Friday, November 17, 2006

Pelosis' Fatal Move?

Heir apparent to the Congressional Speakers position, Ms. Nancy Pelosi is about to do something which all Conservatives should remember and use against her party in the next election.
Speaker elect Pelosi is about to jump over the congresswoman who should be the committee chairperson of the Intelligence Committee, Ms.Jane Harman of California, and select Representative Alcee Hastings of Florida. Mr. Hastings has the full support of the Black Congressional Caucus, but carries more baggage than any member of Congress should be allowed and still be elected to the "august"body of Congress.
A brief review of Mister Hastings record should be enough to disqualify him from serving on the Intelligence Committee much less serve as the Chairman.
Mr. Hastings who represents Florida 23rd district. A predominantly Black district, was elected to the House of representatives in 1993 just four years after being removed from the Federal Bench by the U.S. Senate following his impeachment by the House of Representatives for corruption and bribery. His crime while serving as a sitting Federal judge appointed by President Carter was for accepting a $150,000 bribe to give lenient sentences to convicted criminals Frank and Thomas Romano, and for his perjury during the case.
Mr. Hastings was only the sixth judge in U.S. history to be removed from office by the Senate!
How can Ms. Pelosi ignore these facts just to please her supporters in the Black Caucus?

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Senators Wrong Headed Comparison

Yesterday the U.S. Senate held hearings with the head of the United States Central Command,general John P. Abizard. The tone of the Democrats questions was pointedly toward troop removal in Iraq. Senator Levin went so far as to say that the recent election showed that the American people wanted a change in the approach to Iraq. In my humble opinion a 40% percent turnout shows no such mandate. never the less, General Abizard disagreed and advised that troops may have to be increased to allow time for the Iraqis to take over control.
Senator Warner, a Republican of sorts, said that U.S. troops have been involved in Iraq for as long a period as the time in WWII from Pearl Harbor to victory. This is a poor comparison that could be expected from someone who knows better. In Europe the war was won by day and night carpet bombing of major German cities killing hundreds of thousands of civilians, and using the atom bomb on Japan twice. Does Senator Warren think there is a comparison here!
In todays politically correct warfare all efforts are made to reduce non-combatants casualties. We could have won in a week had we done to Baghdad what we did to Hamburg and Dresden, but there would be no people left to take over, and we would spend 20 years or more as we did in Germany and Japan after WWII rebuilding the country.
It is frightening to think pompous politicians like this committee have our future in their hands!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Time to Look at Facts

If the liberal media and leftist democrats were not so determined to return to the "socialization" of America they might consider a few facts before we abandon the war in Iraq.It is a tragic fact that over 3,000 young American service persons have been cut down in the "flower of their youth". Any death is a tragedy, but death comes in many ways to all of us.One of the most dramatic and tragic is the high rate of death on U.S. highways every year. In 2005 43,443 people lost their lives in car accidents on our freeways and highways. Yet each year Congress allows the placement of larger trucks on the highways, and forces Americans to drive in lighter more fuel efficient automobiles, thus increasing the risk to the passenger driver. I hear no cries for the large trucks to be removed from the highways. Nor do I hear any Congressmen demanding safer larger fuel guzzlers for us to drive.What has this got to do with an "unjust war" you ask? The answer is the war is plastered on the newspapers and television in living color everyday. Little is said or written about the huge mortality and waisted lives on the highway.President Bush didn't set the standards for our cars and trucks, but he did get us in the war in Iraq. I believe for a just cause. To rid the world of the worse despot since Joe Stalin and Hitler! And to begin the fight against Islamo-fascism. Unfortunately people are killed in wars. But if we choose to remain free there will always be young people who are killed fighting for us. These brave volunteers will be missed by their loved ones, but no more than the families of the 43,443 slaughtered on the highways. We just hear less about them because it does not fit the leftist profile of attack.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Comments on Last Tuesday

The Republicans lost because they failed to deliver on their promises to secure our borders, make tax relief permanent, and vote on the marriage issue. So a large part of their conservative base sat this one out. Only 40% of the registered voters cast ballots last Tuesday. Hardly a mandate for the victorious Democrats.
In New York state 77,000 dead people are still listed on the voting rolls. 2700 managed to vote last Tuesday! Some resurrection!
The media is full of stories about the coming cooperation between the new Democratic majority in congress and President Bush. I wouldn't hold my breath for that to happen. Impeachment rumors are already flying around Washington.
I hope Mr. Bush has a lot of "veto pens" handy. The only way to derail the socialist agenda I expect to come from the majority is with the veto pen.
If President Bush pushes the "amnesty" for illegals I expect some republicans may support it. This will be a travesty to all law abiding immigrants who work their way through the legal process of immigration, and will just encourage more illegals. They are already a drain on the social services and medical benefits sectors despite the false propaganda pushed by main stream media that they contribute to the economy. Facts and figures show they do just the opposite!