Saturday, June 23, 2007


A nineteenth century English historian, Lord Acton, who was born in Italy and later became professor of English History had this to say about power. He was speaking of the "infallibility" of the Catholic Church Pope when he made these remarks about power. They are applicable to today's United States Congress and the President.

"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”[1]
“There is not a soul who does not have to beg alms of another, either a smile, a handshake, or a fond eye.”
“The one pervading evil of democracy is the tyranny of the majority, or rather of that party, not always the majority, that succeeds, by force or fraud, in carrying elections.”
“Be not content with the best book; seek sidelights from the others; have no favorites.”
“[History is] not a burden on the memory but an illumination of the soul.”
“And remember, where you have a concentration of power in a few hands, all too frequently men with the mentality of gangsters get control. History has proven that. All power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

The current closed door meetings between President Bush and selected members of both parties of Congress are good illustrations of the chicanery that our elected representatives are perpetrating on those whom the Americans elected and sent to Washington to represent the voters best interest.
I don't know if all politicians seek office to gain power and enhance their wealth, but having observed the shenanigans of Congress and too many Presidents for over forty years leads me to believe that all politicians have larceny in their hearts before the arrive in Washington or the State House.

Unfortunately those who come to Washington with pure intentions are soon seduced by the special interest groups who are ready to line up at their door with "gifts" if they "play ball".

Our Republic was set up to have a transparent government except in matters of National Security and War, but the closed door meeting held by the President and select members of both political parties this last week is an example of the duplicitous of our Government today.

Allegedly the meeting was held to plot strategy to get passed the illegal immigrant Amnesty Bill! This is a Bill and action that the majority of Americans believe is a bad idea. The Rassmussen poll shows 56% against the bill and 23% for the bill.
If passed this bill will have the consequences of irreparable damage to our liberty and quality of life.

But the Democrats desperately want the 12-20 million new voters and the Republicans, and I believe the President, are in the grasp of "BIG" business and special interest groups who already treat America as just another state in the World of states.

Lord Acton had this to say about the powers of Government:
"A Convention was held for the purpose at Philadelphia during the summer of 1787. The difficulty was to find terms of union between the three great states—Virginia, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts—and the smaller ones, which included New York. The great states would not allow equal power to the others; the small ones would not allow themselves to be swamped by mere numbers. Therefore one chamber( House of Representatives) was given to population, and the other, the Senate, to the states on equal terms. Every citizen was made subject to the federal government as well as to that of his own state. The powers of the states were limited. The powers of the federal government were actually enumerated, and thus the states and the union were a check on each other. That principle of division was the most efficacious restraint on democracy that has been devised; for the temper of the Constitutional Convention was as conservative as the Declaration of Independence was revolutionary."

It would seem that Our government has long since abandoned the concept of doing the will of the people and adopted a principle that "they know what is best for us and them." Especially them!

Friday, June 22, 2007


Following the principle that they know what is best for the ones who elected them. The Congress of the United States voted yesterday to reverse the ban on funding to Contraception groups overseas. The vote was 220-201. Hardly a mandate from the majority.
This if passed by the Senate and not vetoed by the President would provide funds to the already highly productive killing machine that performs 46 million abortions a year worldwide!
This despite the fact that 54 nations of the 152 most populated nations have banned abortions. Another 44 have banned late term abortions after 12 weeks gestation.

Karl Marx would be proud. His ideas on abortion have not been printed. Probably since the technique of killing unborn babies had not been perfected to the art form that it is today.
But his ideas about religion are left to us from a historical point of view of one of the most diabolic radicals in history.
He said: "Religious distress is at the same time the expression of real distress and the protest against real distress. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, just as it is the spirit of a spiritless situation. It is the opium of the people."

Any person with that low opinion of religion, and the people who are so full of themselves, to think that there is no greater Power behind the beautiful functioning conglomeration of cells we call a human. Would consider religion as nothing other than another system dependent on economies, and should be abolished.

Thus we have the legalized killing of unborn babies(fetus) at a rate of 1.3 million per year for the past five years, and an estimated 404 million since 1973!

People believe that the Holocaust and the genocide caused by Pol Pot in Cambodia were horrible. Butr apparently the majority of Christians and Jews in this Country believe it is perfectly proper to kill the unborn future of this nation.

Mark my words. The aborting of over a million potential American citizens will lead this Country to a point were native born Americans are the Minority.

The main reason given for having an abortion as revealed in the CDC and Planned Parenthood reports is, " can't afford a baby now"!

Rape and incest are the reason for only 1% of the Abortions. 95% percent are for birth control reasons. And wealthy socialites have to go to China and Russia to adopt babies!

Thousands of people march in the streets of our Capitol demanding an end to our involvement. Their stated reason is to stop the killing! Where are these people when the Right to Life people protest abortions. !.3 million a year seems to this blogger as a bigger reason to march on Washington that 4,000 soldiers deaths. Even though their sacrifice is morned and appreciated by me. I know what it is like to loose a grown child.

The unfinished sentence is: "a woman has the right to choose!"
Choose what? Life or death for the baby that some people call nothing more than a collection of cells?

The fetal heart undergoes a considerable amount of growth very early in pregnancy. The most critical period of its development is between three and seven weeks after fertilization, when a simple heart tube assumes the shape of a four-chambered heart. In fact, the heart actually begins beating by the 22nd day of life (or the fifth week of a 40-week pregnancy).The heart beat can be visualized at 7-9 weeks!
Tell me this is not alive! What about the unborn right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Or is the woman's social position and career more important?

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Iran Has To Be Stopped

In another demonstration of the Barbarous nature of the Iranian leadership of Ayatollah Khomeini and his henchman. The reaction to the announcement this week that Ahmed Salman Rushdie is to be Knighted was over the top once again.
This Bombay, India born British novelist, has been on the death list since 1988. That is when the Ayatollah put a "fatwa", death threat, on Mr. Rushdie for writing The Satanic Verses.
The bounty for his death has grown to over a million dollars.
This week when the Knighthood was announced the Pakistani Religious Affairs Minister, Ijaz ul Hag, announced that he "the honor bestowed on Rushdie justified new suicide bombing of Britain!
The Committee for Glorification of Martyrs, an Islamic movement in Iran raised the amount of money offered for the killing of Rushdie from 100,000 to 150,000 dollars.
This man is a noted author who wrote the best seller about the relationship between Christopher Columbus and Queen Isabella of Spain, and many children books.
Civilized Religions have been known to often ex-communicate authors who write material the Church feels is offensive and blasphemous, but only a cult like the Muslims would condemn someone for their writings.
Iran sends a card to Rushdie every year to remind him he is still under a death sentence!

While this barbarian behavior is going on the Diplomats in this Country and some others are still tring to negotiate with this group of terrorists running Iran. Their futile quest to convince the Iranians to stop production of their nuclear weapons capability is ongoing.
This despite the fact that the Israeli Intelligence people are estimating that Iran will be capable of detonating a dirty bomb in Israel or the U.S. later this year.
Because of this knowledge. The Israelis are rumored to be preparing an air strike on the three nuclear facilities of Esfahan, Natanz and Arak before the Iranians can begin an attack on Israel using Hezbollah and or Hamas troops to launch the strike.

Although Russia has its' own problems with Muslims in Chechnya. They are supplying advanced air and missile defense equipment to both Iran and Syria.
The longer people who are avowed enemies of Iran like Israel, Great Britain and America wait to perform decisive military action against these threats. The harder it will be to take them out, and more costly in lives lost.
WE must quit "fiddling" like Nero and act decisively if we don't want a dirty bomb going off in one of our major cities.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Hillary Is a Liar And a Socialist

If the Liar of the Whitewater Scandal and co-conspirator of one of the most dishonest Administrations of this nations history is elected President we will race down the road to Socialism.
Carl Marx could not have said it any better than Senator Clinton uttered these words in a campaign speech recently.
"Many of you are well enough off that the tax cuts may have helped you. We're saying that for America to get back on track, we're probably going to cut that short and not give it to you. We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good.” – Senator Hillary Clinton, 2008 presidential candidate
What she is taking about is one of the basic principles of Marxist Socialism. Taking from those who have money and property and redistributing it to those who don't.
Two major planks in her Campaign platform are socialized medicine and repeal of the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts.
Socialized medicine alone will break this Country financially unless she has plans to demand that doctors and hospitals conform to a yet undeclared fee schedule that will drive thousands of health professionals out of the profession as it has done in England and many other Countries with Socialized medicine.
The care will become substandard and the wait for surgical procedures indeterminate.
Her repeal of the tax cuts which alone will cause the American family of four and an income of $40,000 over $1933 per year in additional taxes.
Hillary uses the same tactics that were used by Vladimir Lenin. Class hatred by saying only the "rich" benefit from the way our Country is presently run.
What she doesn't tell you and is an implied lie. Is that the "rich" consist of only a little more than 1% of the Population. Still they pay &0% of the taxes that run our present semi-welfare State.
Lenin was quoted as saying:"If you tell a lie often enough it becomes the truth."
Of course that like everything else he said was a lie. It doesn't become the truth, but the uninformed and dissatisfied want to believe it. And they eventually do!
Everything that happens in this Country is blamed on the special interest groups. The “disenfranchised,” the poor, the old, the “undocumented Americans” are the proletarian victims of the bourgeois exploiters. As an ideology, it is frayed at the seams in a country overwhelmingly middle class and upwardly mobile.
But true to her basic Socialist beliefs Senator Clinton is selling herself as the savior of those groups, and if the "amnesty bill passes before 2008. She might just accomplish the unthinkable.
Along with the Socialism of our monetary system you can expect freedom of Conservative and anti-government speech will be lost.
She will decimate our military as she like her husband have an animus for them.And you can expect any reference to religion in a public place will disappear.
The frightrening thing to contemplate is that she is not the only Democrat running for president who is a closet Socialist!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Nero Had nothing On Congress

Legend has it that while the Italian City of Rome burned. Nero sat on his balcony high above the city and played the fiddle.
The President and Congress are doing essentially the same thing.
While the spend valuable time trying to get an Amnesty Bill passed which allegedly will add a trillion dollars in social security benefits to the 12-20 million "new Americans". A system that is already on the Verge of bankruptcy.
The world is on fire all around uS! Not literally , but figuratively because at least three things that potentially couod bring an end to the free world as we know it are developing. Nobody in Washington seems to care about anything but getting more millions of illegals legalized voters.
The Russian business newspaper, Kommersant, is reporting that when Assad made his trip to Moscow last fall he made a 1 billion dollar deal with Putin to deliver to Syria five MiG-31E twin jet interceptors.
These planes are capable of speeds of three times the speed of sound and can shoot down a target from as far away as 110 miles.
At the same time John Tkacik, former State Department official, has an article in which he alleges that the Chinese Communists have been sending sniper rifles with thousands of rounds of ammunition, rocket propelled grenades and components for road side IEDs to both the Taliban in Afghanistan and the terrorists(aka insurgents) in Iraq to kill Our troops!
Of course the Chinese deny this, but Tkack writes, and the Washington Times reports, that the Iranians who are paying for these weapons have asked that the serial numbers be destroyed on the weapons so they can't be traced back to China.
If that were not enough bad news. The "blotter" is reporting that they have a video of a "graduation ceremony for 300 suicide bombers in an Al Qaeda training camp located in Afghanistan that shows they will be sent shortly to the United States, England, Germany and Canada to blow up bombs in populated areas.
The U.S. intelligence people(aka "stupids") claim this is just more Al Qaeda propaganda, but this blogger and many other knowledgeable people claim it is a threat to the free world that needs sincere attention.
It is way past time that Our Government should try to convince the American people that we can continue business as usual.We need to become a war ready Country.
And we should stop commerce with China and Russia until we are certain they are not giving the tools to our enemies to defeat us. It is time to reject lies and deceptions and proceed with a "BIG STICK" as T. Roosevelt would have said.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Amnesty Will increase Poverty in America

Unfortunately the Congress and the President seem H**l bent to pass a bill that the majority of Americans oppose, and this blogger thinks will be the Death Knell for the Republican Party.

The Heritage foundation studies on the causes of the 13% percent of Americans who live below the established poverty line in the United States is among other things caused by immigration.

"The conservative Heritage Foundation speculates that immigration increases job competition among low wage earners, both native and foreign born. Additionally many first generation immigrants, namely those without a high school diploma, are also living in poverty themselves.[11] Unfavorable economic conditions
Mental illness and disability
Lack of educational attainment and skill
Substance abuse
Birth of a child
Domestic abuse
Natural or other disasters
The preceding is a quote from Wikapedia research:
Their research also revealed the following facts:

The federal poverty line also excludes income other than cash income, especially welfare benefits. Thus, if food stamps and public housing were successfully raising the standard of living for poverty stricken individuals, then the poverty line figures would not shift since they do not consider the income equivalents of such entitlements
A 1993 study of low income single mothers titled Making Ends Meet, by Kathryn Edin, a sociologist at the University of Pennsylvania, showed that the mothers spent more than their reported incomes. According to Edin, they made up the difference through contributions from family members, absent boyfriends, off-the-book jobs, and church charity.

According to Edin: "No one avoided the unnecessary expenditures, such as the occasional trip to the Dairy Queen, or a pair of stylish new sneakers for the son who might otherwise sell drugs to get them, or the Cable TV subscription for the kids home alone and you are afraid they will be out on the street if they are not watching TV."

You may suspect the last statements as having some bias in the reporting, and it could be considered anticdotatal. But the one thing you cannot ignore or push out of an educated mind, is that the American taxpayer, the middle class person who is already the ignored taxpayer who does all the work and receives the least rewards from our government. Will be confiscated more of his earned income to pay the massive welfare bill that the 12-20 million illegals(aka under documented Americans per Sen. Reid) will get in benefits from the Federal government.

The list of most of the benefits that the new Citizens will get are as follows:
*Social Security and supplemental income benefit
*Medicaid and free prescription drugs including viagra
*Unearned income or sash assistance from the working taxpayers
*Housing supplements and public housing where available
* Food stamps

The Century foundation studies back in 2001 found that 116,ooo legal immigrants were eligible for public (taxpayer) assistance. It is impossible to estimate the millions of non-English speaking illegals who will become citizens that are unemployable at anything but menial jobs, who have families, will become eligible. But get ready for a huge cut in your paycheck to pay for this outrage!