Saturday, December 27, 2008


Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” —Ronald Reagan

An American family in financial crisis would cut back on wants to have enough money for their needs to exist. Not so the governments of most states,
Bloated with government employees and gilded with all the perquisites and plush surroundings. The people whom the taxpayers send to their State Capitols are unfortunately out of touch with reality.

When the Country is hit with a slow down,aka recession, people buy less, and the taxes on the goods they do buy diminish. This naturally reduces the amount of revenue State has to spend. So do they cut back on their budgets? Cut the number of the employees that do their "bidding" like private business is doing? No the first impulse is almost a knee jerk reaction. Think of ways to raise taxes on the already burdened taxpayer!

The following is an excerpt from the "THE THINKER" that illustrates the tax hogs reaction to decreased revenue!"

"Governors want to levy higher taxes next year on clothes, soft drinks, gasoline, auto licenses and other items that likely will hit low- and middle-income families struggling to make ends meet in a deepening recession the hardest.

Officials say they are required by law to balance budgets and that tax increases are necessary as state governments face sharply declining tax revenues, but fiscal analysts say raising these taxes during an economic downturn will only worsen local economies and prolong the recession."

How much more will the American taxpayer stand for? This Country went to war with England in the Revolutionary days because the taxes on tea became unreasonable. The founding fathers would roll over in their graves if they could see the taxation we Americans put up with to REDISTRIBUTE the wealth!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas to All and Especially President and Laura Bush

Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” —Ronald Reagan

At this blessed time of the holiday season. It is my fondest wish that all Christians and Jews have a blessed and peaceful Christmas and Hanuka! For a Christian like myself whose boss is a Jewish carpenter from Nazareth. I have special happiness at this time of the year that is mixed with sadness!
For Christmas day is the anniversary of my mothers birthday, and although she has been dead many years. I think of her kindness and love that helped to make me the man I am.

I also thank the Lord for becoming a man in such lowly circumstances, a cave used as a manger, over two thousand years ago to save us all despite our wish not to be saved in many cases.

It is the time of the year that families get together and exchange presents. Some do it for eight straight days. In my house we do it on Christmas after we go to church to thank "I AM" for sending his son to wipe the original sin from us mortals.

Some, too many i believe, do not believe in Christmas or anything that interferes with their license to do what they want to do. To them I also say a Merry Christmas!

But the man who deserves my recognition on this Christmas eve that will not receive it from too many people is our President Bush.

This is a man who has been the object of slander, derision and rancor for eight years by the secular left because he is a man who believes in God!
His stance on abortion has made him the object of hate from the moment he took office.
And the war that everyone on the left said we had lost in Iraq was used daily to vitriol unlike any President in modern times. Yes we lost 4000 plus men and women in Iraq, but those of us old enough to remember WWII will recall that more than that were killed in one day in the invasions of Tarawa and Iwo Jima!

Many people said Bush had no heart, and people like the "press hound" Cindy Sheehan made a spectacle of herself by camping out where ever the President and the press was calling him a "murderer".

What people don't know is that President Bush, while doing his duty as Commander in Chief,was feeling the lose more than any Liberal Press gave him credit for.
The following is a report from an Australian blogger who got the information directly from Washington Times

"One of the sickest smears the Left has made against George Bush is that he’s ignored the dead and wounded soldiers who fought in his wars. Just check the number of times that allegation has been made.

The Washington Times now reports the quiet truth:

Mr. Bush, for instance, has sent personal letters to the families of every one of the more than 4,000 troops who have died in the two wars, an enormous personal effort that consumed hours of his time and escaped public notice. The task, along with meeting family members of troops killed in action, has been so wrenching - balancing the anger, grief and pride of families coping with the loss symbolized by a flag-draped coffin - that the president often leaned on his wife, Laura, for emotional support…

Mr. Bush also has met privately with more than 500 families of troops killed in action and with more than 950 wounded veterans, according to White House spokesman Carlton Carroll. Many of those meetings were outside the presence of the news media at the White House or at private sessions during official travel stops, officials said".

The chair in the Oval Office is a lonely place to sit at times of crisis and I believe with all my heart that President Bush felt the invasion of Iraq was necessary to eliminate a potential threat to the USA and the rest of the World. For that we ought to say "job well done and Bon Voyage and Merry Christmas Mr President!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” —Ronald Reagan

As the appointments to Obama insider positions progresses, it has become apparent that to be considered you have to be a fellow alumni of the President elects University-Harvard. Todays news includes the appointment of Harvard's professor of Environmental Policy, Dr. John Holdren. Obama in making the appointment said, John Holdern is "one of the most passionate and persistent voices about the growing threat climate change".

This is not an exaggerated statement as this excerpt from a speech that Holdern gave on June 6, 2007 at the Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth University illustrates.

"Even if we are not running out of energy per se, however, running out of cheap energy is already stressful for society. And we are also running out of some other energy-related "resources" that matter a great deal.

We are running out of environment, in the sense of the capacity of the atmosphere and waters and biota of the Earth to absorb, without intolerable consequences,( he does not mention what they are) the impacts of mobilizing energy in the quantities and in the ways characterizing today's energy use and that which is ahead in the "business as usual" future.

We are running out of societal will to make the investments in improved technologies of energy supply and use, and to devise the policies to promote the use of these technologies, that will be needed to get us through.Bloggers note: We need more persuavive propaganda to convince the public that Carbon Credits are the way to go!

And we are running out of time for a smooth transition to the more sustainable energy system the world is going to need.Just what energy system will maintain our way of life?
This last dimension of the problem is the one most under-rated by policy makers and the public, who generally fail to grasp both the huge momentum associated with the scale and long turnover time of the world's existing energy system and the rate at which the problems with it are growing".

This a politician, not a Climate scientist talking. And worse than that, he is an Internationalist. He is not a man committed to the betterment of Americans, but the World!

Why so? Because Holdren says that a poll of scientists says that climate change is caused by human activity, that is to be held as the same as a scientific 'proof?'

There is no doubt in my mind that climate change is happening, and it is obvious that a big part of it is a result of making big carbon molecules into smaller ones, it is less than obvious about what can and should be done about it.

Reality is; there has never in the entire history of human-kind been a better time to live on the planet. How is that all bad?

The issue that is most clear to me though, is that all of the alternative energy proposals are not as carbon neutral as their proponents claim.Nor as economically feasible!

One rarely hears about the consequences of, as an example; less intensive farming on a global scale. Is that because it will result in the death of perhaps billions of humans as a result of starvation?

This is bad science, and Holden isn't as much a scientist as he is a politician. An argument that is based on the belief that sceptics are Republicans and therefore stupid isn't much of an argument. He will fit well with all the other left of center politicians that make up most of Obama Cabinet and close advisers.

We can look forward to the European type of socialism from the Obama administration, and that will be a CHANGE we do not want to live with!

Monday, December 22, 2008


Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” —Ronald Reagan

Iranian authorities on Sunday closed the office of the country's main human rights organization, headed by Nobel Peace Prize winner Shirin Ebadi. Dozens of plainclothes detectives and local police officers entered the Center for the Defense of Human Rights in Tehran and shut it down hours before a ceremony was to take place commemorating the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

According to members of the organization, which has been active since 2000, the police had been informed of the meeting, at which political activists were scheduled to speak. "The general human rights activities of this nongovernmental organization are the reason for this illegal reaction," the center's leadership said in a statement. THE MULLAHS THAT CONTROL IRAN'S THEOCRACY POLICE STATE BROACH NO DISSENT!

Center officials speculated that the closure was in part a response to a United Nations resolution issued Thursday that expressed "deep concern" about the human rights situation in Iran. SOURCE: WASHINGTON POST

In contrast to the oppressive actions of the Iranian police state authorities. The city of Baghdad in war torn Iraq has the first-ever public Christmas celebration in Baghdad!

It was held Saturday and sponsored by the Iraqi Interior Ministry. Once thought to be infiltrated by death squads, the Ministry now is trying to root out sectarian violence -- as well as improve its PR image. The event took place in a public park in eastern Baghdad, ringed with security checkpoints.

Interior Ministry forces deployed on surrounding rooftops looked down at the scene: a Christmas tree decorated with ornaments and tinsel; a red-costumed Santa Claus waving to the crowd, an Iraqi flag draped over his shoulders; a red-and-black-uniformed military band playing stirring martial music, not Christmas carols.

On a large stage, children dressed in costumes representing Iraq's many ethnic and religious groups -- Kurds, Turkmen, Yazidis, Christians, Arab Muslims not defined as Sunni or Shiite held their hands high and sang "We are building Iraq!" Two young boys, a mini-policeman and a mini-soldier sporting painted-on mustaches, march stiffly and salute.

"All Iraqis are Christian today!" said Interior Ministry spokesman Major General Abdul Karin Khalef. Khalaf said sectarian and ethnic violence killed thousands of Iraqis. "Now that we have crossed that hurdle and destroyed the incubators of terrorism."
He then said, "and the security situation is good, we have to go back and strengthen community ties." Even though the spokesman is surrounded by heavy security.
This celebration shows that the security situation in Baghdad is improving. Many of the people attending the Christmas celebration appear to be Muslims, with women wearing head scarves. Suad Mahmoud, holding her 16-month-old daughter, Sara, tells me she is indeed Muslim, but she's very happy to be here. "My mother's birthday also is this month, so we celebrate all occasions," she says, "especially in this lovely month of Christmas and New Year." SOURCE: CNN

And yet there are those who believe our invasion and occupation of Iraq was only going to make Muslims hate us more! This illustrates the fallacy of that argument and clearly shows the difference that freedom has on events that affect the populace.

A wise man once said, "War is preferable;e to subjugation"!