Saturday, June 07, 2008
You would think that benevolent Socialist bureaucrats would have more concern for the people in the lower income brackets. The wealthy will complain but still buy the high priced fuel to run their Mercedes, Volvos and Jaguars. But the "little guy" will have to choose between buying food for his family and buying gas for his car, and the choice will in most cases be the food.
Unfortunately food prices have, and will continue to, sky rocket because food grains are being used for bio-fuels in a vain effort to reduce CO2 emissions.
The Ecologists in Europe have decided that the way to reduce consumption is to support the politicians raising of the tax on fuels. This quote from the London Telegraph details the opinions of Jos Dings, Head of Transport and Energy, a coalition of European Environmental NGO's.
"The single most effective measure that has brought down motorists' fuel use in Europe, however, is taxation", says Dings.
On average, 60 percent of the price European drivers pay at the pump goes to their governments in taxes.
In Britain, the government takes 75 percent, and raises taxes by 5 percent above inflation every year (though it has forgone this year's rise in view of rocketing oil prices, and the French government has promised tax rebates this year to taxi drivers, truckers, fishermen, and others who depend heavily on gasoline.) On August 8, for example, the price of gas in the US, without taxes, would be $2.17, instead of $2.56; in Britain, it would be $1.97, instead of $6.06.
"There is really good evidence that higher prices reduce traffic," says Stephen Glaister, a professor of transportation at London's Imperial College. "If fuel prices go up 10 percent ... fuel consumed goes down by about 7 percent, as people start to use fuel more efficiently, not accelerating so aggressively and switching to more fuel-efficient cars. It does change people's behavior."
It may change peoples behavior in Great Britain and Europe, but in this Country, if the price of fuel keeps rising, those who have to drive because of the poor public transportation in most states, will force people to forgo food stuffs and the buying of clothing to pay for the fuel needed to get them to work.
The Center For Michigan has an article that includes the left wing attitude toward taxation and fuel economy as seen in this quote.
"The US authorities, however, "are unwilling to use resource price as part of their strategy" to conserve oil, says Lee Schipper, head of transportation research at the Washington-based World Resources Institute, an environmental think tank.
"The biggest hole in our policy today is fuel taxation," he adds. "Tax increases are something Americans should do but don't know how to do, and I wonder if they will ever be able to".
Elect Obama and maintain the Democrats control of Congress and I promise you the taxes on gasoline and diesel fuel will go up as will all other taxes. The Democrats cannot and will not operate their welfare state on a low tax basis. Get ready for the tax steamroller if Obama is elected!
New York, Jun. 5, 2008 ( - "A Maryknoll priest who was a leading figure in Nicaragua's leftist government during the 1980s has been elected president of the UN general assembly.
Miguel D'Escoto Brockmann, who was foreign minister of Nicaragua from 1979 to 1990, will succeed Macedonia's Srgjan Kerim in September, holding the position for a year. The president of the UN General Assembly ordinarily does not command media attention, but D'Escoto, with his penchant for controversy, may be an exception to that rule.
D'Escoto, the son of a Nicaraguan diplomat, was a key figure in the rise of the Sandinista party in Nicaragua. He defied instructions from the Vatican when he became foreign minister for the leftist Sandinista regime, which clashed frequently with the country's Catholi Church leadership.
In public remarks after he was elected, D'Escoto said that he would not use his UN position to continue his long history of public attacks on the US. Nevertheless he condemned "acts of aggression, such as those occurring in Iraq and Afghanistan."
At times like these the words of John Bolton ring true.
The November 15, 2005 Washington Times article "Can the U.S. find a substitute for the U.N.?" noted that Bolton advocates "a revolution of reform" at the UN. Specifically, he called for:
The five permanent members of the UN Security Council to work more closely to craft powerful resolutions and make sure they are enforced, and to address the underlying causes of conflicts, rather than turning them over to the Secretariat and special envoys; A focus on administrative skills in choosing the next secretary-general; and A more credible and responsible Human Rights Commission.
With the election of a 75 year old radical activist "priest" being elected to head the General Assembly, it would appear that the UN is home to radical leftists more than it is as was intended when founded, an instrument of Peace!
THE LEFTIST BLOGGS DESCRIBE bROCKMAN'S ELECTION THUSLY.Nicaragua, "an outspoken member of the new anti-imperialist bloc in the western hemisphere, last month won the backing of the 33-member Latin American and Caribbean group at the UN for presidency of the General Assembly—nearly assuring it of election to the one-year post in June. The man Nicaragua has put forward to be the new GA president this fall is Rev. Miguel D'Escoto Brockmann, a Catholic priest who was foreign minister of the Sandinista government from 1979 to 1990 and last year became a foreign affairs adviser to Daniel Ortega, the first Sandinista president, when he returned to office.
President Ortega this fall addressed the opening of the General Assembly, railing against "the tyranny of global imperialistic capitalism" and calling the United States "the most gigantic and powerful dictatorship that has existed in all the history of humanity." He asked what right the country that dropped atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki had to judge the nuclear ambitions of North Korea and Iran".
And we contribute money to support this anti-American cabal!
Friday, June 06, 2008
Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families, especially those of our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who have died in defense of American liberty while prosecuting the war with Jihadistan.
The race for the nomination has been won. Now we begin the campaign to win the hearts and minds of the electorate.
The Media has already determined that their choice will be Obama, but the people not the media get to decide who will sit in the Oval Office in January 2009.
The campaign will be filled with promises of Change from the way our government has been run in the Bush administration. The Democrats will pound away at the opinion polls that shown that Bush has a less than 30% approval rating, ignoring the fact that Congress has an even lower approval rating!
I hope there will be enough people who vote, that realize this election is predictably the most important election we have had for the last 50 years.
The man who sits in the Oval Office could be faced with a decision to eliminate a large populous city, to prevent the Islamic terrorists from gaining access to nuclear weapons that they would not have any compunction to use on our major cities.
Intelligence agencies have obtained information that indicates that Iran, and Syria soon after, will have nuclear weapons capability.
Muslim radicals do not have the reticence to use nuclear weapons in their quest to rule the Earth for Allah, as we do. So, the President will have to have the "kahonies" to take out , if necessary, a whole city to keep the terrorists from getting their hands on nuclear weapons.This is because, the place or places they will manufacture the nuclear weapons will be very well dispersed and hidden.
A president McCain, with his military background and knowledge would probably pull the trigger, but an Obama President might talk us to the point where a nuke hits one or more U.S.cities before he reacts!
Wherever politics tries to be redemptive, it is promising too much. Where it wishes to do the work of God, it becomes, not divine, but demonic."These are the words of Pope Benedict XVI, and they are appropriate to the promise of CHANGE of candidate Obama. But is the change in his mind one that would strip our military power and concede all demands from a Muslim nation with the nuclear threat?
Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, Mao and Hitler all came into power with the promise of a "change", but the change was a Godless totalitarian change in each instance, and the people lost their personal freedom and suffered greatly. Do we really want change this much?"><>%20src=""><>%20src="
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families, especially those of our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who have died in defense of American liberty while prosecuting the war with Jihadistan.
The Internet,Radio, Tv and Television are celebrating the nomination of the first African-American candidate for President.The only problem with this announcement, is that Barack Hussein Obama was born to a white mother and a black Kenyan father, reared in Hawaii by his white grandparents and for a few years in Indonesia with his Indonesian stepfather, Obama identifies himself as African American, but his experiences are those of African- Americans, whites, Asian immigrants.
His mother was a white athiest, and his father was a Black muslim. This makes Obama a "half African-American". He uses this to his advantage with both Black and White voter groups.
When he was in the presence of a White Democrat audience he used issues that appealed to them with anti-war,Gay rights, pro-abortion, National Health Insurance issues, and down plays his African heritage.When appearing before Black audiences, very often Black Churches as he campaigned through the South. He talked about issues of affirmative action,environmental justice and establishing "faith forums" in churches. He stayed away from the gay marriage issue, because polls show that Blacks oppose gay maeeiage by a greater number than whites.
So what is all the fuss about? The Democrats have nominated apparently, a possible Muslim apostate, closet Muslim or a half Black activist Christian, who is married to a woman who wants to be the First Lady who never was proud of America until her husband ran for President!
His mother was a white athiest, and his father was a Black muslim. This makes Obama a "half African-American". He uses this to his advantage with both Black and White voter groups.
When he was in the presence of a White Democrat audience he used issues that appealed to them with anti-war,Gay rights, pro-abortion, National Health Insurance issues, and down plays his African heritage.When appearing before Black audiences, very often Black Churches as he campaigned through the South. He talked about issues of affirmative action,environmental justice and establishing "faith forums" in churches. He stayed away from the gay marriage issue, because polls show that Blacks oppose gay maeeiage by a greater number than whites.
So what is all the fuss about? The Democrats have nominated apparently, a possible Muslim apostate, closet Muslim or a half Black activist Christian, who is married to a woman who wants to be the First Lady who never was proud of America until her husband ran for President!
If Democrats wanted to run a real Black, exoerienced Candidate for President they could choose Governor Deval Patrick of Mass. He is a Harvard educated lawyer just like the Obama's, but he has both government and private life experience. Not only did he serve as Assistant Attorney General during the Clinton Administration, but he also held executive positions at Coca Cola and Texaco.
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
AS anyone who has the rudimentary knowledge of economics understands that business and government all require money to operate. Without a source of money the business and a government will go bankrupt. s evidence of this fact we can look at the implosion of the once powerful Soviet Union. Try to keep up with the "Star Wars" arms race that President Reagan began was the undoing of a powerful and threatening regime.
Now comes a Congresswoman from California with a degree in Sociology. who with a slip of a tongue during a Congressional hearing indicated her desire to Nationalize the Oil Industry.
The following is an excerpt from an article written by Lance Thompson for The New Media Journal that illustrates the Leftist members of Congress are willing to "cut their nose off despite their face"!
"Sensing another opportunity to posture and pretend they are relevant to national events, members of congressional committees in May called oil company executives to hearings about high oil company profits and even higher gas prices. This would all have been quite forgettable but for Congresswoman Maxine Waters’ revealing slip of the tongue that laid bare the liberal agenda for private industry–nationalize it and replace it with government bureaucracy.
During the hearings in the House, Shell Oil Company president John Hofmeister charged that Congress bore some responsibility for high oil prices because of the severe limitations on exploration and drilling in Alaska and along the coasts. He further stated that prices were likely to rise further if these restrictions weren’t lifted. Congresswoman Maxine Waters answered with an angry, and barely controlled, threat that the government would retaliate for higher prices by taking over the oil companies".
During the hearings in the House, Shell Oil Company president John Hofmeister charged that Congress bore some responsibility for high oil prices because of the severe limitations on exploration and drilling in Alaska and along the coasts. He further stated that prices were likely to rise further if these restrictions weren’t lifted. Congresswoman Maxine Waters answered with an angry, and barely controlled, threat that the government would retaliate for higher prices by taking over the oil companies".
It is not surprising that Ms.Waters made a threat to the Shell Oil executive, she has had similar outrageous incidents, such as dedicating the Impeachment Center in Los Angles. And it is notable that she like her fellow traveler Jesse Jackson, are exemplary as people who can intimidate and are extortionists in their operations.
Never the less, Ms. Walters should think before she puts her foot in her mouth. Free enterprise is the grease that runs the wheels of our government. The Oil Industry contributes billions of dollars in taxes each year to grease the government machine we call Congress, and the millions who work within it!
Exxon's tax payment in 2007 of $30 billion (that's $30,000,000,000) is a record, exceeding the $28 billion it paid last year.
By the way, Exxon pays taxes at a rate of 41% on its taxable income!
[Update: The $40.6 billion and $39.5 billion figures are after-tax profits. For 2006, Exxon's EBT (earnings before tax) was $67.4 billion, it paid $27.9 billion in taxes (41.4% tax rate), and its NIAT (net income after tax), or profit, was $39.5 billion.] .AND THIS IS JUST ONE OIL COMPANY!
By the way, Exxon pays taxes at a rate of 41% on its taxable income!
[Update: The $40.6 billion and $39.5 billion figures are after-tax profits. For 2006, Exxon's EBT (earnings before tax) was $67.4 billion, it paid $27.9 billion in taxes (41.4% tax rate), and its NIAT (net income after tax), or profit, was $39.5 billion.] .AND THIS IS JUST ONE OIL COMPANY!
In other words, just one corporation (Exxon Mobil) pays as much in taxes ($27 billion) annually as the entire bottom 50% of individual taxpayers, which is 65,000,000 people! Further, the tax rate for the bottom 50% is only 3% of adjusted gross income ($27.4 billion / $922 billion), and the tax rate for Exxon was 41% in 2006 ($67.4 billion in taxable income, $27.
Maxine Waters and her leftist cohorts better think twice about destroying "the chicken that lays the eggs"!
Nationalizing private industry has a long track record in communist countries, and the petroleum industry is a common target. Dictators such as Hugo Chavez, Vladimir Putin, and Saddam Hussein have all nationalized their energy industries and funneled the profits to themselves. Waters has always occupied the extreme left of her party, and evidently the ways of totalitarian regimes appeal to her.
Nationalizing private industry has a long track record in communist countries, and the petroleum industry is a common target. Dictators such as Hugo Chavez, Vladimir Putin, and Saddam Hussein have all nationalized their energy industries and funneled the profits to themselves. Waters has always occupied the extreme left of her party, and evidently the ways of totalitarian regimes appeal to her.
Monday, June 02, 2008
82% of veterans who saw heavy combat strongly believe the war was lost because of a lack of political will. Nearly 75% of the general public (in 1993) agrees. These are the poling statistics regarding the outcome of the Vietnam war.
A war that was waged with the commanders in the field of battle having one hand tied behind their back.The Democrats that started the war in Vietnam were noble and experienced warriors. The Kennedy administration, led by president Kennedy, a war hero of PT boat 109, intended to defeat the Communist aided North Vietnamese, but after his assasination, the Johnson, McNamara group took over the control of the war. They sent 55,000 brave draftees and regular troops to their death, with no intention of winning the war. A sin beyond comprehension.
The brave boys who slogged through the rice paddies to engage the vietcom won every battle they fought against the vietcong and the north vietnamese. In the air the brave warriors, like John McCain, waged air combat against a communist supported MIG air wing with Chinese Communists as pilots of many planes they fought.
The air war was won as long as they were allowed to cross the Yalu river in persuit. But Mcnamara dictated that they could not cross the Yalu, and the commies avoided the superior skills of our pilots by racing across the Yalu!
This was a war which the media and the neo-communists wanted us to lose.America was too strong ,and succesful to suit the left. So they printed and showed stories on TV that indicated the USA was loosing the war, and highlited the "atrocities" commited at Mi-Lai! The result was disaster for support of a war that was against the the Communists in Southeast Asia and China.
As a result we won all the battles, but lost the war. And the worst sin of all was that 55,000 brave troopers died in a fight they were not allowed to win.
Fast forward to 2008, and you will find that a Bush administration that has let the military do their job. General Petraeus, despite the carping from Pelosi, Murtah, and Reid has waged a successful campaign against the Muslim terrorists in Iraq. The war has been costly, as all wars are, but they are winning despite what you read in the lame stream press or watch on the communist news network!
This is something that all voters should consider when they go to the polls in Novemeber. Do we want a President like Jimmy Carter or Johnson, or do we want a President who will stand up to our enemies and fight to preserve our way of life. Do we want a "nanny state " that takes care of us from cradle to grave , but stifles initiative and the will to excel? Or do we want a strong America, that encourages free enterprise, strong defense and individual freedom and rights?
If you believe this is a great country as I do, why do we need a "empty suit" who promises change that includes decreasing our military preparednes in exchange for diplomacy? Do we want more taxes?
Do we want more government controls over our industies to satisfy enviromental wackos? Do we want amnesty for illegals,and National health insurance that includes illegals?If not, do not vote for Barack Hussein Obama in November
82% of veterans who saw heavy combat strongly believe the war was lost because of a lack of political will. Nearly 75% of the general public (in 1993) agrees. These are the poling statistics regarding the outcome of the Vietnam war.
A war that was waged with the commanders in the field of battle having one hand tied behind their back.The Democrats that started the war in Vietnam were noble and experienced warriors. The Kennedy administration, led by president Kennedy, a war hero of PT boat 109, intended to defeat the Communist aided North Vietnamese, but after his assasination, the Johnson, McNamara group took over the control of the war. They sent 55,000 brave draftees and regular troops to their death, with no intention of winning the war. A sin beyond comprehension.
The brave boys who slogged through the rice paddies to engage the vietcom won every battle they fought against the vietcong and the north vietnamese. In the air the brave warriors, like John McCain, waged air combat against a communist supported MIG air wing with Chinese Communists as pilots of many planes they fought.
The air war was won as long as they were allowed to cross the Yalu river in persuit. But Mcnamara dictated that they could not cross the Yalu, and the commies avoided the superior skills of our pilots by racing across the Yalu!
This was a war which the media and the neo-communists wanted us to lose.America was too strong ,and succesful to suit the left. So they printed and showed stories on TV that indicated the USA was loosing the war, and highlited the "atrocities" commited at Mi-Lai! The result was disaster for support of a war that was against the the Communists in Southeast Asia and China.
As a result we won all the battles, but lost the war. And the worst sin of all was that 55,000 brave troopers died in a fight they were not allowed to win.
Fast forward to 2008, and you will find that a Bush administration that has let the military do their job. General Petraeus, despite the carping from Pelosi, Murtah, and Reid has waged a successful campaign against the Muslim terrorists in Iraq. The war has been costly, as all wars are, but they are winning despite what you read in the lame stream press or watch on the communist news network!
This is something that all voters should consider when they go to the polls in Novemeber. Do we want a President like Jimmy Carter or Johnson, or do we want a President who will stand up to our enemies and fight to preserve our way of life. Do we want a "nanny state " that takes care of us from cradle to grave , but stifles initiative and the will to excel? Or do we want a strong America, that encourages free enterprise, strong defense and individual freedom and rights?
If you believe this is a great country as I do, why do we need a "empty suit" who promises change that includes decreasing our military preparednes in exchange for diplomacy? Do we want more taxes?
Do we want more government controls over our industies to satisfy enviromental wackos? Do we want amnesty for illegals,and National health insurance that includes illegals?If not, do not vote for Barack Hussein Obama in November
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