The head of pipeline group Nansnet, Seajon Vainstok, shut of oil supplies to Belarus because they don't want reunification with Russia. This oil supplier is not a close friend of Russian President, aka dictator, Putin, as he was appointed to his position by Boris Yeltsin in 1999.
Putin favors Russias other oil giant supplier Gazprom. Ceo of this company is Putin close friend Alexei Miller. This company provides 25% of the Worlds gas production, and has 30.4 trillion cubic meters of natural gas.
Transnet controls the worlds largest pipeline group, Sarbalin-2. All major oil companies that want to export Russian oil have to negotiate with Tsansnet.
In addition to the pipeline to Western Europe that pumps 2 million barrels a day through it. Transnet has built a pipe line through China to supply oil to China, South Korea, Australia and Japan. Varnshtok has temporaraly diverted the oil normally going to Western Europe to China.
China produces 4% of the Worlds energy, but consumes 13%. China has a deal with its' friends in Russia to obtain oil at reduced prices so their State owned industries and Peoples Liberation Army can purchase gas at 1/3 rd the price of the gas in Europe. China is a growing economical power by 9% per annum, and will need even more energy in the years ahead.
Because of the tension between Russia and Germany, Varnshtok has cut off oil to Germany. Germany has 130 days of oil reserves and Poland claims to have 70 days reserve. If a cut in supply lasts it could precipitate an international crisis worse than the "cold war". Russia is stronger and more powerful, because of their oil control over Europe and Asia, then they were during the Zarist era or the Soviet era.
The biggest customers of Russian crude oil are Shell and BP oil companies.
Ernst Udrlous, President of Germanys' Foreign Intelligence Service has been quoted as saying, "this cut off of oil from Russia underscores the importance of energy security." If only Americans would realize this important fact and begin to build more refineries and drill in forbidden places that are known sources of oil independence for America.
It is estimated that 33 of the 48 largest oil producing nations have reached their maximum capacity. Our energy needs grow daily as our population increases. Where will this energy come from if we cannot drill or build nuclear power plants thanks to our "tree huggers".
While we dither away our time to find our own supplies and ways to produce oil self sufficiency. The Conglomerate Royal Dutch Shell has signed a "secret Protocol" with Russia to sell 1/2 of their Sakhalin-2 project to The other oil giant Gasprom for 7.4 billion dollars. This could put an even greater strain on the already maxed out places like Suadi Arabia. What then? Will WWIII be fought over energy? And from this we must realize we need a large presence in the middle East!
1 comment:
Good article,Bill.Our self satisfied,dumbed down elitists will continue their head in the sand policies of bickering over polar bear destruction,global warming,etc,while Russia drills and continues to ship crude and natural gas from a similar environment as our arctic wasteland.No complaints over there.
This is a case of international deception by oil cartels with the help of certain politicians which reminds me of the deception perpetrated by the fifth column in the 30's and 40's when supposedly intelligent,savvy politicians took the bait of the twisted truth and damn near lost the war.We are headed down the same dismal path once again but this time the stakes are too high for failure.
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