Friday, March 21, 2008


It appears to me that the majority of Americans have not considered what the stampede to eliminate OUR "habitual" use of oil will have on our ability to defend ourselves and the way of life that we all take for granted.

Predictably, when consumers, oblivious to the realities of the global oil market and everything else involved with delivering gasoline at the pump, begin to complain, politicians begin to think about regulating gasoline prices. It doesn’t work, never will and it will likely worsen the recession we’re now in.
It was tried by the Carter administration in the 1980's, and was a full-scale disaster. Between 1978 and 1980, thanks in part to the overthrow of the Shah of Iran, crude oil prices more than doubled from about $9 a barrel to over $21. Back then, Carter was advocating solar energy, conservation, synthetic fuels, and other “solutions”, but they didn’t work then and they won’t work now.His efforts resulted in around the block lines to get gasoline for our cars, and many angry people.
In terms of our enormous energy needs, Congress and the White House are seriously mismanaging and misleading America.

The Democrats like to blame "Big Oil", and Hillary Clinton has proclaimed that if elected she will "seize" the profits of the Oil Industry. An industry that already pays an average of 28 billion dollars a year into the tax cesspool!

Energy is the “predominant"world resource.” Without it everything including our National military forces slows, stalls, and grinds to a halt. The nation’s economy is entirely dependent on our ability to function in a world where oil, natural gas, and coal are global commodities. They don’t have a nationality. They have a price. And that is set by supply and demand, not the federal government. We are losing the battle for natural energy while Russia, Communist China and Venezuela are gaining prominence and power.
The government is literally wasting billions on “alternative forms” of energy and “climate change.” It should be encouraging the building of more refineries( none for 40 years), more nuclear fission, clean coal or gas-fired plants to generate electricity, more pipelines. It should be eliminating the restrictions on accessing oil, gas, and coal within our borders and thereby reducing the need of those sources from beyond our nation’s borders.

While we tinker with fossil fuels, the Russians announced last week hat they will build four new nuclear power plants to boost their energy production. The Russians already have ten nuclear plants that deliver over 23,000 giga- watts of electricity.They already have so much oil drilled and extracted on their own soil to sell it to most Countries in Europe. Here at home we fiddle to Al Gore's tune of Global Warming while Not Rome, but our way of life is being ignited. Will we allow it to burn?


Forty years ago in Chicago, Illinois it took over 30,000 army troops, police, national guardsmen and secret service personnel to quell the riots outside the Convention Center.During the two days of rioting 119 law enforcement people were injured, and over 100 "peaceniks" were injured while resisting those who were attempting to stop their rioting in the streets.

As we get closer to the Convention in Denver when 4050 delegates and 850 "Super" delegates decide who will be the Democrat candidate for President. It becomes clear that the deciding factor in who gets the nomination will be the "Supers".

The only thing super about these human beings is that they have the capacity to throw the nomination to the candidate who has at the time of the convention the fewest delegates.

These are political operatives. Insiders who may have their own agenda, separate from the people who went to the polls and choose their candidate. Many are past elected officials, Bill Clinton is a super delegate, mayors, governors and party operatives may dictate how the nomination is determined.

In this situation there appears to be a threat to the City of Denver and the people who live in that city, if the presumptive candidate, Barack Hussein Obama, is not nominated. The race card has already been put on the table! The furor over Obam's close association with Black activist pastor Reverend Wright brought it out.

When supporters and Obama himself claimed the attack on Wright and Obama's closeness to the anti-white pastor was racially motivated, it became obvious the supporters of Obama were willing to place race above character.

This alone would be cause for concern to the voters, but the real implied threat of violence on National television by both a Black Mayor and Black Governor was the match that may light the fires of unrest.

The first Black governor of Virginia and current Mayor of Richmond, L. Douglas Wilder, recently on “Face the Nation” predicted – and could be interpreted as actually calling for – riots in the streets if the Clinton campaign were to overturn an Obama lead through the use of Super Delegates. Here are his exact words: “If the Super Delegates intervene and get in the way of it, and say, ‘Oh, no, we're going to determine what's best,’ there will be chaos at the convention...And if you think 1968 was bad, you watch: 2008 will be worse.”

If a White Governor or Mayor said the Whites would riot if a Black was nominated. The Press, TV and air waves would be filled with demands for his/her resignation!

It is appropriate on this Good Friday to contemplate the sacrifice that the people in Denver may be forced to accept if the prophecy of these two Black "leaders" comes to pass!

Thursday, March 20, 2008


While shopping this morning I stopped by the bakery to pick up some fresh Kaiser dinner rolls. The rolls were priced at 62 cents last week, and this morning they were a nickle more. The lady behind the counter told me they raised the price on all bakery products, because the cost of flower had been raised by their wholesaler.

I also bought some corn flakes and once again noticed an increased price! The reason being, a sack of flour has risen from $28.00 to $40.00 in the last few months, and it will continue to rise. Experts predict that the cost of living will raise 30% in the next few years because of the bio-fuel stampede

Finally, I realized what I was experiencing. The cost of grain and wheat products was going up because they are getting more scarce as food stuffs, due to the government subsidies being offered to farmers as inducement to sell their corn, grain, soy beans and wheat to the new barons of energy. The bio-fuels industry! Ethanol, a fuel much less efficient in producing energy and twice as expensive to produce as gasoline, has been adopted as the "savior" of our ongoing energy crisis. It costs $6.00 to produce a gallon of ethanol, and you and I pay the extra $3.00 in government subsidies, aka taxes!

or over forty years the Democrats have bowed to the new Deity in the United States, Ecology, and have denied all attempts to build new refineries or allow drilling for more sources of crude oil off the Gulf Coast or in the wasteland tundra of Alaska.

During these 40 years our population has exploded, both legally and illegally. Instead of the 200 million inhabitants we had in 1968 we now have over 300 million.

All these people consume the life blood of our economy and way of life---OIL..

It will come as no surprise that many people believe the present form of government we have is flawed. But what is apparently not understood, is these people have decided that we could be better served if we didn't have to make so many decisions for ourselves. They, the intelligentsia, bureaucrats, internationalists, socialists and communists have a plan for us.

Dumb down the average person by introducing multiculturalism , political correctness, and less emphasis on learning in Public schools. The end result being to eradicate individual thought and the willingness to do for yourself, not wait for some one to do it for you.

To do this they have a willing accompanist in the Democrat party. The party that brought us the Great Society, affirmative action and Political Correctness now wants to take more of your hard earned money for fodder for the global warming scam.

Putting aside the fact that the Earths average temperature has only risen 1 degree in the last 100 years. The air pollution is a problem in the world. It is a real problem because the two Countries that contribute the most air pollution, Communist China and India, were exempted from Kyoto!

Air drifts from Continent to Continent as Chernobyl proved. Thus all the drastic measures being done here in the USA will be for naught if the exemptions remain.

Big oil companies are Bush and Cheney's friends. Big solar, big wind, big farming, and the big Sierra Club are the Democrats' friends. Global warming makes it easy for them to divert the country's priorities from oil development, to alternate fuel, even when it is not needed for the next 100 years. That’s right. We have enough domestic oil resources to last the country for the next 100 years if only we were allowed to use them by Congressional Democrats. Are we just a bunch of sheep to be moved along by the iron staff of the Leftist? Or will we vote next November to stop the slippery slope to Socialism that both Obama and Hillary offer?

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


With the air waves, television and print media full of spin concerning Presidential candidate Barack Obama's speech yesterday in which he defended not only his 20 year association with Reverend Wright, but the Pastor himself. Guilt by association is not one of my preferred designations, but sitting in a church pew for twenty years hearing the anti-American hate sermons by Rev. Wright does stretch ones ability to accept that he didn't agree with what he heard.

It is appropriate to address the issues behind the furor. Reverend Wright has been exposed as a hateful, Black Activist, via video tapes taken within his Church while he was preaching. Not on just one occasion but numerous times has he expressed his distaste for "White America".He even sells the videos of the hate filled, cursing "sermons" He has given.

This man of the "cloth" has taken religion to the depths of hatred and separatism with his curse words, racial baiting, and he has been exposed for the bigot he claims we white people are.There is no place in a church puppet for the swearing and hate speech Rev. Write entertains his congregation on a weekly basis.

The main thrust of all the arguments that seem to be driving people like Wright, Farrakhan, and a long list of Black Activists, is slavery.

Slavery was ended during the Presidency of Abraham Lincoln( 143 years ago) at the cost of 620,000 lives. Over half that number died to free the slaves as white members of the Union army!If Reverend Wright wants to talk about slavery he should talk about the Sudan and other Countries where slavery still exists.

Never the less, demagogues like Reverend Wright keep agitating their congregations with references to their oppression by the "white man'. He had these things to say in the pulpit before a full church:

– September 2001: “We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and black South Africans, and now we are indignant because of stuff we have done overseas is now brought back into our own backyard. America is chickens coming home to roost.”
– April 2003: “The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes three-strike laws and wants them to sing God Bless America. No! No No! God damn America … for killing innocent people. God damn America for threatening citizens as less than humans. God damn America as long as she tries to act like she is God and supreme.”

There is no way to spin this type of hate! If Barack Obama feels the Reverend Wright is being used to get at him, and supports a man with such hateful views. He is not the "Change" he promises he will deliver if elected President. He is nothing less than a man who coddles license!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Contradiction of Attitudes Toward Kosovo and Iraq

During the Clinton administration the USA waged war in Kosovo against the Serbians to help the Muslim Albanians. We did this without first obtaining a mandate from the UN. It all began with the bombing of Belgrade in 1999.

Americans were told it was a humanitarian mission to stop genocide, but it was not, nor is it now what we were led to believe.In fact the Muslim Albanians are killing Serbian women and children on a regular basis.

The Serbs are predominantly Catholic. The Albanians are over 90% Muslims. I guess Secretary Albright and her minions in the State Department convinced President Clinton that they were all moderate Muslims.

At any rate, we bombed the H##l out of their Country, and the NATO force mopped up the remaining Serbian fighters on the ground.NATO is still there 7 years later.

In Kosovo, more than 250,000 Serbians were driven out from their homes by Albanian separatists. Presently, Serbians are living in Kosovo as if in a ghetto. After the NATO occupation, more than 150 ancient Orthodox churches were destroyed by Albanians in Kosovo. There are currently no repair works. Serbians are living there in constant fear. Serbian children cannot go to school without adults.

After NATO's occupation, hundreds of Serbians were killed in Kosovo. More than 3,000 Serbians are "missing" in Kosovo (that means "killed"). There are no investigations, and no News stories about the "civil war that is being waged.

Presently, Albanians are confiscating Serbia's federal, social, and private property. The occupation's forces in Kosovo, the so-called peacekeeping forces, ignored Resolution 1244 of the Security Council of the UN. They misrepresent the current situation in Kosovo in its reports to the UN General Secretary. Today, Kosovo is a crucial point in the drug trade, which traffics heroin from Afghanistan and Pakistan to Europe.

It would appear that Clinton and Albright's war has produced unintended consequences that the anti-Bush/Cheney crowd has failed to notice.

Because of the position establish by the Clinton/Albright administration, the USA has recognized Kosovo as an independent State, and last month granted diplomatic recognition of Kosovo as a separate state entity. The reaction was swift and radical. A group of Serbian youths set the US Embassy on fire!

According to latest reports, over 100 Serbs were wounded in the worst outbreak of violence in the region since Kosovo declared independence on February 17.

And there are news reports that in recent talks between the Serbian Foreign Minister and the Russians in Moscow, the discussion centered about the possibility of Serbians joining with Russia. The United States having recognized Kosovo's independence, apparently has violated Serbia's sovereignty and territorial integrity if you respect that a Country has a sovereign right to their territories.

It would be nice if the Democrat Left in the USA, and people like the Bush hater, Seymour Hersh, would recognize the mess their leadership created in Kosovo, and accept the fact that it started before Iraq's war, and is still being fought in guerrilla style.

The Invasion of Iraq had been addressed many times in the UN Security Council, and after two years of sanctions the US took action! They invaded Iraq and deposed Saddam!A notorious murderer of his own people was eliminated, and good was done!

Leftists talk about the long five years we have been fighting in Iraq, and five years is a very long time to be in harms way".

Never the less, we have been in Korea for over fifty years, Japan and Germany for over 60 year, and soldiers do die in those Countries. No, not from IED's or terrorist bullets, but in the service of their Country while driving down the Autobahn, as a victim of assault and many other reasons. In fact there is danger for the man/women in uniform where ever they serve, but the Leftist media only concentrates on Iraq and Afghanistan. Before you scream about the nearly five thousand dead, remember we lost over 7,000 in the taking of Tarawa!

It would be easy to pull out and help partition Iraq into Sunni, Shiite and Kurd regions. This would seem to solve the ethnic and religious problems that leaving would indubitably create.

But not unlike in what used to be Yugoslavia, the same chaos would begin soon after we leave.The civil war, the liberal anti-military crowd proclaims we have now in Iraq, would begin. Chaos between sectarian and religious factions would surely break out.
In conclusion, I must say that an end must be found in Iraq, but all the carping and sniping here at home will only result in the destruction of the will to win a good fight. Why can't Americans unite behind the Jews, Christians and Muslim who are wearing the American flag on their shoulder patch the same way they did when Americans supported the war against the Serbs?


Today's news is full of stories about Barack Hussein Obama announcing in Monaca, Penn., that he will give a major speech on race in this campaign.

Obama's motivation is the heat he has been getting about his DASHIKI wearing, freely cursing racist Pastor, Reverend Wright. He is quoted as saying "the caricature of Rev. Wright that's being painted of him is not accurate".

No matter what smooth talk he lays on the viewing audience, and I won't be one of them, the fact still remains that Rev. Wright has been his Pastor for twenty years, during which time he has preached hate and blame about White Americans.

Granted Obama has not been in one of his three hour services each Sunday to hear his vitriol, but he was there often enough to either agree with the Pastor or change churches.

Obama has written in his book, "Dreams from My Father" that Reverend Wright is "his political father", and "he calls him to check with him before he makes any bold political moves".

Now that his racist, cursing and damning White America, America-hating pastor Jeremiah Wright is finally in the News spotlight. Barack Obama is making the media rounds denouncing Wright's controversial statements. However, there's strong evidence that Obama isn't being exactly truthful in his denunciations.

In July, 2007. Jim Davis, a reporter for NewsMax, one of rev. Wright's services.He had this to report about his visit to the 3 hour service.

"Presidential candidate Barack Obama preaches on the campaign trail that America needs a new consensus based on faith and bipartisanship, yet he continues to attend a controversial Chicago church whose pastor routinely refers to "white arrogance" and "the United States of White America".

In fact, Obama was in attendance at the church when these statements were made on July 22..
Wright's strong sentiments were echoed in the Sunday morning service attended by NewsMax. Wright laced into America's establishment, blaming the "white arrogance" of America's Caucasian majority for the woes of the world, especially the oppression suffered by blacks.
To underscore the point he refers to the country as the "United States of White America." Many in the congregation, including Obama, nodded in apparent agreement as these statements were made. The sermon also addressed the Iraq war, a frequent area of Wright's fulminations. "Young African-American men," Wright thundered, were "dying for nothing." The "illegal war," he shouted, was "based on Bush's lies" and is being "fought for oil money."In a sermon filled with profanity, Wright also blamed the war on "Bush administration bulls--t." Those are the types of statements that have led to many describing Wright as "a full-blown hater."

Barack Obama has attended Wright's sermons regularly for over twenty years. By his own admission, Obama consults with Wright before making any "bold political decisions." Obama calls Wright his "spiritual advisor." He calls Wright one of his prime mentors. Obama got the title of his book, "The Audacity of Hope," from a Wright sermon of the same name. He says that Wright was extremely important in shaping his life and his views. Obama and his wife were married by Rev. Wright. Reverend Wright baptized Obama's daughters. Barack Obama donated over $20,000 to Wright's church in 2006. He continues attending services in Wright's church.No wonder he defends him!

He also is less than forthcoming in his description of his Black Muslim father. In "Dreams" he describes his father as being a victim of racial prejudice that caused his eventual death. However, close associates of Barrack H. Obama say he was a bigamists, married to three wives with out bothering to get a divorce. Fathered eight children, beat his wives in drunken rages after consuming large quantities of "Black Jack"!

He was killed in a car accident while DUI when Barack was 20 years old.Source: Phillip Achieng.London Daily Mail

The other troubling circumstance that has been conveniently shoved under the rug of information censorship, is his early childhood Muslim education.

Obama attended a Madrassa Seminary in Indonesia for four years until at the age of 10, when his mother moved to Hawaii. The U.S. Intelligence Service has determined that the Madrassa schools in Indonesia are funded by Saudi Arabia, and teach the Wahhabi doctrine that denies the rights to non-Muslims!

In recent months Obama has said that "the evening call to payer sounds sweet to him".

Saint Francis long ago said, "give me the children until they are seven and anyone can have them afterwards". The meaning is straight forward. Young "skulls of mush" are easily molded!

Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and all despots have concentrated on the indoctrination of their youth beginning at an early age.

Either Obama is a closet Muslim masquerading as a Christian for political reasons. Or he is an apostate Muslim who has been marked for death by the Muslim extremists. Either way, he should not be President of the United States.

Monday, March 17, 2008


The one thing I remember President Carter doing right was his boycott of American athletes from the Moscow Olympics. The act was in protest of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

Many fine athletes lost their opportunity to win Olympic medals because of the boycott, but it was the right thing to do.

Once again we are faced with a situation in another Communist Country that cries out to become another boycott. The PLA used more than 100 trucks of soldiers, tanks and lethal weapons when they entered the city of Lhasa Friday. And the next morning another 40 trucks of soldiers and 36 tanks were used. They came down on the Tibetan people really hard. All tourists were told to leave, and some interviewed after leaving said it was a massacre!

The Olympic games in Communist China this summer should be boycotted by the United State and 15 of 16 nations who also boycotted the 1980 Moscow games. China was one of the 16, so we wouldn't expect them to support such a symbolic move.

It has been fifty years since the Chinese Communists under Mao's direction, immediately after his appointment as the leader of the Communist party in Beijing, invaded Tibet.
last Friday a large group of protesters gathered in Lhasa were attacked by Chinese soldiers and an estimated 80 people including some Buddhist Monks were killed.
Since China denies access to Tibet by foreign news correspondents we have only the Chinese version of what happened. The Chinese say the Tibetans become violent and 8 people were killed.
Since the Chinese took over Tibet,6000 monasteries have been closed and over one million people have been killed.
As of 1998 there were over 1,000 Tibetans in prison for their political, religious, and ethical views. The Beijing government has outlawed pictures of the Dalai Lama and forced Tibetan monks to denounce him. Tibetan women are often forced to be sterilized, to use contraception, and to abort their children. Some reports estimate that almost one-fourth of China's nuclear missile force is now located in Tibet. Chinese immigrants now outnumber Tibetans in their own land. Tibetans have been robbed of their language, culture, and religion.
Despite this blatant denial of human rights the United States State Department recently removed Communist China from it's list of Countries that violate human rights. I believe it is time to accept the fact that Chinese Communism is not only destroying human rights in China and Tibet but, the prevailing argument that market forces and international trade would transform China into a democracy has by now been completely discredited.
The only remaining way for concerned people to exert some positive influence on China seems to be through the power of the individual consumer. In short, a boycott of Made in China products, and the Olympics is a good way to start!