Saturday, July 07, 2007
The Biggest Hoax of The Century is Also Extortion
Perhaps the greatest hoax perpetrated on the American people in the past 75 years is the radio show by Orson Wells "War of the Worlds". The most recent hoax that is also behind the scenes a blatant act of Coercion and even blatant extortion is the Ethanol as an alternative fuel for gasoline.
Tonight in Major Cities around the World here will be concerts that are planned to last for 24 hours for Save Our Selves(SOS) that were the brainstorm of Al Gore and his cadre of leftists who want to make a big issue about CO2 and Global Warming.
The Concerts kick off in Hamburg Germany with an initial offering of 450,000 tickets for sale at 69 euros. To date only 50% of the tickets have been sold despite the presence of headline performers like Shakiras.
The stated purpose for the Concerts was to raise public awareness around the world of the plight of Africa, and "a just Globalization. And by the way to highlight Al Gores stated goal of reducing Co2 emissions by 90% by the year 2050!
The problem here and in all other non-third world Countries that produce corn is that farmers are rushing to get into the government subsidies for producing corn to be used for ethanol production. This stamped will certainly reduce the amount of feed products made from corn that are eaten by cows, chicken and hogs.
The New Media Journal has an article today on the Internet that quotes agriculture experts as saying that in order to produce just 5% of the gasoline supply currently used the farmers will have to commit 20% of the Countries arable land to corn for ethanol production. This will raise the cost of feeds and ultimately the cost of the processed animals that we consume for food.
All of this is being pushed by the President and Congress some of whom that come from farm belt states have been threatened by ADM with the loss of their Congressional seats if they oppose this ethanol scam.
AMD is the largest producer of ethanol in the U.S. and stands to make hundreds of millions from ethanol production.
Research has shown that ethanol is 30% less efficient than gasoline, is a long term damage of automobile engine, and it cannot be shipped through available pipe lines because of he high water content. Thus, it will take 500 trucks carrying 6,000 gallons each to transfer this ethanol from the processor to the various states. This will put more dangerous trucks on the highway and become an easy target for terrorists.
The gasoline travels through a 12 inch pipeline that poses little risk!
Friday, July 06, 2007
Some Countries Live In Alices Wonderland
The Internet is filled with articles of disbelief today that only people who should live in the fairy tale world of Alice in Wonderland would believe.
The European Union has made a proclamation to all member Countries that the word Muslim should not be used when describing terrorist acts.
Acting like Charlie McCarthy sitting on Edger Bergen's lap. The new Prime Minister of great Britain has instructed his Home Secretary Jacqui Smith to not use the word Muslim when describing the Terrorist attacks of 7/7 and the failed bombing attempts of recent days by a group of Muslim Doctors.
Who do they want the public to think were the perpetrators? The Quakers, Anglicans or maybe the IRA? Political correctness and the concept of "can't we all just get along" have seemed to have replaced the vigilant and aggressive reactions to a dangerous threat that once was demonstrated by Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher.
Even in the United States the Liberal "Mainstream" press has used the words insurgents in place of what these monsters who destroy innocent lives should be called. Terrorist!
And the mindless Court system has ruled that the terrorists being held in Military prisons should be tried in civilian courts as are criminals who are United States Citizens. People who are not even operating as soldiers wearing the uniform of a country and thus protected by Geneva Convention are now given the same rights as those Citizens they want to destroy. A world gone Mad!
Bloggers should unite behind a movement to alert the apparent apathetic American public that it is past the time when we can consider business as usual, and become aware that we are in a fight with forces whose twisted religious fervor wants to destroy us.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
I realized before I decided to write this blog that I will be accused of being an Islamaphobe and racist. But despite that it must be a subject that we here in the United States consider, or failing to do so, we do it at our own peril.
The subject is the security check of all the Pharmacists, Medical Doctors and Dentists who have been allowed to come into this Country to serve their "own kind". This is the ruse that ex-Governor and ex-Senator, Bob Graham from Florida, sold to the Florida legislature when he mandated that the tests for license should be given in the applicants native language and the rules for pass/fail were "fudged" for foreign applicants to raise the numbers who obtained licenses. His argument was the new arrivals, from an unnamed Country for this blog, did not trust going to an American doctor!
Now we are confronted with a situation which demands our full attention. The eight apprehended alleged bombers of the failed attempt in London and The successful bombing in Scotland were doctors!
All eight were M.D. doctors working for the British National Health Service except for one doctors wife who worked as a nurse.
MI5, the British intelligence agency, admits they are presently watching the activities of 1600 other suspected terrorist conspirators.
If we think our Country is immune to this kind of a covert terrorist attack we are not only stupid but have a death wish. There is every possibility that when these haters of the free world infiltrated the British Health System there were such covert professionals quietly invading our system.
There is no need to panic and round up every Dentist, Pharmacist and medical doctor who is from a Muslim Country, but it is time to begin a surreptitious investigation of the backgrounds and foreign contacts made by these professionals if we want to avert potential disaster caused by a pharmacist who deliberately mislabels medicines or a doctor who heals you is also planning to kill you with a bomb placed in a large professional building.The review of the computers of the doctors arrested in Britian,showed many emails to foreign terrorist groups over time.
Many Liberals decry the invasion of personal privacy caused by the Patriot Act, and even go so far as to suggest it be repealed. They are dupes of the terrorists and should be ignored. The world is involved in a death struggle with these religious fanatics and it is past time for political correctness and such nonsense that only makes us more vulnerable.
War time demands unusual actions by our brave warriors in uniform, and it is time for the rest of us who cherish our fredoms to sacrifice something also if we wish to win this war.
With the do nothing Congress we have now and the agencies charged with intelligence gathering filled with Clinton appointees I doubt anything like this will happen. But I can only express my opinion!
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
along with the parades,picnics and fireworks it is important to remember the great chances and sacrifices the founders of this Country took to allow us to live in this still wonderfual and free Country.
When we think of the chances that they framers of the Constitution took with their very lives and the sacrifices that Washingtons Army made as well as every man and woman who has served in combat since that time in the 1700's we should thank the Almighty God we had such heros.
The question I have is are we ready to sacrifice whatever it takes to maintain those freedoms?
It is appropriate that I print an exerpt from a piece written in the Patriot Post today.
"The Founders sought liberty, not license—rather than a loosening of restraints, a freedom to pursue right. The objective was citizens’ safety and happiness, later called “the common defense,” “the general welfare,” and the “blessings of liberty.” The mottos of the American Revolution were “No King but King Jesus!” and “Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God.”
Given their experiences with a leader who had violated the laws supposed to control his own conduct as much as theirs, the Founders sought to avoid the instability of democracy or of oligarchy, in which one or a handful of people can overturn the foundations by a simple vote or decree. Fisher Ames warned, “The known propensity of a democracy is to licentiousness which the ambitious call, and ignorant believe to be liberty.” John Witherspoon referred to pure democracy as “very subject to caprice and the madness of popular rage.” The Founders ultimately chose a constitutional democratic republic—based on the foundation of the reliable rule of law, responsive to the people’s “consent of the governed” through representation of the citizens, predicated on the virtue of the people.
The colonists came to these shores with a learned tradition of liberty, and this new land offered a manner of living that further taught freedom. Our performance in upholding this heritage is mixed. We are divided as a nation, no longer pressing toward unity and allegiance to shared principles. Facile commentary lauds comity as the antidote for what the Founders derided as faction, applauding the elitist establishment fetish for bipartisanship. But they are exactly wrong. Indeed, bipartisanship today is more akin to factionalism than are those adhering to the two major political parties out of principle.
There remains one crucial question: What are we willing to risk to salvage the heritage our Founders handed down to us? Our warriors in the field have demonstrated that they stand in the direct line from our Patriot Founders—prepared to sacrifice all in service. Many activist citizens gave time, effort and resources to turn aside the Senate’s recent attempts to foist a dangerous change in immigration laws on the nation. But the United States as a nation is not as secure as at its tenuous beginnings."
The treat is ever present despite the protestation to the contrary by the leftist who would like to see us become another state in the World Union of States. Will we let that happen? Only Go knows, and he hasn't yet wispered in my ear.
Happy Fourth To All and God Bless America!
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Sore Losers Squeal
Despite more than 70% percent of Americans being against the Senate Amnesty Bill. The President and the majority of Senators decided to by pass hearings and normal Senate procedure and ram their Bill through so the President could sign it into law.
But a strange thing happened on their way to infamy. The Conservative blogger of America woke up to the power of free speech, and bombarded the Internet and the offices of Senators with every form of protest possible this side of revolution.
The liberals like to blame the Conservative Talk Show hosts, and they certainly played an important part in this revolution.
They picked up the ball and ran with it with "both barrels blazing".
The result was a defeat of a bill that could have caused the taxpayers over a trillion dollars, and did nothing concrete to tighten the already porous borders of this once great Country.
Now liberals like Mort Kondrake had this to say in his article today:"In evident pain and remorse, a Republican Senator confessed to a Hispanic group from Maryland that his vote to kill immigration reform was "a profile in political cowardice".
He went on to write:"It was exactly that and not only for him, but for many Senators who were terrorized by the political firestorm set loose by mainly right-wing radio and television talk-show loudmouths".
The hate and vitriol literally drips from his liberal mouth. This is the man who recently wrote an article about the energy crisis in which he said the way to solve the problem was to increase the tax on gasoline a large amount, and in a later article from Tibet on his junket to the far East he said China was not an enemy of the U.S.!!!
Even President Bush has the brains to not cry sour grapes after his defeat of his pet project.
He made a fatal mistake by insulting Conservative bloggers and talk show hosts for apposing the Amnesty Bill before it was put to a vote. His criticism probably awakened some liberal bloggers who were on the fence about the immigration issue and the avalanche began on Washington. Some Senators even turned off their phones because the calls were so frequent and so negative.
Now we need to keep up the pressure to be sure that a Socialist like Hillary or Obama does not get to sit in the Oval Office in 2008!
Monday, July 02, 2007
Obama Claims To Be Doing The Lords Work
Th e junior Senator from Illinois who seems to have captured the hopes and dreams of the Democrat left in the quest for the Oval Office gave a speech in Iowa.
His speech was given to the delegates to the United Church of Christs' conference in Iowa.
This Church was formed in 1957 by the union of the Evangelical And Reformed Church and the Congregational Christian Church.
Wikapedia reports that the church has 1.2 million members nationwide. Some notable members are Howard Dean, Gov. Jon Corzine and Andrew Young as well as Obama.
In his opening remarks he said: Doing the Lords work is a tread that runs through our politics since the very beginning."
The tread is a start but the fabric of Christianity is based upon the teaching of Jesus Christ, and no where in the Bible can I find references that are positive statements that support political movements that support same sex marriages and many other liberal axioms that Obama includes in his planks for election to the highest office in the land.
The church members he was talking to sent representatives to the General Synod XXV in Atlanta where 80% of the 884 delegates voted to support same gender marriage recognition by civil authorities. This was the first Church group to support same sex marriage!
This Church also voted at their XVth Synod to support the forcing of Israel to tear down the defensive fence they erected between The West Bank and Israel.Since then they have been anti_Israel and pro-Palestinian on numerous occasions.Obamas own Church in Chicago,Illinois is on record as proposing divestiture of all Israeli holdings and the radical pastor has spoken anti-Israel pronouncements from his pulpit on many occasions.
WE all know most politicians in both parties lie and promise anything to get elected, but when you have policies espoused by a Presidential contender that could well have been written by Karl Marx himself. You have to wonder about the sincerity of anything that person says about religion.Especially a politician that is an avowed supporter of abortion!
Try and find that point of view in the Bible or Talmud. And to all you atheists who are at least 1% of the electorate. Even you understand the words decency,righteousness and standards of justice.
It is not right just because you feel it is right, and I am O.K. and your O.K. doesn't really make any sense in a literal world where words means what they say.
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