Saturday, April 19, 2008

Senator Boxer Shame on You!

Before Pope Benedict arrived, the US House of Representatives passed a resolution welcoming Pope Benedict XVI to the United States of America. He arrived last Wednesday, and since then has uttered nothing but praise and thanksgiving to the US for the freedom of Religion We have here. He has reminded Us of the message of Jesus Christ, after all that is His main reason for being the leader of the over one billion Catholics.

He has not lectured, tried to ram Catholicism down Americans throats. His demeanour and style has been that of a gentile man on a pilgrimage.

So when two Catholic Senators attempted to pass a resolution commending the Pope this past week it was strange that it was blocked. The California Senator who blocked the resolution is from Marin County. A place I once lived for over ten years, and I can tell you there are a lot of Catholics in Marin.

There are pockets of atheists, agnostics, Muslims, Jews and Buddhist's as well.
But there is no reason why she should be offended or worry about offending her constituents by voting for the resolution. The Pope has opened dialog with all forms of religions in the USA. He even attended a Jewish Synagogue!

The former Barbara Levy, now Senator Boxer, is a Jewish Democrat that has represented California in the U.S. Senate since 1992. I would hate to think that her Jewish roots caused her to block the well deserved Resolution. After all the Holy Father has pointed out numerous times during his visit that Jews and Catholics are joined together by the bond that occurs from the fact that the Mother of Jesus was Jewish as was Jesus and all His Apostles.Catholics revere the Old Testament of the Bible as the prophecy of Christs coming.

Senator Boxer please explain what is so offensive in this resolution? "Whereas Pope Benedict XVI has spoken approvingly of the vibrance of religious faith in the United States, a faith nourished by a constitutional commitment to religious liberty that neither attempts to strip our public spaces of religious expression nor denies the ultimate source of our rights and liberties...Whereas Pope Benedict XVI has spoken out for the weak and vulnerable, witnessing to the value of each and every human life..." Source New Media Journal

The Senate resolution has bipartisan sponsorship. Republican Sen. Sam Brownback (R-KS) introduced the resolution on April 15. It is cosponsored by Democratic Sen. Bob Casey (R-PA). Both senators are Catholic.

Shame on you Senator Boxer.

Friday, April 18, 2008


If you listen hard enough, you can hear the crying and gnashing of teeth of the Liberals who didn't want their anointed "Savior" Obama to look bad Wednesday night.

Charles Gibson and George Stephanopoulos, the moderators of Wednesday night’s presidential debate on ABC, became the subject of a fierce and somewhat unexpected debate themselves on Thursday, as viewers, bloggers and television critics lamented what they described as an opportunity lost: a chance to ask the two candidates for the Democratic nomination substantive questions early and often.

The key word in the excerpt from the New York Times article is "substantive". What Obama supporters wanted was "powder puff" questions from the two moderators that would give Obama a chance to Bash the Bush administration in general and McCain as the Republican nominee in particular.

What voters want is questions that pull back the curtain of deception and sleight of hand that has been the Obama campaign since he threw his hat in the nominee ring.

Obama has campaigned on the promise of change for Americans. Just what kind of change that he will produce is revealed when you understand more about his attitudes, associations, and the history of his legislative accomplishments. We learn nothing from his promises to right the perceived wrongs in Our Country. Promises are just that, promises!

George and Charles did the voters of the USA a great favor by asking the questions that would never appear in the Liberal media, especially the Washington Post or New York Times.

It was nice to hear pertinent and informative questions asked of both Obama and Hillary, before they got down to what the Liberals wanted. The bashing of the current administration!


During the Democrat debate in Philadelphia this week Charles Gibson of ABC asked Obama if he was elected President would he raise the Capitol Gains Tax and the rate at which dividends are taxed?

Obama answered by referring to the unfairness of CEO of the top fifty Hedge Funds making a total of 29 billion dollars. Not a very direct answer, but one used to stir up envy and animus for those who make a lot of money.

What he said he would do to level the playing field was very revealing about Obama's lack of understanding of basic economics, or maybe lack of care for the average "Joe".

The Obama's reported a combined income of 4.2 million dollars for 2007. None of it from stock dividends. Any proposal to raise capital gains or dividends income would have no effect on the Obamas, but would have a big impact on the 100 million Americans who own stocks. Of these 20% make less than 50,000 dollars a year, and 50% earn less than $200,000 a year.A total of 52% of all adult Americans own some stocks.

Obama's scheme to raise the Capital Gains Tax from the present 15% to 28%, and a raise on the tax on dividends from it's present rate to 37% would have a major financial impact on the average American who "clings to guns or religion". It would also make a lie out of Obama's promise not to raise taxes on any one who makes less than $200,000.

The Heritage Foundation did a study of the effect on personal income and the economy of our Country that raising capital gains and taxing dividends at 37% would have. It postulated that the yearly cost to the Country would be a loss of $ 90 billion in GDP, and the average family of four would pay $1675 more in taxes.

The money lost is one thing, but they also project that this draconian raise in taxes would "kill 683,000 jobs"!

It sounds to me as though the "CHANGE" Obama is proposing would be a bad deal for millions of Americans!

Thursday, April 17, 2008


When obama gave his elitist speech before a wealthy liberal audience in San Francisco at the Getty Mansion. He referred to rural Pennsylvanians He showed his elitism and lack of understanding of the people and issues that present themselves during this election cycle.

His statement that "it's not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations". A perfect example of a man who has a chameleon character that adapts to the audience to whom he is speaking. This is quite common in politicians at all levels. They say what their audience and potential voters want to hear.

But Obama revealed an apparent disdain for rural people in Pennsylvania, and possibly all rural people in general. He blames the people in rural communities for following the religious principles that this Country has been known for since it's inception. He blames them for using a right granted by the Constitution(to bear arms), and worse of all he blames them for not wanting illegal hordes to come across our borders . All this blame is because they don't buy his message of change!

It would be a good thing for a man or woman who claims to be ready to lead this Country to understand the issues that he is using to attack a particular segment of the USA.

The obvious oxymoron and incongruity of his message is the reference to "anti-immigrants". He conveniently left out the word illegal! Of course he was speaking in a city known for it's illegal sanctuary stance. But the fact still remains the wrong is not the rural peoples anti-immigrant attitude, it is the sin of the cost to hard working tax payers that have to bear the freight for those who break our immigration laws as this excerpt from an article in The Center for Immigration Studies.

The average illegal immigrant family receives an average of $30,000 in governmental benefits! Yet they pay only about $9,000 in taxes per year. That creates a $21,000 shortfall that the American taxpayer has to make up. That's like buying each of the illegal immigrant families a brand new Mustang convertible -- each and every year!"
The Center for Immigration Studies, a vocal opponent of illegal immigration, looked at " the high cost of cheap labor", and discovered that
in 2004 illegal immigrant families tended to receive fewer welfare and Medicaid benefits than other households -- but even then, didn't pay enough in taxes to cover the cost.
Based on Census Bureau data, this study finds that, when all taxes paid (direct and indirect) and all costs are considered, illegal households created a net fiscal deficit at the federal level of more than $10 billion in 2002. We also estimate that, if there was an amnesty for illegal aliens, the net fiscal deficit would grow to nearly $29 billion.In terms of welfare use, receipt of cash assistance programs tends to be very low, while Medicaid use, though significant, is still less than for other households. Only use of food assistance programs is significantly higher than that of the rest of the population. Also, contrary to the perceptions that illegal aliens don't pay payroll taxes, we estimate that more than half of illegals work "on the books." On average, illegal households pay more than $4,200 a year in all forms of federal taxes. Unfortunately, they impose costs of $6,950 per household.

I believe that Obama has the "Ox before the Cart" on this and many other important issues. not to belabor the point but his idea of talking to Iran bout stopping their nuclear program makes as much sense as most of his left wing platform!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


In 2004 billionaire George Soros was "dedicating his life" to the defeat of President George Bush, whom he called a Nazi. Soros pledged to raise $75 million to defeat President Bush in the 2004 Presidential election, and personally donated nearly a third of that amount to anti-Bush groups He then gave $5 million to, the group that produced political ads likening Bush to Adolf Hitler. He also contributed $10 million to the Democrat party.
Not content with his failure in 2004, Soros has picked the most Liberal Senator in the US Senate to back in 2008 Presidential race. On January 16, 2007, Obama announced the creation of a presidential exploratory committee, and within hours Soros sent the senator a contribution of $2,100, the maximum amount allowable under campaign finance laws.
Since 2003, tearing down what he views as the "fascist" tyranny of the United States, as he has put it, is "the central focus of my life." Apparently he believes Obama will help him accomplish his goals if Obama is elected President. Why else would he back him?
Through networks of nongovernmental organizations, Soros tried to ruin the presidency of George W. Bush "by any legal means necessary" and "knock America off its global pedestal".
"His view of America is so negative," says Sen. Joe Lieberman, who, like Gen. David Petraeus, has been a target of Soros' electoral "philanthropy." "The places he's put his money are . . . so destructive that it unsettles me." Soros' aim seems to be to make the U.S. just another client state easily controlled by the United Nations and other one-world groups where he has lots of friends.
Best known among these groups is, a previously small fringe-left group to which Soros has given $5 million since 2004. Bulked up by cash, the group now uses professional public relations tactics to undercut the Iraq War effort, with its full-page New York Times ad that branded Gen. Petraeus "General Betray Us." A theme that Hillary gladly followed with her implication that Petraaeus was lying during his testimony to the Senators. previously put out ads depicting Bush as a Nazi, something that certainly echoes Soros' sentiment.An add that if Bush were a Nazi, would put all members and staff of MoveOn in a concentration camp!
"We have to go through a certain de-Nazification process," he told this year's Davos conference in Switzerland.
Soros also has financed spin outfits such as Media Matters that specialize in providing distorted conservative political statements as grist for leftist politicians and media.
Soros' efforts go beyond spin. He has also bankrolled groups involved in the manipulation of elections, an activity that has increased since his money came into the picture. Two groups — Americans Coming Together and the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now — were sanctioned recently by the Federal Election Commission for fraud.
Soros pledged $10 million to ACT, which has since been fined $775,000 for illegally funneling $70 million set aside for voter registrations to Democratic candidates.
He also gave at least $150,000 to ACORN, the left-wing group best known for pushing minimum-wage hikes, marching for illegal-immigrant amnesty and harassing Wal-Mart. ACORN has been accused of voter fraud in 13 states since 2004 and was convicted of falsifying signatures in a voter registration drive last July, drawing a fine of $25,000 in Washington state.
Soros says he has ended funding to voter-drive organizations, but he still heads a secretive rich-man's club called "Democracy Alliance" that has doled out $20 million to activist groups like ACORN.
Soros additionally finances groups best described as helpful to terrorists. Since 1998, he has given the American Civil Liberties Union $5 million to empower criminals, including lawsuits on behalf of terrorists' "civil rights."
Soros' Open Society Institute gave $20,000 for the legal defense of radical attorney Lynne Stewart. She was convicted in 2002 of abetting jailed terrorists after the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.
He has handed $3.1 million to the left-wing Tides Foundation, which funds organizations, such as the Sea Shepherds, Earth First! and the Ruckus Society, that have condoned or engaged in eco-terrorism.
Soros additionally finances groups supporting the interests of one-world government. While he has criticized the United Nations occasionally, he favors U.N. dominance in world affairs, sees the European Union as a model for "open society" and has called for a global central bank.
Anyone who doesn't agree with this vision, or who doesn't fit cozily into his multilateral model, gets a visit from Soros-backed groups., for example, led the charge to keep John Bolton out of a permanent seat in the U.N., and Bankwatch piled on to topple Paul Wolfowitz at the World Bank.
In fact, pick any cause that seeks to weaken the U.S. and it's hard not to find Soros' name on its list of financial backers.
Before his endorsement and massive financial contribution to Barack Obama's Presidential campaign, Soros backed the candidacy of John(Frenchy) Kerry.
His main objective appears to be to drive the Democrats to the far left and enforcing party discipline through fear of his power and money.
The strategy seems to be working. No Democrat had the courage to cross after its libelous Petraeus ad. A symbolic vote in Congress censuring for the Petraeus ad passed, but with the notable absence of both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Election looming, neither wants to cross Soros'
Soros himself does not believe in victory in Iraq and wants to keep America from achieving it.
"The war on terror cannot be won," he has said.
source:Investors Business Daily
With friends like this backing Obama, can we allow him the priviledge of four years in the Oval Office with the Country at war?

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A Devils Stooge Regurgitates His Hate

A call to all people who value decency and decorum to write to HBO and demand that the slime with a body called Bill Maher be cancelled or they ill cancel their subscription to HBO.
If ever a man deserves to get fired this purveyor of filth and lies does. Imus was cancelled for less and Reggie White lost a TV spot for telling the truth about the sin of homosexuality.

Bill Maher insulted the Pope and the largest Christian Group in the USA by calling Catholicism a "cult" that promotes "organized pedophilia." This before Pope Benedict' XVI first visit to the United States.

The comments were made on HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher" on Friday, Apr. 11. Maher went into a long monologue on his program comparing the Catholic church to a polygamous cult -- the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
He added to his vitriol by adding the accusation that the Pope is a former Nazi!
"I'd like to tip off law enforcement to an even larger child-abusing religious cult," Maher told his audience. "Its leader also has a compound, and this guy not only operates outside the bounds of the law, but he used to be a Nazi and he wears funny hats".Source: CNS

I think it is time for all good Christians and Jews to stand together to say enough is enough. We live in a time when secular nihilism and Godless atheism has pushed religion to the back of the bus! The only way we can retaliate, no not turn the other cheek, is to boycott HBO and those who sponsor evil people like Maher.

Apparently his Jewish mother and Catholic father had little influence in establishing either Christian or Jewish values in this walking piece of garbage. Only someone with no charity, love or compassion in his soul could call a man who has dedicated his life to the teaching of Jesus, a Nazi!

Monday, April 14, 2008


I sincerely believe the truth will set you free, but following the false promises and lies of people who promise you things they cannot deliver will lead to nothing but darkness and disappointment.
Such is the case with Barack Hussein Obama as far as I am concerned.
He comes to the people with a promise of change. The implication being that he will change all things that are perceived as bad, by those who listen and believe in him, will be made better if we elect him President.
My problem is simple. It is the difference between truth and lies. After twenty years of listening to a racist radical Pastor and declaring him his spiritual advisor during his Presidential campaign. When news of the racist, anti-American hate speech spewn from Pastor Wright's pulpit surfaced, he removed him from his campaign staff, but still defended him publicly.Any person who had a little bit of respect and gratitude for the accomplishments that Obama has been able to achieve, would show his appreciation as a loyal American by denouncing the speech of Mr. Wright, if not denouncing him as a person.
He refuses to wear a symbol of the American flag on his lapel, but wore Muslim clothing when he visited Kenya. His picture in Somali garb obviously was not taken for American eyes to see, but to honor the locals. When the picture surfaced on the internet. Soon after the piture was published Wajir residents planned to demonstrate after their Friday prayers to show their support for the Illinois senator.
Mohamed Ibrahim, who attended one of two crisis meetings held in Wajir on Thursday by clan members who hosted Obama on his trip, said Washington must immediately make amends to them and especially to the elder pictured with him.
"The U.S. government must apologise to us as a clan and the old man," Ibrahim told Reuters by telephone. "We have been offended and we cannot afford to just watch and stay silent."
I don't believe for a moment that the U.S. Government needs to apologize for anything other than it is a shame the leading Presidential candidate appears to me more concerned about how Somalis perceive him than do the Americans like me that believe a man aspiring to be president should proudly wear the flag that tens of thousands have died for! And if that wasn't enough. Remember the Americans who lost their lives in Mogadishu of "Black Hawk Down" infamy. Their garb is the last clothing an American should wear out of respect for those who died there.
His lies about not accepting any money from Big Corporations, and Big Oil in particular have been proven false.Campaign contributions reports show despite Obama's claims, he's taken more Corp $$ than Hillary Clinton. GoldmanSachs $421,763 Ubs Ag $296,670 Lehman Bros $250,630 Nat'l Amusements Inc $245,843 JP Morgan $243,848 Sidley Austin $226,491 Citigroup $221,578 Exelon $221,517 Skadden, Arps Et Al $196,420 Jones Day $181,996 Harvard Univ $172,324 Citadel Investment $171,798 Time Warner $155,383
Then there his slam on small town Christians and Jews in Pennsylvania over this past week. In a speech given in "sanctuary city" San Francisco. Our own Sodom and Gomorrah by the Bay he had this to say: "You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania, and like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothings replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
For a man who wants to be President he shows very little appreciation for he fact that this country was founded by religious men.
I could go on listing reasons why this false prophet should not be the next President, but I believe there is enough here to awaken those who have been lulled to sleep by the smooth talking liar from Hawaii by way of Chicago.