If you listen hard enough, you can hear the crying and gnashing of teeth of the Liberals who didn't want their anointed "Savior" Obama to look bad Wednesday night.
Charles Gibson and George Stephanopoulos, the moderators of Wednesday night’s presidential debate on ABC, became the subject of a fierce and somewhat unexpected debate themselves on Thursday, as viewers, bloggers and television critics lamented what they described as an opportunity lost: a chance to ask the two candidates for the Democratic nomination substantive questions early and often.
The key word in the excerpt from the New York Times article is "substantive". What Obama supporters wanted was "powder puff" questions from the two moderators that would give Obama a chance to Bash the Bush administration in general and McCain as the Republican nominee in particular.
What voters want is questions that pull back the curtain of deception and sleight of hand that has been the Obama campaign since he threw his hat in the nominee ring.
Obama has campaigned on the promise of change for Americans. Just what kind of change that he will produce is revealed when you understand more about his attitudes, associations, and the history of his legislative accomplishments. We learn nothing from his promises to right the perceived wrongs in Our Country. Promises are just that, promises!
George and Charles did the voters of the USA a great favor by asking the questions that would never appear in the Liberal media, especially the Washington Post or New York Times.
It was nice to hear pertinent and informative questions asked of both Obama and Hillary, before they got down to what the Liberals wanted. The bashing of the current administration!
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