Saturday, January 13, 2007

Democrats in Washington Carry Water For Sunnis

What is going on in Congress is a page out of the "The Iraq Accord Front" led by an elected member of the new Iraq government. Sunni lawmaker Hussein Al Falluji, formerly a Saddam Hussein Bath Party member, was quoted recently as saying:"get out of Iraq (U.S. Troops) or set a timetable for withdrawal or the resistance will keep slaughtering your soldiers until judgment day." This is a man who was a member of the committee which drafted the Constitution that was unanimously ratified by the Iraqi people. Even though he was an opponent of the idea of a Constitution, he served as a member who drafted it. Now he isn't satisfied that the Shiites and Kurds have more power than the Sunnis. Many of whom were Saddam Bath Loyalists and henchmen.
With such a threat to American soldiers and Marines you would think all Americans would be incensed and support any troop support including massive re-enforcements to strike this threat down. Americans don't normally react well to threats. They fight back! As Patton said: America hates a quitter."
But not the Move on Political machine which is pulling the strings of such Washington lawmakers as Senators, Durbin, Kennedy, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Boxer, Feistein, Obama. Levin and Biden. Not to be undone as the biggest "cut and run group" you have Pelosi, Murtah, Martin, Rohm Emanuel, Meehan Sanchez,and Morris chomping at the bit to help defeat our effort in Iraq by drafting legislation to limit or cut-off funding to the additional 21,00 troop deployment.
They use the ruse that they don't want anymore soldiers killed. As if any one does, especially not President Bush who actually has a heart! Would they rather see America loose another war because the leftists want America to become weak and effete like most of Europe has? Where has the will to win gone? We live in a day of instant gratification, but this Country didn't become a Republic in four years, so why should we expect to wrest Iraq from the "chains of Saddams' tyranny" in a short time. We still have troops in Japan, Germany, Korea, Bosnia long after the shooting stopped. People die in wars. It is tragic, but those brave men and women knew when that signed up it wasn't for the Peace Corps.!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Today I Am Ashamed of our Navy

An article in the bowels of the Internet reveals something that makes this Navy veteran ashamed of the service he was previously so proud to have served.
The United States Navy has courtmartialed a Naval Chaplin for falling to obey a superior officers order. The order given to James Klingenschmidt by his captain was to not use the words"in Jesus Name" in his public prayers.
Despite this order this Chaplin took part in a prayer meeting at the White House last winter, where he used the words "in Jesus Name" while giving a prayer in uniform. He is being terminated, loses his pension and evicted from his Naval housing as of 1/31/2007 per the orders of Vice-Admiral J.C. Harvey. This action has occurred despite the fact that due to Congressional pressure the Secretary of Navy rescinded the Naval Instruction 1730.7C which had forbid using a particular religions terminology. The SEC.Nav. ordered this instruction rescinded 2/21/2006.
The hypocritical part of this whole "UNGODLY" mess is that recently the Assistant Secretary of Defense gave a promotion and commendation to a Muslim Chaplin for his work at the Guantanamo Prison which, in addition to other assistance and counseling, aided the Muslim terrorists in getting prayer rugs, skull caps and 133 Muslim dishes added to their prison menu.
For more information on the Muslim Chaplin see my previous article about this award.
My issue is that during a time of war with a fanatical Islamic worldwide threat to our religious freedom and way of life. The Navy should not be promoting secular religious beliefs for Christians, and bending over backwards to accommodate Muslim needs!
Before anyone gets the idea that I don't know failure to obey orders is a court martial offense. I say, failure to obey an unjust order is not!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Mr. Ellison is Dead Wrong!

Recently elected to Congress, Mr. Ellison took his oath of office with his hand on the Quran owned historically by President Jefferson. This black native of Detroit , Michigan who converted to Sunni Islam, and confidant of many radical Black American Muslims said he used the book because Jefferson's realized the importance of the Muslim Faith.
This is not exactly the reason why Jefferson thoroughly read the Quran.
In the 10 centuries that preceded Jefferson becoming a member of the Continental Congress the Mediterranean and North African coastal villages were terrorized my Islamic "Barbary" pirates who raided their cities to pillage, kill the women and men taking what "booty" they found as well as the young girls for slaves and concubines.
In 1784 the Continental Congress met to discuss a solution to the raiding of American merchant ships in these waters by these same pirates. The majority of the delegates decided to pay ransom to the Muslims to allow safe passage thought these waters. Jefferson was one of the members that failed to agree with the concept of paying "tribute" to these Muslim Pirates.
Despite his objections President Adams arranged for payment of millions of dollars to the pirates for a few years.
Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin had been appointed to a Commission instructed to draw up some kind of a treaty with the Islamic "Barbary" states of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Tripoli to stop the raiding of U.S. Ships, since the fleet no longer had the protection of the British Naval might after the revolutionary war.
However, in 1801 after his inauguration. Jefferson sent the U.S. Naval warships U.S.S. Constitution, Constellation, Philadelphia, Chesapeake, and three other warships to wage war on the Barbary pirates. The war, called the "Barbary Wars" lasted from 1801 -1804. Fortunately we won, or the Muslims would sing--"from the Halls of Montezuma to the shores of America!"
What Mr. Ellison fails to realize or acknowledge is that Jefferson had a copy of the Quran so he would know what the Muslim beliefs, hates and plans were for the future. He studied it well and broke the back of the Barbary pirates. "One must know your enemy to defeat him", a famous tactician once wrote!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

It Is Time To Tell Ecologist to Get Lost!

The shut down last week of the Druzhpa pipeline that carries crude oil from Western Siberia to West of Berlin, to Belarus should be a wake-up call to the Congress persons and Senators who have been lining their pockets with Campaign contributions from the Ecologist leftist movement in Washington.
The head of pipeline group Nansnet, Seajon Vainstok, shut of oil supplies to Belarus because they don't want reunification with Russia. This oil supplier is not a close friend of Russian President, aka dictator, Putin, as he was appointed to his position by Boris Yeltsin in 1999.
Putin favors Russias other oil giant supplier Gazprom. Ceo of this company is Putin close friend Alexei Miller. This company provides 25% of the Worlds gas production, and has 30.4 trillion cubic meters of natural gas.
Transnet controls the worlds largest pipeline group, Sarbalin-2. All major oil companies that want to export Russian oil have to negotiate with Tsansnet.
In addition to the pipeline to Western Europe that pumps 2 million barrels a day through it. Transnet has built a pipe line through China to supply oil to China, South Korea, Australia and Japan. Varnshtok has temporaraly diverted the oil normally going to Western Europe to China.
China produces 4% of the Worlds energy, but consumes 13%. China has a deal with its' friends in Russia to obtain oil at reduced prices so their State owned industries and Peoples Liberation Army can purchase gas at 1/3 rd the price of the gas in Europe. China is a growing economical power by 9% per annum, and will need even more energy in the years ahead.
Because of the tension between Russia and Germany, Varnshtok has cut off oil to Germany. Germany has 130 days of oil reserves and Poland claims to have 70 days reserve. If a cut in supply lasts it could precipitate an international crisis worse than the "cold war". Russia is stronger and more powerful, because of their oil control over Europe and Asia, then they were during the Zarist era or the Soviet era.
The biggest customers of Russian crude oil are Shell and BP oil companies.
Ernst Udrlous, President of Germanys' Foreign Intelligence Service has been quoted as saying, "this cut off of oil from Russia underscores the importance of energy security." If only Americans would realize this important fact and begin to build more refineries and drill in forbidden places that are known sources of oil independence for America.
It is estimated that 33 of the 48 largest oil producing nations have reached their maximum capacity. Our energy needs grow daily as our population increases. Where will this energy come from if we cannot drill or build nuclear power plants thanks to our "tree huggers".
While we dither away our time to find our own supplies and ways to produce oil self sufficiency. The Conglomerate Royal Dutch Shell has signed a "secret Protocol" with Russia to sell 1/2 of their Sakhalin-2 project to The other oil giant Gasprom for 7.4 billion dollars. This could put an even greater strain on the already maxed out places like Suadi Arabia. What then? Will WWIII be fought over energy? And from this we must realize we need a large presence in the middle East!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

A new Loyalty Oath

The one way we Americans can be reasonably certain that a Muslim who either is a citizen or resident visitor is loyal to the country he or she lives in is to implement a new Loyalty oath.
It need not be a lengthy tome, but a simple denunciation of a historical statement attributed to Muhammad.
The following is a quote from the "Saheh Musslim",a collection of
Hidath traditions of Muhammad and early Muslims that is generally considered reliable. Muhammad allegedly said: "Fight in the name of Allah and in the way of Allah. Fight against those who disbelieve in Allah….When you meet your enemies who are polytheists, invite them to three courses of action. If they respond to any one of these, you also accept it and withhold yourself from doing them any harm. Invite them to (accept) Islam; if they respond to you, accept it from them and desist from fighting against them….If they refuse to accept Islam, demand from them the Jizya [a special tax levied on non-Muslims]. If they agree to pay, accept it from them and hold off your hands. If they refuse to pay the tax, seek Allah’s help and fight them. (Sahih Muslim 4294)
If this is a true revelation of what the Founder of this new religion said. It is a problem every Muslim must address if he is dedicated to being an integrated and assimilated American. The only way the Muslims can be trusted is for them, their clerics and Imams to renounce this pledge to violence if all else fails in their quest to conversion!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Evil Makes no Compromise or Peace

It will take a radical change in the way Americans look at the problem we have with Radical Islam and how we fight it. If we hope to win.

The Free worlds current view and attitude toward Wahhabi Muslim clerics is that Islam can be integrated into our secular, Democratic society. This is nothing more than ,at the worst deceit, and at its' best Western fiction .It is being promoted unfortunately, by not only the Media but some of our Countries Leadership.
We will not be victorious as long as we fail to realize that Islam as practiced by the sect founded in Saudi Arabia, Wahhabi Muslims consider all of us "Kafirs",unbelievers who must submit to Sharia law or be eliminated. They recognize no other laws or Constitution than the Quran.
"Sharia deals with many aspects of day-to-day life, including politics, economics, banking, business law, contract law, sexuality, and social issues. Some Islamic scholars accept Sharia as the body of precedent and legal theory established before the 19th century, while other scholars view Sharia as a changing body, and include Islamic legal theory from the contemporary period.[citation needed]
There isn't a strictly codified uniform set of laws pertaining to Sharia. It is more like a system of devising laws, based on the Quran, Hadith and centuries of debate, interpretation & precedent. Before the 19th century, legal theory was considered the domain of the traditional legal schools of thought. Most Sunni Muslims follow Hanafi, Hanbali, Maliki or Shafii, while most Shia Muslims follow Jaafari (Hallaq 1997, Brown 1996, Aslan 2006)."
This is the definition found in the Wikapedia archives, and once you have understood that all who strictly adhere to this "law" will fail to obey and assimilate under our legal system and Constitution. The flag above was photographed in a body shop in Michigan run by a Muslim. Do we want this flag to fly over our government buildings?
There at least six certain truths which we must realize before we can hope to defeat this Radical Islamic threat.
1. We must realize that we cannot allow a National conscience to dictate how we fight this fight. The rules must change
2. We must realize that radical Islam wants to dominate or eliminate Kafirs, as they call unbelievers.
3. Radical Islam has no rules of engagement or limitations on destruction of "collateral damage" as we do.
4. They have no single leadership except the Quran. With this as their guide they will accept no law other than Sharia law, nor will they accept any other political system or ideology.
5. They have set no time schedule for their "conversion". This has been going on for hundreds of years, and only now has become worldwide violence.
6. This is a battle for the control of our minds and bodies, and as we have seen "fanatics" can do some horrible things to accomplish their goal.
What then is the way to not only survive, after all "better red than dead" was a once popular phrase with the American left.We must not accommodate and accept political leaders and clerics who advocate Sharia law instead of our laws and Constitution.
Since it is impossible to differentiate between peaceful law abiding Muslims and radical Islamists we must first identify those who are are enemies within and without. A good start would be by using the tools we have available, previuosly used when we had treats from Hitler and Communist Russia. Surveillance, wire taping, listening to suspects telephone and emails. The liberals will fight this as will CAIR!
A good place to start is the infiltration of Mosques of suspected radical Imams and Clerics. Mass deportation won't be acceptable or workable in a society that cannot even control our illegal immigration.
Once we have identified the Clerics who are using their position to preach against our way of life we should arrest, jail or deport them. if for no other reason than inciting violence against our country.
Unfortunately we found out with the exposure of the UN scandal involving Saddam and Most European countries, that have been co-opted by multiculturalism, that we have no real friends. We are an island alone. The beacon of freedom and bastion of democracy, hated, despised by too many countries that should be grateful for our help and sacrifices to save them.
We may have to break with The American tradition of "fair play and decency"for a while, to win this war with the "Radical Isalm". They will make no compromise or accommodation.
We began dialog with terrorists during President Carters administration, and we are still talking while they plot and kill.
It will take radical action to defeat a radical threat!