Saturday, November 08, 2008


Three days after his electoral triumph, Mr. Obama broke his silence amid news of soaring unemployment,( actually it is 6.5%, the same as in Clinton's first term, 1994) plunging payrolls and weak earnings reports from General Motors Corp. and Ford Motor Co. He called the flagging auto industry "the backbone of American manufacturing," and suggested he would be more aggressive in rescuing Detroit than the Bush administration.

AT THE SAME TIME "QUEEN PELOSI IS USING HER DOUBLE TALK ASKING FOR A $69 BILLION -to-$100 billion stimulus package this month, followed early next year by a companion measure that would include a "permanent tax cut." The carrot she uses to hide the fact that this is just another leftist/socialist hand out to Democrat supporters is the "promise" of a tax cut next year. She went on to say: "the weakness in the nation's job market, and urged the White House, long skeptical of Democratic-led stimulus efforts, to work with Congress in the waning days of President George W. Bush's term. She said the U.S. can't wait for President-elect Barack Obama to be sworn into office. She said this while meeting with executives of the Detroit Auto Industries on Thursday in Washington. Executive with bloated salaries and bonuses who gave away the store to the Unions and now want the tax payer to bail them out again! They came to Washington asking for $50 billion dollars!

The Packard, Oldsmobile,Studebaker, De Soto, Nash have all passed into history. Why should the American taxpayer be asked to bail out business that has repeatedly failed to produce a product that keeps them solvent?

Obama was elected to CHANGE things for the middle class, yet he and his democrat leadership is starting to doll out tax payers dollars to the "Big Business" that he demonized in his Campaign!

Pelosi's plea for Bush to betray one more time the principles of Conservatism is nothing more than another bail out of the failed Detroit Auto industry and it's Democrat supporting Unions. The General Motors, Chrysler and Ford motor Company caved in long ago to Union demands that made their cars at least $3,000 dollars more expensive than imports of similar size, but better quality, to support Union demands.

Chrysler was on the verge of bankruptcy when German giant Mercedes Benz acquired them, and as they discovered they could not get the quality product they are known for without loosing money. So they dumped them! Why are we so different?

In small business there is a drastic shortage of government lending for the employer who employs less than 500 employees. In 2006 the SBA made 110 thousand loans to small businesses but in 2008 only 79 thousand were granted.
The SBA reported last week that loan volumes made under its flagship 7(a) loan program fell 30% in the fiscal year ended Sept. 30. And in October, overall SBA loan volumes were 50% lower than in October 2007, due mainly to sharp drops in the SBA Express loan program that makes smaller loans, says Eric Zarnikow, head of the SBA's Office of Capital Access.

At the same time small bankers around the Country report that they are not benefiting at all from the "stimulus" package, and they fear that since large Banks(primarily on Wall Street) are getting the "bail-out" money. The big banks will gobble-up many small banks.
Camden Fine of the IBOA says this: "Big banks say the purchase of smaller, ailing institutions by larger ones promotes the recovery of the sector. But representatives of some 8,000 community banks -- the bulk of which remain financially sound -- worry that a taxpayer-subsidized consolidation could sweep up healthy institutions that are too small to fight back.Small banks said they will launch a lobbying assault on Capitol Hill".

In 1990 and 1991 the unemployment rate was 7.8% and nobody called for a bail out to help them! The oracle of the Wall Street brokerage Houses and Bankers (WSJ) is actively stiring the pot of fear by headlining recession, the need for infra-structure spending and extending unemployment benefits. It is time to let the private sector find it's own level. Spending more taxpayers money will only delay ahd even worse debacle of "depression' like scope.

We are in exactly the same type of financial slow down that we were in the 2001 recession, and we survived that and prospered. What we do not need is the government "printing" more money to bail out favored industries, that will have to be paid with money from all Americans who pay taxes later!

Friday, November 07, 2008


Many pundits and their accomplices in the Main Stream media have declared the Republican Party is dead after the whipping we took on November 4th. It is true that the Democrats gained majority status in the House and Senate and captured the White House.
But they didn't beat the Conservatives! They beat the Old Republican Party that has become controlled by "old Men" who hold the Princely positions in the U.S. Congress more dear than they do to the traditional principles of the Grand Old Party of the Republic!
Due to the seniority system, that is not to unlike that of large Unions. Most positions in the Congress go to not the most conservative members of the Republican Party, but to those who have managed to stay around the longest time. Thus we get losers like Blunt and Bonner as leaders of the group that managed to lose two elections in a row. This last time Blunt managed to loose 50 seats in the house!

While young talented Conservatives, not "RINOS", stand in the wings to pull the party out of it's doldrums. The establishment managed to nominate a quasi-Conservative known for his opposition to his own party for President.

People like Cantor, Pence of Indiana, Michael Steele, Bobby Jindal and Tom Coburn should be the cadre of Congressmen that lead the "New Conservative Republican Party" back into power. It will not happen overnight, because we will have to pass through the "nightmare" of the Obama presidency first.BUT QUICK ACTION COULD PRODUCE RESULTS IN 2010!

While Obama struggles between the Centrist position that would re-elect him in four years, and the demands of the leftists, and "gimmie-gimmie" groups who voted for him to get all they can from the hard working citizens who pay taxes. The Republican party should begin to weed out the dead "plants" that have overgrown the party. Those Congressman and Senators who voted for the abomination called the "Economic Bail Out" like Senator McClain did, should be removed from their power and their seats. Unless tha party re-invents itself as the Conservative Party, the Conservatives who stayed home this election will continue to stay at home, and all the young people who form Young Republican Clubs all over the Country, and are the future of this Country, will become disenchanted and change parties.Or form the Christian Conservative Party that I mentioned in an earlier Blog.

The idea of bi-partnership is a myth, and President Bush proved it more than any examples I can site here in this blog. His failure to use the veto pen when it was obvious that the Bills he signed too often were just running the USA further into the debt Hole we find our self today.

The Republican party needs more statesmen and less smooth talking politicians who want to make a career out of the "Princely" position of a member of Congress. We all know the Our version of the "House of Lords" is filled with millionaires who have little or no idea of how you and I live or make a living. Unfortunately it is on both sides of the aisle! This will be hard to change.

So this "bloodless" revolution must start in State elections and the House of Congress if the Republican party does not want to end up like the Whig Party. The Whig Party was a political party of the United States during the era of Jacksonian democracy. Considered integral to the Second Party System and operating from 1833 to 1856,the party was formed in opposition to the policies of President Andrew Jackson and the Democratic Party. In particular, the Whigs supported the supremacy of Congress over the Executive Branch and favored a program of modernization and economic protectionism. Their name was chosen to echo the American Whigs of 1776, who fought for independence, and because "Whig" was then a widely recognized label of choice for people who saw themselves as opposing autocratic rule. The Whig Party counted among its members such national political luminaries as Daniel Webster, William Henry Harrison, and their preeminent leader, Henry Clay of Kentucky. In addition to Harrison, the Whig Party also counted four war heroes among its ranks, including Generals Zachary Taylor and Winfield Scott. Abraham Lincoln was a Whig leader in frontier Illinois. But they only lasted 23 years!

President -elect Barrack Obama won 8 key battle ground states by 500,000 votes,in
an election that that saw 57 million people go to the pols. Many of these were first time voters. The youth of America, who saw the mess the Country is in through the eyes of a biased media, and voted for a change.

I believe the Change they will get is not what they were promised, and many of those youths will be ready for a real Change in two years. The Republicans must abandon the Pork barrel and tax and spend ways that have been the identity of both Republicans and Democrats for the past six years.REAL CONSERVATIVE VALUES, BOTH FISCAL AND MORAL HAVE THEIR OWN APPEAL!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


I accept the fact that large portion on Americans have elected the first mixed race President of the United States. He will be all of our Presidents, and I wish him God speed and good health!

But as the World celebrates the Obama victory. I wonder if his election will be as good for the USA as those that voted for him hope it will. He will change to the USA, but what kind of change will we experience?
If reports of Obama's choice for his Chief of Staff are true, he has chosen the controversial Ram Emanuel. This could good be a sign of what is to follow.

The celebrations were observed in many Countries, and the following report from Kenya is indicative of how Obama's distant relatives celebrated.
" Email article | Print article | RSS4530696Kenya, Obama's Family Celebrate Victory
Extended members of Barack Obama's family in Kenya sang songs about going to visit the White House.Wednesday, November 5, 2008Campaign 2008: Get the latest news, video, and polls!
(UPI) - Barack Obama's U.S. presidential victory triggered a celebratory outburst among members of his extended family in Kenya Wednesday morning.
"We are going to Obama, we're going to the White House," they sang in the local Luo language while dancing, jumping up and down, and hugging each other.
They had gathered at the home of Sarah Obama, the president-elect's 86-year-old grandmother, to await the outcome of the election across the ocean, The Guardian reported.
Many in the village of Kogelo had stayed up all night, watching the results come in on generator-powered televisions, the British newspaper said.
One woman yelled out "Barry has won! Barry has won!" when she heard CNN declare Obama had beaten John McCain in a landslide.
Biosa Obama, 39, who is married to Obama's half-brother Bernard, was ecstatic.
"I can't believe this has come true," she said. "It's going to be so good for the world".

The words "we are not a collections of individuals" by Obama in his victory speech in the park in Chicago began to worry me, and when he told the gathered adoring supporters that they would have to suffer some to accomplish the CHANGE he brings, seemed to trouble many in attendece a seen in their faces. He also said it might not be able to accomplish his promised change in one term! His announcement he intends to spend eight years in the Oval Office!

The one thing all Conservatives including myself must be thankful for because of Obama's election. Is that we do not have to worry about the Clinton's occupying the White House again!!

Watered down Conservatism, as put forth by Senator McCain, lost the election, not true Conservatism. Even in California,a solid Obama state, the proposition that effectively told the judges that they had to honor their desire to limit marriage to a man and a women, a real conservative issue, won!

Sara Palin was the only Conservative in the race! Now real Conservatives must find a young true moral and fiscal conservative we can Unite behind in 2012.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Atheists, neotheists, agnostics, secular humanists, Janists and those who follow the teaching of Ludwig Feuerback need not read any further. This blog will just upset you, and I do not intend my message to offend you. You believe what you believe, and that is your right! My message is for those who profess to believe, but yesterday proved they really don't!

Despite the Prohibition from God that thou should not kill.Christians, Catholics In Name Only and Jews helped to elect a man who believes not only in abortion, but in not giving life saving support to babies that survive abortion!

If the six largest communities of Christian religions and the practicing Jews had voted pro-life we would have had many more millions of votes for McCain! Twenty-four percent of all adults in the USA claim to be Catholics.The estimated Catholic population in 2001 census was 66.4 million. If one quarter of this number was over 18 as estimated. Had they voted their informed conscience. There would have been 15 more million votes for the Pro=Life candidate. BUT THEY chose the false god of money; THE ECONOMY!

At a Mass marking the completion of the 40 Days for Life campaign in Fargo, North Dakota, Bishop Samuel J. Aquila reminded his congregation that no Catholic can vote for someone who supports an intrinsic evil and that all Catholics “will be judged by how we vote.”

“Judgment is real, just as heaven and hell are real,” Bishop Aquila explained during his homily in Fargo Sunday. “When the soul separates from the body and comes before God, we will be judged on how we lived. It’s important to understand the reality of that judgment.”

According to a press release from the diocese, Bishop Aquila urged the congregation to reflect upon the four last things and how they apply to the 40 Days for Life campaign. The 40 Days for Life North Dakota effort of prayer, fasting and peaceful, prayerful witness outside the state’s only abortion facility began Sept. 24, in conjunction with similar campaigns in more than 170 cities across the nation.

An intrinsic evil is anything that is always and at every time wrong – that can never be seen as a ‘good’.” He noted the intrinsic evils of abortion, contraception, premarital sex, same-sex acts and the taking of innocent human life during war

And, yes, there are many Catholics with erroneous consciences who have made prudential judgments that are wrong and have consistently made prudential judgments that are wrong. Either they do not fully understand the teaching of the Church or they choose to ignore that teaching and they choose an evil, and an intrinsic evil.”

“For any society to be just, it must reflect the order of God,” the prelate continued. “There are fundamental rights that no one can violate and those are the inalienable rights that our forefathers recognized so clearly -- and note the order -- life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

The bishop was careful to note that American Catholics must be concerned about other issues impacting the country such as the economy, the war in Iraq, immigration and other issues, however, he emphasized that “we must recognize that first must come the fundamental right to life…the respect for human life from the moment of conception to natural death.”

Bishop Aquila concluded his homily by encouraging the members of his diocese to persist in the fight for life. “It is important for us to never give up the battle that is taking place within our country. Even as we close these 40 days, I encourage each of you to continue to stand for the gift of life. I encourage you to continue to pray and fast in your own homes. I encourage you to pray in front of the abortion clinic, to pray for the conversion of all those who support a so-called right to abortion, because, by doing that, they are risking hell. When one looks at the Gospel, and looks at the teaching of Jesus, that is what they are risking.”

"One of the biggest and most long-lasting 'change' to expect if Barack Obama becomes President of the United States is in the kinds of federal judges he appoints. These include Supreme Court justices, as well as other federal justices all across the country, all of whom will have lifetime tenure. Senator Obama has stated very clearly what kinds of Supreme Court justices he wants -- those with 'the empathy to understand what it's like to be poor, or African-American, or gay, or disabled, or old.' Like so many things that Obama says, it may sound nice if you don't stop and think -- and chilling if you do stop and think. Do we really want judges who decide cases based on who you are, rather than on the facts and the law? If the case involves a white man versus a black woman, should the judge decide that case differently than if both litigants are of the same race or sex? ... Didn't we spend decades in America, and centuries in Western civilization, trying to get away from the idea that who you are determines what your legal rights are?" --Hoover Institute economist Thomas Sowell

Well he has won, and I for one believe it is time to form a new political Party. Everyone who has brain realizes that the two political parties are responsible for the mess we have in Washington. Republicans and Democrats voted to allow the massive bail out of their benefactors in the New York banks and Wall street brokers who created this economic mess!
My proposal is to form a Christian Conservative Party. A party that stands for the right to life from conception to natural death. A party that believes in individual rights as long as they do not violate the Moral Law, Capitalism, private property rights and the basic tenants of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.

The Republican and Democrat Congress has an approval rating of less than 17%. It is time for a change in the political landscape. We would not win many elections but at least we would not lose our Souls by voting for people who have turned their back on God!

Sunday, November 02, 2008


Obama has lied about his meetings, dealings and friendship with Antoine Rezko; has lied about his knowledge of Jeremiah Wright's views; has lied about his relationship and work with a Marxist pedagogue and bomber (as was his wife); has lied about his work with, and support for, ACORN (an organization being investigated in multiple cases of massive voter fraud, and 17 of whose employees have been convicted or indicted of voter fraud); has lied about his statements regarding meeting with Iran's rulers (and what type of message would it send to the overwhelming majority of Iranians who yearn for freedom, if we elect a man eager to meet with the rulers who are an embarrassment to Iranians); has lied about his positions on "the surge" in Iraq; has lied about his reasons for voting against funding for the troops (having previously pledged he wouldn't vote against such funding); has lied about his votes on legislation to provide medical care to a baby born after a "botched" abortion; and has even lied about his maternal grandmother's work - she was, in fact, a factory manager, and, for most of her life, a banker.

Obama says that the Kennedys -- Jack and Bobby -- decided to do an airlift. They would bring some young Africans over so that they could be educated and learn all about America. His grandfather heard that call and sent his son, Barack Obama, Sr., to America.

The problem with that scenario is that, having been born in August 1961, the future senator was not conceived until sometime in November 1960. So, if his African grandfather heard words that "sent a shout across oceans," inspiring him to send his goat-herder son to America, it was not Democrat Jack Kennedy he heard, or his brother Bobby, it was Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Actually, Senior was awarded an American sponsored scholarship in economics to the University of Hawaii at Manoa. He was selected by a former Kenyan cabinet minister, the late Tom Mboya, who was earmarked as the successor to Jomo Kenyatta, Kenya's first prime minister.

The presumption was that Senior would return to Africa and use his "Western-honed skills in a new Kenya.

As another example, consider Obama's stirring tale for the Selma audience about how he had been conceived by his parents, Barack Obama Sr. and Ann Dunham, because they had been inspired by the fervor following the "Bloody Sunday" voting rights demonstration that was commemorated March 4. "There was something stirring across the country because of what happened in Selma, Alabama," he said, "because some folks are willing to march across a bridge. So they got together and Barack Obama Jr. was born. So don't tell me I don't have a claim on Selma, Alabama. Don't tell me I'm not coming home to Selma, Alabama"

Obama was born in 1961, and the Selma march occurred four years later, in 1965. The New York Times reported that when the senator was asked about the discrepancy later that day, he clarified: "I meant the whole civil rights movement."

Obama, tells the crowd at fundraiser , "I was a constitutional law professor, which means unlike the current president I actually respect the Constitution."

For the record, Obama is a "Senior Lecturer (on leave of absence)" at the University of Chicago Law School. He has taught Constitutional Law III: Equal Protection and Substantive Due Process, Current Issues in Racism & the Law, and Voting Rights & the Democratic Process.

Barack Obama announced last Thursday that he has begun a web site to fight 'rumors,'" Andy Martin states. "To be sure, some of what is said about Obama is exaggerated or untrue. I refuse to publish a great deal of anti-Obama material that crosses my desk. But much of what Obama characterizes as 'rumor' is true. Obama has been lying about his family and his religious past his entire life. This time he will not get away with his lies."

"Obama says in large print and underlines 'Senator Obama has never been a Muslim, was not raised a Muslim, and is a committed Christian," Martin states. "Two thirds of that claim are bald-faced lies. The last third, about Obama's Christianity, has never been adequately documented. Most people who are baptized have a Baptismal Certificate. I call on Obama to release his Baptismal Certificate or record. Many Americans do not believe that sitting in the pews, listening to Reverend Jeremiah Wright's racist jeremiads for two decades qualifies anyone to be a 'committed Christian.'"

The day after his speech at the Democratic convention catapulted him into the national spotlight, Barack Obama told a group of reporters in Boston that the United States had an "absolute obligation" to remain in Iraq long enough to make it a success.

"The failure of the Iraqi state would be a disaster," he said at a lunch sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor, according to an audiotape of the session. "It would dishonor the 900-plus men and women who have already died. . . . It would be a betrayal of the promise that we made to the Iraqi people, and it would be hugely destabilizing from a national security perspective."
Then in late winter, 2008, on the campaign trail, Obama said he wants to bring the troops home yesterday -- you decide -- was he lying then or is he lying now?

On July 14, 2008, you said that you always knew that the surge would work while the video tapes of you from more than a year ago show that you stated that the surge would not work. While your judgment about military strategy as a potential commander-in-chief is of concern, the greater concern is that you lied to America.

Obama says that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the largest investigative arm of the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS), are terrorists.
Speaking in front of the racist National Council of La Raza, Obama said, "When communities are terrorized by ICE immigration raids, when nursing mothers are torn from their babies, when children come home from school to find their parents missing, when people are detained without access to legal counsel, when all that is happening, the system just isn’t working, and we need to change it." BY the way, this comment beautifully illustrates the Alinsky facilitation method. Obama agitates the crowd with emotional language and charges, and then provides the solution to these perceived wrongs -- himself. It's what he does all the time and it is the secret to his success.

In regard to Obama's position on late term abortion. Sen. Obama is currently misleading people about what he voted against,( when he was in the Illinois Senate) specifically claiming that the bill he voted against in his committee lacked "neutrality" language on Roe v. Wade. The bill did contain this language. He even participated in the unanimous vote to put it in.

Obama’s work against the bill to protect premature babies represents one of two times in his political career, along with his speech against the Iraq war, that he really stuck out his neck for something that might hurt him politically. Unlike his Iraq speech, Obama is deeply embarrassed about this one -- so embarrassed that he is offering a demonstrable falsehood in explanation for his actions. Fortunately, the documents showing the truth are now available.

The list is just a sample of the lies and misrepresentations that Obama and his campaign have perpetrated against the American voting public. But I am afraid the average American voter doesn't get upset about lying candidates for public office.What the majority of voters want is more hand outs from the Government!

Obama now claims that his reason for voting against funding for the troops was because the bill did not include a time line for withdrawal, while the video tapes of you from more than a year ago show that you voted against additional funding because you wanted our troops to be removed immediately ... not in 16 months after the 2008 election as you now claim. While your judgment about removing our troops unilaterally in 2007 is of concern, the greater concern is that you lied to America about your previous position

I have just one question to pose to Americans. Do we want a Commander in Chief of our military who found time to visit Kenya twice in the past decade, but has never visited our troops in Iraq or Afghanistan?