Saturday, June 28, 2008

Why Did Obam Remove E Pluribus Unum From His Blue Seal?

Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families, especially those of our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who have died in defense of American liberty while prosecuting the war with Jihadistan.

From todays edition of Der Spiegel, an excerpt from an article written by Norbert F. Potzi, entitled "Life In a Parallel Society",may explain why Obama's Blue Presidential Seal had the phrase "E Pluribus Unum" removed.It is a statement establish by Congress in 1782 as part of the Presidential seal.
The phrase means "out of many, one".
In this statement it is implied that we all join together top make one country with the same laws and originally suggesting that out of many colonies or states emerge a single nation, it has come to suggest in contemporary times that out of many peoples, races, and ancestries has emerged a single people and nation – illustrating the concept of the melting pot.

But the Germans have found that the majority of the Muslim immigrants have not assimilated. Most have not learned the language, and Sharia law appears to be the rule of law in the "ghettos" where Muslims accumulate.

In this article the author makes the argument that Muslims can live side by side with Germans and still not assimilate into the German society.
There are an estimated 3.4 million Muslims living in Germany, making it the second largest religious group after Christians in Germany. A majority of them from Turkey,but many cam from Bosnia,Iran Iraq and Morocco. They were encouraged to emigrate to Germany to work in the industrial machine that made Germany an economic power house in the 70' and 80's.
As morally indignant young Muslims turn away from what they view as decadent German culture, some are cultivating feelings of superiority. While their immigrant parents and grandparents tried to assimilate, at least on the surface, some young Muslims deliberately flaunt the fact that they are different by wearing strict Islamic clothing in public.
The young, criminal Muslims whose acts of violence are so often in the news are rebelling against the majority society in their own way. They berate the victims of their brutal attacks as "s**t Germans" and "pig-eaters," even to the point of occasionally abusing a police officer of Turkish descent as a "s**t Christian."

The problem of assimilation is not helped by people like Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, with his recent inflammatory rhetoric. "Speaking to a cheering crowd of close to 20,000 Turks, some of them already naturalized German citizens, at the Cologne Arena two weeks before the February conference, Erdogan warned his fellow Turks against going too far in their efforts to integrate. "No one can expect you to subject yourselves to assimilation," he said. "Because assimilation is a crime against humanity".

No one had asked the Turks to submit to assimilation, the total removal of cultural and religious identity. But the consequences of a refusal to be integrated into majority German society are all too apparent in the neighborhoods surrounding Sonnenallee in Neukölln"where crime has increased dramatically.

Thus when I first saw Obama posed behind a blue simulated Presidential seal I wondered about the choice of words that replaced the normal wording. Instead of the Latin "E pluribus unum" (Out of many, one), Obama's says "Vero possumus", rough Latin for "Yes, we can." Instead of "Seal of the President of the United States", Obama's Web site address is listed. And instead of a shield, Obama's eagle wears his "O" campaign logo with a rising sun representing hope ahead!
Not only is the wording questionable, the gaul of a man who has not even been formally nominated as his party candidate, standing behind a quasi-presidential seal!

No matter if you or I believe Obama is a Muslim "mole" or the anti-Christ, he does insult the rest of us who have assimilated, and become one of many. It appears to this seasoned citizen that by removing E Pluribus Unum, Obama has declared that living together as one is not necessary to keep this nation together.But then is that not what his pastor of twenty years declared from his pulpit?

The Europeans are experiencing first hand what lack of assimilation produces. Ghettos are developing where Sharia laws prevail, and crime rates and civil disobedience bordering on race riots are happening. All is not well in places like France, Germany and Holland!


Friday, June 27, 2008


Thanks to J. R. Dunn who wrote an article in today's "AMERICAN THINKER", I have another point to make about the ineptitude of the Democratic selection to run for President.
Only a person who has no knowledge of recent history, at least the last 65 years is not considered ancient history, would know that the vain attempt to revitalize a failing economy by establishing the NRA was one of FDR'S blunders.
As you can see from the following excerpt of the article, Roosevelt's attempt to socialize business including closing the banks was an abject failure. It took the Japanese to salvage our economy when they bombed Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941. This put in motion the machine that is derogatorily refereed to as the military industrial complex.
Many people believe that the Democrat President had prior knowledge of the planned Japanese attack, and let it happen so the USA could regain it's economy on a war time economic machine. It is unkind to say ill of the dead, so I will defer to Roosevelt, and say as did the critics of Bush , that he had bad intelligence.
The result was the greatest war time manufacturing machine in the history of the world. Tool and die makers, "Rosy the riviters" and automobile companies turned out enough planes, ships, tanks and guns to supply not only our troops, but the British, French and Russians. We won the war, but Roosevelt died, and never saw the results of his war machine.

Why Obama allowed himself to be photographed with the symbol of the NRA superimposed over a make-over of the presidential seal is beyond understanding!
It was completely overlooked (as far as I've seen, anyway) that a direct inspiration for the seal was the public symbol for one of Franklin D. Roosevelt's greatest policy disasters. An eagle, a blue background: Blue Eagle. Which happens to have been the emblem of the National Recovery Administration (NRA). FDR's attempt to beat the Depression by collectivizing(aka socializing) the U.S. economy.

"The NRA was the centerpiece of the "Hundred Days", FDR's whirlwind law-passing spree following his inauguration. It was the work of "brain trusters" Rexford G. Tugwell and Adolf Berle, adapted directly from Mussolini's "corporative" system.

The NRA attempted to "organize" the U.S. economy from the largest corporations to the smallest Mom n' Pop store. Businesses were encouraged to sign up with the proviso that they would be able to write their own rules for their industries, effectively turning them into cartels. Member businesses were allowed to place the Blue Eagle in their windows, along with the slogan "We Do Our Part".

Businesses were required to pay minimum wage, abandon child labor, and adapt wage and price controls. As for businesses that held out... well, the NRA was run by an ex-general, Hugh Johnson, who, to put it kindly, was not Colin Powell. Johnson took the Mussolini connection to heart, declaring all businesses not displaying the Blue Eagle to be "enemies of the people", and encouraging the public to boycott them, if not worse.

But it was even more dangerous for companies that signed up. Businessmen were jailed for breaking NRA rules, and goon squads roamed the streets of Manhattan looking for violators The story is told in detail in Jonah Goldberg's Liberal Fascim. The Secret History of the American Left and Amity Shlae's The Forgotten Man. A New History of the Great Depression.

How this nonsense was supposed to end the Depression is anybody's guess. In short order, it ran afoul of the Supreme Court, which on May 27, 1935, found the NRA illegal in Schechter Poultry Corporation v. United States, the so-called "sick chicken" case. The Court struck down the NRA as an unconstitutional extension of executive power. Roosevelt was forced to drastically modify his plans for the economy".

This "empty suit" who speaks well only when he has a teleprompter, will be exposed for his lack of knowledge about anything other than left wing thinking, when the debates begin. He has tripped over his own tongue numerous times up to this point. If the people who run the televised debates are honest about their questions, don't let him know before what they are, he will be exposed for the ameatuer that he is. He is trying to play a professional game with no prior experience in the field of battle, and I would hate to think of what he would do when the"red phone rings in the night", and it will!

Thursday, June 26, 2008


The World Bank is one of the two Bretton Woods Institutions which were created BY 44Free Nations in July,1944, to rebuild war-torn Europe after World War II. Later, largely due to the contributions of the U.S.A. Marshall Plan, the World Bank was forced to find a new area in which to focus its efforts.(BLOGGERS NOTE: PERHAPS IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN DISBANDED, AS IT'S JOB WAS DONE, BUT LIKE ALL BUREAUCRACIES IT CREATES "MAKE WORK" TO EXTEND IT'S EXISTENCE!)

Now the body of bureaucrats that numbers over 138 nations, originally formed to accommodate the Marshall Plan, has decided to investigate the Country that was the founder of the organization. The IMF is going to examine the books of the U.S. Treasury.
The strange thing is that President Bush, who normally does not let United Nations Organisations dictate to him, has agreed to this outrageous interference in our sovereignty!
Officials with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have informed Secretary Bernanke about a plan that would have been unheard of in the past, a general examination of the US financial system.

The IMF's board of directors has ruled that a so-called Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) is to be carried out in the United States. It is nothing less than an X-ray of the entire US financial system.

From 1968-1981, the IMF focused largely on poverty alleviation. Begining in the '80's and into the 1990s, its main focus was both debt management and structural adjustment. Another word for redistribution of wealth!

Today the focus, which is little known outside of the "elites", is on the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), goals calling for the elimination of poverty and the implementation of sustainable development.

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were developed out of the eight chapters of the United Nations Millennium Declaration, signed in September 2000. The eight goals and 21 targets include:
1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger Halve, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people whose income is less than one dollar a day.

2. Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women and young people.

3. Halve, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people who suffer from hunger.

4. Achieve universal primary education Ensure that, by 2015, children everywhere, boys and girls alike, will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling.

5. Promote gender equality and empower women Eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education preferably by 2005, and at all levels by 2015.

6. Reduce child mortality Reduce by two-thirds, between 1990 and 2015, the under-five mortality rate.

7. Improve maternal health Reduce by three quarters, between 1990 and 2015, the maternal mortality ratio.

8. Achieve, by 2015, universal access to reproductive health( aka contraception and abortion!).

9. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases Have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS.

10. Achieve, by 2010, universal access to treatment for HIV/AIDS for all those who need it. Have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the incidence of malaria and other major diseases.

11. Ensure environmental sustainability and develop a global partnership for development.
These include removing tariffs and quotas for debt ridden third world countries, and by 2020 to significantly improve the lives of at least 100 million "slum dwellers"!

The majority of the stated goals are "mother's milk" that nobody can fault. But goals,5, 8 and 11 are contrary to a large portion of the population of the USA, and may be in conflict with the majority of Christians. Particularly the mandate to provide contraception and abortion to the world.
Number 11 can be interpreted as being in accord with the Kyoto protocols, and so far we have not agreed to hamstring our economy with the protocols.

Complaints, by Conservatives and Constitutionalists, are also directed toward the International Monetary Fund gold reserve being undervalued. At its inception in 1945,the IMF pegged gold at US $35 per Troy ounce of gold. In 1973 the Nixon administration lifted the fixed asset value of gold in favor of a world market price. Hence the fixed exchange rates of currencies tied to gold were switched to a floating rate, also based on market price and exchange. This largely came about because Petrodollars outside the United States were more than could be backed by the gold at Fort Knox under the fixed exchange rate system. The fixed rate system only served to limit the amount of assistance the organization could use to help debt-ridden countries. Current IMF rules prohibit members from linking the IMF success record is perceived as limited.[citation needed]

While it was created to help stabilize the global economy, since 1980 critics claim over 100 countries (or reputedly most of the Fund's membership) have experienced a banking collapse that they claim have reduced GDP by four percent or more, far more than at any time in Post-Depression history.The considerable delay in the IMF response to any crisis, and the fact that it tends to only respond to them or even create them rather than prevent them, has led many economists to argue for reform. In 2006, an IMF reform agenda called the Medium Term Strategy was widely endorsed by the institution's member countries. The agenda includes changes in IMF governance to enhance the role of developing countries in the institution's decision-making process. Source:Wikapedia

The "cart pulling the horse" arrangement, or the branches dictating to the tree what way to grow!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


The media has made a big issue of the fact that Obama is a Christian,even though some Conservatives like myself are wondering if he is a closet Muslim?
Between Christian and Muslim there ia a wide open space for many other religious beliefs that are not indigenous to Americans.
One of these religions has claimed Obama as a believer, as this article from The Times of India shows.

NEW DELHI: "With Democrat senator Barrack Obama busy in the run-up to the U.S. presidential polls, a group of well-wishers in the capital have decided to send him a symbol of his lucky charm, Lord Hanuman, to help him emerge victorious.

Obama's representative Carolyn Sauvage-Mar on Tuesday received a gold-plated two-feet-high idol which she will pass it on to the Obama after it is sanctified.

The idol is being presented to Obama as he is reported to be a Lord Hanuman devotee and carries with him a locket of the monkey god along with other good luck charms. An hour-long prayer meeting to sanctify the idol was earlier organised at Sankat Mochan Dham and by Congress leader Brijmohan Bhama, Balmiki Samaj and the temple's priests.

"Obama has deep faith in Lord Hanuman and that is why we are presenting an idol of Hanuman to him," said Bhama.

Accepting the souvenir, Sauvage-Mar, who is chairperson of Democrats Abroad-India, said, "Obama has extended his thanks for the support."

However, questions on Obama's religious beliefs elicited just a smile from Sauvage-Mar, apparently to avoid controversy back home where the Democrat senator is pitted against the Republican Party's John McCain in the Presidential polls.

The idol will be kept at the temple for 11 more days and then sent to US.

"We will perform the prayers for 11 days and then hand the idol to Carolyn who will send it to Obama," said the temple priest.

This article only adds more confusion to those who are trying to decipher the enigma of Obama. What does he really believe, if anything, or is he trying to be all things to all people to capture the prise he seeks?


Last Friday Barrack Obama laid down the gauntlet to all who oppose him, that labels anyone who even mentions his lack of ability to be our president,will be a racist! He also indicated his wife Michelle was the target of character assassins.
To be perfectly clear about what he said about those who oppose him. I will enclose a quote from his speech given in Jacksonville, Florida last Friday as reported by Rich Moran of the American Thinker,

"Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama said on Friday he expects Republicans to highlight the fact that he is black as part of an effort to make voters afraid of him.
."It is going to be very difficult for Republicans to run on their stewardship of the economy or their outstanding foreign policy," Obama told a fundraiser in Jacksonville, Florida. "We know what kind of campaign they're going to run. They're going to try to make you afraid.
"They're going to try to make you afraid of me. He's young and inexperienced and he's got a funny name. And did I mention he's black?"
He said he was also set for Republicans to say "he's got a feisty wife," in trying to attack his wife Michelle".. See how many Obama advocates simply dismiss any opposition to their candidate as "racism." It is this simple minded sophistry that the candidate will use in order to quiet opposition to his programs if he is elected.

It has been asked "Is America ready for a black president?" Maybe a more relevant question would be "Can America see through a racial charlatan who will shamlessly use the color of his skin to avoid debating the tough issues and call his opponents "racists" for disagreeing with him?"

This speech is an example of the tactics we can expect from the Main Stream Media and the leftist who are running the propaganda campaign of Obama's campaign.
The MSM called Obama's low blows in Jacksonville, "a brilliant political move"! This is the kind of coverage you can expect from Newspapers(if anyone reads them anymore) Television and the leftist controlled Internet. The anointed Messiah of the neo-commies of the media have staked their power and money on the head of this empty suit named Barry,aka Barrack, Obama.

For the next five months we can expect a rash of negative pieces of "news" about the deteriorating economy, the failures in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the foibles of that "old Man" McCain.The fact that the conomy is churning out the largest output in the world, more than germany, Japan and Great Britain combined, will never be mentioned. Nor will the fact that al Qaeda is being destroyedin Iraq! These facts do not serve the pyrpose of a media dedicated to making the public desire a "CHANGE"!

Nothing will be written or said about the fact that their "savior" is ignoring the genocide in Africa,or about the rants of the American hating co-horts of this born again populist.Democrats and Obama in particular will be portrayed as angels of the truth and republicans as character assassins who are racists!
The truth of this matter is that some of the people associated with Obama for over twenty years are the apex of racists, Reverend Wright,James P. Meeks, Frank Marshall Davis, Fr. Michael Pfleger and Acorn for a start!

It is nota Black man we Conservatives appose it is a mixed race leftist and his anti-American, race baiting friends and cohorts that we oppose!
If it's relevant that some Republicans have belonged to the Federalist Society -- or even done as little as show up for the debates they host -- how can it not be relevant that Barack Obama's political education, paternal, "spiritual," and now academic as well, is all straight out of Karl Marx?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families, especially those of our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who have died in defense of American liberty while prosecuting the war with Jihadistan.I have lived through the administrations of Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson, and all were strong presidents who supported a strong military, and their primary interest was the working man.
With the advent of Clinton, the Democrat party began a swing to the hard left. Abortion rights, gay and lesbian issues, Ecology zealots and anti-religious groups appear to have taken over the party of the "people".

Now comes the most liberal Senator, based upon his voting record,with a motto that has captured the minds of many young people and the usual assortment of recycled radicals from the 60's and 70's as his followers. Of course he has leftist mega-millionaires like George Soros and Warren Buffet endorsing his bid for the presidency. I understand Soros, a life time dedicated liberal, but Buffett is an enigma to me.
Never the less, this man with no executive experience has captured the imagination of the disgruntled masses, with his promise of CHANGE.
What the change will actually be is the big question? If you judge a man/woman by their past associations and affiliations, you would have to say the change Obama promises is a change to the socialist form of government. There also is the possibility that he is a closet Muslim, and co-existence with Sharia law may be in his plans for the USA?

It is for this reason that I am violating my normal blogging rules, and will publish a direct quote from the Investors Business Daily. I believe this piece points out the possibility that Americans may be "buying a Pig in a polk" as my grandmother used to say!

"Obama's Red Roots By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Election '08: The word is that Barack Obama is a mainstream politician who sometimes attracts fringe leftists. The record tells a different story — that he has sought out radicals. What does that say of his agenda?

It is natural to be skeptical of excessive claims about Obama's radical associations. After all, there are so many. But one bears attention — because it helped him get his start in politics. In 1996, he won an Illinois state senate seat on a "fusion" ticket of the Democratic Party and leftist group called the "New Party."

The New Party, founded in 1992 with 7,000 members at its peak, had been an explicitly anti-capitalist party of ex-Communists, socialists and activists from ACORN, the hard-left group that's constantly in trouble over voter fraud. The New Party didn't ask for Obama's association; he asked for the New Party's endorsement.
Blogger Rick Moran of the American Thinker has found disturbing particulars.

First, the New Party didn't give its support and campaign volunteers to just anyone. Obama actually had to audition for it. According to a September-October 1995 update on the New Party-aligned Chicago Democratic Socialists of America Web site:
"About 50 activists attended the Chicago New Party membership meeting in July. The purpose of the meeting was to . . . to hear appeals for NP support from four potential political candidates."

Anyone wanting a New Party endorsement had to "be approved via a NP political committee. Once approved, candidates must sign a contract with the NP. The contract mandates that they must have a visible and active relationship with the NP," the Web site said.

So Obama signed on with this group and now remains in its debt.
That raises questions about what was in the New Party platform that drew in Obama. Maybe its own statements saying it was formed "to break the stranglehold that corporate money and corporate media have over the political process."
Sound familiar? One of the few things Obama reveals in his vague "change" agenda are plans to punish corporations. He rails against "corporate profits" and even worked in a condemnation of them in his first defense of Rev. Jeremiah Wright. So there's little doubt he shares a lot of what the New Party believes.

The New Party also has advocated a bill of rights for children, a shorter work week, a universal "social" wage and military spending cuts. These will undermine parental rights, lower competitiveness, lard up welfare and make the U.S. less secure. All are echoed in Obama's proposals. They are the hardest battle cries of the left.
Obama should come clean on why he sought these radicals' support and, better still, disclose just how he intends to pay them back".

What say you mr./mrs. voter?

Monday, June 23, 2008


A man who spent his entire educational experience from his B.A. to Phd on the study of Physics, with a Masters in Astronomy, wants to have Congress bring charges against the oil industry similar to what was done to the cigarette industry!
He should have a law degree, because of the doors he is trying to open to class action suits for trial lawyers.
How this metamorphosis, from physicist to climate guru and expert took place, I am not sure. But the fact that he knew enough physics to be an asset to the Space Program, does not make him the expert on climatology that he and the leftists in that follow him want you to believe.

"Many of the temperature monitoring stations in China, Indonesia, Brazil and elsewhere are in urban areas (such as Shanghai or Beijing)," observes Canadian Steven McIntyre. This will/can produce hotter temperatures, yet some of the major trackers of the data from these countries, including the National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration, make no attempt to adjust for monitor placement errors. In any event, for some reason "the U.S. history has a rather minimal (warming) trend if any since the 1930s," while the ROW [rest of the world] has a very pronounced trend since the 1930s".

His own words indicate that he has always had an interest in global weather patterns, but this does not make him an expert!
He had this to say at an early stage of his career: "One of my research interests is radiative transfer in planetary atmospheres, especially interpreting remote sounding of the earth's atmosphere and surface from satellites. Such data, appropriately analyzed, may provide one of our most effective ways to monitor and study global change on the earth. The hardest part is trying to influence the nature of the measurements obtained, so that the key information can be obtained.

"I am also interested in the development and application of global numerical models for the purpose of understanding current climate trends and projecting humans' potential impacts on climate. The scientific excitement in comparing theory with data, and developing some understanding of global changes that are occurring, is what makes all the other stuff worth it".

So with this in mind, he will sit before a Congressional committee, and say this today: "I call for the chief executives of large fossil fuel companies to be put on trial for high crimes against humanity and nature, accusing them of actively spreading doubt about global warming in the same way that tobacco companies blurred the links between smoking and cancer". This fool equates global warming with genocide!And to add insult to our intelligence, he said in June,2007, that a global warming tipping point is just a decade away". Scare tactics replacing facts, perhaps!
If you follow the global warming debate, one thing you "know" is that to even call it a "debate" is to whisk yourself away to the land of the Flat Earth Society and Holocaust deniers and to be on the take from Big Carbon. Another is that nine of the ten warmest years recorded in the U.S. lower 48 since 1880 have occurred since 1995, with the very hottest being 1998.The real 15 hottest years are spread over seven decades. Eight occurred before the chief "greenhouse gas," atmospheric carbon dioxide, began its sharp rise; seven occurred afterwards.

The facts do not back up his assertions. The hottest year since 1884 was the year 1934, long before green house gasses were known much less studied! source: Goddard Institute for Space Studies.
Ultimately the greatest importance of all of this is that it strongly appears to substantiate the intuitive belief that, with scientist-politician Hansen at the helm the GISS, whose data are far more important to modeling global temperatures than it lets on, is not a neutral collector and disseminator of statistics but rather a politicized mouthpiece.

Before Congress or any trial lawyer tries to sue the oil industry for global warming, they had better read the material published by Canadian Steven McIntire's.
"Many of the temperature monitoring stations in China, Indonesia, Brazil and elsewhere are in urban areas (such as Shanghai or Beijing)," observes McIntyre. This can produce hotter temperatures, yet some of the major trackers of the data from these countries, including the National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration, make no attempt to adjust for monitor placement errors. In any event, for some reason "the U.S. history has a rather minimal (warming) trend if any since the 1930s," while the ROW [rest of the world] has a very pronounced trend since the 1930s".
If Hansen wants to sue anyone he might try suing Communist China, Or India the worst polluters of the atmosphere, who just happen to be exempt from Kyoto Protocols.

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Obama lover, Michael Hirsh the former Foreign Editor and chief diplomatic correspondent for Newsweek,and is currently a senior editor in the magazine's Washington bureau.
He is an Obama supporter and prevaricator extraordinaire.
Now, Michael Hirsh has written a column for the Leftist Newsweek magazine that alleges that Obama is 15 percentage points ahead of McCain.
Of course, at the end of his article, he lets you in on his bias. This poll was of 1,010 eligible voters, taken over a two day period from June 18th-19th! This is less than a .05% sample of the hundreds of millions of potential voters. And God only knows if the surveyor, Larry Hugick, bothered to include any voters outside the Northeast.

This is the New York elitist who compares Global Warming to 9/11/011 in a Newsweek article published 2/21/08, entitled "Memo To The President"---OBAMA!!!!
"A small group of ragged America-haters, who had one lucky day of mass murder nearly seven years ago, will continue to define the foreign policy of the lone superpower for years, possibly decades to come. There's something wrong with this picture. Yes, we can all agree that 9/11 was one of the worst moments in American history. And we can certainly agree that Al Qaeda must be completely eliminated. But the group has never come close to duplicating 9/11; even the train bombings in London and Madrid that were attributed to Al Qaeda-inspired cells were minor by comparison. Are Al Qaeda and its ilk still really our number one challenge? What about global warming? What about the emergence of China", ad nausea

He then had the chutzpah to say this: "But it is absurd to assign the term "transcendent challenge" to such a band of murderous anarchists, who have about as much hope of achieving their grand dream of turning the Mideast into an Islamist caliphate as scientists have of proving one day that the moon is made of green cheese. Terror cells may be spreading, but their ideology, such as it is, keeps dying every time it is exposed to the open air. Even in the tribal regions of Pakistan, safe haven to the newly regrouped Taliban and Al Qaeda, voters last week turned out radical religious parties because of their ineffectiveness"
Al Qaeda and related terror groups are hardly the "band of anarchists" he calls them. They are religious zealots as was their patron Muhammad, who are dedicated to convert the world to Islam or destroy it and rebuild it in the new Caliphate. No amount of liberal double talk will change this fact!

His choice for president, Barrack Obama, seems to be so leery of being identified as an urban Northern liberal(like Hirsh) that he's running away from the most obvious explanation of his association with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and former Weatherman Bill Ayers.
After Obama graduated from Harvard he became an inner-city organizer in Chicago, and he found natural allies for someone in a situation like him.This association is one of the problems that cause concern for many people like me and many people all over the country. You would think that liberals could find better allies than that, and should be faulted when they do indeed make such alliances? But people like Hirsh and the North Eastern liberal establishment, appear to be in accord with these radical beliefs.

It is only natural for a "globalist liberal like Hirsh to back a man who if elected will weaken the USA as a world power that will lead us to becoming part of One World Government. If you doubt this listen to Mr. Hirsh's words written in "At War With Ourselves". "Americans, reaching a national consensus that the global system is in our vital national interest is the main imperative of the 21st century. Uncomfortable though it may be, we must get over the idea that our unprecedented power is a panacea.
We Americans can oversee global stability from the skies — apart, removed and nearly omnipotent.
For us Americans, the norms and institutions of the global system are now as critical to securing our freedom as our own domestic laws and institutions.
But as individuals, we need everyone’s help on the ground, where we are as fragile and vulnerable as other people — indeed, more so, since we are Americans".
The simple translation, in my opinion, of this liberal rhetoric is that we must not try to stand alone as a the powerful nation we are now, but must join the socialist nations in the European Union and let the UN tell us how to live! No wonder this pseudo-intellect is a strong backer of the most liberal Senator in the Senate!

This heretic of American principles said, "The “free world” is no longer just the West: Today it spans the globe. That does not mean the U.S. leader has to become President Pothole, intervening in every civil war or regional dispute.
But it does mean that, in practical terms, the President must talk forthrightly about the international system that benefits all. He must systematically support its institutions even if he doesn’t always agree with them. And he must dwell somewhat less on what is purely good for “America.”
The debate we face today is no longer over American engagement versus American withdrawal. Isolationism is long dead.
The issue is whether what was once heresy will become orthodoxy to Americans in the 21st century: The idea that the norms and institutions of this global system are now as critical to securing our freedom as our own domestic laws and institutions".

And this hard core internationalist has the guts to call the election a run away for Obama before he has even been officially nominated by the Democrats. Many people forget that McGovern was declared the presumptive winner before he lost all states in the worst defeat in a presidential election in history!
Don't be swayed by the full court press the media has planned for this campaign to get the most liberal candidate in history elected.