Tyler Drumheller, recently retired Chief of the CIA European Division gave an interview to this newspaper in which he alleges that he had tried to convince the Bush Administration that Saddam did not have the WMDs' that were said to exist by then Secretary of State General Colin Powell during his speech to the UN.
The article is very lengthy, and most of it not worthy of quoting, but two items show the perfidy of this 26 year veteran of the CIA .
When asked about the people who were involved in the "kidnapping"or capture of suspected terrorists Mr. Drumheller had these words to describe those who risked their lives to aid the fight against Radical Islam. He said, "if they were not doing paramilitary actions they would probably be robbing banks!" Some boss this guy was for those who risked their lives while he sat behind a desk.
His insistence that he had tried to warn the Bush Administration that there were no weapons of mass destruction rings hollow when you read the sworn statement of Naji Sabri, Iraq Foreign Minister. He stated that Saddam did not actually have nuclear weapons but was working on them. He did not have any biological weapons, but did have many chemical weapons.
Chemical weapons were designated as weapons of mass destruction by the UN in 1993, and were outlawed.
Sarin, VX gas, Ricin, botulism toxin and saxitoxin are all chemicals Saddam allegedly had and were used by his forces in the war with Iran when 100,000 Iranian soldiers were victims of Saddams' chemical weapons. He also killed 5,000 dissident Kurds with the same type chemical weapons.
The liberal press and so called "intelligensia" have hung their collective hats on the fact that since no nukes were found. Saddam did not have WMDs'. Many shells were found which had chemical gas in them, but this as always was explained away as being old ineffective weapons. Thinking people who are not Bush haters have to realize that all the delays by the UN to take action against Saddam, and the Press aid to the enemy by letting Iraq know we were coming soon,gave more than enough time to transport his arsenal across the border to Syria or Iran.

Drumheller is nothing more than another ex-government liberal joining the "I hate Bush" band wagon. Look for a book by him soon!
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