Saturday, February 09, 2008

NPT Nothing But Trash?

It would appear from the latest news from Pakistan, Iran, Jordan, Egypt and Morroco that the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty is nothing more than the equivalent of toilet paper!

The Bruni Times reported yesterday that Iran has begun construction of it's second nuclear power plant near the border of Iraq in the city of Darkhovin in the province of Khagistan. They previously built their first nuclear reactor in Busher, and purchased the complete fuel supply for it's operation from Russia. With the annonced launching of a space missle this month, even the Deputy Russian Foreign minister Abasder Losyukov was quoted as saying "he was suspicious of Iran's atomic program's real nature".

At the same time Pakistan announced that it is building it's third plutonium enrichment facility with Communist China's help. Their first reactor was operational in 1998 and they tested their first nuclear device in 2006!

Pakistan has promised King Abdulla II of Jordan that they(Pakistan) will help them constuct a nuclear power plant. Egypt and Morrocco have signed agreements with France to build a nuclear reactor, and Saudia Arabia allegedly has similar plans, so much for UN non-proliferation!

With recent reports that Mulla Omar, the one eyed cleric, and Bin Laden are hiding in the Pakistani border city Quetta, there are suspicions that not only was al Qaeda resposible for the murder of Benazir Butto, but that Pakistans weapons, including nuclear wareheads, will fall into the hands of terrorists if the present government falls.

The bombing of a hotel by a suicide bomber in a hotel in the city of Peshawar that killed 25 and seriusly wounded 30 people had the signs that al Qaeda was resposible for the bombing. After the blast, a leg was found of the suicide bomber with the letters written in indelible ink" this will be the fate of American spies".

A notorious al-Qaeda leader named Baitullah Mehsud was named by Pakistan’s Government last night as the mastermind behind Benazir Bhutto’s assassination.
The security services intercepted a call from Mehsud yesterday morning in which he “congratulated his people for carrying out this cowardly act,” Brigadier Javed Iqbal Cheema, the Interior Ministry’s spokesman, announced in the Middle East Times release yesterday.

Further complicating the nuclear proliferation is this story from the Sunday London Times: "An investigation into the illicit sale of American nuclear secrets was compromised by a senior official in the State Department, a former FBI employee has claimed.
The official is said to have tipped off a foreign contact about a bogus CIA company used to investigate the sale of nuclear secrets.
The firm, Brewster Jennings & Associates, was a front for Valerie Plame, the former CIA agent. Her public outing two years later in 2003 by White House officials became a cause célèbre.
The claims that a State Department official blew the investigation into a nuclear smuggling ring have been made by Sibel Edmonds, 38, a former Turkish language translator in the FBI’s Washington field office".

And if that is not enough to get your attention, at the same time Dutch authorities are reporting that Abdul Qadeer Khan, a nuclear scientist, had stolen nuclear secrets from a Dutch Uranium plant in 2004. He allegedly has sold these secret documents to Iran, North Korea and Lybia!

The result is that North Korea tested it's first nuclear bomb in 2006! Will Iran, Lybia and the rest of the oil rich nations of the Middle East join the "nuclear weapons club"?
Why is this not newsworthy in US papers and television?

Friday, February 08, 2008

Hold Your Nose And Vote For "R"

By now the anger and frustration of most Conservatives has begun to subside. There are many who will contemplate sitting out this election, saying their beliefs and principles won't allow them to vote for either candidate in November.

To them I say, remember when you jumped into the water for the first time? You held your nose and did it because you knew you had to do it. Well, if need be, hold your nose and vote for the Republican. Because the election of Hillary or Obama is too frightening to contemplate. I will remind you of just a few reasons why we cannot stay at home on election day!
"A Clinton administration would move this country to the far left in four years, complete with a defunding of the military and the intelligence communities while abdicating much of our country's sovereignty to the United Nations when it comes to global policy. As was the case under the first Clinton administration, terrorism would be relegated to a matter of “law enforcement.” source: Frank Salvato of New Media Journal

A Clinton administration would continue the corruption and liberalization of the whole of the Executive Branch (the State Department, the Justice Department, the Pentagon, etc.). It would continue to encourage the State Department to embrace its one-world, globalist policies, policies that have usurped the Constitution by ignoring the authority of Executive Branch under the Bush administration. This usurpation is acomplished by the hands of many Bill Clinton appointees. We will also see a continued politicalization of the Justice Department as foes of the Clintons are scrutinized while their allies and benefactors go unprosecuted for their malfeasance – both financial and criminal.

A Barack Obama Administration Has too many negatives to contemplate for this Country. But I will list a few:
We have no actual record on which to judge Barack Obama (he destroyed his records from when he was an Illinois State Senator and he hasn’t done anything of substance in the US Senate) so we have to judge him at his word and deeds, that is an offer of a Change. But change has two side of the coin! Not all change is good!

Obama would be extremely weak on the global war against radical Islamism. He has stated that he would remove US forces from the field of battle in Iraq within 90 days of being sworn in, even as we stand at the brink of victory in the Iraqi theater.

Obama has parroted the very same “change” mantra – a false promise of hope – which Bill Clinton advanced in 1992, again without actually advancing a substantive policy or platform. This demonstrates that he is untested in his leadership and willing to use the tools of political opportunism to achieve his personal goals. Promises at election time are usually broken when elected. As this record from the Illinois legislature indicates:
" On June 11, 2002, Obama’s vote sparked a confrontation after he joined Republicans to block Democrats trying to override a veto by GOP Gov. George Ryan of a $2-million allotment for the west Chicago child welfare office.
Shortly afterward, Obama chastised Republicans for their “sanctimony” in claiming that only they had the mettle to make tough choices in a tight budget year. And he called for “responsible budgeting.”
A fellow Democrat suddenly seethed with anger. “You got a lot of nerve to talk about being responsible,” said Sen. Rickey Hendon, accusing Obama of voting to close the child welfare office.
Obama replied right away. “I understand Sen. Hendon’s anger. . . . I was not aware that I had voted no on that last — last piece of legislation,” he said.
Source: Chicago Tribune

Perhaps most disturbingly, he has advanced a racial element in his presidential campaign that exhibits a willingness to divide in order to conquer, a most despicable trait in any politician. If white candidate tried using racial statements in his campaign the Media would demand an apology and possible sanctions.

Further, his deeds, statements and silence on select issues present serious questions about his ideology. The radical, afro-centric tenets of his church, Trinity United Church of Christ and it's Pastor Rev. Wright, have never been adequately examined by the main stream media. Couple this with the fact that the leaders of the radical Islamist movement – Osama bin Laden and Ayman al Zawahiri, could at any time issue a fatwa against Obama for, not only being a Muslim apostate, but for being a Muslim apostate and aspiring to be the leader of “the Great Satan,” the United States of America, and you have a boat load of troubling situations that most certainly cast a shadow on his candidacy". And what would we do if a fatwa was issued after he was elected?
We have no alternative as Conservatives but to vote for McCain in November if he is the nominee. Staying home is not an option!

Thursday, February 07, 2008

A Radical Change Just Occured

It is appropriate at this time of the pre-election speeches and campaign promises to keep in mind the words of the man I believe was the greatest Conservative American President, Ronald Reagan. He had this to say about diplomacy and the use of force:
“We must be ever willing to negotiate differences, but equally mindful that there are American ideals that cannot be compromised. Given that there are other nations with plausabile and probable hostile design, we recognize that we can reach our goals only while maintaining a superior national defense, second to none.”
With that in mind I ask this question. Who do we have still in the campaign for the nomination of President, of either party, who represents this type of thinking?
Unfortunately the only candidate we had, who this blogger can trust the words coming out of his mouth, Mitt Romney, has just quit the good fight. He has withdrawn from the race for President. First we lost Hunter than Thompson, now Romney is gone!

We all know that Hillary and Obama are anti-military despite their platitudes of support for our troops. Hillary and her husband hated the military, and proved it by slashing budgets and troops personnel in all areas.
Obama was against the war in Iraq when all other Democrats including Kerry and the Clintons supported the invasion of Iraq.

Although McCain is considered a veteran Hawk. I remember his speech on the floor of the Senate during the brief conflict in Somalia, when he demanded the withdrawl of our troops from Somalia. In this Case he may have been right!
In his announcement of his withdrawal from the Republican race Romney had this to say:
"Let us consider the greatest challenge facing America—and facing the entire civilized world: the threat of violent, radical Jihad. In one wing of the world of Islam, there is a conviction that all governments should be destroyed and replaced by a religious caliphate. These Jihadists will battle any form of democracy—to them, democracy is blasphemous for it says that citizens, not God shape the law. They find the idea of human equality to be offensive. They hate everything we believe about freedom just as we hate everything they believe about radical Jihad.
To battle this threat, we have sent the most courageous and brave soldiers in the world. But their numbers had been depleted by the Clinton years when troops were reduced by 500,000, when 80 ships were retired from the Navy, and when our human intelligence was slashed by 25%. We were told that we were getting a peace dividend. We got the dividend, but we didn’t get the peace. In the face of evil in radical Jihad and given the inevitable military ambitions of China, we must act to rebuild our military might. Raise military spending to 4% of our GDP, purchase the most modern armament, re-shape our fighting forces for the asymmetric demands we now face, and give the veterans the care they deserve!
Barack and Hillary have made their intentions clear regarding Iraq and the war on terror. They would retreat and declare defeat. And the consequence of that would be devastating. It would mean attacks on America, launched from safe havens that make Afghanistan under the Taliban look like child’s play. About this, I have no doubt".

God help us if the Democrats win in November. I don't like or respect a man who co-operates with the enemy, as did McCain with Feingold, Lieberman and Kennedy, but he is the only one left with the will to lead this Countries fight agianst Radical Jihadism. Vote: McCain!!!!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Who Is In Charge Of Foreign Relations?

"The officially stated goals of the foreign policy of the United States, as mentioned in the Foreign Policy Agenda of the U.S. Department of State, are "to create a more secure, democratic, and prosperous world for the benefit of the American people and the international community." In addition, the United States House Committee on Foreign Affairs states as some of its jurisdictional goals: "export controls, including nonproliferation of nuclear technology and nuclear hardware; measures to foster commercial intercourse with foreign nations and to safeguard American business abroad; International commodity agreements; international education; and protection of American citizens abroad and expatriation."Source: Wikapedia

American foreign policy has been the subject of much debate, criticism and praise both domestically and abroad, and I choose to throw a little more coal on the debate fires.

Recent activity, or I should say, lack of activity in the ongoing war-like situation in Lebanon indicates that we as a Country seem to be loosing the battle for the hearts and mind of the Lebanese.

The following excerpts are from the Feb. 6, 2008 issue of TheMiddle East Times.

"Indeed after the momentum of the spring 2005 revolution, it really looks like the West has given up on Lebanon and left the anti-Syrian forces in the mud. This trend has been quite clear in the past few months. Even after 29 terror attacks (since October 2004), targeting anti-Syrian personalities (mostly journalists and politicians), believed by many analysts to have been ordered by Damascus, the West is giving a free pass to the regime of Bashar Assad.
All the more mind-boggling is that recently Western targets have been victims of Syria's terror policy, according to some intelligence analysts. UNIFIL forces stationed in Lebanon have been murdered and on Jan. 15, a U.S. embassy vehicle was targeted. One would think that the West would react accordingly to attacks on its citizens, by retaliating with force or diplomacy. But nothing....
On the contrary, in the past year, Syria has been very much courted by the West, from U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, to the Belgians, Italians, Spanish, Germans, and lately the French. In fact, the Nicolas Sarkozy administration was put in charge, by its allies (most notably the United States), to deal with the Lebanese situation and in particular the selection of the next president in Lebanon".

History should have taught Nancy Pelosi and Western European powers that engaging a regime like Assad's does not work;( you can't bargain with the devil)on the contrary it actually emboldens them.

Syria has now adopted an even tougher stance. Assad can be really satisfied with his strategy. He did not concede anything, he publicly humiliated France and he showed that he was a key partner who broke out of his prior isolation.

Last week, in Washington, a courageous Shiite leader, Ahmad al-Assad, who is vehemently opposed to Hezbollah, clearly summed up his frustration when he rightly pointed out that Damascus and Tehran are being given a free pass. Critics of the regimes in Damascus and Tehran say, "These two dictatorial regimes actually feel no Western pressure whatsoever for their role in spreading chaos, blood and mayhem in Lebanon. So why should they stop?"

If the West is serious about winning the war against radical Islam, Lebanon is a key battle that should be fought. The Lebanese people deserve no less, and least you forget, the real player in Lebanon is Iran. They have established a close relationship with the Lebonese Shiite movement Hezbolla.

Iranian supplies missles to Hezbollah, either by sea or overland via Syria, this is well known. U.S. government officials say the current conflict also indicates that some of the rockets in Hezbollah’s arsenal — including a 220-millimeter rocket used in many deadly attack on Israel were made in Syria.

President Bush has apparently shoved the Lebanese problem to the back of his mind.
After years of berating Damascus, the sudden silence regarding Syria in President George W. Bush's final State of the Union address was deafening.

Syria is already looking ahead to the post-Bush years, hoping to convince the next U.S. administration that perhaps in return for the Golan Heights, occupied by Israel in the 1967 war, and a free hand in Lebanon, Damascus would be willing to scrap its alliance with Tehran.
A Democratic victory in November will seal the fate of not only Lebannon but Israel in my opinion!

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Why Nominate A Sure Looser?

Much to my mortification and chagrin, it appears that the nomination process of the Republicans is headed toward John McCain. The real Conservatives have left the race, and it is left to Romney to defrock McCain.
My problem with McCain is he has been too cozy with the leftist Democrats. His co-sponsorship of four significant Democratic Bills that cut off free speech, limited campaign contributions, called for amnesty for illegals, called for bowing to Global warming zealots and assisted Clinton and John Kerry in the lifting of the trade embargo of Communist Vietnam.
Then there is the fact that he is an open target for a Democrat "swift boat" attack on his POW status. Some ex-POWs have even called him the Manchurian Candidate!
Senator McCain allegedly collaborated with the Vietnamese enemy while in a POW camp in Vietnam. This may or may not be true. I don't question his patriotism, but some will!
In addition he has been collaborating with the leaders of the Mexican Reconquista movement for some time. Among other outrages, he was the keynote speaker at the 2004 annual conference of the National Council of La Raza. He told the biased racist crowd: “It is in our national interest to bring the 8 to 12 million undocumented immigrants out of the shadows and allow them an opportunity to become citizens of this great nation.”
He then kept his word to the Mexican illegals by teaming up with the grand daddy of Liberals,Ted Kennedy, to sponsor
the "Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act", S. 1033, better known as the Kennedy-McCain bill after its two principal sponsors. This is nothing less than Amnesty Legislation on a massive, historically unprecedented scale.

If enacted, S.1033, the immigration crisis America faces today, because all previous amnesties have failed to stop and actually encouraged greater levels of illegal immigration, illegal population will grow exponentially.
Fortunately the House blocked passage, but with McCain in the White House(God forbid) you can be certain it will pass the next time, and we will open the flood gates to illegals!
S.1033 incorporates the worst features of every failed amnesty program since 1986, but would allow in numbers of illegals greater than all the illegal and legal aliens who entered the U.S. in the past fifteen years combined. Source:FAIR
My choice for the nomination of President, Romney, had this to say during the recent Florida campaign:
"The McCain Feingold Bill is nothing more than a liberal pandering to the "Global Warming" zealots and would cause serious damage to our economy. McCain-Lieberman climate bill would add an extra 1,000 dollars to the average Florida homeowner’s energy bill without putting restrictions on other countries sending companies and jobs overseas". The idea of America saying we are going to unilaterally but a huge burden on ourselves and hope China follows, is simply out of touch with how the world works. “ ----- Source:
Try finding a shoe or shirt used for sports that doesn't have a Fujian of China, Vietnam or Pakistan label! This bill would only put more baggage on an already over taxed business structure here in the United States.
The final and perhaps the most important reason I think McCain is a bad choice. The Main Stream media, including the granddaddy Liberal rag New York Times", is promoting McCain!
I am not a super intelligent person, but I am very discerning of the things that happen around me. The reason I believe the Left wing Media is promoting McCain now, is because they know what I know and probably a lot more dirt they can dish out to defeat him in the 2008 Presidential election. They view him as a weak candidate.
Mark my words. The minute the Party conventions are over the Media will start it's destruction campaign on McCain, and the DEMOCRAT NOMINEE WILL WIN IN A LAND SLIDE!

Time To Recognize Irans Threat

Newspapers, television and the internet are full of stories about Super Tuesday. No where can you find a story that should make the hair on the back of your neck stand up. I had to find it in the Bruni Times internet site.

IRAN yesterday fired a rocket into space to mark the opening of its first space centre, hailing the base's inauguration as a step forward in its battle against Western dominance. The space center, located in the remote desert of northern Iran, will be used to launch Iran's first home-produced satellite "Omid" (Hope) in May or June this year, officials said."We witness today that Iran has taken its first step in space, precisely and with awareness," declared President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as he gave the order for the rocket's launch."The evil and dominant system's key instrument is humiliating people and nations by making them think that they are incapable," he said in a reference to the West.
The opening of the space center comes as Iran has been announcing its progress in its nuclear program, which President Bush and our allies fear could be used to make atomic weapons.
The emphasis on Iran's development of its own domestic space technology is highly reminiscent of its insistence on developing its nuclear capabilities, which has led it into a four-year standoff with the West.
Ahmadinejad has made Iran's scientific development one of the main themes of his presidency."No power can overcome the Iranian nation's will," said Ahmadinejad.
Until two years ago, the United States' export controls over most satellites tightly proscribed what information could be shared. But in 1996, President Clinton overruled Secretary of State Warren Christopher and transferred export controls on satellites from the State Department to the Commerce Department, which has less rigorous restrictions on sharing sensitive technology. And the flood gates were opened! source: New York Times
No one from satellite makers to Congress to the White House can say for sure what China has actually done with information passed along. So the question roiling Capitol Hill this week is whether Mr. Clinton's decision to make it easier to export satellites to China for launching has jeopardized United States national security. This issue is of particular note since China has like Russia contributed experts and materials to Iran for the development of their space program and rocket arsenal! New York Times
As in the case of its nuclear and long-range missile programs, Iran turned to countries which assisted her in developing its military capability in the past including Russia, China and North Korea. These countries are currently involved at different levels in the Iranian space program and in particular in the development of the booster which will probably be a derivative of the Shihab ballistic missile.
Despite the fact that Israel News Agency reported a year ago on Feb. 27, 2007, that An Israel security official had told the Israel News Agency that the recent launch of a missile from Iran into space illustrated a direct threat to both Europe's and US national security. Where was this story in our Liberal Press?
On February 25, Iran launched a missile reaching space. "Iran has successfully launched its first space missile made by Iranian scientists," the head of Iran's aerospace research center, Mohsen Bahrami, was quoted as saying. On Saturday, Iran Defense Minister Mostafa Mohammad Najjar said Iran was planning to build a satellite and launcher".
"Iran has no plans to land a man on the moon," Col. Adam an Israeli security source told the INA. "The same technology is used to build intercontinental ballistic missiles. This Iran space launch is not a threat to Israel. The Iranians need not reach a space orbit to attack Israel, but such a high orbit would be needed to deliver a nuclear payload into Europe or the US."!!!!
History is about to repeat itself. During the 1930's the Nazi war machine was secretly building the V-2 rocket while the World looked on or occupied themselves with talk,talk, talk with Hitler.
Iran is no different than Nazi Germany. The Nazis built up an army, resources and created the V-2 rocket. The V-2 was the first man-made object launched into space, during test flights it reached an altitude of 189 km (117 miles) in 1944. "While Germany was putting the finishing touches to the V-2 which was eventually used against Britain, the world stood by wanting to talk. Now we have Iran repeating history, declaring to "wipe Israel off the map" while planting bombs in Iraq and Afghanistan, one which nearly killed US Vice President Cherney during his visit there.
I believe we and our European allies have two options once the American people wake up to the threat. We can attack Iran and suffer the consequencces of a retaliatory attack using chemical weapons by not only Iran but their "henchmen" Syria. Or we can immediately place severe sanctions against Iran and any country(aka Russia and China) that is aiding in the development of their nuclear weapon capability.
The Iranians are not threatening to use nuclear weapons once they get the weapons they deny they are making. They are promising us "Infidels" that they will use them against the "great satan"when they have developed them. Will we wait until we like London witness the massive loss of life here at home or in one of our Alled Countries?

Monday, February 04, 2008

SCAM's Aid And Abet Illegals

It appears that we have developed into a generation of people who were brought up by sixties radicals that preached to their children "to question authority", and "if it feels good, do it!" The result has been a secular population that distrusts authority , the military and the rule of law.
This attitude is manifest in the lack of political discussion, by candidates for the Presidential nomination, about the issue of illegal immigration.
Presently we have between 20 and 30 million illegals in the United States. Close to 65% are illegals from Mexico who crossed into the USA through wide open borders , and are living free from prosecution for their illegal act. Yes, there have been a few "round ups" and well publicized raids on a few employers of illegals. But most of them a have been booked and released. Never to return to Court much less be deported.
The people behind the support for this horde of law breakers are Socialists, Communists, Anarchists and Marxists who detest our Constitution, which they profess is just after all a piece of paper!
The Constitution did not grant illegals any rights!
The very first sentence of the Constitution (often referred to as the Preamble) clearly states: “We the People of the United States, in Order to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” It doesn’t say “in Order to bestow various rights and privileges on aliens and their Posterity” Illegals are law breakers not poor individuals to be aide and abetted.
Unfortunately there are those who believe it is not only O.K. to aid and abet these felons, but their religious duty to do it.
Kim Bobo is one such person. A labor activist who has been in the news for 30 years operating in such areas as the UAW and United Mine workers strikes. Now she has taken up the mantle of illegals with the organization of "The National Interfaith Worker Justice Organization". This group is opening "sanctuaries(in direct violation of Federal Law) in 28 cities around the United States to hide illegals. They have their "cells" in L.A., N.Y. , Seattle and San Diego operating now.
Her quest includes not only sanctuary, but wants Our minimum wage laws to apply to illegals as well. Taking into account that as illegals they have NO rights afforded them by the Constitution, she is advocating the absurd to an already felonious action of aiding and abetting a criminal.
Only a government that believes in the One World Orderwould stand by and do nothing when an organization like her's commits a felony each time they assist an illegal in avoiding detection and apprehension. The penalty for aiding and abetting is up to 5 years in jail. The very least a government that cares about it's legal citizens should do is take away this organizations tax exempt status! But then there are members of the Council of Foreign Relations that predict that by 2010 we will abolish our borders!
These people are not Christians following Jesus teachings, they are people who with their leftist philosophies have invaded religions with their Marxist ideas. Many if not all were part of Ms. Bobo's "Lets Dump Bush" campaign, and many are members of the "Young Peoples Socialist League", an arm of the American Socialist Workers Party here in the USA.
The disturbing thing to this blogger, are the number of Catholic leaders who have joined in the fight for illegals. Many priests have opened their doors to feed and hide the illegals, and Cardinal Mahoney publicly opposed HR 4437, a Congressional bill which would force the government to closed the sieve that we call our border.
Apparently Cardinal Mahony and the US Bishops hadn't read the Pope's Encyclical from Christmas 2005 where Pope Benedict XVI clearly ordered the Church to stay out of politics. The call by Mahony to engage in politics is in disobeyance of the Pope's Encyclical Letter, Deus Caritas Est of 12/25/05 where he states: "Fundamental to Christianity is the distinction between what belongs to Caesar and what belongs to God . . . The just ordering of society and the State is a central responsibility of politics . . . The Church cannot and must not take upon herself the political battle to bring about the most just society possible . . . The direct duty to work for a just ordering of society, on the other hand, is proper to the lay faithful. As citizens of the State, they are called to take part in public life in a personal capacity."
Those who can and do read, must realize the riots that have happened in Holland, France and Great Britain by aliens can happen here if the rule of law is not enforced. Yet no leader in the race for the White House has an illegal alien plank in his platform, God help US!