Monday, November 13, 2006

Comments on Last Tuesday

The Republicans lost because they failed to deliver on their promises to secure our borders, make tax relief permanent, and vote on the marriage issue. So a large part of their conservative base sat this one out. Only 40% of the registered voters cast ballots last Tuesday. Hardly a mandate for the victorious Democrats.
In New York state 77,000 dead people are still listed on the voting rolls. 2700 managed to vote last Tuesday! Some resurrection!
The media is full of stories about the coming cooperation between the new Democratic majority in congress and President Bush. I wouldn't hold my breath for that to happen. Impeachment rumors are already flying around Washington.
I hope Mr. Bush has a lot of "veto pens" handy. The only way to derail the socialist agenda I expect to come from the majority is with the veto pen.
If President Bush pushes the "amnesty" for illegals I expect some republicans may support it. This will be a travesty to all law abiding immigrants who work their way through the legal process of immigration, and will just encourage more illegals. They are already a drain on the social services and medical benefits sectors despite the false propaganda pushed by main stream media that they contribute to the economy. Facts and figures show they do just the opposite!

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