Much to my mortification and chagrin, it appears that the nomination process of the Republicans is headed toward John McCain. The real Conservatives have left the race, and it is left to Romney to defrock McCain.
My problem with McCain is he has been too cozy with the leftist Democrats. His co-sponsorship of four significant Democratic Bills that cut off free speech, limited campaign contributions, called for amnesty for illegals, called for bowing to Global warming zealots and assisted Clinton and John Kerry in the lifting of the trade embargo of Communist Vietnam.
Then there is the fact that he is an open target for a Democrat "swift boat" attack on his POW status. Some ex-POWs have even called him the Manchurian Candidate!
Senator McCain allegedly collaborated with the Vietnamese enemy while in a POW camp in Vietnam. This may or may not be true. I don't question his patriotism, but some will!
In addition he has been collaborating with the leaders of the Mexican Reconquista movement for some time. Among other outrages, he was the keynote speaker at the 2004 annual conference of the National Council of La Raza. He told the biased racist crowd: “It is in our national interest to bring the 8 to 12 million undocumented immigrants out of the shadows and allow them an opportunity to become citizens of this great nation.”
He then kept his word to the Mexican illegals by teaming up with the grand daddy of Liberals,Ted Kennedy, to sponsor
the "Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act", S. 1033, better known as the Kennedy-McCain bill after its two principal sponsors. This is nothing less than Amnesty Legislation on a massive, historically unprecedented scale.
the "Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act", S. 1033, better known as the Kennedy-McCain bill after its two principal sponsors. This is nothing less than Amnesty Legislation on a massive, historically unprecedented scale.
If enacted, S.1033, the immigration crisis America faces today, because all previous amnesties have failed to stop and actually encouraged greater levels of illegal immigration, illegal population will grow exponentially.
Fortunately the House blocked passage, but with McCain in the White House(God forbid) you can be certain it will pass the next time, and we will open the flood gates to illegals!
S.1033 incorporates the worst features of every failed amnesty program since 1986, but would allow in numbers of illegals greater than all the illegal and legal aliens who entered the U.S. in the past fifteen years combined. Source:FAIR
My choice for the nomination of President, Romney, had this to say during the recent Florida campaign:
"The McCain Feingold Bill is nothing more than a liberal pandering to the "Global Warming" zealots and would cause serious damage to our economy. McCain-Lieberman climate bill would add an extra 1,000 dollars to the average Florida homeowner’s energy bill without putting restrictions on other countries sending companies and jobs overseas". The idea of America saying we are going to unilaterally but a huge burden on ourselves and hope China follows, is simply out of touch with how the world works. “ ----- Source: FoxNews.com
Try finding a shoe or shirt used for sports that doesn't have a Fujian of China, Vietnam or Pakistan label! This bill would only put more baggage on an already over taxed business structure here in the United States.
The final and perhaps the most important reason I think McCain is a bad choice. The Main Stream media, including the granddaddy Liberal rag New York Times", is promoting McCain!
I am not a super intelligent person, but I am very discerning of the things that happen around me. The reason I believe the Left wing Media is promoting McCain now, is because they know what I know and probably a lot more dirt they can dish out to defeat him in the 2008 Presidential election. They view him as a weak candidate.
Mark my words. The minute the Party conventions are over the Media will start it's destruction campaign on McCain, and the DEMOCRAT NOMINEE WILL WIN IN A LAND SLIDE!
norbert to me
show details 10:35 AM (4 hours ago) Reply
The Republicans are leaving the door wide open for a Democratic whitewash come November 2008 if they nominate Sen.John McCain.He is a liberal left winger of the left of center Republican party.You have to be in Limbo not to recognize the Eastern establishment praising McCain and the pro-Democrat spinmeisters going on and on about McCain being a great choice for the Republicans.In my opinion this is insanity on the part of a Republican party that apparently has adopted the values of the ultra left wing Democrats like Obama and Hillary.Anytime the mainstream media supports a Republican for elected office and savages other Republican candidates,you better take a deep breath,roll up your sleeves and go for the Republican candidate they are daily degrading and telling outright untruths about. The candidate they fear the most to win the Presidency is Romney who is not an insider within the elitist Washington Beltway.McCain is in lockstep with the Democratic Tax and destroy liberals.
My personal take on the whole sordid mess called "running"for the nomination for President is that it is one sad and corrupt bag of shenanigans by the whole bunch.It was a cloakroom done deal before the tour of the various states started.A group of idealogues from one party against similar thinking idealogues from the other party.Mixed in with vote tradeoffs to guarantee the dumbed down voters wouldn't get too upset.A liar is always found out,but if they can lie enough to get elected,there is little that can be done to oust a President in modern times as we have already found out in the infamous 1990's.
The left wing eastern establisment has again taken over the Republican party and unless a miracle happens the Democrats have no opposition from McClain in taking the Presidency with ease.McCain speaks their language,votes with them and is not one of them in name only.Romney is the only candidate in both Democrat and Republican parties that shows a modicum of civility and moral values,but the socialists don't want the voters to think of Romney except as an incompetent religious nut who has some family values.
The forseeable resident of the White House will just about end any thoughts of not being brought completely under the control and manipulation by big brother.It still is a fairly long time until November and reasonable people should demand a better candidate for the leadership of this country than is now offered to them.
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