Obama lover, Michael Hirsh the former Foreign Editor and chief diplomatic correspondent for Newsweek,and is currently a senior editor in the magazine's Washington bureau.
He is an Obama supporter and prevaricator extraordinaire.
Now, Michael Hirsh has written a column for the Leftist Newsweek magazine that alleges that Obama is 15 percentage points ahead of McCain.
Of course, at the end of his article, he lets you in on his bias. This poll was of 1,010 eligible voters, taken over a two day period from June 18th-19th! This is less than a .05% sample of the hundreds of millions of potential voters. And God only knows if the surveyor, Larry Hugick, bothered to include any voters outside the Northeast.
This is the New York elitist who compares Global Warming to 9/11/011 in a Newsweek article published 2/21/08, entitled "Memo To The President"---OBAMA!!!!
"A small group of ragged America-haters, who had one lucky day of mass murder nearly seven years ago, will continue to define the foreign policy of the lone superpower for years, possibly decades to come. There's something wrong with this picture. Yes, we can all agree that 9/11 was one of the worst moments in American history. And we can certainly agree that Al Qaeda must be completely eliminated. But the group has never come close to duplicating 9/11; even the train bombings in London and Madrid that were attributed to Al Qaeda-inspired cells were minor by comparison. Are Al Qaeda and its ilk still really our number one challenge? What about global warming? What about the emergence of China", ad nausea
He then had the chutzpah to say this: "But it is absurd to assign the term "transcendent challenge" to such a band of murderous anarchists, who have about as much hope of achieving their grand dream of turning the Mideast into an Islamist caliphate as scientists have of proving one day that the moon is made of green cheese. Terror cells may be spreading, but their ideology, such as it is, keeps dying every time it is exposed to the open air. Even in the tribal regions of Pakistan, safe haven to the newly regrouped Taliban and Al Qaeda, voters last week turned out radical religious parties because of their ineffectiveness"
Al Qaeda and related terror groups are hardly the "band of anarchists" he calls them. They are religious zealots as was their patron Muhammad, who are dedicated to convert the world to Islam or destroy it and rebuild it in the new Caliphate. No amount of liberal double talk will change this fact!
His choice for president, Barrack Obama, seems to be so leery of being identified as an urban Northern liberal(like Hirsh) that he's running away from the most obvious explanation of his association with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and former Weatherman Bill Ayers.
After Obama graduated from Harvard he became an inner-city organizer in Chicago, and he found natural allies for someone in a situation like him.This association is one of the problems that cause concern for many people like me and many people all over the country. You would think that liberals could find better allies than that, and should be faulted when they do indeed make such alliances? But people like Hirsh and the North Eastern liberal establishment, appear to be in accord with these radical beliefs.
It is only natural for a "globalist liberal like Hirsh to back a man who if elected will weaken the USA as a world power that will lead us to becoming part of One World Government. If you doubt this listen to Mr. Hirsh's words written in "At War With Ourselves". "Americans, reaching a national consensus that the global system is in our vital national interest is the main imperative of the 21st century. Uncomfortable though it may be, we must get over the idea that our unprecedented power is a panacea.
We Americans can oversee global stability from the skies — apart, removed and nearly omnipotent.
For us Americans, the norms and institutions of the global system are now as critical to securing our freedom as our own domestic laws and institutions.
But as individuals, we need everyone’s help on the ground, where we are as fragile and vulnerable as other people — indeed, more so, since we are Americans".
The simple translation, in my opinion, of this liberal rhetoric is that we must not try to stand alone as a the powerful nation we are now, but must join the socialist nations in the European Union and let the UN tell us how to live! No wonder this pseudo-intellect is a strong backer of the most liberal Senator in the Senate!
This heretic of American principles said, "The “free world” is no longer just the West: Today it spans the globe. That does not mean the U.S. leader has to become President Pothole, intervening in every civil war or regional dispute.
But it does mean that, in practical terms, the President must talk forthrightly about the international system that benefits all. He must systematically support its institutions even if he doesn’t always agree with them. And he must dwell somewhat less on what is purely good for “America.”
The debate we face today is no longer over American engagement versus American withdrawal. Isolationism is long dead.
The issue is whether what was once heresy will become orthodoxy to Americans in the 21st century: The idea that the norms and institutions of this global system are now as critical to securing our freedom as our own domestic laws and institutions".
And this hard core internationalist has the guts to call the election a run away for Obama before he has even been officially nominated by the Democrats. Many people forget that McGovern was declared the presumptive winner before he lost all states in the worst defeat in a presidential election in history!
Don't be swayed by the full court press the media has planned for this campaign to get the most liberal candidate in history elected.
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