While surfing the internet I chose a site that offered a web camera view of the Ratuaus of Augsburg. This is one of my favorite cities in Germany and my wife and I have visited it often in my later years.
While viewing the web page, an advertisement caught my eye that said "Would you like a permanent Gree Card"? Being somewhat of a sceptic, I decide to open the site to see what kind of scam was being offered to the Germans, and any one who viewed the site.
To my amazement it was an invitation to apply for the Lottery that still takes place every year for 50,000 Green Cards! The following is a verbatim copy of the add that I think all Americans should become aware of in this time of economic distress.
With our economy in shambles(if you believe the President and most members of Congress), and millions of illegals pouring into the USA each year. My question is why we allow this lottery to go on?
"Live and Work in USA
Participate in the Official US Government D.V. Lottery program now.
Every Year, the Diversity Lottery (DV) Program Grants 50,000 visas to people all around the world. All 50,000 Winners are issued a GREEN CARD authorizing them and their families to live and work in the United States!
Usafis Organization invites you to take advantage of this opportunity now! (more...)
FREE Eligibility Test!
* Green Card winners can get a FREE air line ticket to USA(Do we taxpayers pay this also?)
The Official American Green Card Lottery program benefits:
50,000 people and their families will Live, Work and Study in USA.
OFFICIAL USA Governmental program.
Your chance to LIVE, WORK & STUDY in USA.
Simple registration within 5 minutes.
Personal support in every step.
Double chance for Married People to win the Green Card.
Why natives of certain countries can’t qualify for Green Card USA
Lottery Program?
Every year the US State Department issues a list of countries that are non-eligible for the Green Card USA program. Non-eligible countries are defined as those from which the United States has received more than 50,000 immigrants during the past five years. Every year the list changes. You can check your eligibility for free on this site.
What can I do if I was born in a country that does not appear on the list
of countries qualifying for USA Green Card Lottery?
In such a case, you can participate by presenting a country of a different citizenship than the one you were born in. This is possible if your spouse or
both of your parents were born in a country that appears on the list of qualifying countries. (This appears to be the State Departments way of helping non-eligible people to become eligible!)
Can a husband and wife file Green Card USA application separately?
Absolutely. It’s enough for one to meet the requirements, to submit two separate applications. If one of the two will be drawn in the lottery, the other spouse will be eligible for green card USA
What is the minimum age to participate in the US Green Card Lottery Program?
There is no minimum age, but there is the requirement to complete high school
or to have work experience. Thus, the program is designated for 18 year olds
and up. (sounds like double talk to me!)
Does the US State Department get USA Green Card Lottery Applications all the year round?
No, the US State Department receives applications for the USA Green Card Lottery during a specify time period. But you do not need to worry about the submission period. Using the Usafis Organization services we will ensure your Green Card application is submitted on time.
Source: American Embassy Job in America
With programs like this being advertised around the World by the Internet. It appears the State Department is aiding and abetting the flood of immigrants who will need financial and service assistance while Congress is trying to put "their collective "finger in the economic dike" that is threatening to blow!
And if this is not enough to make you scratch your head in wonder, how about what the president did ten days after being sworn in as President.
"January 30, 2009
President Barack Obama has authorized the use of $20.3 million from the U.S. Emergency Refugee and Migration Assistance (ERMA) Fund to address critical post-conflict humanitarian needs in Gaza. U.S. Government support for humanitarian assistance to Palestinian refugees and conflict victims now totals nearly $120 million in FY 2009, including nearly $60 million in Gaza.(Remember Gaza is where hundreds of rockets are being fired into Israel every day!)
Of the $20.3 million in new ERMA funds, $13.5 million will go to the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), $6 million to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), and $800,000 to the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). These organizations are distributing emergency food assistance, providing medical assistance and temporary shelter, creating temporary employment, and restoring access to electricity and potable water to the people of Gaza. Do you trust the UN agency to monitor how the money is spent?
Today’s contribution to UNRWA augments the $85 million the United States contributed in December 2008 toward UNRWA’s 2009 appeals. Of that amount, $25 million supported UNRWA emergency operations in West Bank and Gaza. The remaining $60 million supported UNRWA’s services for 4.6 million Palestinian refugees in the region, including Gaza. ( And the spending frenzy goes on despite the call from Obama to tighten our belts and submit tot the "theft of monies from generations yet to be born to help his "stimulus" spending bill!!
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50,000 win a USA Green Card and you can be one of them.
Click Here and Register now!
USAGC Organization
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