Saturday, February 03, 2007

Democrats Doing CAIR's Work?

The quote that follows is from United Press International's webpage. It illustrates once more that the Democrats in Congress with their resolutions against funding for troops ordered deployed to Iraq by our President, are "carrying water for the Radical Islamists like CAIR.
"The Council for Islamic-American Relations urged "members of the American Muslim community and other people of conscience to urge their senators to support a resolution (Senate Concurrent Resolution 2) in the U.S. Senate opposing an escalation in our nation's military involvement in Iraq. Debate on this and other Iraq resolutions is expected on the Senate floor this week."
CAIR noted that the non-binding resolution, introduced by Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chair Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Del., stated that "greater regional and international support would assist the Iraqis in achieving a political solution and national reconciliation" and "the United States should transfer, under an appropriately expedited timeline, responsibility for internal security and halting sectarian violence in Iraq to the government of Iraq and Iraqi security forces."
CAIR urged American Muslims to "contact both of your senators and ask them to support Senate Concurrent Resolution 2 and any other Senate action that opposes escalating American military involvement in Iraq."
The Council for Islamic-American Relations urged "members of the American Muslim community and other people of conscience to urge their senators to support a resolution (Senate Concurrent Resolution 2) in the U.S. Senate opposing an escalation in our nation's military involvement in Iraq. Debate on this and other Iraq resolutions is expected on the Senate floor this week."
CAIR noted that the non-binding resolution, introduced by Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chair Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Del., stated that "greater regional and international support would assist the Iraqis in achieving a political solution and national reconciliation" and "the United States should transfer, under an appropriately expedited timeline, responsibility for internal security and halting sectarian violence in Iraq to the government of Iraq and Iraqi security forces."
CAIR urged American Muslims to "contact both of your senators and ask them to support Senate Concurrent Resolution 2 and any other Senate action that opposes escalating American military involvement in Iraq."
I urge all who read this blog to write or call your Congressmen and Senators and tell them they are being unpatriotic to vote to support withholding funds for troop deployment. We don't want to wait until they hit us again or we have to fight the Islamist radicals in our streets.

Friday, February 02, 2007

"Dems." Afraid Of Bush Win in Iraq

The Constant barrage of negativity seen in the Media coupled with the New Democratic majority in Congress' calling for withdrawal of our troops from the "quagmire" of Iraq rings Hallow to me.
What these sycophants of our enemy are really afraid of is not that we will continue to suffer casualties, as we will, but rather that their hated enemy, President Bush, will succeed in his quest to turn Iraq into a beginning of the end to dictatorship rule in the Arab States with a Democratly elected government in Iraq that funtions.
Irans' political leader is on very soft ground with a great deal of unrest in the populace due to the unstable economic state, partially resulting from the UN sanctions, and Khomeini is restless for a change to his way.
In Iraq the Mahdi army, led by terrorist Muqtada al-Sadr, has its' back to the wall because of President Bushs' proposal to send 23,000 more troops to Iraq. The "insurgent" supply of terrorist troops from Al Qaeda, Wahhabis, Baathists and Arab Nationalists is dwindling because of the infighting going on in the sectarian war in Iraq's major cities.
The financial support that has come from Iran is threatened to stop if the new two U.S. Carrier battle groups set up a blockade to Iran.
Thus the war inside Iraq, which those who want the U.S. to loose, is called "Civil War" is really a "hodgepodge" of armed groups, often controlled by Iran, who are fighting because one group wants the new Democratic government to succeed and a group that wants it to fail. The later is unfortunately given comfort by the constant din of the Democrats who demand troop withdrawal.
"Saddam Hussein was confident that if the insurgency succeeded in bogging down the US forces long enough and killing a significant number of American soldiers, it would create doubt in the minds of Americans whether the US could ever win this war. His advisers were sure that such a perception would compel the Americans to force their administration to withdraw the troops. And Saddam Hussein was proven right when a commission, formed to assess the Iraq war and recommend a new course, ruled out the prospect of victory for America.
It is obvious that Democrats do not consider that a victory in Iraq is vital for long term US national security interests. But their insistence that the solution to the Iraq conflict is political rather than military underlines their lack of understanding of the ground realities as they exist in Iraq. They fail to recognize that an artificial country like Iraq, whose component ethnic and sectarian populations have no desire to stay together, cannot be expected to transform into a unified and seamless nationhood on its own."
The quote above is from Iranian scholar Amir Taheri, now living in London England.
Let us hope Our President stays the course so we won't be fighting house to house here on our soil in the future!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Actions Have Consequences!

The Media is filled every day and night with the Liberal viewpoint that the war in Iraq is unwinable, and each day more elected officials at all levels of government are playing their political game of "kick the President". Pictures of the Mayor of Salt Lake City marching in an anti-war demonstration with the likes of Sean Penn, Jessie Jackson, Susan Sarandon and Maxine Waters are not bad enough news. Today that allegedly once member of the Ku Klux Klan, now the oldest living member of the United States Senate joined the cadre of naysayers about the war in Iraq. Under the direction and expense of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Mr. Byrd has sent an email to the American public which includes the following statement: "In Iraq there is no victory to be had in an enterprise that has been ill-fated from the start." Accepting this at face value this blogger has to believe that this Senator and too many other elected members of Congress has put his and his partys' personal agenda and ambitions before the welfare of our Country and the brave volunteers who are fighting Radical Islamic terrorists for US.
In the period from 1941 to 1945 his words would certainly have been condemned as "giving aid and comfort to the enemy" if not treason. Instead the Media, which cost us the Vietnam war, is highlighting these self-serving politicians as patriots who simply want to save the lives of the troops.
It is appropriate and right to include a quote here from Sargent Eddie Jeffrey. This brave man is stationed in Ramadi, Iraq where he witnesses death and destruction everyday. "It is absolutely sickening to me to think our country has come to this. Why are we so obsessed with the bad news? Why will people stop at nothing to be against this war, no matter how much evidence of the good we've done is thrown in their face? When is the last time CNN or MSNBC or CBS reported the opening of schools and hospitals in Iraq? Or the leaders of terror cells being detained or killed? It's all happening, but people will not let up their hatred of President Bush. They will ignore the good news, because it just might show people that Bush was right."
Later in the same letter he says:"Americans are so concerned with politics that it is interfering with the war. They are becoming the enemy. Lets stop all the bad news, lets stand and fight. Isn't that what America is all about anyway?"
Osama bin Laden said "America is a paper tiger!" Those who should be following their oath of office to support and defend the Constitution should be ashamed of their actions. As our elected leaders, we have a right to expect more from them than the radicals who march in the streets and deface the capitol steps with spray paint.
Winning the war against terrorism will require that we understand the enemy and what they plan to do if they prevail, and demonstrating a will to prevail in what will surely be a long and costly war. Pulling our troops out will only give aid and comfort to Al Qaeda and OBL.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

"Aid And Comfort" From Wisconsin

Wisconsin has two "odious" people in the news today. Senator Feingold is pushing his bill to end funding for future deployment of U.S. troops to Iraq. His hearing was well attended by anti-war protesters, some of whom defiled the steps of the Capitol with spray paint slogans, and got away with it.
An even greater outrage than what Feingold is trying to do and will fail, is the outrageous exchange between a Sargent in the 1st Cavalry Division stationed in Taji, Iraq.
For some unknown reason that is very troubling to this blogger, is the fact that these warriors ,who now defend what was once Saddam's Republican Guards' stronghold in one of the most dangerous locations in Iraq. Have no cots or mattresses to sleep on.
Because the sand these soldiers sleep on is full of sand mites and other parasites that carry exotic diseases. Sargent Jason Hess wrote to Bargain Suppliers Discount Mats via email, to see if he could buy some mats for his men. The email he received back from this West Allis, Wisconsin firm run by an ex-patriot of Pakistan, now a U.S. resident, Faisal Kheanis. Was a terse statement that said: We don't ship our mats to APO addresses, and even if we did we would NEVER ship to Iraq. If you were sensible you and your troops would pull out of Iraq".
Both Feingold and Mr. Khetanis are probably getting "three cheers" from CAIR, but I think they both are guilty of giving "aid and comfort" to any enemy that has as its' sole objective the destruction of US!
Shame on both of you. By the way when will they Army send its troops into battle area with all the equipment they need including mats to sleep on. Sick soldiers can't do their job!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Latest "Miscreant" Speaks Out

The latest "backstabber" has outed himself in Germany to writers for Der Spiegel newspaper.
Tyler Drumheller, recently retired Chief of the CIA European Division gave an interview to this newspaper in which he alleges that he had tried to convince the Bush Administration that Saddam did not have the WMDs' that were said to exist by then Secretary of State General Colin Powell during his speech to the UN.
The article is very lengthy, and most of it not worthy of quoting, but two items show the perfidy of this 26 year veteran of the CIA .
When asked about the people who were involved in the "kidnapping"or capture of suspected terrorists Mr. Drumheller had these words to describe those who risked their lives to aid the fight against Radical Islam. He said, "if they were not doing paramilitary actions they would probably be robbing banks!" Some boss this guy was for those who risked their lives while he sat behind a desk.
His insistence that he had tried to warn the Bush Administration that there were no weapons of mass destruction rings hollow when you read the sworn statement of Naji Sabri, Iraq Foreign Minister. He stated that Saddam did not actually have nuclear weapons but was working on them. He did not have any biological weapons, but did have many chemical weapons.
Chemical weapons were designated as weapons of mass destruction by the UN in 1993, and were outlawed.
Sarin, VX gas, Ricin, botulism toxin and saxitoxin are all chemicals Saddam allegedly had and were used by his forces in the war with Iran when 100,000 Iranian soldiers were victims of Saddams' chemical weapons. He also killed 5,000 dissident Kurds with the same type chemical weapons.
The liberal press and so called "intelligensia" have hung their collective hats on the fact that since no nukes were found. Saddam did not have WMDs'. Many shells were found which had chemical gas in them, but this as always was explained away as being old ineffective weapons. Thinking people who are not Bush haters have to realize that all the delays by the UN to take action against Saddam, and the Press aid to the enemy by letting Iraq know we were coming soon,gave more than enough time to transport his arsenal across the border to Syria or Iran.
Drumheller is nothing more than another ex-government liberal joining the "I hate Bush" band wagon. Look for a book by him soon!

Monday, January 29, 2007

Are WE The 21st. Century Roman Empire?

From 510 BC until the First Century BC the Roman Republic ruled what was the Roman domain. Following Julius Caesars' defeat of Pompey in 44BC he was appointed Dictator and thus began the Roman Empire that lasted until 476 AD when Germanic hordes over ran and conquered the Western Roman Empire. The Byzantine and Eastern Empires lasted for almost a thousand more years.
The Western Roman Empire failed because of the inability to field legions large enough to defend against the continual onslaught of invading hordes.
Why? Because Rome had become so decadent, riddled with disease, famine and debauchery that the Romans lost the will to defend themselves. Eighty percent of the population had migrated to the Eastern Empire and those remained had become "pacifists" who wanted the available money ,that was in short supply despite increased taxation, be spent on roads, aqueducts and public housing. The army that was 3 million strong dwindled to less than 500 thousand.
Not only had the Romans become "pacifists" but they were witness to political corruption, debauchery and the number of prostitutes in Rome at the time of its' fall was 32,000! People ate and drank until they became ill, and their favorite pastime was to go to the Colosseum to watch people kill each other all day long. In short they were a society that decayed from within.
Some unnamed philosopher once said, " Civilizations don't die. They commit suicide"!
The way the leaders of this great country are acting makes me wonder if we are trying to emulate the Roman Empire.
A few of the absurd items in the News these past few days make me wonder if we have lost our way?
Troops in Iraq about to go into battle are given a card with rules of engagement made up by military lawyers with no combat experience that tell the troops: "Use minimum force necessary to decisively eliminate the threat". If this is not ambiguous enough and confusing to our troops let me remind you that all the junior officers have already spent months in a camp in the United States that emphasizes that weapons are not always the best way to win a war. Shoot first or be killed seems to be put behind "think about it before you pull the trigger". We can expect more body bags with this kind of logic running our fighting forces. Where are the Modern day Pattons' when we need them?
On the Home front Senator Feingold and Congressman Conyers are doing their best to make it impossible to identify terrorists in all forms of law enforcement including federal, state and local. They are pushing for a law which would make it a crime to imply any kind of profiling in identifying suspected terrorists. Who do they think the 19 terrorists were who pulled off 9/11? A group of seventy year old men from the Knights of Columbus?
FBI agents are forced to take a "sensitivity training" course that is being taught by members of CAIR. Some of whose members have been charged with crimes!
The Secretary of the Treasury has hired an advisor on Islamic banking. He is legitimating a fraud by doing so. Islam had no banking until 1975 when Saudi Arabia had so many petrodollars it had to find investments in the West. Prior to this Islam was dictated by the Quran that bans interest as "usury".
A recent poll by the Islamic Society of North America found that by 3-1 Muslims in the U.S. believe we are waging a war with their Islamic religion! When will the American people wake up to the threat? Will it be in time or will we be so weak we quit the fight for our God given rights and values?

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Time For Facts

I am no fan of ex-President Carter. In fact I believe he is one of the worst Presidents we had and a very poor example of a previous occupant of the Oval Office.
This being said, I must comment on the poor choice of words he made when Questioned about the Holocaust. His statement about "too many Jews being on the committee" was poorly stated, but has some merit for consideration.
World War II was a bloody and deadly experience for all involved in the War against the Nazi and Japanese enemy.
History records that 54.2 million people lost their lives because of the war. 38,573,000 were civilians killed because they were in combat areas. There was little concern when we wanted to win, about "collateral damage, and the Russians enjoyed killing and raping all they conquered as did the Japanese.
292,131 American fighting forces died during the war. 3,393 died on "D-Day" alone. The wars' estimated cost on all involved was 288 billion dollars.
The Holocaust that has caused so much consternation of late was responsible for killing an estimated 21 million people. The Nazis exterminated in their 26 death camps 5,993,900 Jews!
Tragically forgotten are the 16-20 million non-Jews that were killed in Nazi concentration camps all over Nazi occupied Europe.
The first concentration camp and extermination compound was established in Auschwitz. A Polish town about 50 kilometers from Krakow in May of 1940 after the Nazi war machine captured Poland.
For the first 21 months after Auschwitz was opened it was occupied by non-Jewish Poles who were Christians, mostly Catholic. History shows that 100 thousand non-Jews were killed or died of starvation at Auschwitz, and during this time period 1,700,000 non-Jew Poles were sent to Siberia by the Russians.
Rudolf Hoss, commandant of Auschwitz, testified during the Nuremberg Trials that 3 million people died in this one camp. The Nazis had over 100 camps throughout occupied Europe.
I don't want to diminish the tragedy that the Jewish people experienced as a result of Hitlers' quest to exterminate their population, We must also remember that he killed or had killed many millions of non-Jews in these very same 26 camps solely because he suspected they were in opposition to his dictatorship and goal to conquer the world. Maybe this is what the "lame Brain" ex-President meant to say?