Before Pope Benedict arrived, the US House of Representatives passed a resolution welcoming Pope Benedict XVI to the United States of America. He arrived last Wednesday, and since then has uttered nothing but praise and thanksgiving to the US for the freedom of Religion We have here. He has reminded Us of the message of Jesus Christ, after all that is His main reason for being the leader of the over one billion Catholics.
He has not lectured, tried to ram Catholicism down Americans throats. His demeanour and style has been that of a gentile man on a pilgrimage.
So when two Catholic Senators attempted to pass a resolution commending the Pope this past week it was strange that it was blocked. The California Senator who blocked the resolution is from Marin County. A place I once lived for over ten years, and I can tell you there are a lot of Catholics in Marin.
There are pockets of atheists, agnostics, Muslims, Jews and Buddhist's as well.
But there is no reason why she should be offended or worry about offending her constituents by voting for the resolution. The Pope has opened dialog with all forms of religions in the USA. He even attended a Jewish Synagogue!
The former Barbara Levy, now Senator Boxer, is a Jewish Democrat that has represented California in the U.S. Senate since 1992. I would hate to think that her Jewish roots caused her to block the well deserved Resolution. After all the Holy Father has pointed out numerous times during his visit that Jews and Catholics are joined together by the bond that occurs from the fact that the Mother of Jesus was Jewish as was Jesus and all His Apostles.Catholics revere the Old Testament of the Bible as the prophecy of Christs coming.
Senator Boxer please explain what is so offensive in this resolution? "Whereas Pope Benedict XVI has spoken approvingly of the vibrance of religious faith in the United States, a faith nourished by a constitutional commitment to religious liberty that neither attempts to strip our public spaces of religious expression nor denies the ultimate source of our rights and liberties...Whereas Pope Benedict XVI has spoken out for the weak and vulnerable, witnessing to the value of each and every human life..." Source New Media Journal
The Senate resolution has bipartisan sponsorship. Republican Sen. Sam Brownback (R-KS) introduced the resolution on April 15. It is cosponsored by Democratic Sen. Bob Casey (R-PA). Both senators are Catholic.
Shame on you Senator Boxer.
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