentially that enough of violating the Constitution authority of the Presidency and Congress has occurred in the first month of President Obama's administration, that they have conclude he and Congress is violation OUR Constitution!
There have always been political pressures on the courts to read nonexistent things into the Constitution. After President Franklin Roosevelt attempted to pack the Court to obtain approval for his "New Deal" excesses, the Court did not allow much of the new regulation and reinterpreted the commerce clause far beyond the original text. This abuse of the commerce clause over the last 75 years is the source of many of today's economic problems.
In recent years, as the court's makeup has changed, there has been a slow drift back toward interpreting the Constitution on the basis of the original text and/or what appears to be original intent. Those who are unhappy with this decision, rather than following proper procedures to amend the Constitution, now argue that judges should be appointed who will interpret the Constitution in light of "today's circumstances" and their own preferences and outcomes. Advocates of the "living constitution" frequently advocate the addition of "active rights," such as the right to a home, free medical care, etc., as contrasted with "passive rights," such as freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly, the right to bear arms, etc.
"Active rights" force one person to provide for, or subsidize, another person, unlike "passive rights" which do not diminish another's liberty. If you think the "government" should pay for your medical insurance, you are advocating that some other person should pay your bills. . . .
America's founding fathers clearly understood the dangers of "active rights," which is why they kept them out of the Constitution. The American Republic can correct the occasional abuse of the Constitution, such as the bank bailout legislation, but it may not survive the wholesale ignoring of the original text by allowing judges to suddenly create "active rights." Source:Constitutional Law Blog
The Constitution established a union of united sovereign States, that agreed to hand over an explicit list of powers to the federal government. The federal government was not given a monopoly on the interpretation of the Constitution. The States have every right to ignore and nullify any federal law that they feel is in violation of the Constitution. Such State actions were widely understood, and carried out before Lincoln’s war against Southern Independence.
The passage of the Stimulus Bill is a reckless and illegal act and should therefore be rescinded by the Supreme Court and nullified by the States.
The Democrats finally made the bill's language available around 11 p.m. Thursday, approximately 10 hours before members meet Friday to consider the bill and 38 hours short of the time promised Americans to review the bill. THIS IS A change THAT WILL DESTROY AMERICA!
Friday, February 13, 2009

Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” —Ronald Reagan
With the decision to not release the over one thousand page compromise Bill that was rushed through the meeting of Pelosi, Reid and Rod Emanuel,the public and those who will be voting on this bill will have little or no time to read and digest the ontents of the "spendulus" bill being rammed down the throats of the American taxpayers. One thing that has been noted very little by the Media is the inclusion in this bill of a "Net Neutrality Rules"!
This semantic description of a gag rule for Conservative blogger and network web pages is an attempt to sneak just one of many dictatorial rules and regulations being pushed by the Left, that has absolutely nothing to do with stimulating the economy.
The House Democrats' $825 billion legislation released on Thursday was supposedly intended to "stimulate" the economy. Backers claimed that speedy approval was vital because the nation is in "a crisis not seen since the Great Depression" and "the economy is shutting down."
That's the rhetoric. But in reality, Democrats are using the 258-page legislation to sneak Net neutrality rules in through the back door.
The so-called stimulus package hands out billions of dollars in grants for broadband and wireless development, primarily in what are called "unserved" and "under served" areas. The U.S. Department of Commerce is charged with writing checks-with-many-zeros-on-them to eligible recipients, including telecommunications companies, local and state governments, and even construction companies and other businesses that might be interested.
The catch is that the federal largess comes with Net neutrality strings attached. The Commerce Department must ensure that the recipients "adhere to" the Federal Communications Commission's 2005 broadband policy statement (PDF)--which the FCC said at the time was advisory and "not enforceable," and has become the subject of a lawsuit before a federal appeals court in Washington, D.C.
One interpretation of the "adhere to" requirement is that a company like AT&T, Verizon, or Comcast that takes "stimulus" dollars to deploy broadband in, say,Texas must abide by these rules nationwide. (It's rather like the state of Texas demanding that a broadband provider filter out porn nationwide in exchange for a lucrative government contract.)
In addition, recipients must operate broadband and high-speed wireless networks on an "open access basis." The FCC,now under Democratic control, is charged with deciding what that means. Congress didn't see fit to include a definition in the bill.
This, just like the embarrassing press conference that was held by former New York Federal Reserve Board Chief, and new Treasury Secretary, Tim Geitner. His presentation was full of generalities and little or no specifics. These will follow, and you can bet the Farm, that they will be to reign in the soaring popularity of conservative blogs and web pages.
A recent study from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce says that the absence of Net neutrality laws or similar federally mandated regulations has spurred telecommunications companies to invest heavily in infrastructure, and changing the rules "would have a devastating effect on the U.S. economy, investment, and innovation."
Now, perhaps extensive Net neutrality regulations are wise. But enough people seem to have honest, deep-seated reservations about them to justify a sincere discussion of costs and benefits--rather than having the requirements stealthily injected into what supposed to be an emergency save-the-economy bill scheduled for a floor vote within a week or so.
And Obama administration was supposed to be about openness and Change for the better!
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” —Ronald Reagan
Welfare reform in the mid-1990s led to a dramatic reduction in welfare dependency and child poverty. This successful reform, however is now in jeopardy: Little-noted provisions in the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate stimulus bills actually abolish this historic reform. In addition, the stimulus bills will add nearly $800 billion in new means-tested welfare spending over the next decade. This new spending amounts to around $22,500 for every poor person in the U.S. The cost of the new welfare spending amounts, on average, to over $10,000 for each family paying income tax.
What President Obama and Harry Reid neglected to mention, was that of the $816 billion in new spending and tax cuts in the House stimulus bill--32 percent or $264 billion--is new means-tested welfare spending, providing cash, food, housing, and medical care to poor and low income Americans. (The figure in the Senate bill is about 15 percent lower.)The total 10-year cost of welfare increases will not be $264 billion but $787 billion. This new spending will amount to around $22,500 for every poor person in the U.S. The cost amounts, on average, to over $10,000 for each family paying income tax in the U.S.
source:Heritage Foundation
In 1966 Welfare reform changed the policy of paying State welfare agencies more money
when their case load of welfare dependents who received welfare checks increased. The new laws set maximum amounts of taxpayers money that was distributed to the State welfare agencies regardless of any increase in welfare recipients. The idea was to reduce the number of people who made no effort to get of the welfare rolls be trying to find work. prior to this change welfare mothers received money depending on the number of children they had. Thus encouraging welfare mothers to have more children to raise their monthly welfare check.
The present 789 billion dollar House and Senate "stimulus" bills will overturn the fiscal foundation of welfare reform and restore an AFDC-style funding system. For the first time since 1996, the federal government would begin paying states bonuses to increase their welfare caseloads. Indeed, the new welfare system created by the stimulus bills is actually worse than the old AFDC program because it rewards the states more heavily to increase their caseloads. Under the stimulus bills, the federal government will pay 80 percent of cost for each new family that a state enrolls in welfare; this matching rate is far higher than it was under AFDC.
It is clear that--in both the House and Senate stimulus bills--the original goal of helping families move to employment and self-sufficiency and off long-term dependence on government assistance has instead been replaced with the perverse incentive of adding more families to the welfare rolls. The House bill provides $4 billion per year to reward states to increase their TANF caseloads; the Senate bill follows the same policy but allocates less money.
This is just another spoke in the wheel of voter base that the Democrats hope to lock into voting for them for the rest of their lives. When you add up the welfare roles, food stamp recipients, teachers union, government workers at all levels and the trial lawyers, just to mention of few groups that are beholding to the Democrat party., You can see that this so called stimulus is more of a payback by the Democrats to those who voted for them in the last elecion and to assure that they continue to vote Democrat!
On top of it all, the President is using tactics reminiscent of the years that FDR was president. In those days, when the symbol of NRA was a sign that was placed in a prominent place in each and every place of business that had agreed to set their prices in conformance with the NRA limits. It was a sign that the business and the owner was co-operating with the government, and any one who did not have the NRA sign was considered uncooperative, and customers were encouraged not to patronize these establishments. Government extortion in the name of patriotism!
The NRA failed to bring the USA out of the great depression and only WWII pulled us out of the deep recession we had in my childhood. The war jump started the middle class, with full employment making everything from tanks to machine guns.
Today, the President and demagogues like Senator Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are telling us that anyone who doesn't support this ""generation Theft", as Senator McCain called the Stimulus is unpatriotic, and their is no place for politics in solving this economic "crisis"!
If there is no place for politics what do we send representatives to Washington for?
They dare to tell those who voted for someone who wanted the Country to remain a free enterprise system based on Democracy not Socialism, is interfering in the rescue of OUR economy. This Country is not yet a dictatorship
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Democrats went along with the lifting of the ban on off shore drilling for oil when the voters at home had to pay four plus dollars a gallon to run the vehicles.
Now that they control both houses in Congress and gasoline is hovering near $2.00 a gallon they have reversed their position.
They have blocked offshore drilling plans put in place at the last minute of his administration by President Bush, including plans to open the national outer continental shelf for drilling.
Interior Department Secretary Ken Salazar also announced last week that his agency would block drilling on public lands in Utah, criticizing the Bush administration for releasing its offshore drilling plan just days before leaving office...Mr. Salazar said he plans to hold four meetings nationwide as he considers how to rewrite the nation's five-year offshore drilling plan and has extended the public-comment period six months, pushing any action well into the fall.
A former Bush administration staffer said the extended review process needlessly drags out an already thorough process. "Given the domestic-supply challenges we face, it's hard to imagine what more can be accomplished by extending the comment period," said Michael D. Olsen, a former Interior Department staffer now working with the Bracewell & Giuliani law firm. Offshore oil exploration and drilling became a tough topic for Democrats during the 2008 elections, as gas prices topped $4 a gallon and public opinion polls showed broad support for expanded domestic oil production - a prospect opposed by many environmental groups at the core of their base. The congressional moratorium, which had been in place since 1982, lapsed just months after President Bush lifted an executive order banning offshore drilling.
With all the feigned concern by the Congress for those who elected them to their present "princely" positions. They passed a "spendulus" Pork bill to supposedly rescue the economy. They have apparently ignored the fact that energy independence from the Arabs and Mexicans and Venezuela, requires that we tap into the crude oil reserves on and off shore if we really want to save our economy.
The economy runs on gasoline and diesel, as does our military. Wind mills and battery power cannot run the semi trailers that move food products from the farmers to the market. And have you ever seen a fighter jet plane or a tank that runs on batteries?
Admiral Rickover realized that reliance on batteries limited the amount of time that a submarine could remain on station many years ago. So he developed (horror of horrors) a nuclear propulsion system for the submarine, and the Navy has kept us safe from attacks by Countries that hate us for decades!
It seems to me that the Democrats, and unfortunately the President, want us to have a continuous severe financial crisis so they can continue to tell us that they are the only hope we have, if we only agree to their Socialization of our Country by passing stimulus 2 and stimulus 3 as each proceeding "porkulus" plan fails to do anything but result in rapid devaluation of the dollar and hyper inflation!
I would never call the President a liar, but when he told an adoring crowd in Fort Meyers, Florida that no Economics expert opposes what he is pushing as a stimulus package. He is either uninformed by his staff or else he refuses to believe the Media that has reported that even some who previously thought it was a good idea have now reversed their opinion!
For an example, the conclusion that a man who teaches Economics at Wayne State University,should give you an indication of what someone who actually studies and teaches economics has to say.
"In short, the fact that Ricardian equivalence serves as a close approximation to actual results and the widespread failure of discretionary fiscal stimulus described by Taylor above, suggest that the stimulus package will be a failure. Further, given the pork-laden nature of the stimulus package, it is unlikely that the spending can even be justified on its intrinsic value, let alone on stimulation.
The stimulus will fail". Source and complete article can be found @
And to add salt to the wound of misinformation about the effect of "stimulus" here is the quote of MIT Economist E. Cary Brown.
"This stimulus plan is stupid and only will bring long term harm to the economy. No matter how you look at it "running a deficit" (insert -burning money ) with a national debt that basically equals GDP means higher taxes, decreased business profitability and additional pain to future generations. The system is broken and it desperately needs a fix not the appearance of a fix".
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

There are many reasons to fear and oppose the so called STIMULUS Bill. Such things as millions of dollars for ACORN,and hunderds of "ear marks" for political purposes. Then there is the prospect that this bill will contribute to the National debt that is already controlled( they hold our bonds) by foreign Countries like Japan and Communist China, and will further devalue our dollar in a spiraling free fall.
But the thing that should strike fear and concern in the hearts of any senior citizen or handicapped person is a little known provision inserted into the "spendulus" bill that would create a Super Board of bureaucrats who would determine when services should be withheld to patients that have been recommended by the patients doctor.
In plain English, this board could withhold services such as angioplasty for persons over 70 years of age, not because it is not an effective treatment, but because it saves money and could be a waste on an elderly person.
This Bill applies to every person in the USA , and it will be electronically monitored to determine if the care prescribed by your doctor is appropriate for cost savings in Federal health care!
The following is so important that I have taken the liberty of copying it entirely from the Patriot Post that describes the formation of this "Rationing Board".
In England, where the concept has been used for years. An elderly person who has macular degeneration( the most common cause of blindness in people over age 65) is denied surgery until they go blind in one eye!
Canada is another Country that has rationing of medical care, and the wait for surgical procedures can be as long as eighteen months. That is why so many Canadians come to the USA for medical care!
""On page 151 of this legislative pork-fest [the 'stimulus' bill] is one of the clandestine nuggets of social policy manipulation that are peppered throughout the bill. Section 9201 of the stimulus package establishes the 'Federal Coordinating Council for Comparative Effectiveness Research.'
This body, which would be made up of federal bureaucrats will 'coordinate the conduct or support of comparative effectiveness and related health services research.' Sounds benign enough, but the man behind the Coordinating Council, Health and Human Services Secretary-designate [since withdrawn] (and tax cheat) Tom Daschle, was kind enough to explain the goal of this organization. It is to cut health care costs by preventing Americans from getting treatments that the government decides don't meet their standards for cost effectiveness. In his 2008 book on health care, he explained that such a council would, 'lower overall spending by determining which medicines, treatments and procedures are most effective-and identifying those that do not justify their high price tags.'
Once a panel of government experts decides what is and what is not cost-effective by their definition, the government will stop paying for treatments, medicines, therapies or devices that fall into the latter category. ... Mind you, they are not simply looking to exclude treatments that don't work, but to exclude treatments that are effective, but whose cost, in their opinion, does not justify their use. The 2006 census showed that over 12 percent of Americans are now senior citizens, and do we want government boards to decide whether they live or die, instead of their doctor! Ever since abortion became a "right" via the unsupreme Court, we have been moving towards euthanasia for the elderly, and if this provision is not stripped out of the stimulus Bill. The government will have the decision not your doctor, who lives and who dies depending on cost savings. God help US!
You, the patient, and your physician don't get a vote. This would make the federal government the single most important decision-maker regarding health care for every patient in America." --public affairs consultant Douglas O'Brien
Bold letters added by me for emphasis!
Remember that census statistics show that, "About one in five U.S. residents - 19 percent - reported some level of disability in 2005, according to a U.S. Census Bureau report released today. But, more than one out of three of all the disabled in the U.S. are senior citizens, age 65 or older". USA census bureau
Monday, February 09, 2009

With Obama shaking his fist at Republicans for delaying his spendulus bill. It apparently has convinced three Republican Senators to back the behemoth "STIMULUS" Bill.
What the President and our elected princess and prince's of the Senate are not telling you about the economic package that they will send to the Oval office is that the government has already committed hundred of billions of dollars to back door programs that when added to the billions that the Senate is passing, totals a commitment of
$9.7 trillion, enough to pay off more than 90 percent of the nation’s home mortgages. And I want to note that the spending bill will make this 13 times more than we have spent on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan!
The Federal Reserve, Treasury Department and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation have lent or spent almost $3 trillion over the past two years and pledged to provide up to $5.7 trillion more if needed.
The $780 billion being pushed through the Senate, that President Barack Obama says is needed to avert a deeper recession Would need to be reconciled with an $819 billion plan the House approved last month.
Despite the fact that Obama campaigned on having an open government. Only the stimulus package to be approved this week, the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program passed four months ago and $168 billion in tax cuts and rebates approved in 2008 have been voted on by lawmakers. The remaining $8 trillion in commitments are lending programs and guarantees, almost all under the authority of the Fed and the FDIC. The recipients’ names have not been disclosed.
“We’ve seen money go out the back door of this government unlike any time in the history of our country,” Senator Byron Dorgan, a North Dakota Democrat, said on the Senate floor Feb. 3. “Nobody knows what went out of the Federal Reserve Board, to whom and for what purpose. How much from the FDIC? How much from TARP? When? Why?”
The $9.7 trillion in pledges would be enough to send a $1,430 check to every man, woman and child alive in the world. It’s 13 times what the U.S. has spent so far on wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to Congressional Budget Office data, and is almost enough to pay off every home mortgage loan in the U.S., calculated at $10.5 trillion by the Federal Reserve. Source:CBO data
When Congress approved the TARP on Oct. 3, Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke and then Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson acknowledged the need for transparency and oversight. The Federal Reserve so far is refusing to disclose loan recipients or reveal the collateral they are taking in return. Collateral is an asset pledged by a borrower in the event a loan payment isn’t made. In my opinion this is where the PONZI scheme comes in!
"Ponzi" Schemes
Ponzi schemes are a type of illegal pyramid scheme named for Charles Ponzi, who duped thousands of New England residents into investing in a postage stamp speculation scheme back in the 1920s. Ponzi thought he could take advantage of differences between U.S. and foreign currencies used to buy and sell international mail coupons. Ponzi told investors that he could provide a 40% return in just 90 days compared with 5% for bank savings accounts. Ponzi was deluged with funds from investors, taking in $1 million during one three-hour period—and this was 1921! Though a few early investors were paid off to make the scheme look legitimate, an investigation found that Ponzi had only purchased about $30 worth of the international mail coupons.
Decades later, the Ponzi scheme continues to work on the "rob-Peter-to-pay-Paul" principle, as money from new investors is used to pay off earlier investors until the whole scheme collapses. Unfortunately the "investor in this PONZI is the taxpayers ,alive and yet to be born! Peter and Paul are Mr, and Mrs. taxpayer!
Sunday, February 08, 2009

While surfing the internet I chose a site that offered a web camera view of the Ratuaus of Augsburg. This is one of my favorite cities in Germany and my wife and I have visited it often in my later years.
While viewing the web page, an advertisement caught my eye that said "Would you like a permanent Gree Card"? Being somewhat of a sceptic, I decide to open the site to see what kind of scam was being offered to the Germans, and any one who viewed the site.
To my amazement it was an invitation to apply for the Lottery that still takes place every year for 50,000 Green Cards! The following is a verbatim copy of the add that I think all Americans should become aware of in this time of economic distress.
With our economy in shambles(if you believe the President and most members of Congress), and millions of illegals pouring into the USA each year. My question is why we allow this lottery to go on?
"Live and Work in USA
Participate in the Official US Government D.V. Lottery program now.
Every Year, the Diversity Lottery (DV) Program Grants 50,000 visas to people all around the world. All 50,000 Winners are issued a GREEN CARD authorizing them and their families to live and work in the United States!
Usafis Organization invites you to take advantage of this opportunity now! (more...)
FREE Eligibility Test!
* Green Card winners can get a FREE air line ticket to USA(Do we taxpayers pay this also?)
The Official American Green Card Lottery program benefits:
50,000 people and their families will Live, Work and Study in USA.
OFFICIAL USA Governmental program.
Your chance to LIVE, WORK & STUDY in USA.
Simple registration within 5 minutes.
Personal support in every step.
Double chance for Married People to win the Green Card.
Why natives of certain countries can’t qualify for Green Card USA
Lottery Program?
Every year the US State Department issues a list of countries that are non-eligible for the Green Card USA program. Non-eligible countries are defined as those from which the United States has received more than 50,000 immigrants during the past five years. Every year the list changes. You can check your eligibility for free on this site.
What can I do if I was born in a country that does not appear on the list
of countries qualifying for USA Green Card Lottery?
In such a case, you can participate by presenting a country of a different citizenship than the one you were born in. This is possible if your spouse or
both of your parents were born in a country that appears on the list of qualifying countries. (This appears to be the State Departments way of helping non-eligible people to become eligible!)
Can a husband and wife file Green Card USA application separately?
Absolutely. It’s enough for one to meet the requirements, to submit two separate applications. If one of the two will be drawn in the lottery, the other spouse will be eligible for green card USA
What is the minimum age to participate in the US Green Card Lottery Program?
There is no minimum age, but there is the requirement to complete high school
or to have work experience. Thus, the program is designated for 18 year olds
and up. (sounds like double talk to me!)
Does the US State Department get USA Green Card Lottery Applications all the year round?
No, the US State Department receives applications for the USA Green Card Lottery during a specify time period. But you do not need to worry about the submission period. Using the Usafis Organization services we will ensure your Green Card application is submitted on time.
Source: American Embassy Job in America
With programs like this being advertised around the World by the Internet. It appears the State Department is aiding and abetting the flood of immigrants who will need financial and service assistance while Congress is trying to put "their collective "finger in the economic dike" that is threatening to blow!
And if this is not enough to make you scratch your head in wonder, how about what the president did ten days after being sworn in as President.
"January 30, 2009
President Barack Obama has authorized the use of $20.3 million from the U.S. Emergency Refugee and Migration Assistance (ERMA) Fund to address critical post-conflict humanitarian needs in Gaza. U.S. Government support for humanitarian assistance to Palestinian refugees and conflict victims now totals nearly $120 million in FY 2009, including nearly $60 million in Gaza.(Remember Gaza is where hundreds of rockets are being fired into Israel every day!)
Of the $20.3 million in new ERMA funds, $13.5 million will go to the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), $6 million to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), and $800,000 to the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). These organizations are distributing emergency food assistance, providing medical assistance and temporary shelter, creating temporary employment, and restoring access to electricity and potable water to the people of Gaza. Do you trust the UN agency to monitor how the money is spent?
Today’s contribution to UNRWA augments the $85 million the United States contributed in December 2008 toward UNRWA’s 2009 appeals. Of that amount, $25 million supported UNRWA emergency operations in West Bank and Gaza. The remaining $60 million supported UNRWA’s services for 4.6 million Palestinian refugees in the region, including Gaza. ( And the spending frenzy goes on despite the call from Obama to tighten our belts and submit tot the "theft of monies from generations yet to be born to help his "stimulus" spending bill!!
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