Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Fifth Column of Islam

There are many Internet sites devoted to the work that the Islamic terrorists cannot accomplish in Iraq. These sites are fulfilling the role of modern day Nazi Goebbels. They are masters of disinformation and divisiveness. One such site was closed by the FBI in Texas for reasons of National Security. The "'Infocom"website in Franklin,Texas outside Dallas was servicing 599 web pages for Muslims.

There are an estimated 4000 Muslim web pages, and one particular page has the following example of inciting violence: "Muslim pulls out a baseball bat, Muslim smashes Jew over the head, Muslim wipes off the blood." The few who control the Islam channel kick and ban arbitrarily whoever disagrees with their opinion or definition of Islam.

One site I reviewed is "altmuslim", written by Rabab Fayad who is a Middle East consultant in Washington, DC. She formerly served as deputy national director of ethnic outreach for the Kerry-Edwards 2004 presidential campaign. Her posts appear in Islamica magazine.

Her January 14th post includes the following: "The words used by Republican candidates to describe inhuman acts of terrorism wrongly associate those who practice these horrendous acts with the 5 million Americans and 1 billion people throughout the world who practice Islam. This has been in direct contrast to Democrats, who have opted to use language that does not make such an association.Rudy Giuliani is among the worst culprits. In effort to use scare tactics to keep his numbers up, Giuliani often paints a picture of Muslims as violent radicals and criticizes Democrats who refrain from linking Islam with terrorism, saying they are on the defensive in the war on terror. He has reinforced this association throughout the campaign trail, saying in Milwaukee for instance, "I believe we have to be on offense against Islamic terrorism," and again in New Hampshire, "Islamic terrorists... want to kill us".

Her comments regarding President Bollingers comments concerning Ahmedinajad's speech at Columbia show a twisted logic or a devious intent. "As a University, Columbia sees itself as a bastion of free speech and academic freedom. Indeed, this has been the repeated rhetoric surrounding the justification for Ahmedinajad's visit. However, were these values exemplified when President Bollinger viciously denigrated a head of state in his introductory remarks? Did these personal attacks against Ahmedinajad - which included calling him "uneducated," "evil," and "ridiculous"( blogger's note: he is all that and more!) - uphold the standards of discourse that Bollinger and Columbia as a university claim to defend? . Despite our own rhetoric about the exceptionalism of the university campus, today we realize that we too are vulnerable to political pressure. We too can manipulate a platform to our own political advantage- whether we are pandering to the conservative media, special interests, or university donors. We too have lessons that we need to learn about the essence of free speech.

This shows the anti-American bias of this blogger, who as all who are residents of this world know that the man she is defending is an advocate of the destruction of Israel and the "great Satan" United States.

She and other apologists of radical Islamic terrorism use the victim analogy to hide the fact that they have never denounced the acts of terrorism committed in the name of Islam. That is not to say that all Muslims feel the animus toward the United States, but then neither did all the women an children in Germany before WWII. They too hid behind the curtain of unknowing and denial!

Should We All Cheer The Reduced Killing?

Today's Washington Post headlined a "feel good" story, they thought! A survey of 1,787 abortionists nation wide revealed the "encouraging" fact that abortions are reducing. Their survey showed that in 2005 the number of abortions being performed in the United States has dropped to 1.2 million a year - the lowest level since 1976, the year Roe was approved by the Un-Supreme Court.
Since 1976 their have been 50 million abortions performed in the United States. A genocide of mythical proportions, and the Capitol of abortions is New York City! A city in a state that has the most liberal abortion laws.
The average payment for this death producing procedure is estimated at $413.00. The aborting is done on pregnant women aged 15-44, and most abortions are performed in the North East. The least number of abortions are performed in the Middle West and the South.
Many states do not even require a permission slip from the parents to have an abortion,nor do they have to notify the child's parents after. But most public schools need a permission slip from the child's MD and parent to give the child an aspirin.
Scientist have shown that a baby in the womb( aka fetus) can feel pain at six weeks, but they prove that the fetus can feel pain at the 20th week because the baby responds to the pain.
Doctor Carlo Bellieni, Professor of Neonatal Therapy at Le Scotte University of Siena, Italy has this to say about fetal suffering during abortion. "The scientific evidence for the humanity of the unborn is immense. We cannot understand how it can be thought that it becomes a person at a certain point, perhaps when coming out of the uterus. From the physical point of view, at the birth very little really changes: Air enters the lungs, the arrival of blood from the placenta is interrupted, the type of circulation of blood in the heart changes, and not much more.
"As I often say, only blind faith in magic arts or some strange divinity can lead one to think that there is a 'human' quality leap at a given moment -- certainly not science."He concludes, ". . .I think one should say 'enough' to that anti-scientific attitude that regards prenatal life as a second-class life. And the paradox is that instead the Church is accused of retarding progress. In reality, the Church has an attitude of protection of health."
New Yorkers, like Americans generally, start to get queasy when confronted with the best weapons in the pro-life movement’s arsenal: graphic descriptions of rarely used late-term-abortion methods, and the fact that thousands of New York women return each year to clinics for a third or fourth abortion. When we nod our heads at Bill Clinton’s famous formulation that abortion should be “safe, legal, and rare” or Hillary Clinton’s more recent proclamation that abortion is “a sad, even tragic choice,” we admit some discomfort with the procedure.
Among New York’s pro-choice leaders, reaction to this message is divided. Political groups like NARAL say they understand the need for conceding to public opinion. But to providers, the Clintonian reframing of the issue capitulates to pro-lifers. “Hillary can say anything she wants about whether an abortion is a tragedy,” says Dr. Paul. “What I know when I perform an abortion for a patient is that the overwhelming feeling is one of relief. Because the abortion has solved a huge problem in her life, whether it’s because she couldn't’t afford another child, couldn't’t afford to be a good mother to another child, or doesn’t have the money to raise a child.” She becomes increasingly passionate as she speaks. “Every time I do an abortion I save a woman’s life. If you want to call that a tragedy”—she pauses and exhales a sharp sigh—“I don’t consider it a tragedy, I’m sorry.”
Not as sorry as the baby you just killed I say!
“Our view is, abortion is nothing special. Abortion is right up there with having a baby or getting the care for whatever other medical needs you have.”
This is the attitude of one who either fails to accept a Divine purpose to Life, or chooses to ignore it. Her reasons are lies and are fathered by the father of all lies! Let us not celebrate until abortion "on demand" is nothing but a nightmare in the memory of events that this Country has passed through!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A Stark Study In Contrast

This is a story of two prominent people and how they are treated in their own Country.

The first notable is Pope Benedict XVI, who under pressure from University Professors and radical leftist students was forced to cancel a scheduled speech at Rome's La Sapienza University.

His "people" cancelled the speech because of security concerns, as many professors and students faulted the intellectual, conservative and tradition-minded Pope for a series of positions he has taken that they say subordinate science and reason to faith. Authors note: The statements were about Galaleo many Centuries ago, and recent comments about radical Muslims!

The protest against the visit was spearheaded by physicist Marcello Cini, a professor emeritus (means he doesn't teach anymore basically)of La Sapienza, who wrote to rector Renato Guarini complaining of an "incredible violation" of the university's autonomy.
Sixty-seven professors and researchers of the sprawling university's physics department, as well as radical students, joined in the call for the pope to stay away on Thursday, the start of the university's academic year.

In stark contrast to the rejection of the Pope in Rome is the open arms reception given by the President of St. Peters College in Jersey City, NJ. where he was allowed to give a political rally speech. Senator and Democratic Presidential candidate Barack Obama held a rally at Saint Peter’s College Wednesday, January 9 at the Yanitelli Recreational Life Center.
“Sen. Obama is the latest in a long series of historic figures to choose to speak at St. Peter's College,” said Dr. Eugene J. Cornacchia, President, Saint Peter’s College. “We welcome him as we would welcome any presidential candidate who wishes to discuss and debate the ideas and events that are shaping our history.”

If only Catholics, especially the Head of The Church, were given the same courtesy that a Muslim born and raised, who is a convert to a Church whose Pastor honors Lewis Farrakahn is given by the President of a Catholic College!

Obama is an advocate of almost every thing the Jesuits, who founded this University, stand for. He is a proponent of repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act, calling it an "abhorrant Law". He has voted(1997) against the ban in Illinois of partial birth abortions. This is considered a murder of a live person by all Catholics.

He is for research on embryos from fetal cells. This statement reveals his position. "And I'm proud to be a cosponsor of the stem cell bill before us today ["Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2005" (H.R. 810)]. This bill embodies the innovative thinking that we as a society demand and medical advancement requires.

"When freedom does not have a purpose, when it does not wish to know anything about the rule of law engraved in the hearts of men and women, when it does not listen to the voice of conscience, it turns against humanity and society." Pope John Paul II

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Gold As An Indicator

In January 1980, when Jimmy Carter was President and we had gasoline lines, gold was priced at $675.00. Today we are looking at gold prices that spiral day to day. This morning the market price for an ounce of gold is $910.00!

In 1968 during the Vietnam war, the price of one ounce of gold was just $36.50.

However, during these last 40 years Americans have lost confidence in OUR paper money. A rising gold price means investors are fleeing paper money for gold. This may be the result from the central bank issuing too much money, more than what's demanded to support trade, or by the U.S. Treasury selling dollars and advocating a lower foreign exchange value, as we have seen the devaluation of the the dollar compared with the Euro.

This policy has lowered the demand for dollars and raised the demand for gold. Today we see inflation running wild, the dollar declining and the secondary mortgage industry in free fall. We are spending money as a Country that acts like a drunken sailor on his first leave!

The stock market is a perfect illustration of the lack of confidence that Americans have for the economic condition in the United States.The free fall of most stocks illustrates the shift from stocks and bonds to gold.

This lack of confidence is directed by all the Democratic aspirants to the Presidency, and too many of the Republican candidates, toward President Bush. To be sure, he has some blame for the lack of a sound dollar. He should have used the veto pen many more times on spending bills passed by Congress than he did.

But the real culprit in this debasing of our dollar is the Congress of the U.S.. The profligate spenders in Congress sent more Pork back to their constituents this past session of Congress than ever before in our history. This despite the fact that as of December 19, 2007, the total U.S. federal debt held by the public was roughly $5 trillion.
This does not include the money owed by states, corporations or individuals, nor does it include the money owed to Social Security beneficiaries in the future. If intragovernment debt obligations are included, the debt figure rises to roughly $9 trillion If unfunded Medicaid, Social Security, etc. promises are added, this figure rises dramatically to a total of $59.1 trillion. In 2005 the public debt was 64.7% of GDP according to the CIA's World Factbook .

Of this outstanding debt a total of $2.079 trillion is owed by the Federal government in long term Bonds and notes held by such adversary Countries as Communist China.

U.S. Treasury statistics indicate that, at the end of 2006, foreigners held 44% of federal debt held by the public. About 66% of that 44% was held by the Central Banks of other countries, in particular the central banks of Japan and China.
This debt is a burden borne by the American public. Wikapedia states the following: The debt equates to $28,412 per head of the U.S. population, or $58,390 per head of the U.S. working population.

Despite these stark statistics, not one of the Democrat candidates who promise change in Washington, says anything about how they will reduce this burden on the U.S. taxpayer.

All we hear is promises to spend more money on welfare programs to garner votes.

The fires of National bankruptcy have been lighted, but like Nero in ancient Rome, Congress continues to spend and call for more money in the form of increased taxes.

The choice is clear. We Conservatives must turn our backs on the tax and spend Liberals, and elect a person who stands for fiscal responsibility.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Thompson For President

Last week Senator Clinton promised if elected President she would spend 70 billion dollars to help stimulate the economy.
Today, Senator Obama promised to spend 120 billion to aid workers, social security recipients and other welfare recipients.
Neither one made the slightest mention of reducing the Taxation of the over taxed middle class! Bigger Government
and withdrawal from Iraq is all we are promised by these deceptive politicians.
Obama supporters like to be compare him with John Kennedy, but The martyr President was born and raised Catholic, not a born and raised Muslim. He also advocated reducing the high tax rates of previous Administrations to help the economy. The list could be expanded, but these two items illustrate the fact that Senator Obama is no John Kennedy.
This life long Republican voted for Kennedy because of his compassion for the over taxed working man.
Presidential aspirants Clinton and Obama are trying to buy your votes with Cash that they have no right to spend! Americans are already weighted down with a heavy tax burden. We don't need a tax and spend Socialist in the White House.
The man who thus far has gotten very little traction in the race for the Presidency, is Ex- Senator Fred Thompson. A no nonsense candidate who firmly believes in the principles upon which this Country was founded. States Rights and a smaller Federal government with a strong military !
Thompson is some what like Reagan in terms of how to deal with the evil in our world. Like Reagan, Thompson is also very firm on free enterprise and free trade as the solution to economic challenges. Thompson stands for less taxation, regulation and litigation, as the way to grow a strong economy, just like Reagan.
Leftists hated Reagan, just as much as they hate Bush, maybe even more. They called him “a cowboy” – a “war-monger” – a “fool on foreign policy” and “dangerous” due to his heavy handed willingness to confront evil wherever he found it, on the other side of the world, or the other side of the political aisle. I believe the left feels the same way about Mr. Thompson. And that alone makes me want to vote for him.

But unlike Reagan, Thompson has always been pro-life all his adult life.President Reagan was pro-choice until later in his life.
Thompson is a pure federalist, opposed to bigger government and for reducing the size, scope and expense of government. Unlike Reagan, he is fully opposed to any form of amnesty for those who have broken our laws and seek a free ride to American citizenship. History shows that Reagan relaxed immigration laws (aka amnesty) during his Presidency.
I believe it is time for the Americans to decide whether they want a "slick" politician who promises US a bigger government, with increased taxation and government control of our lives. Or would we be better off with a man who could be the 2008 "version" of Ronald Reagan. A man who doesn't believe in taxpayer funded scholarships for illegals and does not call President Bush's foreign policy arrogant. For those who don't know who advocates the above, it is Huckabee.
Huckabee is a wolf in sheep's clothing!
A syncretist is one who attempts the reconciliation or union of different or opposing principles. Trying to convince the United States voting public that the can be all things to all people appears to be the aim of today's candidates for the Presidency.
All except for Fred Thompson. What you hear him say is what he really means, and will deliver. Vote for the man who may not be "so slick" but will make a great President