The United States Navy has courtmartialed a Naval Chaplin for falling to obey a superior officers order. The order given to James Klingenschmidt by his captain was to not use the words"in Jesus Name" in his public prayers.
Despite this order this Chaplin took part in a prayer meeting at the White House last winter, where he used the words "in Jesus Name" while giving a prayer in uniform. He is being terminated, loses his pension and evicted from his Naval housing as of 1/31/2007 per the orders of Vice-Admiral J.C. Harvey. This action has occurred despite the fact that due to Congressional pressure the Secretary of Navy rescinded the Naval Instruction 1730.7C which had forbid using a particular religions terminology. The SEC.Nav. ordered this instruction rescinded 2/21/2006.
The hypocritical part of this whole "UNGODLY" mess is that recently the Assistant Secretary of Defense gave a promotion and commendation to a Muslim Chaplin for his work at the Guantanamo Prison which, in addition to other assistance and counseling, aided the Muslim terrorists in getting prayer rugs, skull caps and 133 Muslim dishes added to their prison menu.

My issue is that during a time of war with a fanatical Islamic worldwide threat to our religious freedom and way of life. The Navy should not be promoting secular religious beliefs for Christians, and bending over backwards to accommodate Muslim needs!
Before anyone gets the idea that I don't know failure to obey orders is a court martial offense. I say, failure to obey an unjust order is not!
1 comment:
Yes,Bill,it is a treasonous shame that our Supreme Court, with the blessings(pun intended)of our politically correct secular fools, have allowed this country to be a punitive enforcer against anybody who mentions the name of God in public,especially a Jew or a Christian.God is very much alive and has had just about enough of America's god hate.I don't have to be a prophet to predict that his wrath will be shown shortly with a holocaust of some sort.Communism is already here in sheep's clothing which is more apparent by these persecutions.
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